§lielf No.
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Prepared, by Order of Legislature of 1881, by
John W. Moore,
Late Maj. Comd'g 3rd Battalion, Light Artillery.
Vol. 2.
Ashe & Gatling, State Printers and Binders,
Presses of Edwards, Broughton & Co.
The General Assembly of Nc/rth Carolina do enact :
Section 1. That His Excellency the Governor of North Carolina and the other
Trustees of the State Library be and are hereby empowered and instructed to
contract with John W. Moore for the proper editing and preparation of a Roster
of the troops furnished by North Carolina in the late war between the States,
and for said Moore's supervision of the publication of the same by the public
Sec. 2. That twenty copies of the said work shall be deposited in the State
Library, two copies apiece to each literary institution in the State empowered
to confer degrees, one copy to each member of the General Assembly and officer
of the State government, and one copy to the office of each Superior Court Clerk
of the several counties.
Sec. 3. That the said Trustees shall have authority to sell, on such terms as
they may deem proper, any volumes printed under authority of this act, that
may not be reserved for distribution under section second of this act.
Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to distribute the said
work as herein set out.
Sec. 5. That the cost of said publication shall be paid by the Treasurer, upon
the Governor's warrant, out of such funds as may not be otherwise appropriated.
Sec. 6. This act shall be in force from its ratification.
In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 11th day of
February, A. D. 1881.— [Chapter 50, Laws of 18S1.]
Sixteenth Regiment— Infantry 1
Seventeenth Regiment— Infantry 39
Eighteenth Regiment— Infantry... 72
Nineteenth Regiment— Cavalry 113
Twentieth Regiment— Infantry 143
Twenty-First Regiment— Infantry 175
Twenty-Second Regiment— Infantry 208
Twenty-Third Regiment— Infantry 252
Twenty-Fourth Regiment— Infantry 288
Twenty -Fifth Regiment— Infantry 323
Twenty-Sixth Regiment— Infantry 362
Twenty-Seventh Regiment— Infantry 407
Twenty-Eighth Regiment— Infantry 429
Twenty-Ninth Regiment^Infantry 473
Thirtieth Regiment— Infantry 502
Thirty-First Regiment— Infantry 540
Thirty-Second Regiment— Infantry 570
Thirty-Third Regiment— Infantry 601
Thirty-Fourth Regiment— Infantry 640
Thirty-Fifth Regiment Infantry 674
Thirty-Sixth Regiment— Artillery 711
In the War between the Stsites during the Tears 1861^ 1862, 1868,
1864 and 1865.
e .captured.
cm commissioned.
CO county.
Com Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg discharged.
dt detailed.
k killed.
m missing.
p promoted.
pr prisoner..
r resigned.
tr transferred.
w wounded.
Stephen Lee, Colonel, cm. June 17th, '61 ; Buncombe co. ; r. Feb. 22d, '62.
Champ T. N. Davis, Colonel, cm. April 26th, '62; Rutherford co.; p. from Capt„.
of Com, G; k. at Seven Pines May 31st, '62.
William A. Stowe, Colonel, cm. Dec. 8th, '63; Gaston co.; p. from Lieutenant
R. G. A. Love, Lieut. Col., cm. June 17th, '61; Haywood co.
J. S. McElroy, Lieut. Col., cm. April 26th, '62 ; Yancey co.; w, June 26th, '62; p,
Colonel of- — Regiment April 26th, '62.
W. A. Stowe, Lieut. Col., cm. May 31st, '62; Gaston co.; p. Colonel.
Herbert D. Lee, Lieut. Col., cm. Dec. 8th, '63; Rutherford co. ; p. from Major.
B. F. Briggs, Major, cm. June 17th, '61; Gaston co.
W> A. Stowe, Major, cm. April 26th, '62; Gaston co.; p.
H. D. Lee, Major, cm. May 31st, '62; Rutherford co. ; p.
B. J. Kirksey, Major, cm. June 1st, '62; Bui-ke co.; p. from Captain Com. E.
Woodbury Wheeler, Adjutant, cm. June 17th, '61; Lincoln co.; p. Captain Com.
D. 10th Battalion ; pr. at New Bern March, '62.
S. R. Hensley, Adjutant, cm. Dec. 20th, '62; Yancey co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Benjamin F. Moore, Adjutant, cm. April 26th, '63; Rowan co,; w. at EUyson's
Mill June 26th, '62.
North Garolim Sta,te Troops.
Columbus Mills, Surgeon, cm. June 17th, '61; Polk co.
W. D. Wliitted, Assistant Surgeon, cm. June 17th, '61; Henderson co.
J. L. Rucker, Assistant Surgeon, cm. April 26th, '62; Rutherford co. ; r. July 1st,
R. R. Murpliy, Assistant Surgeon, cm. August 4th, '62; Polk co.
D. F. Summey, A. Q. M., cm. June 17th, '61; Buncombe co. ; r. May 1st, '63.
J. M. Israel, A. C. S., cm. June 17th, '61; Buncombe co.; r. July 8th, *62.
X. B. Kiucaid, A. C. S., cm. April 26th, '62; Burke co.; r. Dec, '62.
COMPANY A— Missing.
Note.— The muster roll of this Company was not reported in the Roll of Honor,
and all my efforts thus far to procure a copy of It have proved abortive. I have
reasons to hope that I maj' yet secure it, and if so will insert it at the end of
this volume.
• John Peek, Captain, cm. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
S. W. Carter, Captain, cm. April 26th, '62; Madison co ; p. from 1st Ijieut,
S. W. Carter, 1st Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; p.
Ira Profflt, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Madison co.; w. and p. from 2d Ijieut.
W. M. Keith, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
D. W. Anderson, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
IraProffit, 2d Lieut., cm. April 25th, '62; Madison co. ; w. and p. from Sergeant.
N. B. McLain, 2d Lieut., cm. April 5th, '62; Madison co.; p. from ranks; r. Oct.
25 th, '62.
William Penley, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Madison co. ; p. from ranks and w.
John P. Rhea, 2d Lieut., cm. December 20th, '62; Madison co. ; p. from ranks.
Ira Proffit, 1st Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April 25th, '62;
p. 1st Lieut, and w.
J. A. Moore, 2d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancel -
John Brown, 3d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; dg. February 26th, '62.
E. H. Hensley, 4th Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Z. Peek, 1st Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; p. 1st Sergeant December 13th
'62, and w. at Chancellorsville.
E. H. Keith, 2d Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Allen Clark, 3d Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; w. at Gaines' Mill and dg.
S. C. Dalutten, 4th Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
€0mpany B— Sixteenth Regimenl -3
Arrington, William J., ©. May 1st, '61; Madison co,
Arrington, James, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; dg. for disability.
Ammons, James M., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Briggman, Isaac, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; dg. for disability.
.Brown, Reuben, e. May 1st, '61; Madisomco,
Brown, Jasper, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Brown J. D.,«. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; o. at Gettysburg Jialy od, 6o,
Brown, Moses, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; d. Dec 6th, '61, at Manassas, Va.
Bartley, K H., e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.
Brown, Alfr-ed, e. October lOth, '62; Madison co.
Ball, D. S., e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co.
Ball, A. R., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; d. September 29th, '61,
Ball', Thomas, e. May 1st., '61; Madison co.
Boone, George, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Brooks, James, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Brooks, Thomas, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; w. at Fredericksbm-g Declbth, (.2.
Brooks, John, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; dg. for w.
Brooks, Abner, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Buckner, M. A., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Callahan J.B.,e. May lst,'Gl; Madison co.; W. at Fredericksburg.
Callahan! E. L., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; d. August 9th, '62, at Danville, Va.
Callahan, Levi, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; w. below Bichm ond and at Games'
Mill. , ,_
Covenny Timothy, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co.; dg. December bth, 62.
Cook John J., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. May 8th, '62, for disability.
Callaway, J. W., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; dg. Dec. 1st, '63, for w. at 2d Manas-
sas August 29th, '62.
Clapp, Isaac, e. October 10th, '62; Randolph co.
Caver, J. M., e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.; p. 1st Sergeant April 5th, '62.
Clark,' William N., e. April 20th, '63; Alamance co.
Divinney, Jesse, e. October 10th, '62; Randolph co.
Divmney, Thomas, e, October 10th, '62; Randolph co.
Deaver, R. K., b. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; dg.
Deaver, A. D., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Deaver, R.M.,e, May 1st, '61; Madison co.; p. 1st Lieut, in Com. K, 64th Regi'
ment; w. at Gaines' Mill.
Fer-uson, J. L., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; tr. to Com. L, October 11th, '63.
Gregory, Thomas, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. June 12th, '62, for "w. received
at Seven Pines May 31st, '62.
Hall, Levi,e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Halcombe, O., e. May 1st, '61; Madison CO.
Hensley,S. S., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Hammett, J. C, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; dg. Oct. 10th, '61, for disability.
Hembre, J. C, e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.; w.
Hudgeons, John B., e. March 1st, '63; Pitt co.
Hemery, James, e. April 12th, '62; Buncombe co.; w. July 1st, '63^ at Gettysburg.
Henderson, Jacob, e. July 8th, '61; Madison co.
Johnson, John, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Jervis, May, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; k. August 29th, '62, at 2d Manassas.
Keith,'Thomas W., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Keith, J. C, e. May 1st, '62; Madison co.; dg. January 28th, '62, for disability.
Keith', William R., e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.; d. June20tb, '62, at Richmond,
Keith, Mitchell, e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.
Lowdermilk, John, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co.
4 Forth GsiTolim State Troops,
McCracken, Samuel, e. May 2st, '61; Madison co.
McLain, N. B., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. p. 2d Lieut. April 5th, '62; r. Oct. '62.
McElrath, William, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co,; p. Corporal December 26th, '62.
McElrath, James, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Mitchell, John, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; d. July 20th, '62, at Richmon d.
Mull, Alexander S., e, March 3d, '62; Madison, co.; d. June 20th, '63,
Meadows, Lazarus, e. Mai'ch 1st, '63; Pittco.
Millikin, Samuel J., e. June 12lh, '62; Alamance co.
Norton, Jesse, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Norris, John, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg.
Peek, Osborn, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; d. Oct. 6th, '61, at Rock Alum Springs,
Peek, L. W., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; tr. to 61th Regiment and p. 1st Lieut.
Parris, W. A., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Parris, Jackson, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; dg.
Parrott, W. C, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; d. Oct. 10th, '61, at Hot Springs, Va-
Penley, William, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; p. 2d Lieut.; w.
Poore, Jesse, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; d. July 15th, '62.
Patterson, W. A., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. July 20th, '61, for disability.
Roberts, A. J., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. July 15th, '62.
Rhea, James M., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; \v. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Rhea, John P., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; p. 2d Lieut. Dec. 20th, '62.
Randall, J. W., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; p. 3d Sergeaiat May 1st, '63, and w.
Rice, Thomas, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co; dg. Aug., '63.
Rector , Wyatt, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co. ; d. October loth, '61, of w. received at
Hot Springs, Va.
Rhea, E. W., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Relley, Tincher, e. June 12th, '61; Madison co.
Smart, John, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co.
Shelton, Alfred, e. May 1st, '61; Madison CO. ; p. Sergeant- . •
Stephens, William, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; pr. July 6th, '63.-
Stuman, Thomas, e. May 1st, '61 ; Madison co.
Smelson, William, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. July 15th, '62,
Sevenfield, Hill, e. May 1st, '61; Madison CO.; d. in Hospital.
Stout, Henry C. , e. March 1st, '63; Alamance co.
Sykes, John, e. March 1st, '63; Alamance co.
Teague, Mitchell, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co; dg. August 2d, '62,
Taylor, James M,, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co' ; dg. August 2d, '62.
Thomas, W. A., e. May 1st, 'G2; Madison co.
Thomas, James A., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. August 2d, '62,
Thomas, J.*W,, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Watts, James, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. December 2Ist, '61, for \v. received
at Tiger's "Valley.
Woodson, R. S., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Waddell, A. H., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; d. September 27th, 'CI.
Woody, Charles G., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Wardroop, Solomon, e. May 1st, '61; MCiJison co; ; d. August 29th', '91.
Wardroop, A. J., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
White, Harvey, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.
Webb, Wilson, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; p. Corporal.
Wislion, Thomas, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; tr. to Com. E April 26th, '62.
Wilson, David, e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.; dg. June 2(ith, '62, for disability.
Wilson, N., e. March 3d, '62; Madison co. ; c. October 20th, '62.
Williams, D., e. March 3d, '62; Madison co.
Yerton, J. R., e. May 1st, '61; Madison co. ; dg. July 15th, '62,
Company C— Sixteenth Regiment
.John S, McElToy, Captain, cm. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; p. Colonel of— — Regi-
ment April 26th, '62.
N. M. Wilson, Captain, cm. April 25fth, '62; Yancey co.
•C. F. Young, Captain, cm. ; Yancey eo.; p. from Sergeant.
.Andrew J, Roberts, l&t Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.
R. B. Johnston, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Buncombe CO.; p. Adjutant in 14th
Regiment J«ne 15th, '62; p. from 2d Lieut.
William J. Edney, 1st Lieut., cm, August, '62; Yancey co. ; p. from Sergeant.
R. B. Johnston, 2d Lieut., cm. May l&t, '61 ; Buncombe co.; p.
■Samuel D, Byrd, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.
'T. H. Young, 2d Lieut., cm. May 2d, '62; r. June oUth, '62; p.. from ranlis.
W. J. Byrd, 2d Lieut., cna, August 1st, '62; Yancey co. ; p. from ranks.
J» S. Thoraason, 2nd Lieut., cm. December 17th, '62; Yancey co.
C. F. Young, 1st Sergeant, e. Ma^y 1st, '61; Yancey eo. ; p. Captain.
J. H, Ray, 2d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; tr. to Com. A.
W. J. Edney, 3d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey -co.; p. 1st Lieut. August, '62.
•James McLelland, 4th Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey go.; k. Jane 26th, '62, at
Ellyson's Mills.
B. S. Dayton, 5th Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; dg. April 25th, '62.
J. S. Thomason, 1st Corporal, e. May 1st, '01; Yancey co..; p. 2d Lieut. December
17th, '62.
M. T. Honeycutt, 2d Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; <ig.
H. M. Wilson, 3d Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. August 2Sth, '61.
J. W. Proffitt, 4th Corporal, e. Ma-y Ist, '61,; Yancey co..,; d. November 5th, '61.
Alratha, D., e. November 10th, '62; Lincoln co.
Austin, Samuel, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; dg. July 1st, '62.
Allen, Nathaniel, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. May 25th, '62.
Allen, R. S., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; k, June 27th, '62, below Richmond,
Allen, James, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Allen, Henry, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; w. below Richmond May 29th, '62.
Byrd, W. J., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; p. 2d LieuL August 1st, '62.
Byrd, J. N., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; dg. May 21st, '62.
Boone, Samuel, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. Aug. 1st, '62.
Boone, James, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; d. Nov. 10th, '62.
Boone, J. J., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; dg. Jan, 1st, '62.
Boone, J. A., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; d. Aug. 22d, '61.
Boone, Jeremiah, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. Dec. 15th, '6L
Banks, Samuel B., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. July 25th, '62.
Banks, Jonathan, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; dg. Maj 25tli, '62.
Bryant, Allen, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co,; d. of w. received below Richmond
June 28th, '62.
North Carolina State Twops>
Bi-yant, James, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; tr. to Com.. A May 1st, 152.
Briakley, David, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Baker, Thomas A., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; p. 3d Corporal.
Bui'leyson, E. M., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; d. August 28th, '61.
Buchanan, A. A_, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; p. Sergeant Jan. 1st, '63.
Banks, E., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co,
Boone, R., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Bogg, D., e. March 25th, '62; Yancey co.; tr. Feb. 1st, '62.
Barnett, J. M., e. Nov. 10th, '62 ;. Lincoln co.; d. Oct. 30th^ '63,
Barnett, D., e.Nev. 10th, '62; Lincoln co.
Barnett, W., e. Nov. 10th, '62; Lincoln co..
Barnett, A., e. Nov. 10th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at ClianceBorsville-,.
Cardwaj', J., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; k. Jane 28th, '62, below Richmond.
Collis, J., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
♦Mollis, W., e. May 1st, '61; Yancej" co.; d. of w. received near Fredericksburg.
Critts, D. S., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; w. Jtily 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Dayton, John, e. March 25th, '62; Yancey co.
Daily, B. Y., e. November 10th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w.
Dillinger, J. R., e. November 10th, '61; Lincoln co.
Deaton, R. C, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yance^y co.; d. May 5th, '63.
Dillinger, J, H., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. Aug. 28th, '6L
Edge, J. E., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.; dg. Jan. 1st, '62.
Edwards, James, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. May 25th, '62.
Edwards, C. R., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey eo.; dg. August 1st, '62.
Edge, Thomas, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey go.; dg. July 5th, '62.
Estepp, W., e. March 25th, '62; Yancey eo.
Forther, A. L., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Fox, W. A., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
George, J., e. May 1st, '61; Yancej^co. ; d. December 17th, '61.
Hensley, C. M., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co..; d. June 1st, '62..
Hensley, S. R., e. May Ist, '61; Yancey co. ; p. Adjutant December 20th, '62;.
Horton, J., 6. May 1st, '61 ; Yanc-ey eo.; d. Jaix., '62.
Honeycutt, R. B. V., e.May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. Feb. 1.5th, '62.
Hall, J. M., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; pr. at Fredericksburg Dec. 13th, '62.
Hayes, D., 8. November 10th, '62; Lincoln co. ; k. July Sd, '63, at Gettysburg.
Horton, J. P., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey eo. ; dg.
Honeycutt, J. M., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Honeycutt, Elisha, e. May 1st, '01; Yancey co. ; d.
Hamilton, A. J., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. Aprii 12th, 132.
Hensley, Archibald, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; p. Sergeant; k. May 3d, 163, aft
Hensley, Wilson, e. May 1st, '01; Yancey co.
Hall, L. Z., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. Jisly 1st,, '62.
Hall, J. B., e. May 1st, '61; Yaneey co,
Hill. William, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; d. August 11th, 'BL
Higgins, J. W., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Honeycutt, R. M., e. May Ist, '61; Yaneey co.; w. four times.
Hawkins, Wilson, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. September 12th, '62.
Hyatt, J. C, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. July 27th, '62.
Hensley, H. L., e. May Ist, '61 ; Yancey co..; p. 1st Sergeant.
.Johnson, C, e. March 25lh, '62; Tennessee.
Keck, D., e. November 10th, '02; Lincoln co.
Leadford, Peter, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. in April, '62.
McCoUister, Alexander, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; p. Corporal; c.
McLelland, W..A., c. May 1st, '^j\ ; Yancey co.; p. 1st Sergeant.
Company G— Sixteenth Regiment. 7
Murchison, C, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; dg,
McPeters, C. L., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Moore, William M., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg.
Mcintosh, John, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg.
McGlothin, J., e. March 25th, '62 ; Yancey co.; d, Dec. 15th, '62,
McCowy, O., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
McCowy, M., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
McCowy, P., e. May 1st, 61; Yancey co.
Nanny, S. J,, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; d. December lOlh, '63.
Price, S. P,, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Randolph, Ellsha, e. May 1st, '61; Madison co.; dg. .June 15th, '62.
Randolph, Samuel, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg. January 1st, '62.
Randolph, A., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. of w. received near Richmond.
Robinson, W, K., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Robinson, Jacob, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. : d. of \v. received at Chancellors-
Ray, N. B., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dg.
Ray, Irvin, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; dg.
Ray, Montreville, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co,
Ray, Samuel P., e. May 1st, '61; Y'ancey co.
Raj% .T, L,, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Rowland, J. N., e. May 1st, '61; Yaueey ca; d. in ''62, of w. received near Rich-
Rector, C. W., e. jNIay 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Ray, J, Z., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; d. August 10th, ^61.
Riugle, L., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Roberson, W. B., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dt. Musician.
Roberson, S, S., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; dt. Musician,
Randolph, T. L., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; tr. to Com. A.
Robinson, D , e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Silver, H, G. A., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. in '62, of w. received near Rich-
Silver, J. W., e. May 1st, '01; Yanee.v ca. ; p. 3d Sergeant May 1st, '62.
Silver, W. A., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; d. August loth, '62.
■Siiepherd, E. 51., e. May 1st, '61; Yancej;' co.; p. 4th Sergeant and Ic. May 3d, '63,
at Chancellorsvllle.
Thomason, Logan, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; \v, July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Thomas, T., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; w. June 27th, '62, below Richmond,
Thomas, VV. J., e. May 1st, '61; Yanc3y oo. ; dg. Jan. Is^., 'ff3.
Thomason, A., e. March 2oth, '62; Yancey co. ; dg. May 25tli, '62.
Thomas, N. A,, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey eo.
Thomas, Nalhan, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey eo,
Turby field, John, e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co.
Tipton, W., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey eo. ; d,
Tipton, Valentinf% e. ISIay Isfc, '61; Yancey co. ; dg. Aug. 1st, '62.
Wilson, J. W,, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; w. December 13th, '02, at Fredericks-
N\'ilson, n, D., e. May 1st, '61; Yancej- co. ; dg. Deee.ii!;er 25ih, '02.
AViLson, N. M., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; p. Captain April 25tli, '62.
Wilson, Samuel, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; w. near Richmond.
Wiggins, Henry, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co,
Wheeler, J. W., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey eo.
Woody, S. G., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; d. Nov. 12th, '61.
Wilson, P., e. March 25th, '62 ; Yancey co. ; d. August 3d, '62.
Wilson, G., e. March 2;5th, '62; Yancey co.; dg. May 25th, '62.
8 , North Carolina State Troops.
Wilson, J. M., e. March 25th, '62; Yancey co.
Young, T. H., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May 2d, '62; r. June 30th, '62.
Young, J. T>., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Young, Jesse, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at Ellyson's Mill.
Young, George, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Young, Joshua, e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.
Young, C. D., e. May 1st, '61 ; Yancey co. ; d. June loth, '62.
Young, W. S., e. May 1st, '61; Yancey co.; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Herbert D. Lee, Captain, cm. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co ; p. Major June 1st, '62.
J. M. Kilpatrick, Captain, cm. April 26th, '62; Rutherford co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
A. A. McKinney, Captain, cm. June 26th, '62; Rutherford co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
J. M. Kilpatrick, 1st Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; p.
James R. Tate, 1st Lieut., cm. June 1st, '62; Rutherford CO.; k. Aug. 29th, '62, at
2d Manassas; p. from 2d Lieuteannt.
Moses L. Wells, 1st Lieut., cm. August 1st, '63; Rutherford co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
William F. Thorn, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. October 13th, '61,
at Alum Springs, Va.
A. A. McKinney, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co; p.
Thos. J. Thorn, 2d Lieut., cm. August 29th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. of w. received
at Gettysburg. «
Daniel C. King, 2d Lieut., cm. April 25th, '62; Rutherford co. ; p. from ranks; d.
July 27lh, '63, of w. received at Gettysburg.
Raymond S. Owen, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 26th, '63; Rutherford co.; p. from ranks.
.Tas. R. Tate, 2d Lieut., cm. May 2.5th, '62; Rutherford co. ; p. from ranks and k.
Moses L. Wells, 2d Lieut., cm. August 2d, '62; Rutherford co. ; p. from ranks.
Reynolds Owens, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 26th, '63; Rutherford co. ; p. from ranks.
J. L. Rucker, 1st Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Rvitherford co.; p. Assistant Surgeon :
r. July 21st, '62.
T. M. Walker, 2d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. April, '62.
T. J. Thorn, 3d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; p. 2d Lieut. August 29th,
'62; d. of w. received at Gettysburg.
D. M. Pannell, 4th Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. May 11th, '62, for
IT. A. D. Swozy, 5th Sergeant, e. May 1st, "61; Rutherford co,; tr. to Com. C, 5Cth
William M. Wall, 1st Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. May 31st, "62, at
Seven Pines; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
William Iv. Cooper, 2d Corporal, c. May 1st, "61; Rutherford oo.; d. September 2d,
'01, at Valley Mountain.
Green B. Robinson, 3d Corporal, c. May 1st, "01; liutherford co. : d. October 6th,
'61, at Rock Alum Springs, Va.
Company D— Sixteenth Regiment. 9
Jehu B. Swezy, 4th Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. December 27th,
'61, at Manassas.
M. R. Moore, Musician, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; k. at Gaines' Mill.
Anders. J. T., e. October 2d, '63; Orange co.
Aters, James C, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Bailey, Amos, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Bailey, L. D., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. '
Bearfield, John C , e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Feb. 4th, '62, at Richmond.
Biggerstaff, Aaron, e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; dg. July 1st, '62.
Biggerstaff, George W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; tr. to 56th Regiment May
1st, '62.
Blackwell, Marion, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. for disability.
Blanton, A. M. K., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. August 27th, '62, at Rich-
Blanton, K. C, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Blanton, Wm., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; dg. June 29th, '61, for disability.
Bostiek, James H., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford CO.; d. Aug. ICth, '61, at Richmond.
Bostick, James W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; p. 2d Sergeant May 25th, '62.
Bostick, McB., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.
Bailey, J. C, e. May 1st, '61; Rutlierford CO.
Bowen, Leander M., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. August 21th, '61, at Valley
Bowen, William H., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. August 21th, '61, at Valley
Burgess, John P., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. .3d Sergeant.
Byers, William, e. May 1st, '61; Rutlierford co.; d. September 10th, '61.
Biggs, John, e. October 2d, '63; Granville co.
Compton, J. Q., e. October 2d, '63; Orange co.
Compton, A. B., e. October 2d, '63; Orange co.
Compton, R., e. October 2d, '63; Orange co. ; dg. January 27th, '6.3.
Cooper, Newton C, e. March Loth, '62; Rutherford co.
Cates, H. A., e. October 1st, '62; Orange co.
Cagle, Riley, e. in March, '62; Montgomery co.
Clark, J. R., e. in September, '62; Orange co.
Cagle, William, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. July 4th, '61, for disability.
Cooper, Reuben A., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. of w. received at 2d Ma^
Cooper, Wm. H., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
Davis, Elbert, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; k. May Slst, '62, at Seven Pines.
Davis, Oliver, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. Sept. 4th, '61, at Warm Springs,
Downy, Burton, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; k. May Slst, '62, at Seven Pine.s.
Edwards, C. E., e. October 2d, '63; Granville co.
Floyd, James L., e. May 1st, '61; Ruthei'ford co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Goode, Wm. T., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. at Mechanicsville; p. Sergt
Sept. 25th, '63.
Green, George, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. September 1st, '61, at Valley
Griffin, James M., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; d. August 10th, '62, at Rich-
Griffin, L. M., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Gatlan, R, M., e, in March, '62; Montgomery co.
10 North CsLTolim State Troops.
Haines, W. B., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. July 1st, '62.
Harrell, S. C, e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; d. June 4th, '61, at Richmond.
Haines, \Vm. R. P., e. May 1st, 'Gl ; Rutherford co.
Haney, Lawson, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Harrell, Amos, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. November 26th, '61, for disa-
Harrell, Hanson, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. November 26th, '61, for dis-
Harrell, Samuel, e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; p. Corporal Sept. 3d, '62.
Harris, George, e. May ist, '61; Rutherford co.
Harris, John M., e. May 1st, '61; Rutlierford co. ; d. December 20th, '61, at Staun-
ton, Va.
Harris, William W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutlierford co. ; d. November 21st, '61, at
Warm Spring, Va.
Hawkins, Wm. H., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Honej"cutt, Dillard, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 34th Regiment June
30th, '62.
Huntsinger, W. D., e. May 1st, '01; Rutherford co.
Harrell, Lawson, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; tr. to 56th Regiment April oth,
Idolett, J. S., e. October 1st, '62; Guilford co.
Jolly, S. W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 15th Regiment June 20th, '01.
James, Augusius, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Nov. 10th, '61, at Manassas.
.Jenkins, Craven, e. May 1st, '61; Rutlierford co.
Jolly, Landford W., e. May 1st, '01; Rutherford co.
King, Daniel C, e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April 25th, '62; d.
July 27th, '63, at Mount Jackson, Va., of w. received at Gettysburg.
Koone, George W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; k. May 29th, '62.
Kenipe, Daniel, e. October 1st, '62; Lincoln co.
Kenipe, Miles, e. October 1st, '62; Lincoln co.
liivingston, James, e. in March, '62; Montgomery co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
Lancaster, D. D., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.; d. of w. received at Chancellors-
Lancaster, Charles B. S., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; k. June 26th, '62, at
Ellyson's Mill.
Ijancaster, Wm. D., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Aug. 1st, '62.
rjyncli, Andrew K., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Martin, Pinkney, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
McMahan, James, e. May 1st, '01; Rutherford co. ; d. Aug. 10th, '02.
Melton, Joseph W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d, Feb. 1st, '62.
Millard, Isaac D., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Mintz, Peter L., e. May 1st, '61; Rutheiford co.; p. 3d Corporal; k. J ily od, '63,
.Mooney, Jonathan, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; tr. to o6th Regiment May
25th, '02.
Moore, Wm.,e. May 1st, '01 ; Rutherford co. ; d. .January 10th, '63, of w. received
at Seven Pines.
(Jwens, Amos, e. May 1st, '01; Rutherford co.; dg. Jan. ITtli, 'ti2, for disability.
Owens, Reynolds, e. May 1st, '01; Rutlierford co.; p. 3d Sergeant; p. 2d Lieut.
Sept. 26th, '03.
Owens, Wiley D., c. May 1st, '01; Rutherford co. ; d. July 18th, '62, at Richmond.
Padgett, Albert, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Parson, David, e. in March, '62; Montgomery co.
Company D— Sixteenth Regiment 11
Parker, David, e. in September, '62; Lincoln co.
Padgett, M. D., e. May 1st, '01; Rutherford co.
Querkin, B. J. O., e. in March, '62; Orange co.
Robards, J. W. , e. March 15th, 'G2; Orange co.
Robertson, W. D. D., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co,; dg. December 20th, '61.
Robertson, L. R., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Robbins, Almon P., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. Sept. 2d, '62, at Warm
Robinson, M., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; tr. to Com. I, 34th Regiment,
MayoOth, '62.
Rogers, Allen, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. 5th Sergeant; k. August, '62, at
2d Manassas.
Scruggs, Albert, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. Nov. 10th, '01, at Manassas.
Scruggs, Drury, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Smith, C. 0 , e. e. May 1st, "61 ; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 56th Regiment March 1st, '62.
Spurlin, Isaac J., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.; dg. May 20th, '62, for disability.
Spurlin, John E., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Nov. 29th, '62, at Petersburg.
Sutton, James H., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; k. at Frazier's Farm,
Sutton, John M., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.
Suttle, Geo. W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Aug. 1st, '61.
Short, J. C, e. October 2d, '03; Granville co.
Stephen, A. J., e. October 1st, '62; Guilford co.
Solomon, S., e. October 1st, '62; Montgomery co.
Smith, J. M., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co ; dg. January 1st, '61.
Splawn, J. T., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Suttle, J. W., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co; p. 4th Corporal.
Turner, S. P., e. in September, '62; Lincoln co. ; d. February 20th, '63.
Thorn, R.M.,e. February 2oth, '68; Rutherford co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
Tate, James R., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.; p. 2nd Lieut. May 25th, '62.
Wall, Arthur C, e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.; dg. August 1st, '62.
Wall, Aaron, e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.
Walker, Joseph M , e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; tr. to 56th Regiment March
19th, '62.
Womack, Jos. T., e. May Lst, '61; Rutherford co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Weebb, Bryant, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. February 28th, '62, at Warren-
Weebb, Julius C, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d.
Weebb, C. S., e. May 1st, '61; Rutheiford co.; d. June ISth, '63.
Wells, Marquis, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. February 1st, '62.
Wells, Moses L., e. May 1st, '61 ; Rutherford co.; p. 2d Lieut. August 2d, '63; p. 1st
Lieut. August 1st, '61.
Wilson, William, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. August 1st, '62.
Withrow, Thomas J., e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; tr. to loth Regiment June
20th, '61.
Wood, Mark, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; tr. to 34th Regiment June 30th, '62.
Young, George, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; d. January 1st, '62, at Manassas.
Young, Guilford, e. May 1st, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. October 1st, '63.
12 North Carolina, State Troops.
E. J. Kirksey, Captain, cm. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; p. Major June 1st, '62.
Abel S. Cloud, Captain, cm. May 23cl, '62; Burke co. ; p. from Sergeant.
J. B. Kincaid, 1st Lieut,, cm. May lOth, '61; Burke co.
A. L. Kyler, 1st Lieut., cm. April 25th, '62; Burke CO.; p. from 2d Lieut.
Portland W. Warlick, 1st Lieut., cm. August 3d, '61; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Mill; d. July 22d, '62, at Hickory Station; p. from Sergeant.
John M. Fisher, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.; r. July 15th, '62.
A. L. Kayler, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; p.
Portland W. Warlick, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Burke co. ; p. from Sergeant; p.; w.
and d.
Abel S. Cloud, 2d Lieut., cm. April 13th, '62; Burke co. ; p. from Sergeant; p.
Jacob N. Rector, 2d Lieut., cm. August 1st, '62; Burke co. ; p. from Corporal.
Henry R. Branch, 2d Lieut., cm. December 16th, '62; Burke co. ; p. from ranks.
Robert McD. Tate, 1st Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; dg. Dee. 22d, '62.
Portland W. Warlick, 2d Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; p. 1st Taeut. Aug.
3d, '61; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill; d. July 22d, '62, at Hickory Station.
James K. P. Tate, 3d Sei-geant, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; dg. Nov. 13th, '61.
James N. Queen, 4th Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Mal-
vern HilL
Abel S. Cloud, 5th Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; p. 2d Lieut. April 13th,
'62; p. Captain May 23d, '62.
H. Stillwell, 1st Corporal, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. August 29th, '62.
Robert G. Gibbs, 2d Corporal, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; dg. August 18th, '62.
John Martin, 3d Corporal, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Jacob N. Rector, Jth Corporal, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant Aug.
1st, '62.
Aiken, Aaron, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; dg. for w. received June 26th, '62, at
Branch, David, e. May 19th, '61; Burke co. ; pr. at Williamsport, Md.
Baker, Elisha, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Branch, James, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Burns, Eli, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; pr. July, '62, at Falling Waters, Md.
Butler, William H., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; p. 2nd Sergeant; \v. at Seven
Pines and dg. August, '62.
Butler, Mark B., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. June 26th. '62, at Mechanicsville.
Benfleld, D. M., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.; d. December 25th, '61, at Petersburg.
Beach, Isaac J., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Buff, Solomon, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; d. February 9th, '62, at Manassas
Junction, Va.
Brittain, Martin, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; d. January 27th, '62, at Culpepper
Court House, Va.
Company E— Sixteenth Regiment. iS
Branch, Henry R., e. May lOtli, '61; Burke co.; p. 2nd Lieut. December 16th, '62.
Bighams, William, e. Sept. 4th, '61; Burke co.; dg. Dec. 15th, '61, at Richmond,
Basey, C. W., e. September 2oth, '62; Burke co.
Corpening, A^ K., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; dg. March 1st, '62,
Copeland, John, e. Sept. 4th, '61 ;. Burke co. ; dg. Dec. 22d, '61.
Cook, W. M., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Colond, Joel, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Chapman, Alexander, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Causley, William T., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; w.
Causley, Thomas, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co,
Clark, Waightstill, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Corpening, L. W., e. May 20th, '61; Burke co.
Copeland, William A., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; d. October 2Srd, '61, at Green-
brier, Va.
Cannon, Henry, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Cannon, S. K,, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; w. December 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
Christenbury, Thomas C, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co,
Copeland, C, J., e. May lOtb, '61; Burke co. ; w. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg,
Chapman, Nathan, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Cook, Lawrence, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; pr, in Pennsylvania July 4thj '63,
Duckworth, William J., e. May 10th, '6l; Burke co.
Dorsey, Robert M., e. May 1st, '61; Burke co.; d. Aug. 10th, '62, in North Carolina,
Deal, Joseph A., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Deal, William E., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co,; d, Oct. 21st, '61, at Huntersville,
Dale, W. T., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co. ; p. Corporal.
Denton, M. I-L, e. Septem.ber 25th, '62; Burke co. ; m. December 13th, '62, at Fred-
Denton, P. H., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellors-
Denton, J. A., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co,
Fisher, WyaLt, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellors-'
Fisher, Z. L., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co. ; d. April 6th, '03, at Richmond.
Franklin, G. H., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co,
Franklin, Levi M., e. May lOLh, '61; Burke co.; d. Aug. 13th, '61, at Valley Moun-
Frankliu, Wm. A., e. May lOlh, '61 ; Bui ke co. ; d. December ZiA, '61, at Warren-
ton, Va.
Frempler, Eli, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Giles, John B., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; w. at Gettysburg,
Garrison, Thos. A., e. Maj' lOtb, '61; Burke co.
(iibbs, W. W., e. May 10th, '61; Burke CO.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Goen, Henry, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Goode, Robert S., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; dg. Oct. 31st, '61.
Goode, M. C, e. May lUth, '61; Burke co. ; dg. December 4th, '61, at Manassas,
Hudson, Lawrence, e, September 4th, '61; Burke co. ; k. June 26th, '62, at Me-
Hudson, Robert, e. Sept. 4th, '61; Burke co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Howard, W. F., e. January 6th, 62; Burke co. ; k. at Cedar Run, Va,
Howard, J. E.,e. July 14th, '62; Burke CO.
Huffman, Alexander, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Huffman, Amos, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Huffman, A., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
14 North Ca^rolina State Troops.
Henson, James H., e» May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; p. 1st Sergeant July 2.5th, '62.
Huffnifin, Thomas, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; dg. Dec. 7th, '62.
Hudson, Joseph, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; d. Nov. 7th, '61, at Bath Alum
Springs, Va.
Hudson, James M., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; d. July 10th, '62, in Burke co.
Huffman, Wm. H., e. May 10th, '01 ; Burke co. ; d. November 4th, "61, at Red Alum
Springs, Va.
Hines, John H., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; \v. at Fredericksburg; p. 2d Sergeant
August 26th, '63.
Hoyle, Joshua, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; d. Feb. 6tli, '62, at Staunton,
Hildebrand, W. A., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.
Huffman, Wm. M., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.
Johnston, W., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; dg. Feb. 20th, "62.
.Jarrett, Wm. G., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Jarre tt, Alfred L., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; d. Sept. 2d, '61, at Valley Mountain.
Johnson, Cicero, e. Sept. 4th, '61; Burke co. ; d. Nov. 19th, '61, at Hot Springs.
Johnson, R. M., e. Sept 4th, '61; Burke co. ; dg. Dec. 22d, '61, at Manassas.
Lall, Henry, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.
Laughridge, Samuel, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Lawman, Samuel, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; dg. October 31st, '61.
IjeFebres, D, H., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; dg, December, '61.
Largent, John P., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; dg. December 22d, '61.
Lail, Sidney, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co ; dg. July 15th, '62.
Lane, Samuel, e. May lOth, '61 ; Burke co.
Lawman, Jackson, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; w. Sept. 1st, '62, at Ox Hill.
Lane, John, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.; w. at Mechanicsville and Gettysburg.
Mull, John O., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville,
Mitchell, Jesse, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Murphy, James, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Michaels, Alfred E., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; d. in '62.
Michaels, John M., e. Maj^ 10th, '61; Burke co.
Mull, R, A., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.; d, December 15th, '62, at Char-
McGallard, J. W., e. September 25th, '62; Burke co.; w. December 13th, '62, at
Naney, Jackson, e, September 25th, '62; Burke co. ; m. December 13th, '62, at Fred-
Propts, Thomas, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.; d. June 1st, '62, at Richmond.
Puett, Doctor M. K., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; w. at Mechanicsville, and W,
April 29th, '63.
Pugh, Thomas B., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg,
Powell, Gaither, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; w. at 2d Manassas Aug. 29th, '02.
Pearson, Marion, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; w. at 2d Manassas August 29th, '62.
and w. at Gettysburg July 8th, '63.
Perkins, Weldon, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Puckett, Joseph, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; w. June 26th, '02, and April 29th, '6'!.
Propts, John H., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Ramsey, George, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; d. September 20th, '61, at Valley
Randall, Joseph, e. September 23th, '62; Burke co.
Swing, Henry, e. September 2-5th, '62; Burke co.
Suttlemyre, Eli, e. September 25th, '02; Burke co.; d. January 15tb, '&}, at Rich-
.Shoup, John, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co, *
Company F— Sixteenth Regiment. 15
Sides, Jobn M., e. May lOth, '61; Bnrke co. ; w. August 29th, '62; pr. September
26th, '62.
Smith, Ransom, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; pr. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Stamey, Harvey, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; c.
Shuffler, Christopher, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; d. August 9th, '63, at Morgan-
ton, N. C.
Simpson, Allen J., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co.; k. Aug. 29th, '62, at Manassas.
Stillwell, Morgan, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; w. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Sigmon, Enoch, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; d. July 9th, '63, at Richmond of av.
received at Chanceilorsville.
Smith, Harvej', e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; w. and c. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Tate,R. A., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; dg. July 15th, '62.
Taylor, Calvin, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.
Thompson, John, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co; w. May 3d, '63, at Chanceilorsville.
Unger, Joshua, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; dg. March 31st, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Vanhorn, Joseph, e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; pr. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Workman, Rufus, e. September 25th, '62; Burke co. ; d.
Willis, William E., e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. September 20th, 'G2, at Sharps-
Williams, John H., e. May 10th, '61 ; Burke co. ; d. at Danville, Va.
Whistenhunt, George, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Whistenhunt, James, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co.; d. October 6th, '61, at Warm
Springs, Va.
Wishon, Thomas, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co. ; pr. July 3d, '63, at Getty.sburg.
Yowe, Monroe, e. May 10th, '61; Burke co,
Patrick H. Thrash, Captain, cm. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co,
A. M. Jones, Captain, cm. April 25th, '62; Buncome CO.; p. from 2d Lieut,
Alfred A. Havner, 1st Lieut., cm. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Moses M. Blackwell, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Buncombe co.; p. from ranks.
Henry C. Worley, 1st Lieut., Buncombe co. ; p. fi"om ranits.
Erasmus Bi Alexander, 2d Lieut., cm. May 7th, '81 ; Buncombe co.
Thomas P, Jones, 2d Lieut., cm. May 7th, '61'7 Buncombe co.
Samuel M, Mears, 2d Lieut., cm. April 25th, '62; Buncombe co. ; p. from Sergeant
and k. near Richmond.
Alexander M. Jones, 2d Lieut., cjn. ; Buncombe co. ; p. from Corporal,
Moses M. Blackwell, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Buncombe co,; p. from ranks.
L. D. Alexander, 2d Lieut,, cm. August 3d, '62; Buncombe co. ; p. from ranks and
w. at 2d Manassas.
S, L. Blackwell, 1st Sergeant, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; w. May 3rd, 'e;^, at
Chanceilorsville. .
16 North Carolina State Troops.
aamuel M. Mears, 2d Sergeant, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April
2.5th, 'G2, and k. June 30th, '62, near Richmond.
George A. Mears, 3d Sergeant, e. MajT 7th, '61; Buncombe eo.
Wm. V. B. Brookshire, 4tli Sergeant, e. May 7th, '01 ; Buncombe co. ; d. June 20th,
'6o, in Buncombe co.
James M. Hampton, .3th Sergeant, e. May 7th, '61; k. July 20th, '63, at Gettysburg.
A. M. Jones, 1st Corporal, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; p. 2d Lieut, and Capt,
April 2.5th, '62.
.lames M. Ingle, 2d Corporal, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at
Mechauicsville; p. 1st Sergeant July 15tli, '63.
.James W. Hembree, 3d Corporal, e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncom.be co. ; tr. to Com. B in
April, '62.
John T. Martin, 1th Corporal, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
.1. A. Snelson, Filer, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
W. R. Randall, Drummer, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; w. Sept. 1st, '62, at Os
Alexander, L. D., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; p. 2d Lieut. August 3d, '62; -W.
at 2d Manassas.
Ashley, Wm. H., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; d. Oct, 10th, '61, at Manassas.
Blackwell, Moses M., e. Maj' 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; p. 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut.
Aldred, John M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. June 27th, '62, December,
'62, and May 3d. '63.
Aldred, Wm. R., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co. ; k. Sept. 1st, '62, at Ox Hill.
Batin, Richard, e. July 15th, '62; Johnston co. ; d. Nov. 30th, '62, at Staunton, Va.
Cole, Benj. F., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Cole, Wm. M. P., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Culbertson, Marion W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; k. at Gaines' Mill.
Cochrane, Joseph M., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
CJapps, Benjamin R., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; w. June 26th, '62.
Capps, Enoch R., e May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Cook, John D., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. Sept. 21st, '61, at Huntsville,Va.
Dover, Jos. B., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Dover, William F., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
l^over, Fidilia F., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; w. June 26th, '62, below Rich-
Debroad, James H,, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. Sept. 25th, '61, at Valley
Dover, T. E., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; k. June 26th, '62, below Richmond.
ICdwards, J. H., e. July 15th, '62; Johnston co.
Felraet, D. H., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Freeman, James N., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; dg. Oct. 4th, '61, at Manassas.
Green, Charles M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Green, John A., e. May 7th, '61; Buncomljc co.
Green, ,Io.scpli B., e. May 7th, ^^l ; Buncombe co,
(Jatlin, Janfes, e. July 15th, '02; Edgecombe co. ; d. Dec. 19th, '62, at Richmond.
Green, D. W., c. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Hipp.s, Leonidas H., e. May 7tli, '61; Bunconibc co.
Hayes, VV. J., e. May 7fh, 'Gl; Buncombe co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Haney, A. J., e. May 1st, '61; 15uucombe co.; w. at Frazier's Farm and Gettys-
Harper, W. II., e. July 15th, '62; Jolinslon co.
Company F— Sixteenth Regiment. i7
Harper, G. R., e. July 15th, '62; Johnston co.
Hampton, John E., e. May 7th, '61; Uuncombe co.; dg. Jan. 1st, '62, at Wolf Run,
Hipps, Levi M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Hawkins, James M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Hunter, John V., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w.; dg. July 30th, '62.
Hunter, David C, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. April 10th, '63, in N. C.
Hunter, James P., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Howell, Martin, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. October 30th, '63, at Hunters-
ville, Va.
Hutchison, S. W., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co. ; d. July 1st, '62, at Richmond.
Hutchison, John H., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. October 20th, '62, at Hun-
lersville, Va.
Jnman, Andrew, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. September 20th, '61, at Hun-
tersville, Va.
Israel, J. W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; dg. November 4th, '61.
.Tones, Montreville, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Jones, John, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Jones, Fidilia W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; tr. May 20th, '62.
Jones, Fidilia W. W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. October 2d, '63, at Hun-
ters vi He, Va.
Jones, James P., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Jamison, Alexander, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
James, D., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. June 26th, '62, near Richmond.
Kerby, Adoiphus, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. October 10th, '61, at Hun-
tersville, Va.
King, Martin A., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
King, Rufus P., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. June 26th, '62, near Rich-
Luther, Charles L., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Lance, Fidilia A., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Land belter, Columbus, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d.
Lewis, Benjamin R., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Lunsford, Wm., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. Dec..l3th, '62, at Fredericks-
Ledford, I., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; dg. Sept. 6th, '61, for w. received July
25th, '62.
Ledford, John, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Luther, W. M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; dg. February 15th, '62.
McLure, J. M., e. July 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Moore, David, e. Mav 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; k. at Frazier's Farm.
Meadows, A. M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co. ; w. June 26th, '62, below Rich-
Miles, Levi L., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. May 27th, '62, at Richmond,
Plemmons,Peter, 6. May7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. Oct. 5th, '61, at Rock Alum
Springs, Va.
Plemmons, John C, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. June 26th, '62, near Rich-
mond; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Prater, William, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. Sept. 30th, '61, at Huntsville.
Prater, Thomas L., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co;
Paris, Lewis, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Penland, James W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; dg. May 6th, '62.
Ray, William H., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; k. June 26th, '62, near Rich-
i8 North CsLrolina, State Troops.
Reynolds, Josepli P,, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fred-
ericksburg; May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville, and July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Rollins, William W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; w. at 2d Manassas August
28th, '62.
Reaves, Thomas C, e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Reaves, Fidilia F., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Roper, Wilson E., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co,; w. June 26th, '62, below Rich-
Reaves, David W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Ruth, John, e. July 15th, '62; Buncombe co.; d. June 10th, '63, at Camp Gregg, Va.
Smelson, J. M.,e. May 7th,'61; Buncombe co.; w. June 26th, '62, near Richmond.
Strop, Jesse, e. July 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Strop, William, e. July 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Sutton, William, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Smith, John W., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.; d. Nov. 10th, '61, at Richmond.
Sorrell, Jos, J., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Smith, James, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Wilson, M. A., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Worley, Henry C, e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co. ; p. 1st Lieut.
Wells, M. J., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe co.
Wells, T. M., e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Wilson, O. S., e. July 15th, '62; Rockingham co.
Young, Hodge, e. May 7th, '61; Buncombe co.
Young, Edward P., e. May 7th, '61 ; Buncombe CO.
•^€. T. N. Davis, Captain, cm. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; p. Colonel and k. at
Seven Pines.
L. P. Erwin, Captain, cm. April 26th, '62; Rutherford co.; w. June 26tb, '62, at
Mechaniesville, and December 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg; p. from 1st Lieut.
L. P. Erwiu, 1st Lieut., cm. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; p.
John Y. Mclntire, 1st Lieut., cm. April 25th, '62; Rutherford co.; p. from 2nd
John Y. Mclntire, 2d Lieut., cm. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; p.
J. W. Wilkins, 2d Lteut., cm. May 9th, '61; Polk co.
G. H. Mills, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Rutherford co.; p. from Sergeant and w. at
J. C. Alexander, 2d Lieut.,. cm. ; Rutherford co. ; p. from ranks and w.
at Sharpsburg.
John B. Ford, 2d Lieut., cm. — ; Rutherford co.; p. from ranks: w. Dec.
13th, '62, at Fredericksburg, and k. July, '63, at Gettysburg,
Leander Hemphill, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Rutherford co.; p. from vauks ami
k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Company & -■ Sixteentli Regiment. 19
H.. M. Coi-bett, 1st Sergeant, e. Maj' 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. July, '62.
G. H. Mills, 2d Sergeant, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford c©.; p. 2d Lieut, and w. at
-John H. Bradley, 3d Sergeant, e. May &th, '61'; Rutherford co. ; w. at Seven Pines
and at Gettysburg.
F. D, Wood, 4th Sergeant, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Aug., '6K
R. P. Gilky. 5th Sergeant, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co,; d. Feb., '62.
J. B. Carpenter, 1st Corporal, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Nov., '61.
P. S. Fortune, 2d Corporal, e. May 9111, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. July 1st, '61.
A. B. Long, 3d Coi-poral, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. 1st Sergeant and w,
August 29th, '62.
J. L. Weaver, 4th Corporal, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.
Atkinson, Jei'e.,e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. Dec. 13th/'62, at Fredericks-
Alexander, J. C'e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. 2d Lieut.; w. at Sharpsburg.
Arrowood, Gaither, e. May 9tb, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Allen, W, L,, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co. ; m. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines^
Barbee, R. M., e. March 18th, '63; Chatham ca
Bradley, Absalom, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg, Februai-y, '62.
Bradley, Chesterfield, e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; dg. February, 62.
Bradley, Burton, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.
Blanton, William, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; w. at Seven Pines and at
Carson, Daniel P., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Sept. lOt-h, '61, at Valley
Carson, James P., e. May 9tJi, '61; Rutherford coi ; c. July 14th, '65.
Carpenter, P. D , e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; d, July 4th, '63, of w. received
July Sd, '63, at Gettysburg.
Carpenter, Wiliiam W., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; d. November, '61, at Hot
Springs, Va.
Church, James M., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; c. July 14th, '63^
Church, William, e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; dg. in '62.
Carpenter, Samuel, e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; dg. August, '61.
Coleman, Daniel M., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co.
Camp, Lewis, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.
Camp, J.:C., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; tr. from Com. K.
Callahan, R. S., e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.; w. June 26th, '62, at Ellyson's
Carson, A. B., e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.
Carrier, J. H., e. July 15th, '62; Rutherford co. ; tr. to Signal Corps.
Cole, Joseph B., e. March 18th, '62; Chatham co.
Cole, Elisha, e. March 18th, '62; Chatham co. ; c. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Grain, John T., e. March 18th, '62; Chatham co.; k. July 2d, '63^ at Gettysburg.
Dallas, D. B., e. March 3d, '63; Robeson co.
Deck, G. W., e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 56th Regiment.
Davis, Alfred N., e.May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. August 11th, '63.
Davis, J. Webb, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. September 1st, '63.
Depoust, Jesse R., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. accidentally.
Dickerson, Rob't B., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; tr. to Com. C, 34th Regiment.
so Forth Ca^rolina State Troops.
Dodwell, John, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; w- September 15th, '61, in West
Dornbush, Henry T., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Eaves, William, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; k. June 26th, '62, at EUyson's
Eaves, Lawsou, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. July 4th, '61.
Eaves, John P., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; tr. to Signal Corps,
Eaves, Spencer, e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co.
Eaves, Spencer, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; p. Assistant Surgeon 50th Regi-
Ford, Henry C, e. May 9tli, '61; Rutlierford co,; drowned August 20th, '61, in
Valley River, Va.
Ford, John B., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; p. 2 Lieut. ; w- Dec, 13th, '62, at
Fredericksburg; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Floy, William R., e. May 9th, '61; Rutheiford co. ; w. December 13th, '62, at Fred-
Fortune, Benjamin C, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. in August, '62,
Freeman, E. B., e. March 13th, '62; Rutlierford co.; d.
Freeman, J. G., e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.
Floyd, James, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. July, '62.-
Gilky, L. R., e. July 15th, '02; Rutherford co. ; d. January, '62.
Gunter, W. W., e. Marcli 18th, '63; Chatham co. ; w. and c. at Gettysburg,
Goode, Francis M.,e, May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Jan., '62.
Goode, Marcus L., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. June 26th, '62; w. and pr,
July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Green, Charles, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.
Green, William Y., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. March 80th, '63.
Gross, Philip, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 56th Regiment.
Higgins, Israel, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; w. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shepherds'
Hampton, Jonathan, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; p. Sergeant; w. May 3d,
'63, at Chancellorsville.
Hampton, B. F., e. May 9th, '61; Polk co.; dg. Feb., '62,
Hampton, N. B., e. May 9th, '61; Polk co. ; p. Captain in 51th Regiment.
Hemphill, Leander, e. May 9thf '61; Rutherford co. ; p. 2d Lieut.; k. May, '63, at
Hicks, Benjamin, e.May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.
Hay, Washington, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co, ; p. Chaplain.
Hawkins, C. C, e. May 9th, '61; Ruiherford co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill.
Hawkins, J. F., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. Jan., '62, at Manassas.
Hayden, Thomas H., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co.; dt.
Harden, Zach. C, e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. atSeven Pines and disabled.
Harden, Wm. J., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. at Seven Pines,
Houser, John, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. 1st Corporal; k. at Seven Pines,
Houser, Thomas, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. 2d Corporal; w. at Seven
Hoyle, James, e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w, and c. July 3d, '63, at Gettys-
Hamrick, D. M., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.-; w. at Mechanicsville.
Hayes, John, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherlord co.; w. June 26th, '62.
Hayes, Thomas, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. September 20th, '61.
Hayes. Tobias, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. May 29th, '62.
Harris, J. P., e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.
Hufstetler, Riley, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. August, '62,-
Company 6— Sixteenth Regiment. 2i
Huntsinger, Thomas, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.
Holland, Joseph., e. March 18th, '63; Chatham co.; w. and c. at Gettysburg.
Johnson, Hawkins, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.; w. July 2d, '63, at Gettys-
Jay, J. McD. C, e. May 9th, '6'. ; Rutherford co. ; dt. in '62 and d.
S'ustice, J, D., e. May 9tb, '61; Rntlierford co.; d. January, '63.
Keeter, J. W., e. May 9th, '01 ; Rutherford co. ; d. September, '62.
Keeter, J. M.,.e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsiville.
•Layton, G. W., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. June, '62.
Layton, G. W., Jr., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. September, '62.
Ledbeiter, S. H., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; c. July 14th, '63.
Long, J. W., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Oct. 12th, '61, at Hot Springs, Va-
Long, B. F„ e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62.
Logan, John Francis, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford «q.; w. September 13th, '61, at
Valley River, Va™
Lee, Stephen, e. Nov. 24th, '61; Buncombe co. ; d. March, '62, in Hospital.
McClure, R, N., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; tr.. to Com. C, 34th Regiment.
Mitchell, W. A^ e. May 9th, '614 Rutherford co.
Mitchell, Thomas, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. DecemTier, '6L
Moore, John, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherfoi'd co. ; dt. May 3d, '63.
McFarland, G. P., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; p. Color Bearer and k. August
29th, '62, at 2d Manassas.
■Odom, John, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; d. Oct., '61, at Huntersville.
Pope, James N.., e. May i)th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
burg; d, Sept. 19th, '63, at Gordons ville.
Parton, A. A., e. March 18th, '63; Chatham co.
'Queen, William, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. July 1th, '6L
Roberts, P. D. T., e. May 9t,h, '61; Rutherford co. ; dt.
Roberts, W- A. E., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. Aug., '6L
Robertson, John, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co. ; d. May, '62.
Smith, F. A„ e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Nov. 12th, '61, at Hot Springs,
Smith, W. H., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. Nov. 12th, '61, at Hot Springs,
Sloan, J. G.,-e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; p, 1st Sergeant-, k. at Gaines' Mill.
Sims, Hampton, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Januarj', '62.
Sorrel 1, John W., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Stafford, F, M., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; d. August, '62.
Spratt, A. A., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.
Steadman, John, e. May 9th, '61; Ruthei-ford co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Pines; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Steadman, Wm., e. May 9th, '61-; Rutherford co. ; k. August 29th, '62, at 2d Ma-
Stacey, T. F., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. August 24th, '62, on the Rappa-
Simons, Reuben, e. February 25th, '63; Wake co.
Stafford, D. E., e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. August, '62.
Turner, Elijah, e. March 13th, '^2; Rutherford 00.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Pines, and pr. July 14th, '63, at Falling Waters.
Turner, James, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.
Tomberlin, James, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; dg. Aug., '61.
Twitty, James R., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford go.
Tanner, C. P., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 56th Regiment,
Turner, M. E., e. May 9th, '61; South Carolina; dg. Feb,, '62.
22 North Carolina State Troops:
Upcliurc&, J. S., e. March ISth, '63; Chatham co.
Warren, James, e. March 13th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. of w. received June 26tij>
'62, at Ellyson's MilL
Wicker, W. D., e. Mai-ch 18thj.'63;- Chatham co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Willis, Samuel, e. Marc-h 3d, '63; Robeson^ co-. ; w..and pr. at Gettysburg.
Williams, A.. S., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co. ; p..2d Sergeant; w. and c. July
14th, '63.
Williams, Samuel, e. May 9th, '61;. Rutherford co.; w. and e. July 2d, '63.
Whitesides, G.,M., e. May 9th, '61; Rutlierford. co. ; dg. January, '62, for disa-
Wilkins, S. H., e. May 9th, '61 ; Rutherford co.; d„ Aug. 1st, '^62, of w. received, at
Frazier's Farm.
Wilkins, W. T., C-May 9th, 'Bl;. Rutherford co..; tr. to Com. C, 34th Regiment.
Wilkins, J.,H., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; dg. July, '62.
Williford, J. W., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; k. May 3dv '63, at Chancellors-
Wood, W. B., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ; w. June 26th,. '62, and dg.
Wilkie, John, e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co. ;. d. Dec.^'Gl, at Staunton,, Va^
Tho-mas M. Ang-ef, Captain, cm. May 14tb., '61; Macon eo„
James L. Robinson, Captain, cm.. April 25th, '62;. p. from ranks..
James Cansler, Ist Lieut., em. May 14th, ^61;; Ma^con eo.
C. M. McLeod, 1st Lieut., cm. May 3d, '63; Macon co. ; p. from 2d Lieut, r w.. Jvnie-
26th, '62, at jNIechanicsville.
Jiames W. Bell, 1st Lieut., cm. July 14th,, '63; Macon co..; p..fronL2d Lieut.; w.at
Seven Pines, 2d Manassas and Gettysburg.
C L. Robinson, 2d Lieut., cm.. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; w. June 26ih,,'62, at Me-
chanicsville-; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
W.. McD. Allm.an, 2d Lieut., cm. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co..
C. M. McLeod, 2d Lieut.., cm. June 26th, '62; Macon co.; p. from Sergeant; p..
and w.
Ij. H. Allman, 2d. Lieut., cm.. May 3d, '63;, Macon co. ; p. from Sergeant Major,
.lames W. Bell, 2d Lieat., cm. April 25th, '62;^, Maeon co.; p.from ranks ;. w. and p..
C_M. McLeod, Isfe Sergeant, e.May 14th, '61;- Macon CO.; p«. 2dLisut.-; p.lstLieut.
May 3d, '63; w. June 26th., '62, at MechanicsviLle.
C. T. Trotter, 2d Sergeant, e.May 14th, '61; Maeon co.;, d. September 30th, '61, at
Edray, Va.
L.. Drake, 3d Sergeant, e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon cov ; w. May ocl,'63, at Chancellors'
ville, and w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Thomas L. Angel, 4th Sergeant, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at
M.N. Russell, 5tli Sergeant, e. Blay 14th, '61; Macon co.; dg. June 12th, ■62„
'Company E—Sixteentli Regiment. 28
S. H. H. Bell, 1st Corporal, e. May 14th, 'GI; Macon co.; \v. June 26th, '62, at Me-
P. H. Roane, 2d Corporal, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; dg. June 12th, '62.
R. H. Cunningham, 3d Corporal, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; m. July 3d, '63, at
William Bird, 4th Corporal, e. May 14th, '61; Macon ca; w. July 26th, '62, at Me-
Addington, W.M., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; tr, and p. 1st Lieut, in 1st Cav-
alry Regiment June ISth, '61.
AUman, L, H., e. May 14th, ^61; Macon co. ; p. Sergeant Major Oct. 5th, '62; p. 2d
Lieut. May 3d, '63.
AUman, W, C, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; w. May 3d, '62, at Seven Pin«s and
Aug. 9th, '62, at Cedar Run,
Angel, G. W., e. May 14tli, '61; Macon co.; w, June 26th, '62, at Meehanicsville^
p. Sergeant June 6th, '63; w. Julj"- 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Allison, W. D., e. March 21st, '63; Macon co. ; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Amlck, John,e. May 2d, '63; Guilford co,; m. July 30th, '63, at Gettysburg.
Ballew, W. M , e. May 14lh, '61; Macon co. ; d. Aug, 12th, '62, at Richmond.
Ballew, S. W., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Bell, James W., e. May 14tli, '61; Macon co.; p, 2d Lieut, April 25th, '62; w. at
Seven Pines, 2d Manassas, and Gettysburg; p. 1st Lieut. July 14th, '63.
Black, J. R.,e, May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; tr. to Com. I 48th Alabama Regiment
Dec. 2ath, '62.
Blaine, J. A., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co. ; m. July 14th, '63, at Falling Waters,
Bradley, J. S,,e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Brinkley, W, H,, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. August 29th, '62, at Richmond.
Brooks, Moses, e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co. ; p. Sergeant April 25th, '62; vv. June
26th, '62, at Mechanicsville; m. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg,
Brooks, R. P., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; w. twice.
Brown, A. A., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Callaway. James A., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co, ; d. November 1st, '61, atHunters-
ville, Va.
Carden, J. T,, e. May 1 4th, '61; Macon co.
Garden, W. B., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; w. Aug. '62, at 2d Manassas; dg. for w,
Cline, Wm., e. May 14lh, '61; Macon co. ; w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Gonley, James B., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co. ; d. Aug. 20th, '62, of w. received at
Connor, John H., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; dg. Juno 12th, '62.
Curtis, J. Spencer, e. May llUi, '61; Macon co. ; d. Nov. 2d, '62,
Cuuniniiham, Wm., e. March 3Ist, '6S; Guilford co. ; m, July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg,
Coble, Emery, e. May 9tli, '63; Guilford co,
Clapp, William, e. Sept,, '62; Guilford co.
Dalton, A B., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; dg. June 20th, '62.
Dehart, Nathan, e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co.
Donaldson, J. A. C, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
lK)naldson, J. F., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; k. June 26lh,'62, at Mechanicsville,
Dryman, J. D., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; dg. Jan. 9th, '62.
Eaton, John, e. May 14th, '61; Maeon co. ; d. of w. received at Mechanicsville.
Evett, A. J., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Evett, W. T., e. May 14th, '61 ; Maeon co.
Fulcher, A. S., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. Aug. 25th, '62.
Graj', James E., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
24 North Carolina State Troops.
Hasten, A. H., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Henderson, J. S., e. May 11th, ^61; Macon co.; d. Dec. 14th, '62.
Henderson, Eli, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Hopkins, S., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. Feb. 27th, '63, at Guinea Station.
Hurst, Geo. F., e. May lltli, '61; Macon co.
Hurst, John E., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Huggins, J. H., e. March 31st, '63; Macon co. ; m. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Jacobs, Bagwell P., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; tr. to Com. K, 1st Cavalry Regi-
ment, Sept. 25th, '63.
Jones, J. W., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; d. Jan. 20th, '63, at Danville.
Jones, W. W"., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. Nov. 26th, '62, at Warm Springs,
Kirby, Wm., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. Jan. 12th, '62, at Manassas.
Lindsey, G. J., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; d. Dec, '61, at Staunton, Va.
Lindsey, R. A., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; dg. Jan., '62.
Lindsey, W. E., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Long, M. P., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; dg. June, '62.
Love, J. H., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Layton, A., e. May 19th, '63; Guilford co; m. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Lay ton, Isaac, e. May 9th, '63; Guilford co.
Lineberry, John, e. May 2d, "63; Guilford co.
London, Robt., e. March 21st, '63; Macon co. ; m. July 14tb, '63, at Falling Waters.
Love, Andrew, e. March 21st, '63; Macon co. ■ ,
Low, John, e. May 9th, '63; Guilford co.
Manly, Harrison, e. June, '61; Macon co.; tr. from 1st Cavalry Sept. 25th, '63.
Moore, J. L., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; p. Sergeant Oct. 21st, '62; w. July 1st,
'63, at Gettysburg.
Moore, Jesse S., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; p. Orderly Sergeant Nov. 5th, '62;
w. at Seven Pines and 2d Manassas.
Morgan, A. T., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. Maj , '62.
Morrow, William P., e. May IJth, '61; Macon co. ; d. April 27th, '62, at Petersburg.
Oliver, M. P., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; m. at Falling Waters July 14th, '63.
Oliver, J, C, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; p. Corporal Deo. 29th, '62; m. July 14th
'63, at Falling Waters.
Oliver, G. W., e. March 21st, '63; Macon co. ; m. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg,
Parrish, E. W., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Parrish, W. M., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co. ; p. 2d Sergeant Dec. 20th, '62; w. at 2cl
Manassas August, '62, and w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Parrish, G. W., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co. ; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Patton, J. P., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Phipps, J. K., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; dg. October 1st, '63.
Plemoiis, N. B., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; p. Corporal 25th, '62; w. June
30th, '62, and w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Raby, M. H., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Ray, Jesse, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; d. July 12th, '62, of w. received at Me
Reynolds, E. E., e. May 14th, '61; Jackson co.; m. Julj' 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Roberts, P. A., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Robinson, D. O., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co.; p. Corporal April 25th, '62.
Russell, Elijah, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; dg. October 1st, '61.
Robinson, James L., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co,; p. Q. M. Sergeant June 17th, '61.
and Captain April 25th, '62.
Raby, James R., e. March 18th, '62; Macon co.
Shepherd, Thomas B., e. March 18th, '62; Macon co.
Company I— Sixteenth Regiment. 25
Saunders, H., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co, ; p. Sergeant Major May lOtli, '63.
Saunders, Thomas S., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Scroggs, E. M., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.: w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville;
p. Hospital Steward June, '63.
Siler, Jesse N., e. May 1.5th, '61; Macon co. ; p. Sergeant Major June 17th, '61; tr
to 2d Cavalry May 31st, '62; p. 2d Lieut.; k. Nov. 7th, '62, at Gaynes' X Roads.
Scruggs, M. C, e. May 14th, '61; Georgia; tr. to Com. C, 24th Georgia Regiment,
March 8th, '63.
Shepherd, Jos. J., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanics „
Shepherd, Thomas E., e. May 14th, '61 ; Macon co. ; p. Corporal April 25th, '62, and
k. at Meclianicsville.
Siler, Wm. P., e. May 14th. '61 ; Macon co. ; dg. August 12th, '62.
Smith, G. W., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Sorrell, Lewis, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.
Sorrell, Wilkie, e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Stanfleld, S..L., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; w. at Mechanicsville June 26th, '62,
and at Chancellorsville May 3d, '63; m. at Falling Waters July 14th, '63.
Watkins, A. M. M., e. June 30th, '61 ; Macon co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Winstead, Wm., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Westall, W. L., e. May 14th, '61; Macon co.; p. 1st Sergeant April 20th, '62; w. at
Mechanicsville and at Chancellorsville.
Yarby, E. H., e. June 20th, '61; Macon co.; tr. to Com. L April 25th, '62.
William M. Shipp, Captain, cm. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
W, B. Whitaker, Captain, cm. April 2oth, '62; Henderson co. p. from Sergeant.
J. W. Lane, Captain, cm. December 13th, '62; Henderson co. ; p. from 1st Lieut ;
"w. at Fredericksburg.
J. J. Spann, 1st Lieut., cm. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co,
J. W. Lane, 1st Lieut., cm. April 25th, '62; Henderson co. ; p. from 2d Lieut, and
w. ; p.
John W. Mills, 1st Lieut., cm. August 29th, '62; Henderson co. ; p. from Corporal.
W. D, Miller, 2d Lieut., cm. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; p. Captain and A. C. S.
in 25th Regiment June, '62.
J. W. Lane, 2d Lieut., cm. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; p. and w.
J. H. Fletcher, 2d Lieut., cm. April 9th, '63; Henderson co. ; w. at Seven Pines
and 2d Manassas.
J. W. Mills, 2d Lient., cm. August 29th, '62; Henderson co. ; p. from Sergeant and
w. Gettysburg.
T. D. Brittain, 2d Lieut., cm. April 9th, '63; Henderson co. ; w. at Fredericksburg
and Chancellorsville ; p. from rants.
J. H. Kinzey, 2d Lieut., cm. August 3d, '62; Henderson co. ; p. from ranks and k.
August 1st, '62, at 2d Manassas.
L.A.Ward, 2d Lieut., cm. April 25t&, '62; Henderson co. p. from ranks; w. at
Seven Fines and k. December 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
26 North Carolina State Troops.
"VV. B. Whitaker, 1st Sergeant, e. May Sth, '61; Henderson co.; p. Captain April
25tli, '62.
.T. J. Torney, 2d Sergeant, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; dg. April 1st, '62.
M. L. Henly, 3d Sergeant, e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co. ; vv. at Seven Pines and
p. 2d Lieut, in Com. G 3oth Regiment Sept., '62.
B. D. Lain, 4th Sergeant, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co; dg. October, '61.
J. J. Osborne, 5th Sergeant, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
J. W. Mills, 1st Corporal, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co; p. 2d Lieut. Aug. 29th,
'62, and w. at Gettysburg.
J. H. Gash, 2d Corporal, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; dg. August, '61.
M. H. Johnson, 3d Corporal, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill.
D. N. Harrison, 4th Corporal, e. May 5tli, '61; Henderson co.; d. in Richm.ond of
w. received at Gaines' Mill.
Allen, S. L., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. September 16Lh, '61, at Valley
Mountain, Va.
Bockwell, Wm., e. May o'ii, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Brittain, T. D., e. May 5tli, '61 ; Henderson co. ; w. at^Fredericksburg and Chan-
Brittain, B. C, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Beece, M. R , e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Brannan, Richard, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; w. at 2d Manassas.
Bowman, Nick, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Bowman, J. T., e. July 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Williamsport.
Benson, H. H., e. May 3d, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Meehanicsville and Ox Hill.
Barnett, Napoleon, e. May od, '61; Henderson co.; m. at Chancellorsville.
Barnett, M. D., e. May 3d, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Chancelloi-sville.
Barnett, G. W., e. July 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Bryson, W. M., e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co. ; tr. to 26th Regiment Nov., '61.
Bryson, J. H., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Shepherdstown and Gettys-
Brown, W. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; dg. August 5th, '62.
Bell, G. W., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; d. June 14th, '62, at Richmond of w.
received at Seven Pines.
Barkley, Joel, e. March Sth, '62; Henderson co. ; d. May 20th, '62, below Rich-
Cockrane, Wm., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. September 8tli, '61, at Valley
Cockrane, J. G.j e July 5th, '61; Henderson co, ; w. at Seven Pines.
Corland, Silas, e. July Sth, '61 ; Henderson co. ; d. April 2d, '63, in North Carolina.
Condrey, G. H., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Crabtree, L., e. July 27th, '63; Orange co. ; w. and pr. at Chancellorsville.
Cannon, Jonas, e. March 5th, '63; Caldwell co. ; w. accidentally at Gettysburg.
Cox, J. E., e. March 18th, '62; Henderson co.
Dearman, W. F., e. Maj' 5th, '61; Plenderson co. ; w. and c. at Gettysburg.
Dearman, J. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; dg. Nov. 1st, '61, at Manassas.
Dewberry, Alfred, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. December 17th, '61, at Staun-
ton, Va.
Dewberry, Peyton, e. May Sth, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Harper's Ferry.
Dewberry, J. M., e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co.
Dewberry, F., e. March 15th, '62; Plenderson oo. ; dg. August, '62.
Company I— Sixteenth Regiment 27
Dawson, T. H., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Erwin, J, C, e. May 5tli, '61 ; Henderson co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Ellis, Moses, e, September 15th, '62; Granville co. ; w, at Chancellorsville..
Fletcher, J, H., e. May 5th. '61 ; Henderson co.; w. at Seven Pines and Manassas;;
p. 2d Lieut. April 9th, '61.
Ferree, E. W., e. May 5th, '61 r Hendereon co.
Fowler, W. R., e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co.; d. April 19th, '62, at Ashland, Va.
Fletcher, J. W., e. March 8th, ''62; Henderson co. ; k, June 27th, '63.
Goens, G. "W., e. May 5th,. '61; Henderson co.
Gage, R. S., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; tr. to. Coiiimisary Department in
June, '61
Garren, H., e.May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; dg. October, '62..
Gash, J. R., e. July 5th, '61; Henderson co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Gash, A. E., e. July 6th, '61; Henderson co.
Girvin, E. H., e. July 8th, '61; Tennessee; ti*. from 1st Georgia Regiment March
10th, '^62; w. at Gettysburg.
Henderson, J. P., e.May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. December, '61, near Occoquart
Bay, Va.
Hollingsworth, T. C, e. May 5tJi, '61; Henderson co. ; w.and diisabled at 2d Ma-
HoUingswortli, J. L., e.May 5th, '61; Henderson co. - k. September 1st, '62, at Ox
Hollingsworth, E. R., e. March 5th, '62; Henderson co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
Hawkins, B. F., e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co.; dg. June, '62.
Jenkins, O. P., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Justice, M. D., e. May 5th, '61 ; Hen ierson co. ; d. March 27th, '62, at Fredericks-
Justice, Wilson, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; pr. at Sharpsburg.
Justice, M.K., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. September 5th, '61, at Valley
Jones, J. M., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Jones, W.H., e.May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; k. Sept. 14th, '62, at Harper's Ferry.
Jones, G. W., e. July 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Jones, Love, e. March 5th, '63; Cumberland co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Johnson, J. P., e. July 5tli, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
King, Samuel M., e. May 5th, '62; Henderson co. ; k. June 3Uth, '62, at Frazier's;
Kuykendall, W. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; w. at Mechanicsville and
2nd Manassas.
Kuykendall, J. C, e. March 22d, '62; Henderson co. ; e. at Sharpsburg.
Kinzey, J. H., e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson co ; p. 2nd Lieut. August 3rd, '62; k. at
2nd IManassas August, '62.
Killard, M. L., e. July 5th, '61; Henderson co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's
King, Millard, c. September 28th, '62; Wake co.
Loftin, H. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Liverett, Richard, e. May 5tli, '61; Henderson co; pr. at Gettysburg,
Liverett, Charles, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. July 14th, '62, near Rich-
Lewis, James K., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Gettysburg.
Lawrence, W. D., e. Ma> 5th, '61 ; Henderson co. ; dg. February, '62.
Lowrey, J. G., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Lyttle, John M., e. July 5th, '61; Hendeisonco.; w. near Richmond and at Chan-
North Carolina State Troops.
ILaughter, B., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; dg. December 10th, '62, at Freder-
Landy, J. A., e. March 5th, '63; Gtamberland co. ; w. at Chane:»llorsvi]le.
McKlnne:', J. M., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; d. October, '61, at Hot Springs.
McMinn, N. V. B., e. May 6th, '61; Henderson co.
McMinn, J. L., e. Mas' 5th, '61; Henderson eo.; d. October 26th, '61, at "Warm
Springs, Va.
Miller, J. B., e. May 5th, '61-; Henderson co.
Miller, D. L., e. May 9th, '61; Rutherford co.; w. at Seven Pines.
McCarson, A. C, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; d. December 18th, '61, at Occo-
quan, Va.
Martin, J. B., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson eo.; w. at Meehanicsville.
Murphy, John, e. March 5th, '63; Cumberland co.; tr. to 38th Reg't March, '63.
McAbee, P. J., e. March 15th, '62; Henderson co.
Middleton, Wesley, e. March 15th, '62- Henderson co.; w. at Mechanicsville.
McCarson, K. D., e. March 10th, '62; Henderson CO.; w. at Fredericksburg.
Nelson, K. K., e. May 6th, '61; Henderson co.
Parris, William, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; d. December, '61, at Richmond.
Posey, C. M ,e. May 5th, '61^ Henderson oo. ; dg. August 5th, '62.
Posey, W. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Rickman, C. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co, ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's
Riddle, T, H., e. May 5th, '61 ; Henderson CO.; dg. January, '62.
Rickman, M. L., e. July 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. July 14th, '62, of w. received
at Seven Pines.
Robinson, A. M., e. May 5th, '61- Henderson co.; d. December 1st, ^61, at Manas-
Reese, W. B., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Rucker, PI. K., e- May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Redden, M. C, e. May Sth^ '61 ; Henderson co.; dg. Oct., '6L
Smith, J. L., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. September 19th, '61, at Valley
Scruggs, J. E., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; d. Jan. 7th, '62, at Manassas.
Shepherd, Erastus, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; m.
Sitton, Gaston, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; dg. Aug. 5th, '62.
Sitton, M., e. May 5th, '61; Hendei\son co. ; w. and pr. at Cliancellorsville.
Slatary, N., e. May 5th, '-61 ; Hendersoia co. ; m.
Staggs, John, e. March 8th, '62; Transylvania co.; w. at Mechanicsville; m. Au-
gust 1st, '62.
Spann, W. H., e. March 22d, '62; Henderson CO.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Turner, F. M., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson eo.
Toney, A., e. March 15th, '62; Henderson co.; d. August 19th, '62, at Richmond,
of w. received at Gaines' Mill.
Townsend, A, L., e, March 15th, '62; Henderson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill.
Townsend, F. C, e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; d. December 10th, '62; re-enlist-
ed January 1st, '63.
Townsend, R. P., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Terry, Benjamin, e. January 19th, '63; Granville co. ; dg.
Vaughan, J. J. G., e. March 15th, '62; Henderson co. ; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechaii
Whitaker, J. L., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co. ; w. at Mechanicsville and 2nd
Williams, T. L., e. May 5th, .'61; Henderson co. ; w. below Richmond; p. Serg't,;
k^ May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Company E— Sixteenth Regiment, 29
Williams, J. T,, e. May 5tb, '61; Henderson co.
Waldrop, A., e. May oth, '61; Henderson co.; d. Oct. 26th, '61, at Warm Springs,
Ward, L. A., e. May 5th, '61; Henderson co.; p. 2d Lieut- April 25th, '62; w, ai
Seven Pines;, k. Dec. 13th, '63, at Fredericksburg,
J, C. Catop,^ Captain, cm, April 20th, '61 ; Polk co.
John C. Sharp, Captain, cm. September 27th, '63; Polk co,; p. from Ist Lieut.-
George W.Peake, 1st Lieut., cm. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Jbhn C. Sharp, 1st Lieut., cm. April 2.3th, '62; Polk co.; p. from Sergeant; p.
Richard H. Mills, 2d Lieut., cm. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Peyton S. Hunter, 2d Lieut., cm, April 20th, '61; Polk co.; r. June 21st, '61,
C. J. Mills, 2d Lieut , cm. January 26th, '61; Polk ca. ; p. fram Sergeant,
R. Whitfield Morgan, 2d Lieut., cm. April 25th, '6^; Polk co.; p, from ranks; k.-
.July, '63, at Gettysburg, '
C.J. Mills, 1st Sergeant, e, April 20th, 61; Polkco.; p. 2d Lieut, January 26-th, '61,
John C. Sharp, 2d Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; p. 1st Lieut. April 25th.
'62, and Captain September 27th, '63.
O, M, Cornwell, 3d Sergeant, e. April 2(>th, '61; Polk no.; p. 2d Lieut, in Com. Iv
54th Regiment, April 10th, '62.
John Arledge, -Ith Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61 ; Polk co,
.Jones Copeland, 5th Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; \v. at Frazier's Farm,
C. B. Simms, 1st Corporal, e. April 23th, '61 ; Polk co. ; dt. to Regiment Band De-
cember 17th, '62.
M. V, Lankford, 2d Corporal, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. October 2d, '61,
Walter A. Mills, 3d Corporal, e, April 20th, '61; Polk co.; d. October 13th, '61, at
Huntsville, Va.
Adolphus Thompson, 4th Corporal, e. April 20th, '61 ; Po! k co. ; d. September 15th,
'61, at Valley Mountain, Va.
Alewine, James, e, April 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; d. July 3d, '62, of w. received at Me--
chanicsville June 26th, '62,
Alewine, Thomas, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Alewine, Wm., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; k. Dec, 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg,
Arms, Oliver, e, April 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; dg. July 20th, '62, at Richmond.
Blackwell, Richard, e. April 20tb, '61; Polk co. ; d. August 20th, '61, at Staunton,
Blackwell, James, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Brice, William, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. July 20th, '62, at Richmond.
Ballard, W., e. September 25th, '62; Lincoln co.
Bradshaw, Joseph, e^ September 2.5tb, '62; Lincoln co.; d. Oct. 2.5th, '62, at Lynch-
burg, Va.
■Mrth Garolim State Troop's.
BrittaiE., N, G,, e. May 20th, '61; Polk ccx; dt.to Regiment Band D3C. 17th, '62.
'■Cantrell, Spencer, e. April 20th, '61; Pollc ccx; w, at Gaines' Mill.
C'antrell, Abner, e, April 20th, '61; Palk co.
Cantrell, Joel, e, April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Childers, David, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Colvert, Wm, C, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co; w. at Seven Pines, and k. July 1st,
'63, at Gettysburg,
dooley, Doctor T., e, April 20th, '61; Polk co.
■Cooley, John J., e. April 20t-li, '61; Polk co.
€orn, John P., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; w» at Ox Hill and Chancellorsville.
•Cowart, John P,, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co, ; w. at Gaines' Mill.
Davis, Lawrence B», e. April 20tk, '61 ; Polk co. ; p. 1st Lieut, in Com. G, 60th Reg-
iment, August 22d, '62; w. at Mechanicsville.
Dalton, Robert, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Getts^sburg.
Dalton, Richard, e. April 20th, '61 ; Polk CO.; d. June 6th, '62, at Richmond.
Donaho, Merrar, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Durham, Richard, e. April 20th, '61; Polkco.; dg. July 20th, '62, at Richmond.
Edwards, Walton C, e, April 20th, '61; Polkco.; w. at 2nd Manassas, and c. at
Edwards, Anderson H.,e. April 20th, '61; Polk ce.; dg. July 20th, '63.
Egerton, B. F., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. December 18th, '6L
Ellison, John, e. April 2Qth, '61; Polk co.
Feagans, George R., e. j(^pril 20th, '61; Polk co. ' ,
Feagans, Thomas, e, April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; d. April 28th, '62,
Forester, Martin O., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. March, 63.
Foster, George W., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; k. June 29th, '63, at Richmond.
Foster, Thomas J,, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; d. July 5th, '62, of w. received ai
Foster, David, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Giles, James M., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Green, James, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; w, at Ox HilU
Green, Oliver P,, e. April 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; d. October Olb, '61, at Hot Springs,
Green, Wm. G. H., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; d. February 20th, '62, at Culpepper
Court House:, Va.
Green, Martin V., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Green, Philip B., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; k, Dec. 13th, '02, at Fredericksburg.
Green, Charles P., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Green, George, e. March 17th, '63; Polk co.
Green, Pinkney, e. March 17th, '63; Polk co.
Griffin, Allen P., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; d. Deo. 1st, 'm. in Polk co.
Hambright, A. F-., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; p. Hospital Steward in 3Sth Regt.
January 3d, '63.
Hall, John, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co, ; p. Sergeant December 1st, '62, and w. at
Hannon, Richard, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg, .Tan. 22d, '62.
Helton, A. M., e, April 20th, '61; Polk co.; d. Feb. 6th, '62, at Manas.sas.
Henderson, Newman, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co. ; w. at Federicksbarg,
Hunter, C. P., e. July 10th, '61; Polk co.; dg. July 2Jth, '62.
Johnson, Grithn, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Kiner, Jacob, e. September 25th, '62; Lincoln co.
Lankford, D. M., e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.
Lankford, Columbus, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Lafford, A. D., e. Sept. 25th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Mayfield, W. D,, e. April 20th, '61; Polk co.; d, August 3d, '62, near Richmond.
Company K~~ Sixteenth Regiment 31
McDowell, John L„ e. April 20tli, '6! ; Polk co.
Melton, John, e. May 20th, '01; Polk co.
Melton, William, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Melton, Daniel, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; d. July 15th, '62, at Richmond.
Messer, Thomas, e. May 20th, '6i; Polk co.; dg. July 20th, '62,
Mills, Columbus, e. May 20th, '01; Polk co..; p. Sergeon July 1st, '62; r. March, '63.
Mills, Wm. B., e. May 20th, '01; Polk co,; w. at Chancellorsville,
Mills, George J,, e. May 20th, '01; Polk co.; dg. June 2uth, '01.
Morgan, R, Whitfield, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co,; p. 2d Lieut. April 25th, '62; k,
July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Morrow, James P., e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Morrow, Thomas, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; d, Jan, 12th, '62, at Mt. Jackson, Va.
Murphy, R, R,, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co. ; p. Assistant Surgeon Avigust 4th, '62,
Night, C. William, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co.
Nelson, Otis J., e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Nixon, Bartlett, e. September 25th, '62; Lincoln co.
Oshield, Jefferson, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. April 20th, '62,
Oshield, Elias, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co,; d. Nov. 9th, '61, at Hot Springs, Va.
Owens, Wm. H., e. May 20th, '61; Polk cd,; dg. March 20th, '62.
Owens, William, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. February, '62,
Owens, Chism, e, October 2d, '61; Polk co.; d. December 20th, '62,
Page, J. R. W., e. May 20th, '01; Polk co,; d. Nov, 23d, '61, at Manassas.
Parris, Abram, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; dg. July 20th, '62,
Price, Thomas, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62; d.
-July 20th, '62.
Price, William, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; d. October 3d, '61, at Edray, Va.
Price, Ezekiel, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; d. Dec. 10th, '01, at Wolf Run Shoals, Va.
Pete, Rufus P., e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; d. Oct. 6th, '61, at Hot Springs, Va.
Petty, Gideon L., e. May 20th, '01; Polk co.; d. October 9th, '61, at Hot Springs,
Painter, Wm., e. May 20th, '01; Polk co. ; w, at Mechauicsvillc and k, Sept. 1st,
'62, at Ox Hill.
Painter, George, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co. ; w. July 3d, '63 at Gettysburg.
Ponder, John R,, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Shelhane, Bynum, e. May 20th, '01; Polk co.
Shelhane, Minor, e. May 20tli, '61; Polk co. ; d. October 12th '61, at Hot Springs,
Smith, James J-, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co. ; dg. July 5th, '61.
Summey, Willliam, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; dg. July 2)th, '62,
Swain, Thomas, e. May 20th, 01 ; Polk co. ; k, June 20th, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Sims, J. S., e. January 28th, '62; Polk co. ; tr. from 3d Tennesse Regiment; p. Ser-
geant December 1st, '62; w. at Chancellorsville,
Tallent, Ransom, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Tabor, Elias, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Tabor, Elzaphan, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co.
Toney, Thomas, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co. ; w. Maj' 3Ist, '62, at Seven Pines.
Turner, Rufus K., e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co.; d. Dec. 1st, '02, at Richmond.
Thompson, R. Powell, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Thompson, Alexander, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co. ; d. May 15th, '63, at Chancel"
Williams, Nathan L., e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. July 20th, '62.
Williams, John, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.
Wilson, James C, e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; p. Sergeant Dec. 1st, '62, and w. at
Federicskbui'g and Gettysburg.
Whitesides, R. T., e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
S2 North Carolim State Troops.
"VVeaver, Green Berry, e. May 20th, '61 ; Polk co. ; k. August 29th, '62, at Manassas.
Weaver, John D., e. May 20th, '61; Polk co.; dg. July 20th, '63.
Ward, C. M., e. March 17th, '61; d. August 20th, 61, at Valley Mountain, Va.
B. F. Brjggs, Captain, cm. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. Major June 17th, '61.
Leroy W. Stowe, Captain, cm. April 26th, '62; Gaston co.; p. from 1st Lieut.; w.
at Seven Pines and Ox Hill; r. August, '63.
W. A. Stowe, Captain, cm. June 18th, '61; Gaston co, ; p. from Sergeant; p. Major
April 26th, '62, and Lieut. Colonel May 31st, '62.
Leroy W. Stowe, 1st Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; p., w. and r.
A. M. Roberts, 1st Lieut., cm. May 12th, '63; Gaston co.; p. from 2nd Lieut.; k.
at Chaucellorsville.
W. W. Noland, 1st Lieut., cm. May 12th, '63; Gaston co.; p. from 2nd Lieut.
E. B. White, 2nd Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; South Carolina; r. July; '61.
Isaac D. Holland, 2nd Lieut., cm. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
David White, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 28tli, '62; Gaston co. ; p. from Corporal; k.
June 27tli, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
James Davenport, 2nd Lieut., cm. May I2th, '63; Gaston co. ; p. from Sergeant;
w. August 29th, '62, at 2nd Manassas.
W. W. Noland, 2ud Lieut., cm. December Srd, '61; Gaston co. ; p. from Sergeant.
A. M. Roberts, 2nd Lieut., cm. July 4tli, '61; Gaston co. ; p. from ranks; p. and k,
Henry F. White, 2nd Lieut., cm. August, '62; Gaston co.; p. froai Sergeant; w.
May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
W. A. Stowe, 1st Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; p. Captain June 18th, '61,
Major April 26th, '62, Lieut. Colonel May 31st, '62, and then Colonel.
M. S. Withers, 2nd Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
W. H. Hoffman, Srd Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
C. T. Stowe, 4th, Sergeant, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; tr. to Com. H 37th Regi-
ment June, '62.
B. Leroy Rankin, 1st Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; k. June 26th, '62, at
David Wliite, 2d Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; p. 2d Lieut. April 2Sth, '62;
k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Farm.
J.M.Johnston, 3d Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chan-
W. M. Rudisill, 4th Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; w. July 3d, '63, at Get-
Abernathy, William M., e. July od, '61 ; Gaston co. ; d. Oct., '61,
Abernathy, B. F., e. Jvily 3d, '61 ; Gaston co.; d. April, '62.
(Jompany M— Sixteenth Regiment 33
Abernathy, J. W. M., e. March ITtli, '62; Gaston co.
Anthony, George, e. May 1st, '6L; Lincoln co.; w. at Seven Pines May 31st, '62; k.
July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Anthony, Miller, e. May 1st, '61; Lincoln co.; w. at Mechaniesville and to Hos-
pital duty.
Aldred, H. H., e. May 1st, '61; McDowell co.; w. at Mechaniesville.
Boyd. Edward, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; d. October, '62, of w. received at
Ox Hill September Lst, '62.
Black, Thomas, e. Marchl7th, '62; Gaston co; k. June2oth, '62, at Ellyson's Mill.
Baldwin, James, e, March 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; d. May, '61, at Richmond.
Brown, John F., e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.
Brown, Jonas, e. March 5th, '63; Gaston co.
Bell, John, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
Black, Alfred, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. January 6th, '62.
Black, Ephraim, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Burton, J. R., e. May 1st, '61; Virginia; w. December 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
Carpenter, A. M., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. Corporal April 25th, '62; k. Dec.
13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Carter, C. E., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; d. Sept., '61.; pr in '64.
Carpenter, John A., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. Color-Bearer Jan. 18th, '63;
w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Clemer, J. S., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
Creasman, Joseph, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. July 29th, '62.
Carter, J. R., e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co.
Cruse, J. Rufus, e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; p. Corporal April 2.3th, '62;, w. at
Gaines' Mill and at Shepherdstown; dg. February, '63.
Carpenter, A. G., e. May 17th, '63; Gaston co.
Conner, John F., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Dameron, R. H., e. May 4th, '63; Gaston co.
Davenport, M. D., e. July 3d, '61; Gaston co. ; d. Aug., '61.
Davenport, James, e. July 3d, '61; Gaston co.; p. Sergeant Aug. 29th, '62; w. at 2d,
Manassas Aug. 29th, '62; p. 2d Lieut. May 12th, '63.
Eaker, Alfred, e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co.
Eaker, Peter, e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechaniesville.
Eaker, Christy, e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co.
EUwood, Thos., e. Ma.,y 1st, '61; Gaston co.
Fronabarger, Henry, e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co.; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechan-
Feagueson, F. C, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; p. 3d Sergeant April 25th, '62-
Ford, Nathan M., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; d. April, '62.
Hagar, Wm. E., e. June 26th, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at 2d Manassas Aug., '62.
Harris, J. Abner, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
Hanner, J. R., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; w. at Mechaniesville.
Hanner, Wiley, e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; m. in '61.
Hicks, M. S., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; d. September, '61.
Hovis, Adolphus, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; w. at Frazier's Farm June 30th, '62.
Hooper, J. H., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Hawkins, John, e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; dg. May, '62.
Henderson, J. L., e. July 3d, '61; Gaston co. ; p. Corporal September, '62.
Henderson, W. A., e. July 3d, '61; Gaston co; d, December, '62.
Havner, Michael, e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co.
Himble, Isaac, e. May 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; d. July, '62.
Hansel, William, e. September 1st, '63; Gaston co.
34 North CsLrolina, State Troops.
Huffstetler, Jonas, e. March 17th, "62; Gaston cc; w. Decemlaer 13th, '62, at Fred-
ericksburg; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Ingle, Ephraim, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.
Jarrett, B. D., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. 2d Sergeant April 25tb, '62.
Johnston, R. P., e. July 8th, '61; Gaston co.; p. Corporal April 2oth, '62, and 3rd
Sergeant September 9th, '62; d. October 15th, '62.
Jenkins, Christy, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.
Jenkins, Miller, e. March 12th, '62; Gaston co. ; d. May, '62.
Jarrett, John R., e. May 30th, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Kisak, Noah, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; w, Aug. 29th, '62, at Manassas.
Kiser, James, e. March 17th, '61 ; Gaston co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Linden, Willi;:m, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co ; dg. October 6th, '62.
Linebarger, E. F., c. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at 2d Manassas August 29th, '62;
dg. March, '63.
Lynch, J. H., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. February, '62.
Morrison, John, e. .July 10th, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at Gaines' ]Mill June 27th, '62.
■Murphy, John E., e. July 10th, '61; Gaston co.
Mauney, Samuel, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
Mauney, J. W., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at Seven Pines and Chancellors-
Mauney, John M., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm June 30th, '62.
and dg.
MeGinnis, John M., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at 2d Manassas August 29th,
'62; p. 2d Sergeant in '63.
McKeo, Wiley S., e. July 3d, '61 ; Gaston co. ; p. Corporal December, '62; w. May
3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Millon, Wm. A., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; w. at Mechanicsville; tr. to Pioneer
Morris, P. A., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; d, Sept. 15th, '62, of w. received at Ox
'Meacham, J. B., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; d. September, '61.
Mauney, M. M., e. March 8d, '63; Gaston co; w. and pr. July od, '63, at Gettys-
Martin, A. J., e. March Ith, '62; Gaston co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
JSfeill, J. A., e. March 17th, '63; Gaston co. ; w.
Noland, N.W., e.May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. Sergeant July, '61; p. 2d Lieut. Dee.
3d, '61 ; pr. July 11th, '63, at Palling Waters.
Porter, Alexander, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. July29th, '62.
Peters, Stephen, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fi-edericksburg.
Queen, John, e. March 17th, '62; Gasion co.
Rhodes, Eli, e. March 17th, '63; Gaston co.; d. Sept., '62.
Robinson, J. W., e. May 31st, '62; Gaston co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Rudisill, Emmanuel, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
Reinhardt, W. P., e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; d.May, '6'2.
Rankin, J. J., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; d. September, '61,
Rankin, W. G., e. July 3d, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. August, '61.
Rankin, John D. M., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. 1st Sergeant Juhe, '61; d.
June, '62.
Rhea, A. W., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. January, '62.
Roper, David R., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; w. at Seven Pines; d. August 29th.
'62, of w. received at Manassas.
Reinhart, J. L., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; d. October, '61.
Rhyne, Miles A., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; p. Sergeant May r2th, '63; m. July
3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Company M— Sixteenth Regiment S5
Rhyne, J. W., e. May Ist, '61; Gaston co.
Rhyne, John C, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; pr. July, '63.
Rhyne, Joseph, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. July 29th, '62.
Roberts, J. J., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Roberts, John W., e. May 1st, '61; Gs^ston co. ; p. 4th Sergeant April 25th, '82.
Roberts, A. Miller, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; p. 2d Lieut. July 4th, '61, and 1st
Lieut. May 12th, '63.
Reanas, M. L., e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Solomon, John, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Skidmore, J. T., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
•Skidmore, Wm., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; w. in '64.
Skidmore, Patrick, e. July 3d, '61; Gaston co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Springs, J. F., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; d.
Stowe, J. Pinkney, e. August 22d, '63; Gaston co.
Stowe, J. Pinkney, e. May 1st, '61; d. August 19th, '61.
Stowe, Abram, e. July 3d, '61 ; Gaston co. ; w. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg,
Smith, James S., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines; k,
July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Smith, Oliver, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; w. Juhe 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Smith, Samuel, e, March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; d. June, '62.
Smith, John D., e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; k. August 30th, '62, at Manassas.
Smith, William, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; d. Feb., '63, of w. received Aug. 30th,
'62, at 2d Manassas.
Smith, John, e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; k. May M, '63, at Chancellorsvil'e.
Smith, John M., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.
Tettman, A. P., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; d. April, '61.
Torrence, O. W., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; dg. July 29th, '62.
Underwood, Wm., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co. ; d. March, '62w
Underwood, John T)., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co.
White, A. S., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; p. Commissary Sergeant August, '62.
White, Henry F., e. May 1st, '61; Gaston co.; p. Sergeant April 2oth, '62; w. at
Seven Pines Marcli 31st, '62, and 2d Lieut. August, '62.
White, J. Albartus, e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; dg. July 1st, '61.
West, L. S., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co. ; d. .September, '62.
Wilson, James B., e. May 1st, '61 ; Gaston co.
Warren, Forney, e. March 17th, ^62; Gaston co.; w. May 3d, '63, at (jhancellors-
Wyatt, O. W., e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; d. Sept., '62.
Wyatt, Jacob, e. Marcli 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Wyatt, John, e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co. ; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Wyatt, E. S., e. March 17th, '62; Gaston co.; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanicsville,
Workman, Wiley, e, March 17lh, '62; Gaston co. k. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Worth Carolina State Tfoops.
J, B. Love, CaptaiH, em. April- 27th, '61; Jaekson so,; w. at SeTen Pines.
A. W. Bryson, 1st Lieut., cm. April 27th, '61; Jacksonco.; w.- Jane 30th, '62,
-J. W. Fisher, 2d Lieut., cm,- April 27th', '61 ; Jackson go,
T. G. Enloe, 1st Sergeant, e. April 27th,. '61; Jaekson cc-
James West, 2d Sergeant, e. March 8th, '62; Jackson co. ; w.
B. H. Cathey, 3d Sergeant, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co. ; mortaily w. J>ine 26tk
John S. Reener, 3d Sergeant, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Daniel G. Fisher, 4th Sergeant, e.- April 27th, '61; Jackson co.; w.
Andrew J. Patton, 1st Corporal, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co. ; w.
Damzey M, Raby , 2d Corporal, e.- April 27th, '61 ; Jaekson co. ; w.
James P, Bumgarner, od Corporal, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co,
John Knight, 4th Corporal, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
E, M. Painter, Fifer, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Isaac M.. Reinhart, Drummer, e. April 27th, '61 ; Jackson co;
Allen, Wm, J., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Allison, Benj. J., e. April 27th, '61; J.ackson co.
Ashe, Henderson, e. Marcti 8th, '62; Jackson co. ; d. June 30th', '62,
Bryson, Marcus W., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Bryson, Hustan H., e, April 27th, '61 ; Jaekson co.
Bryson, Richard J., e. April 27th, '61 ;" Jackson co,.
Ballew, William e. March 8th, '61 j Jackson co.
Beard, Daniel F,, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Brain, Robert H., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Frown, Francis M., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Brown, Walter E,, e, April 26th, '61; Jackson co.; w.
Burns, Noah H., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Burnes, William A., e.. April 27th, '61; Jaekson co.
Berry, L. Franklin, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co,; w.
Brooks, Sylvanus, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Brook, James W,, e. March 8th, '62; Jaekson ec; k. at Seven Piires,.
Bryant, Allen, e. May 4th, "61; Yancey co.
Bryant, James, e. May 4th, '61 ; Yaneey co.
Cline, George W,, e. April 16th, '61; Jackson co.
Cope, John, e, April 16th, '61; Jackson co.
Cabe, Joel, e. April 16th, '61; Jackson co.
Cabe, Amos, e. April 16th, '61; Jackson co.
Childers, Nimrod, e. April 16th, '61 ; Jackson co. ; w.
Ca.nley, William D., e. April 16th, '61; Jackson co.
Note.— By a singular piece of good fortune the rcvU of this coniptiny has reach-
ed me, just as the press had reached the end of the regiment. I insert it at the
wi'ong end as the best arrangement now possible under the circumstances.
CompEiny A— Sixteenth Regiment 37
'Canley, Jesse F., e. Mav 4th, '61; Haywood co.
•Canley, Robert T., e. May 4th, '61 ; Haywood co. ; pr. at Seven Pines^
'Cooper, Samuel W., e. May 4th, '61; Haywood co,.
Cathey, Wm, H., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson oo.
'Cathey, Benj. H., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson ca
'Chastain, Edward, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Chastain, Elemander W., «. Marcli 8th, '62; Jackson co.
Colemanson, A. W., e. April 27.th, '61; Jackson co. ; k. June 30th, '62.
Davis, John L., e. June 19th, '61; Wake co^; w.
Dawson, Joseph C, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Dills, Bartlet, e. March 8th, '61; Jackson co.; w.
Ensley, James, e. April 27th, '61; Wake co.
Enloe, Thon^as G., e. April 27.tli, '61 ; Jackson co. ; w. June 26th and d. July 2d, '62.
iFuUright, David, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.; w.
FuUright, Daniel M., e. Blarch 8th, '62; Jacksoai co,
Forgy, Jolm, e, March 8th, '62; Jackson co.
Hoyle, Jacob L., e. March 8th, '62; Jackson co.
Hoyle, James P., e. March 8th, '62; Jackson co. ; d. at Lyiichburg June27tli, '62.
Henry, John, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Hawkins, Brittain, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Hunter, John N,, e. April 271.h, '61; Jackson co.
Hooper, Lemuel W., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
HuflFman, Fred. M., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Hall, John R., e. March 8th, '64; Jackson co.
Horton, Jonathan, e. May 2<i, '61; Yancey eo.
Hedgan, Thomas, e. May 20th, '62; Jackson co. ; w. and d. June 24th, '62.
Jones, Alfred L., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Jenkins J., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
London, Harvey R. B., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co..
London, Thaddeus D., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Leary, James, e. March 8th, '62; Jackson co.
Millrass, Francis M., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co. ; w.
Mills, James, e. March 8th, '61; Jackson co. ; w.
Massingale, Robert, e. March 8th, '61 ; Jackson co.
Morrison, Hosea, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co. ; w.
jNIesser, Johai Lu, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Newton, Wm. C. T,, e. April 27ttL, '61; Jackson co. ; w.
Painter, Rolin A^, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co. ; w.
Parris, Wm, E., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Parker, Benjamin, e. April 27th, '61 ; Jackson co. ; w.
Reinhart,;Thomas P., e, March 8th, '62.
Roberts, R. M., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Randolph, Ansil, e. May 4th, '61 ; Yancey eo. ; w.
Randolph, Thomas L,, e. May 4th, '61; Yancey co.
Rhea, John H., e. May 4th, '61 ; Yancey co.
Shelton, J. Wesley, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Shelton, Jackson, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Sutton, Joseph, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Sutton, John, e. April 27th, '61 ; Jackson co. [
Stillwell, Alfred N., e. March 8th, '62; Jackson co.
Saunders, Rufus R., e. April 27th, '62; Jackson co.
Shook, Geo. M.,e. March 8th, '61; Jackson co.
Shelton, Elliot W., e. March 8th, '61; Jackson co.
Turpin, Allen H., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Truitt, Silas M., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
W&nh Gsifolim State Troops.
Traitt, Joseph L., e. March 8th, '61; Jackson oo.
Taltham, Thos. N., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Tatham, John, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Turpin, James, e. April 27th, '61 ; Jackson co.
Warren, Andrew M., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Warren, Andrew M., e. A-pril 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Wilson', Alfred H., e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Wilson, Thos. H., e. April 27th, "fil; Jackson co.
Wilson, Enos, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Wike, Nehemiah, e. March 8th, '62; Jackson co^
Weeks, DaAad, e. April 27th, '61; Jackson co.
Field md Staff— Seventeenth Regiment.
« captured.
cm commissioned.
CO...., county.
Com Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg discharged.
dt detailed.
k killed.
ra. missing.
p „ promoted.
pr prisoner..
r resigned.
tr transferred.
w. „ wounded.
William F. Martin, Colonel, cm. July 17th, '61; Pasquotank co.; p. from Captain
of Com. B; pr. at Hatteras Aug. 2Sth, '61.
George W. Johnson, Lieut. Colonel, cm. July 17th, '61-, Pitt co. ; p. from Captain
of Com. L
John C. Lamb, Lieut. Colonel, cm. May 16th, '62; Martin co. ; pr. at Hattera.s
August 28th, '61; p. from Captain of Com. A; d. of w. received at Drewry's
Bluff May 27th, '64.
Thomas H. Sharp, Lieut. Colonel, cm. May 27th, '6i ; Hertford co. ; p. from Major.
Henry A. Gilliam, Major, cm, July 17th, '61; WasMagton co. ; p. from Captain
of Com. — ; pr. at Hatteras Augu.st 28th, '61.
Thomas H, Sharp, Major, cm. May 16th, '62; Hertford co.; pr. at Hatteras Aug.
28th, '61; p. from Captain of Com. C.
Lucius J. Johnson, Major, cm. May 27th, '64; p. from Captain of Com. B; pr. at
Hatteras August 28th, '61, and Kinston March 8th, 65; d. April, '65.
Gilbert Elliott, Adjutant, cm. Julj' 27th, '61; Pasquotank co.
John S. Dancy, A. Q. M., cm. July 27th, '01 ; Pitt oo.
L. J. Starke, A. C. S,, cm, Jxily 17th, °61; Pasquotank co.
Wyatt M. Brown, Surgeon, cm. August IStli, '61,
Lancaster K. Saunders, Surgeon, cm. in '62; p. from Asst. Surgeon..
James Y. Armstrong, Asst. Surgeon.
Note.— With the single exception of the 10th Regiment, this command has
.suffered more than any other sent out by North Carolina, by reason of the failure
in the officers to make proper reports. The residences of the men of some whole
companies are omiited, and no reference made even to the capture of seven
companies at the fall of Fort Hatteras August 28lh, '01. The 17th Regiment gave
valiant and bloody service, and it is lamentable that such incomplete return.*;
were made.
40 Forth Carolina, State Troops.
John C. Lamb, Captain, cm. May 10th, ^61; Martin eo. ; pr. at Hatteras Augast
2Sth, ^61. ; p. Lieut. Colonel May 16tli, '62; d. of w. ]May 27th, '64.
Wm. Biggs, Captain, cm. May 16th, "62; pr. at Hatteras; p. from 1st Lieut.
T\'illiani Biggs, 1st Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Martin co. ; c. and p.
Theodore Eassell, 1st Lieut., cm. May 16th, '62; Martin CO.: p. from 2d Lieut.
Theodore Hassell, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Martin eo. ; p.
J. G. Carraway, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Martin co.; r. Oct., '62.
A. T. Staton, 2d Lieut., cm. March 21st, '62; Martin eo.; r. October, '62.
John D. Perry, 2d Lieut., em. October, '62.
E. S. Hobbs, 2d Lieut., cm. in '61; Martin co. ; p. from. Sergeant.
A. T. Staton, 1st Sergeant, e. March 21st, "62; Martin co.; p. 2d Lieut.
E. S. Hobbs, 2d Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; p. 1st Sergeant and Ser-
geant Major.
George S. Whittey. 8d Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; p. 1st Sergeant.
John D. Perry, 4th Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; p. 2d Lieut. October
18th, '62.
James B. Lanier, 5th Sergeant, e. March 2Ist, '62; Martin co.; p. 2d Sergeant.
Benj. F. Rogers, 1st Corporal, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; p. 3d Sergeant.
S. B. Pope, 2d Corporal, e. March 2ist, '62; Martin eo. ; p. oth Sergeant; dt. ta
Regiment Band.
Wilson Manning, 3d Corporal, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; p. 5th Sergeant..
B. P. Corban, 4th Corporal, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Anderson, W. B„ e. ;March 21st, '62; Martin co.; tr. to 10th Regiment.
Bailey, James F.,e. April 25th, '62; ^lartin co.
Bland, James, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Bennett, C. R., e. Arril 25th, '62; Martin co.
Bryan, B. L. C, e. April 2.5th, '62 ; Martin co. ; dg. May 29th, '62.
Brown, Samuel, e. March 21st, '62; Martin eo.
Bunch, George, e. ^larch 21st, '62; Martin co.
Burroughs, T. L., e. March 21st, '62; Martin eo. ; p. Corporal October 1st, '63.
Brown, B. L. R., e. February 1st, '63; Martin co.
Baker, John W., e. February 28th, '63; Martin co.
Baker, William, e. February 28th, '63; Martin co.
Biggs, John D., e. March 1st, '63; Martin co.; tr. from 01st Regiment.
Cherry, James K. P., e. June 1st, '63; Martin co.
Clary, R. W., e. October 6th, '62; Martin co.; tr. from 31st Regiment.
CheriT. John L., e. April 3d, '62; Martin co.
Coltraiue, W. E., e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Chefry, S. C, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; d. of w. July 3d, '64^
Cook, John E., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Cooper, G. Y., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; pr. Dec., '63..
CompELny A— Seventeenth Regiment. 41
Cooper, Henry, e. March 21st, '62; Martin CO.
Cowan, "William, e. March 21st, 'C2; Martin co.
CuUifer, N. T., e. April 21st, '62; Martin co.
Davis, Thomas H., e. March 21st, '02; Martin co.
Douglass, W. W., e. March Sth, '63; Martin co.
Gardner, J. M., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Graves, John D., e. April 4th, '62; Martin co.
Graves, ^ym. A., e. April lith, '62; Martin co.
Grifflu, Wm. H., e. March 2Ist, '62; Martin co.
Green, Jesse, e. July 3Ist, '63; Martin co.
Garden, Ransom, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Hobbs, James A., e. October 10th, '63; Martin co. ; tr. from 3d Regiment.
Hamilton, Wiley, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Harrell, John, e. April 19th, '62; Martin co.
Hardison, James K., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Hardison, J. T., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Hardison, James L., e. April 2.5th, '62; Martin co.
Hardison, John W., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Hardison, W. T. H., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.; d. August 16th, '63, at Camp
Hardison, George W., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.; d. May 12th, '62, at Camp
Harrison, James B., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; d. of w. at Camp ^Slangum.
Harrison, John, e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.; w. in '64.
Harrison, Joseph, e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.
Harrison, C. B., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.
Harrison, William, e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.; d. of w. Oct. 5th, '64.
Harrison, James, e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.
Hobbs, Geo, A., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; p. 4th Corporal and 4th Sergeant.
HoUiday, Joseph, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Horton, J. Elisha, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Horton, S. B., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; p. Corporal; w. and c. Dec. 10th, '62,
at Plymouth, N. C.
Hopkins, W. J., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.
Hatton, W. L., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; p. oth Sergeant; tr. to Reg't Baud.
Hatton, J. H., e, April 21st, '62; Martin co.
Hatton, Wesley, e. April 21st, '62; Martin co,
Harrell, John, e. April 19th, '62; Martin co.
.lewett, B. E. G., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; p. Orderly Sergeant,
Kennedy, Wilson, e. Match 21st, '62; Martin co,
Kennedy, George, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Knight, John L., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co,; dg. June 2d, '62.
Knowles, Thomas, e. April 25th, '62; Mai'tin co.
Lamb, Wilson G., Jr., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; p. Sergeant Major and 2d
Lieut, in Com. F.
Lee, Abram, e, March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; d. Aug. 3d, '62.
Leggett, Willliam A,, e. M«,rch 24th, '62; Martin co.
Lilly, John B„ e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.; d. Dee. ISth, '62,
Lanier, Noah T., e. April 2oth, '62; Martin co. ; tr. to Com. H 64th Regiment Nov.
6th, '62.
Long, Joseph, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Melson, G. R., e. August 10th, '63; Martin co.
Manning, Mark, e. March 25th, '62; Martin co.; d. Nov. 24th, '62.
Marner, Willliam W,, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co,; dg, Feb. 5th, '63, for disa-
42 North Carolina State Troops.
Mayo, John A., e. March 25th, '62; Martin co.; p. 3d Corporal Sept. 1st, 'G3.
Matthews, H., e. March 25th, '62; Martin co.; w. Oct. 9th, '61.
Melson, W. J., e. April 19th, '62; Martin co.
Melson, Joseph, e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Mizell, Dempsey, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; d. Oct. 4th, '63.
Mizell, John A., e. April 28th, '62; Martin co.
Mizell, W. G., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Mizell, William, e. April 21&t, '62; Martin co.
Mizell, Seth, e. April 2oth, '62; Martin co.
Mizell, John, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Mizell, Nathan, e. April 25th, '62; Martin co,
Mizell, Jesse, e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Modlin, Levin, e. March 21st, 62; Martin CO.
Modlin, Mills, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Modlin, Samuel, e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
H. J. Modlin, e. April 2Ist, '62; Martin co.
Morris, H. J., e. Marcli 25th, '62; Martin co.
Morris, James H., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Morris, W. T., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; w. and c. Dec. 10th, '62, at Plymouth.
Moore, L. H., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Nichols, Elias, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Parker, J. G. A., e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.; dg. May, '62.
Parker, W. R., e. March 21st, '62; Martin CO.
Parker, J. H., e. April 19th, '62; Martin co. ; d. November 9th, '62.
Peal, Stephen, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Peal, L. L., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.; d. August 3d, '62.
Peal, W. D., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co. ; dg. June 7th, '62, for disability.
Peal, J. B., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co.
Phelps, E. S., e. April 26th, '62; Martin co. ; w. at Washington, N. C.
Pope, J. W., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Peal, Hyman, e. December 1st, '62; Martin co. ; ti'. from 6ist Regiment.
Peal, Stanly, e. February 24th, '64; Martin co.
Rice, John B., e. November 4th, '62; Martin co.
Robeson, W. P., e. Sept. 11th, '63; Martin co. ; tr. from 3d N. C. Cavah'y.
Robeson, H. T., e. Oct. 2d, '62; Martin co.
Rawles, W. C, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Rawles, J. McT., e. April 24th, '62; Martin co.
Riddick, A. C, e. April 24th, '62; Martin co.
Robeson, J. H., e. April 11th, '62; Martin co.
Robeson, Wiley, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Rogerson, William, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; d. at Camp Mangum.
Rogerson, Nathan, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Robeson, R. T., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; p. 4th Corporal.
Rogerson, David, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; dg. Maj', '62.
Rogerson, McY , e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Rogerson, Slade, e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Rogerson, R. S., e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Rogerson, W. D., e. April 29th, '62; Martin co.
Simpson, Jordan, e. March 2d, '62; Martin co. ; w. at Washington, N. C, Sept.
6th, '62.
Sikes, T. J., e. April 21st, '62; Tyrrell co.
Smithwick, John S., e. April 25th, '62; Martin co.
Strickland, J. B., e. May 23d, '64; Martin co.; w. in '64.
Staton, James T. A., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co. ; dg. May, '62.
Taylor, Harvey S., e. Marcli 21st, '62; Martin co.
Company B— Seventeenth Regiment. 45
Taylor, William, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Thomas, Abel, e. March 21st, '62; Pitt co.; dg. May, '62.
Thomas, Romulus, e. April 12th, '62; Martin co.
Tweedy, Hardy, e. March 21st, '62; Tyrrell co.
Tweedy, George W., e. April 24th, '62; Tyrrell co.
Tweedy, W. H., e. April 25th, '62; Tyrrell co.
Vainright, James, e. January 26th, '63; Martin co.; tr. from 10th Reg' t; d. Sept,
15th, '64.
Watson, C. F., e. April 6th, '62; Halifax co.
Whitaker, J. P., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Whitaker, Martin, e. March 21st, '62; Beaufort co.
Williams, D. L., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.
Williams, J. R., e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; tr. to Com. F 31st Regiment.
Williams, Josiah, e. March 21st, '62; Martin co.; tr. to Com. F 31st Regiment.
Williams, Thomas, e. April 22d, '62; Martin co.
Williams, W. M., e. April 24th, '62; Martin co.
Wynn, Edward, e. April 19th, '62; Martin co.
West, W. T., 6. April 25th, '62; Martin co. ; w. at Washington, N. C.
Whibles, T. A., e. February 7th, '63; Martin co.
Wynn, Benjamin, e. March 15th, '63; Martin co. ; d. May, '63, at Hamilton, N. C.
Whitley, T. A., e. Feb. 4th, '63; Wilkes co.
■Tames J. Leith, Captain, cm. May 10th, '61; k. at Shephardsville Feb. 2d, '64.
F. M. Charles, Captain, cm. Feb. 2d, '64; Pasquotank co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Francis M. Charles, 1st Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Pasquotank co.; p.
Asa P. Slade, 1st Lieut., cm. Feb. 2d, '64; Hyde co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Asa P. Slade, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Hyde co.
Joseph C. Owens, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Hyde co.
B. L. Weston, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Hyde co. ; p. from ranks.
Samuel K. Slader, 1st Sergeant, e. May 1st, '62.
James A. Oden, 2d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '62.
Asa P. Slade, 3d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '62; p. 2d Lieut. June 17th, '62.
Hiram B. Forticus, 1st Corporal, e. May 1st, '62.
Allen, J. F., e. February 1st, '64; Wake co.
Arthur, James A., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co. ; dg. May 29th, '62.
Barley, James E., e. April 24th, '62; Hyde co.
Bailey, Frederick, Hyde co.
Bayard, John, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co. ; k. Oct. 30th, '63, near Washington, N. C.
Bell, Matthias, Hyde co.
Bell, Joseph M., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
North Carolina, State Troops.
Berry, William W., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Boomer, Zachariah, Hyde co. ; tr. to. 33d Regimeut.
Brothers, James W., Hyde co.
Brown, John L., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.; tr. to Adams' Battery July 8th, '62.
Baum, Thomas S., e. February 24th, '63; Hyde co.
Boomer, Thomas R., e. November 2oth, '63; Hyde co.
Boomer, Nathan, e. December 25th, '63; Hyde co.
Boyd, William T., e. October 15th, '63; Hyde eo.
Cooper, Allen C, e. April 23d, '62; Hyde co.
Cox, Wm. H., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Cox, Richard P., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde eo.
Credle, Wm. D., Hyde oo.
Coward, Richard W., Hyde co.
Carrawan, Wm. W., e. July 2Ist, '63; Martin eo.
Daily, Benjamin, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Daily, Fabius, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Dashiell, George W., e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.; d. of w. July 4th, '64.
Davidson, Sylvester, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Eborn, Nymphus O., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co. ; p. Corporal June 17th, '62.
English, Enoch D., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Equels, Wm. K., Hyde co.
Eastwood, Wm. D., e. January 21st, '63; Hyde co.
Eastwood, William D., e. January 21st, '63; Martin CO.
Eborn, Zachariah, e. August 30th, '63; Hyde co. ; dg. September 28th, '63.
Fodrey, E. S., e. January 14th, '63; Hyde co.
Flowers, John T., Hyde co. ; tr. to C. S. Navy.
Fodney, Richard H., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Forticue, Z. H. C, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.; dg. May 29th, '62.
Forticue, Hyram B., e. in '62; Hyde co. ; tr.
Gibbs, John W., e. November 25th, '62; Hyde co.
Gibibs, James A., e. January 17th, '63; Hyde co.
Gaskill, William B., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Gaskins, Seth, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Gaskins, C. S , e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Garner, Thomas J., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Gibbs, Caleb A., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Gibbs, Henry R., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.; tr. to 33rd Regiment.
Gregory, Mark, e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
Guthrie, William F,, e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.; tr. to 33rd Regiment.
Hamilton, J. O., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Hamilton, John, e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
Hamilton, Jordan, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Harris, Thomas E., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Harris, Robert, e. May Ist, '62; Hyde co.
Harris, Zacheus, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.; d. August 17th, '62, at Petersburg.
Harris, Richard, e. April 24th, '62; Hyde co.
Harris, Amasa M., Hyde co.
Harris, William S., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Heath, John T., Hyde co.
Hooten, John W., Hyde co. ; dg. June 15tli, '62.
Hooten, Bryan A., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Horton, Oliver C, e. April 26th, '62; Hj'de co.
Hoskins, Baker, Hyde co.
Howard, R. W., e. Nov. 25th, '62; Martin co.
Jackson, Joseph H., e. April 25th, '62; Hyde co.
Company B— Seventeenth Regiment 45
Jarvis, Thomas R., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.; p. Srd Sergeant June 17th, '62.-
Jarvis, Tilman F., e May 1st, '62; Hyde co. ,
Jennett, Solomon H., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Jennett, William W., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.; p. Corporal June 17th, '62,
Jennett, Jesse, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Jennett, Jesse, e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
Jones, Thos. M., e< May 1st, '62- Hyde co.; p.-4th Sergeant June 17th, '62,-
Lewis, Win.-, e, April 23d, '62; Hyde co.
Lupton, Robertson, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Lupton, George, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Linton, J. S^, e. December 15th, '62; Hyde co.-
Leggett, R. B., e, September 30th, '62; Hyde co^
McGowan, Wm. H., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.-
Midyett, A. B., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Morgan, Samuel, e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co.
Murphy, Jos. H<, e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co^
Mason, Israel B., e. March 7th, '64;- Hyde co^
Oden, Wm. T,, e. May 8th, '62;- Hyde co.; p. 5th Sergeant Johe 17th, '62,-
Oden, James A.-, e. May 1st, '63; Hyde co.
O'Neal, William B., e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co,
O'Neal, Christopher, e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co,-
O'Neal, Henry W., e. February 14th, '63; Hyde co. ; W. September 15th, '64.-
Owens, Joseph C, e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co. ; p. 2d Lieut June 17th, '62,
Owens, Stephen D., e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co.
Owens, S. D,, e. May 12th, '62; Hyde co.; dt,
Patrick, Cornelius H., e. May 8th, '62; Hyde co.
Perry, Wm. H., e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
Perry, Henry H., e. May 10th, 62; Hyde co.
Perry, James R., e^May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
Pugh, John, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Perry, Dempsey, Hyde co.
Perry, D. C, e, October 18th, '62; Hyde cro.; d. DeC. 18tb, '62, at Hamilton, N. C-
Raper, Caleb, Hyde co,
Russell, Smith J,-, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Riggs, John T., e. April 1.5tb, '61; Hyde co.; tr. to Com. B, Nov. 5th, '63.
Sadler, Israel, e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
sawyer, Joel S., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.;. tr. to Com. C, 56th Regiment, Nov,
9th, '62,
Sawyer, Wm, B„ Hyde co. ; k, Sept. 6th, '62, at Washington, N. C-
Saddle, L S., e. May 12th, '62; Hyde eo.
Sturdivant, A.- J.-, e. Sept. 10th, '62.-
Sears, Wm. J., Hyde co.
Silverthorn, James R., e. May 10th, '62;- Hyd« co.; w. in '64.
Sylvester, Chas I., e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
Silverthorn, Samuel, Hydeco.;- dg. June 15th, '62.
Spencer, Benjamin E., Hyde co. ; tr.
Spencer, William J., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde cO.
Smith, James, e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co,
Scott, Walton, e. May 19th, '63; Hyde co.; tr. to Com. B, NoVemb6i' 5th, '63',
Spencer, Nathan, e, November 25th, '62; Hyde co.
Spencer, W. E., e, March 7th, '64; Hyde co.
Squyars, Timothy, e. Feb, 18th, '63; Hyde co.; dg. June 20th, '63, for disability.
Squyars, Samuel, e. January 18th, '63; Hyde co.
Swindell, James D., e. Novem-ber 25th, '62; Hyde co,-; pr, in '64,
46 North Carolim State Troops.
Swindell, James K., e, October 10th, '62; tr. to 10th Regiment A.rtillery Novem-
ber 5th, '63.
Tate, J. M., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co,
Tooly, William B., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Wahab, James H., e. May 1st , '62; Hyde co. ; p. Corporal June 17th, '62.
Watson, James B., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co. ; p. Corporal August 15th, '62.
Weston, Benjamin L., Hyde co. ; p. 2d Lieut in '64.
Whidbee, E. N., e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.
White, Seth N., e. May 10th, '62; Hyde co.; tr. November 9th, '62, to Com E 56th
White, Robert J., Hyde co.
Williams, N. B., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Wilson, William N., Hyde co.
Wood, William T., e. May 5th, '62; Hyde co. ; tr. November 28th, '62, to 8th Regi-
Wood, George W., Hyde co. ; tr. October 10th, '62, to Adams' Battery.
Weaver, Andrew J., e. October 20th, '62; Hyde co.
Wilkins, Thomas B., e. December 25th, '62; Hyde co. ; d. September 20th, '64.
White, Joseph H., e. December 2oth, '62; Hyde co.
Woodland, Robert, e. February 18th, '63: Hyde co.
Yates, Jeremiah M., e. May 1st, '61 ; Hyde co.
Yooly, Andrew J., e. May 1st, '62; Hyde co.
Yooly, William B,, 6. May 1st, '62; Hyde CO.
Thomas H. Sharp, Captain, cm. May 10th, '61; Hertford co. ; pr. at Hatteras Aug,
28th, '61; p. Major May 16lh, "61, and Lieut. Col. Aug., "04.
William B. Wise, Captain, cm. May 16th, '62; Hertford co.; pr. at Hatteras; p.
from 1st Lieut. ; r. in '64.
L. P'rancis Everett, Captain, cm, Feb. 2d, "64: Hertford co. ; p, from 1st Lieut.
W. B. Wise, 1st Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Hertford co,; p.
L. F. Everett, 1st Lieut., cm. May 15th, '62; Hertford co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Jesse A. Perry, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61 ; Hertford co. ; tr. to 3d Battalion.
Julian G. Moore, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Hertfoi-d co. ; pr. at Hatteras ; p.
and tr. as Captain of Com. C, 3d Battalion.
W^m. J. Lattimer, 2d Lieut., cm. May 16th, '62; Hertford co.; d. July 28th, '62.
Lewis F. Everett, 2d Lieut., cm. May 16th, '62; Hertford co. ; pr. at Hatteras; p.
John Q,. Thomas, 2d Lieut., cm. July 28th, '62; Hertford co. ; pr. at Hatteras.
Wm. Carey Parker, cm. ; Hertford co.; pr. at Hatteras.
R. T. Barnes, 1st Sergeant, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co,
W. L. Maggett, 2nd Sergeant, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co.
P. P. Parker, 3rd Sergeant, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Epinetus Curie, 4th Sergeant, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co.
K. R. Maddry, 5th Sergeant, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co.
B. T. Weston, 1st Corporal, e. May 24th, >62; Hertford co.
Company G— Seventeenth Regiment. 47
Joseph E. Jones, 2d Corporal, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co. ; w. May 20th, '6J.
Joseph R. Beal, 3d Corporal, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co.
G. W. Banks, 4th Corporal, e. May 24th, '62; Hertford co.
W. C. Weed, Musician, e. December 6tb, '68; New Hanover co.
Arps, George L., e. September 28th, '62; Hertford co. ; p. 5th Sergeant,
Askew, W. C, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Adkins, John B., e. March 5th, '63.
Bally, Richmond, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Banks, William, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Baugham, G. W., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Burgess, John, e. July 23d, '63.
Capehart, C. M., e. June 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Copeland, T. E., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Collins, Jesse, e. August 22d, '63; w. Sept. 5th, '64, and d. Oct. 1st, '64, at Richmond.
Cooper, James S., e. July 23d, '63; d. of w. September 19th, '64,
Deans, Thomas J., e. January 1st, '63.
Drake, Thomas H., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford CO.
Dukes, James T., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Evans, Joseph B., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Evans, Joseph, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Everett, David, e. July 23d, '63.
Everett, John H., e. July 20th, '63.
Everett, Reuben, e. July 23rd, '63.
Gatllng, W. J., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Gatling, R. B., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Gilliken, W. H., e. July 23rd, '63; dt. teamster.
Griffith, L. E., e. March oth, '63.
Gray, Orman C, e. July 20th, '63; dt.
Grimes, William, e. July 10th, '63; w.
Grimes, John, e. July 23d, '63.
Good, J. J., e. January 15th, '64; Duplin co.
Hall, Job R., e. February 14th, '64; New Hanover co.
Harper, J. J., e. September 22nd, '63.
Harrell, Joseph, e. July 2.3rd, '63.
Harrell, John, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Harrell, William, e. March 24th, '63; Hertford co.
Hill, Joshua, e. March 24th, '63; Hertford co.
Hyman, James R., e. July 23d, '63; dt.
Haskins, H. T., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Jenkins, John T., e. July 23d, '63.
Jenkins, William, e, October 8th, '63.
Jones, Dempsy N., e. March 24th, '62; Hertfoi'd co.
KifT, William H. , e. February 1st, '63; Hertford co.
KiiT, Joseph A., e. March 22d, '62; Hertford co.
Kitrell, Job, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Lane, John A. P., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Jjassiter, Thomas L., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co,
Maggett, John E., e. March 24th, '02; Hertford co.
Matthews, R. D., e. August 26th, '63.
Modlin, Joseph T., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Modlin, John H„ e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Modlin, N. H„ e. March 24lh, '62; Hertford co.
North Carolina, State Troops,
Overton, W. Cooper, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford cOi
Overton, W. Asa, e. June 8th, '63.
Parker, Robert, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Parker, John, e, April 15th, '64; Halifax co.
Parker, William H., e. July 30th, '63.
Perkins, John E., e* July 29th, '63.
Porter, John, e. July 30th, '63.
Purvis, James R., e. July 20th, '63.
Reasons, Samuel, e. July 23rd, '63.
Rhodes, James H., e. July 23rd, '63.
Roebuck, William L., e. July 23rdj '63.
Robinson, W. W., e. July 23rd, '63; dt.
Reid, James E., e. February 15th, '64; Duplin co. ; d. of disease.
Bears, Joseph H.,e. March 24th, '62; Hertford eo.
Smith, John J., e, February 20th, '64; ISTew Hanover co.
Smith, McG., e. July 25th, '65.
Suz, Jusa J., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Sumner, Jos. J., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co. ; c. May 8th, '64.
Tyler, David C, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Vaughn, Benjamin, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Vick, Burton, e. July 23d, '63; w. November 8th, '64.
Vinson, R. L., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Wall, Delany, e. March 24th, '62,
Wall, Redmond, e. Jan. 1st, '63; Hertford co.; d. of disease Sept. loth, '64.
Wynn, John D., e. April 30th, '64; d. of disease September 9th, '64.
Weed, Joseph, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Weatherabee, N. T., e. July 14th, '63; w. February 2d, '61, at Shepherdsvllle,-
Wheeler, John, e. May 10th, '61; Hertford co. ; d. June 7th, '61.
Wilson, Edward, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
U^oodard, S. B., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford coj
Worthington, H. L., e. March 24th, '62.
Wynn, Joseph, e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Ji M. C. Luke, Captain, cm. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; r. Feb. 9th, '64,
Noiman L. Shaw, Captain, cm. Feb'y 9th, '64; Hertford co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Starkey Sharp, 1st Lieut., cm, February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; r. July 25th, '62,
Norman L. Shaw, 1st Lieut., cm. July 25th, '62; Hertford co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Dorsey Taylor, 1st Lieut., cm. February 9th, '64; Hertford co.; p. from 2d Lieut,
Norman L. Shaw, 2d Lieut., cm. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; p.
D. Taylor, 2d Lieut., cm. February 20th, '62; Hertford co. ; p.
Richard W. Askew, 2d Lieut., cm. August 1st, '62; Hertford co. ; p. from Sergeant.
Isaac LaFayette Taylor, 2d Lieut., cm. October 1st, '63; Hertford co. ; p. from 1st
John H. Britt.lst Sergeant, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; p. 2d Lieut, in 67th
Regiment October 1st, '63.
Company D— Seventeenth Regiment. 49
Isaac L. Taylor, 2d Sergeant, e. March 25th, '62; Hertford co. ; p. 1st Sergeant Oc-
tober 1st, '63.
William T. Brooks, 3d Sergeant, e. March 15th, '62; Bertie co.; d. April 20th, '62,
at Camp Mangum.
Richard W. Askew, 4th Sergeant, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
August 1st, '62.
Marcus B. Evans, 5th Sergeant, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Thomas G. Simpson, 1st Corporal, e. March 20th, '62; Hertford co. ; d. September
15th, '62, in Hertford co.
Charles Mills, 2d Corporal, e. March 20th, '62; Bertie co.; d. April 6th, '62, at Ral-
John F. Williams, 3d Corporal, e. March 20th, '62; Bertie co.; tr. to Com. B, 67th
Regiment, September 20th, '63.
John B. Parker, 4th Corporal, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
John A. Bunch, Musician, e. ; Bertie co.
S. R. Doughtie, Musician, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Askew, James C, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Askew, George E., e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Askew, William, e. March 1st, '62; Bertie co.
Askew, Godwin, e. March 25th, '62; Hertford co.
Askew, Moses F., c. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; d. April 6th,, '62, at Raleigh-
Ayers, Stanley, e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co. ; dt. mtisician.
Askew, Williamson, e. Dec. 4th, '62; Hertfoi'dco.
Brown Thos. E., e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.; w. June 18th, '64..
Brown, James Z., e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Burriss, Augustus, e. Feb. 1st, '63; Hertford co.
Baker, Asa A., e. Jan. 15th, '63; Hertford co.
Baker, Travis, e. June 17th, '63; Hertford co.
Barrow, Davis C, Herttord co.; tr. from Oom.,KZ.
Bullock, Bythel, e. Aug. 1st, '63; Hertford co.
Bradley, Staton, e. Aug. 1st, '63; Hertford co.
Bird, Joseph, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Bird, John, e. March 15th, '62; Hertford co.
Butler, William, e. March 1st, '62; Hertford co.; pr. October 3rd, '64.
Brown, Jacob, e. March 15th, '62; Bertie co.
Brown, Wm. H., e. March 14th, '62; Hertford co.
Brown, Starkey, e. March 15th, '62; Bertie co.
Bak9r, John, e. March 15th, '62; Bertie co.
Buress, James, e. March 8th, '62; Bertie co.
Cook, Granson, e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.; dg. June 5th, '62.
Clark, John W., e.Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co,; d. May, '62, near Raleigh.
Copeland, Henry, e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Cooper, Wm. J., e. Sept. 22d, '63; Hertford co.
Cooper, James E., e. Feb. 1st, '63; Hertford co.
Coburn, Henry, e. Nov. 27th, '62; Hertford co.
Cole, Anderson, e. September 22nd, '64.
Daughtry, Eli, e. May 1st, '61; Hertford co.; k. July 1st, '64.
Davis, Ashley, e. February 3d, '63; Hertford co.
Donahue, Thomas, e. March 1st, '63; Hertford co.
Daniel, George. W., e. July 20th, '63; Hertford co.
Downing, Starkey, e. March 1st, '62; Hertford co.
Daughtry, Wiley, e. March 1st, '62 ; Hertford co. ; k. September 11th, 64.
50 North Garolina, State Troops,
Davis, Levi S., e. April 26th, '63; Hertford co.
Evans, Judson B., e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.; p. Corporal July 1st, '62.
Evans, James O., e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Evans, Joseph D., e. February 16th, '63; Hertford co.
Earley, Andrew M., e. March 1st, '62; Hertford co.
Freeman, Josiah, e. March loth, '62; Hertford co.
Freeman Wm. H., e. March 15th, '62; Bertie co.
Farmer, Wm., e. March 1st, '62; Bertie co. ; w. October 20th, '64.
Gherkins, Charles, e. September 22nd, '62; Beaufort co.
Green, G. N., e. March 14th, '62; Bertie co.
Green, James W., e. March 8th, '62; Hertford co.
Gardner, Luke, e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Gardner, Thomas, e. February 13th, '63; Hertford co.
Gardner, Samuel, e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Gilbert, Jesse, e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co. ; d. September 1st, '64.
Gurkin, Charles, e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.: p. Corporal Jiily, '62.
Holly, Manson , e. February 20th, '62 ; H ertford co. ; tr. to 10th Regiment Artillery
August 13th, '63.
Hobbs, Henry A., e. March 1st, '62; Bertie co. ; tr. to 10th Regiment Artillery
August 13th, '63.
Hoggard, Worley T., e. February 20th, '62; Bertie co.
Hollom an, Thomas, e. March 2.5th, '62; Hertford co.
Holloman, Patrick, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; d. August 7th, '62.
Holloman, James D., e. March 18th, '62; Bertie co.
Harris, Leander W., e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co. ; dg. December 20th, '62.
Harrell, David A., e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Harrell, Thomas, e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Harrell, James D., e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Hines, Leonard P., e. August 1st, '62; Hertford co.
Hardison, Ebenezer, e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Hardison, Isaac E., e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Hardison, H. H., e. February 13th, '62; Hertford co.
Harrison, Asa, e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Harrison, Davis, e. September 26th, '63; Hertford co.
Harrison, William J., e. February 13th, '63; Hertford co.
Harrison, Henry, e. September 26th, '62; Hertford co. ; d. July 10th, '63.
■Harrell, Starkey, e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
James, Alfred, e. May loth, '63; Hertford co.
Jenkins, George M. D., e. June 9th, '62; Hertford co.
Jones, Joseph B., September 26th, '62; Hertford co. ; dg. in '63.
Long, James E., e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co. ; k. January 9th. '64.
Leggett, John B., e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Leggett, Joseph B., e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Leggett, Wm. W., e. Feb. 20th, '63; Hertford co.
Lee, James W., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Morris, Ely, e. March 5th, '62; Bertie co.
Mitchell, Bryant, e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Mitchell, James H., e. February 20th, '02; Hertford co.
Moore, John H., e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.; d. January 27th, '62.
Moore, Samuel E., e. Sept. 26th, '63; Hertford co,
Mizzell, Mark W., e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co.
Mizzell, Randolph, e. July 6th, '63; Hertlord co.; w. May 21st, '64.
ISTorris, Ashley, e. August 15th, '63; Hertford co.
Nurney, William D., e. February 10th, '63 ; Bertie co. ; dg. March 16th, '63.
Newby, Charles J,, e. March 1st, '62; Chowan co.; dg. Aug. 16th, '62, for disability.
Company B— Seventeenth Regiment. 51
Overton, Wm. B., e. February 20th, '62; Hertford cc; p. Sergeant Aug, 1st, '62.
Overton, Henry H., e. March 24th, '62; Hertford co.
Odom, Richard B., e. March 14th, '62; Hertford co.; p. Corporal Nov. 1st, '63.
Outlaw, Hezekiah, e. Mareh 15th, '62; Hertford co.; d. September 15th, '64.
Peel, John P., e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Perry, Caleb, e, March 19th, '62; Hertford co.; d. August 1st, '62.
Peel, John, e. February 17th, '63; Hertford co.
Percey, John A., e, January 15th, '63; Hertford co. ; d. August 16th, '6i.
Pruden, Jacob, e. June 12th, "63; Hertford co.
Philllp-s, Wm, S., e. August 13th, '63; Hertford co,
Parker, James A,, e. September 17th, '63; Hertford co. ; d. August 1st, '64,
Parker John B., e. February 20th, '62; Hertford co.
RobersoM, W. A., e. Sept. 26th, '63; Hertford co.
Roberson, W, H., e. June 10th, '63; Hertford co.; k.July 16th, '64,
Roberson, H, B., e. August 13th, '03; Hertford co,
Raglan, Williajn, e. Aug. 13th, '63; Hertford co.
Roundtree^ John, e. March 1st, '62;; Hertford ce. ; k- Ma^y 21st, '64,
^Sanders, James, e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Smith, Zachariah, e. May 10th, '62; Hertford CO,
Sexton, AVm, R, e, Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford co,
Taylor, James S., e. Sept. 26th,' 62; Hertford co.
Taylor, Samuel H,, e, January 15th, '63; Hertford co.
Taylor, Kinchen, e, Feb, 25th, '63; Hertford co.
Taylor, Theophilus, e. August 26th, '63; Hertford co.
Taylor, Jonah, e. October 4th, '63; Hertford co.
Taylor, Thomas, e, Feb, 20th, '62; Hertford co.; tr. to Com. D, 68th Regiment,
September 25th, '63,
Todd, Joseph, e, Feb, 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Valentine, J, J., e, Feb. 2t)th, '62; Hertford co.; d. Aug. 12th, '62.
Valentine, S. A„ e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Ward, Wm. L., e. June 15th, '63; Plertford co.
Williams, Benjamin, e. Sept. 26th, '62; Hertford ca ; d. September 12th, '64.
Williams, J, O. K., e, February 12th, 63; Hertford co.
Williford, John V., e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Williford, Richard H,, e. August 1st, '62; Hertford co.
Wynns, James N., e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.
Wynns, George A.,e. May 10th, '62; Hertford co.; d. October 5th, '63.
Whitfield, J. J. R., e. September 26th, '62; Hertford ca.
Wliitfield, K. B., e. January 1st, '63; Hertford co.
Whichard, William, e. Januai-y 15th, '63; Hertford co. ; pr. October 4th, '64.
Ward, Felton, e. March 1st, '62; Hertford co.
Williams, Wm, R., e. March 14th, '62; Hertford co.; d. March 5th, '63.
Williams, Asa, e. March 14th, '62; Hertford co.
Willoughby, Joseph, e. March 14th, '62; Hertford co.; d. Feb, 20th, '63.
Welch, Thomas, e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Williford, Jos, A., e. March 15th, '62; Hertford co.
52 North Garolim State Troops.
John L. Swain J Captain, cm. March 10th, '62; Pitt ca.
Stephen W. Outerbridge, 1st Lieut., cm. March 10th, '62; Pitt co.; r. Sept.- 8th, '64.
William J. Hardison, 2d Lieut., cm. March 10th, '62; Pitt co.
Augustus Cotton, 2d Lieut., cm. March 10th, '62; Martin co.
G. A. Cotton, 2nd Lieut., cm. September 8th, '64; Martin CO.
A. J. Outerbridge, Ist Sergeant, e. March lOtli, '62; Pitt co.
J. R. Robeson, 2d Sergeant, e. March 10th, '62; Pitt co.
John B. Andrews, od Sergeant, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
William K. Gladson, 4th Sergeant, e. March 20th, '62; Pitt co,
Augustus Ray, 5th Sergeant, e. April 30th, '62; Pitt co.
Henry Everett, 1st Corporal, e, March 10th, '62; Pittco.
John Everett, 2d Corporal, e. March 10th, '62; Pitt CO. ' .
John Manning, 3d Corporal, e. April 15th, '62; Pitt co.
Franklin M. Johnson, 4th Corporal,, e. March 10th, '62; Pitt co„
Ausburn, J. J., e. April 24th, '62.
Andrews, George A., e. July 30th, '63..
Brown, John, e. September 20th, '62.
Bowers, Kenneth, e. September 20th, '63.
Burnett, Amovian, e. March 10th, '02; dg. May 28th, '62.
Brown, Littleberry, e. March 10th, '62; dg. May 28th, '62,-
Brown, Bedford, e. May 5th, '62; d. December 1st, '62.
Barfield, Thomas, e. March 10th, '62.
Bland, James, e. March 10th, '62,
Bland, Stephen A., e. March 10th, '62.
Bellflower, John S., e. March 10th, '62.
Bowen, David, e. March 10th, '62.
Burroughs, William A., e. March 26th, '62.
Bullock, Obadiah, e. April 27th, '62. '
Bowers, Jesse, e. December 24th, '62.
Bowers, William R,, e. March 10th, '62.
Rowe, Benjamin, e. March 17th, '62,
Brown, James, e. March 19th, '62; Martin co.
Bland, James T., e. October 17th, '62; Martin cc.
Burnett, A., e. July 26th, '64; Martin co.
Biggs, Abram, e. March 1st, '64; Martin co.
Cross, B. A., e. March 14th, '64; Martin co. ; p. Octo-ber 2d, '64,-
Cushing, John, e. June 10th, '63; Martin co, ; p. October 2d, '64.
Coburn, William, e Jvine 15th, '63.
Cushing, Friley J., e. October 16th, '62.
Ooultraine, James L., October 1st, '62.
Coultraine, Charles C, e. October 1st, '62.
Company E— Seventeenth Regiment 53
■€tillifer, Henry D., e. March 10th, '62.
Coovey, Charles W. J., e. March 10th, '62.
Larson, Richard, e. March 10th, '62; dg. May 28th, '62,
■Cross, Lazarus, e. March 10th, '62.
►Cross, William T., e. March 10th, '62.
Cross, John B., e. March 10th, '62.
>Cushing, Leborn A., e. March 10th, '62; pr. October 2nd, '64.
■Gushing, "William M., e. March 21st, '62.
Carlisle, William, e. March 10th, '62.
Castle, James IL, e, March 10th, '62; tr. February, 63,
•Coburn, Seth, e. March 10th, '62; tr. February, '63.
'Coultraine, A. M., e. May 10th, '62.
Cherry, Howell, e, April 16th, '62.
Gotten, G. Adolphus, e. May 19th, '62; p. 2nd Lieut, in '64,
Everett, John, e. March 7th, '62; Martin co.; d. of w. October 14th, '64c
Everett, Simon T., e, April 28th, '62.
Edmundson, R. T., e. March 10th, '62.
Edmundson, Joseph J., e. March 10th, '62.
Eason, Wnu J., e. March 10th, '62; d. in '64.
Edmonson, Walter, e. October 1st, '62.
Evans, Albert, e. July loth, '63.
Edmonston, R. T., e. March i7th, '62; .Martin co, ; tr.
Gladian, King, e. May 1st, '64; Martin co.
•Griffin, Martin,^. June loth, '63.
Gurganus, David, e. June 15th, '63.
Grimes, George, e. March 10th, '62,
'Griffin, King, e. April 12th, '62.
■Griffln, E, W., e. March 1st, '62.
Griffin, Humphrey, e. March 3d, '62.
■ Griffln, Francis, e. March 3d, '62.
■Qherliins, Wm. H., e. March 10th, '62,
Gardner, David D., e. April 11th, '02.
■Gurganus, Noah, e. March 10th, '62.
Gurganus, Noah, e. April 24th, '62.
Gurganus N, T., e. April 26th, '62.
Gurganus, Dani«l, e. April 24th, '62.
Griffin, Calvin, e. April 26th, '62.
Hopp, Josiah, e. March 10th, 62.
Holliday, George W., e. March 10th, '62.
Hollis, Edward, e. March 29th, '62.
Hendricks, Y/m. E., e. March 10th, '62.
Harrell, James H., e. March 24th, '62.
Harrell, Andrew A., e. March 10th, '62; dg. May 28th, '62.
Harrell, John W., e. March 24th, '62.
Harrell, Reuben R., e. April 5th, '62.
Harrell, Blafce B., e. May 3d, '62.
Harrell, Benjamin, e. May 14th, '62.
HuflF, Simon B., e. March 10th, '62.
Haselip, Alexander, e. April 24th, '62.
Haselip, Wm, A., e. April 15th, '62.
Haselip, Abner D., e. April 15th, '62.
Haselip, Hugh, e. April 30th, '62.
Hodge, McG., e. March 24th, '62.
Hardison, Lewis, e. May 1st, '62.
Hardison, Hodgers, e. May 2d, '62.
54 North Carolina, State Troaps.
Hyman, Ebenezer, e. June 1st, '63.
Hyman, Needham, e. >«'ovember 1st, '63; tr. from Com. G 3rd Cavalry.-
Harrell, Luke, e. February 10th, '63; d.. in '64.
Harrell, John, e. February 20th, '63.
Houser, Marion J., e. February 28th., '63.
Holliday, Washington, e. October 17th, '62; Martin co,
Johnson, William H., e. June 16th, '63.
Jones, Thos. W., e. May 2d, '62; dg. May 28th, '62,
Johnson, Jas. H., e. May 25th, '62.
Keel, Jas. O., e. May 5th, '62.
Keel, Ashley, e. May 5th, '62.
Knox, Wiley, e. March 10th, '62.
Lynch, Jno. J., e. March 10th, '62.
Leggett, Bythel, e. April 25th, '62.
Lloyd, William R., e. February 28th, '63.
Matthews, William A., e. February 28th, '63»
Martin, Edward, e. Februai'y 15th, '63.
Martin, David L.^ e. March. 10th, '62.,
Marlin, William B., e. March 10th, '62..
Martin, Joseph, e. March 10th, '62.
Medford, James, e. March. 10th, '62..
Manning, W. G., e. March 10th, '62.; dg.May 28th, '62,
Matthews, John M., e. Majoh 10th, '62.
Moore, Joseph A., e. April 22d, '62.
Martin, J^J., e. October 17th, '62; Martin eo.
Neel, Joseph, e. March 10th, '62; dg. May 28th, '62..
Nickerson, James, e. March 10th,, '62.
Nelson, William K., e. March 10th, '62„
Nibbett, John T., e. April 10th, '62.
Nelson, John, e. February 1st, '63.
Outerbridge, John L., e. April Uttt, '62; d. May 6th, '62^
Price, William L., e. May 5th, '62.
Pierce, James, e, April 25th, '62.
Eoberson, T. W., e. December 25th, '62.
Rogerson, James A., e. March 10th, '62.
Rawles, Wm. B., e.MarclxlOth, '62.
Ruba, John^ e. March 10th, '62; dg. Ma,y 28th, '62,
.Eobeson, George D., e. April 28th, '62.
Smith, James F.,e.. March 10th, '62..
Smith, John W., e. Muy 2d, '62.
Smith, Allen J., e. June, '63.
Swain, Benjamin, e. March 10th, '62;, d.. August, 162.
Swain, Albright, e. March 10th, '62.
Satterthwaite, S. A., e. March 10th, '62.
Swaner, John W., e. March 10th, '62; d.. November 2Sth, '62„
Savage, Bethel, e. March 10th, '62.
Savage, Calvin, e. May 5th, '62.
Savage, William, e. October 1st, '62..
Stalls, Samuel T., e. March 10th, '62.
Taylor, Bythel, e. May 5th, '62.
Upton, Joseph J., e. June 10th, '62..
Taylor, Jesse, e. May 5th, '62.
Williams, Ricks, e. April 5th, '62; dg. May 28th, ^62.
Williams, Dempsey, e. April 28th, '62.
Whittey, Dorsey H., e. Marchllth, '62.
Weathersbee, John, e. December 21th, '62; dg. May 28th, '63,.
Gompany F— Seventeenth Regiment. 56
George B. Daniel, Captain, cm. Marcli llth, '62; Granville co.
!S. Venable Daniel, 1st Lieut., cm. Marcli 11th, 'C2-, Granville co.
Joseph M. Sitterson, 2d Lieut., cm, March 11th, '62; Martin co.
William T. Allen, 2d Lieut., cm. March 11th, '62; r,
Wilson G. Lamb, 2d Lieut., cm. , '63; Martin co.
Clias. E. Hobgood, 1st Sergeant, e. March 3d, '62; Granville co.
Benjamin C. Wilkerson, 2d Sergeant, «. April 15th, '62; Granville co.
Benjamin P. Jones, 3d Sergeant, e. April 16th, '62; Granville co.
Pressley B. Hobgood, 4th Sei'geant, e. March 3d, '62; Granville co.
Cameron N, Oakley, 5th Sergeant, e. Feb. 23d, '62; Granville co.
Wm. D. Glisson, 1st Corporal, e. May 1st, '61; Martin co.
Noah T, Perry, 2d Corporal, e. May Sth, '62; Martin co.
Askew, John A,, €. April 3d, '62; Martin co.
Ball, Ivey, e. February 20th, '6i; Person co.
Bennett, Milton, e. July 2oth, '63; Martin co,
Bennett, James T., e. February 29th, '6i; Martin co,
Bowen, Wm, P., e. May 5th, '61; Martin co.
Briggs, Harrell, Granville co.
Cash, James W., e. February 5th, '63; Granville co.
Campbell, Lewis J,, e. August Sth, '63; Granville co.
Olayton, Thomas T., e. March 15th, '64; Person co.
Clayton, Robert M., e, February 24th, '62; Person co.
Clayton, Richard, e. March 1st, '62; Person co.
Cobham, Adolphus, e. Sept. 16th, '63; Martin co.
Cullifer, Hardy, e. May 5th, 63; Martin co.
Cowan. Noah T., e. August 26th, '62; Martin co.
Dixon, Wm. T., e. July 23d, '62; Person co.
Duncan, Simeon, e. May 6th, '62; Granville co.
Duncan, Isaac, e. February Sth, '63; Granville co,
Duncan, Ambrose, e. March 15th, '63; Person co.
Duncan, Thomas, e. February 1st, '63; Person co.
Elastwood, Jonathan, e. Februa.ry 25th, '62; Person co.
Evans, Abraham, e. February Stli, '63; Granville co.
Evans, James M., e. July 6th, '62; Granville co.
Evans, Harrell, e. May 6th, '62; Person co.
Gardiner, David C, e. February 24th, '62; Martin co.
Gentry, Pleasant, e. Feb, 24th, '62; Person co.
Olenn, Lemuel, e. Feb. 18th, '63; Martin co.
Olisson, John B., e. August 1st, '63; Martin co.
Hadley, Wm. B., e. April 13th, '63; Martin co.
Harris, Joseph B., e. Feb, 24tli, '62; Person co.
56 North Carolina, State Troops,
Hardison, Clayton, e. Sept. 2oth, '62; Martin co.
Hester, Wm. F., e. MarcJi lOth, '63; Person co. '
Hobgood, Harvey, e. Feb. 28th, '63 ; Granville co.
Huff, Littleton D., e. May, '62; Person co.
Jones, Calvin, e. July 2.5tb, '63; Martin co.
Keatch, Frederick, e. May 1st, '62; Martin co.
Lawson, Wm. P., e. March 8th, '62; Granville co.
Lawson, Thomas W., e. March 3d, '62; Granville co.
Lilly, Noah P., e. July 25th, '63; Martin co.
Lynch, James R., e. May 1st, '62; Martin co. ; dt.
Landis, Charles E., e. February lOth, '63; Granville co.
Marley, William D., e. August 26th, '62; Martin co.
Martin, John R., e. May 8th, '62; Person co.
Martin, Pej'ton C, e. December loth, '63; Person co.
Mizzell, James A., e. August 29th, '62; Martin co.
Mills, Benjamin B., e. February 10th, 63; Washington co.
Oakley, Wm. R., e. March 20th, '62; Granville co.; dt.
Oakley, Haywood, e. March 3d, '62; Granville co.
Oakley, Ezra, e. February 7th, '63; Granville co. ; d. of w. October 2d, *6I.
Parker, Robert, B., e. March 10th, '62; Martin co.
Pink, James H., e. August 29th, '62; Martin co.
Price, Jesse, e. June 8th, '63; Martin co.
Rayner, Kenneth, e. February 21st, '62; Person co.
Ragen, James L., e. May nth, '61; Person CO.
Ragen, Samuel, e. March 6th, '62; Granville co.
Ragen, William, e. July loth, '62; Person co.
Ragen, Washington, e. September 28th, '62; Person co.
Reid, Jeremiah, e. April 80th, '62; Washington co.
Rawls, Kenneth J., e. May 1st, '62; Martin co. ; d. of w. October, '64.
Satterfleld, John D., e. February 24th, '62; Person co.
Slaughter, William P., e. February 9th, '63; Granville co.
Smith, Henry, e. April 2oth, '62; Martin co.
Stallings, Stanley, e. July 2.5th, '62; Martin co.
Staton, Reddin, e. October 21th, '62; Beaufort co.; dt.
Thomas, C. C, e. April 25th, '61 ; Beaufort co.
Taylor, Richard, e. April 1st, '63; Granville co.; d. of disease October 13th, '64.
Wood, Silas, e. June 27th, '63; Granville co.
Whitaker, Green C, e. March 3d, '63; Martin co.
Williams, James H., e. January 9th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Williams, Wesley, e. February 9th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Williams, Abner S., e. May 6th, '62; Martin co. ; dt.
Wren, John, e. March 10th, '63; Person co. ; dt.
Wren, James L., e. January 25th, '64; Person co.
Watson, Henry, e. December 7th, '63; Person co. ; d. of w. September, '64.
Company G— Seventeenth Regiment. 57
Thomas J. Norman, Captain, em. March 28th, '62; Washington co. ; w. and c. at
Washington, N. C, September, '63.
Geo. W. Grimes, 1st Lieut., cm. March 27th, '62; Washington co.; c. at Hatteras
Augiist 28th, '61.
Geo.|P. Collins, 2d Lieut., cm. April 1st, '62; Washington co.; p. Major and A. Q.
M. Nov. 12th, '62.
W. E. Windley, 2d Lieut., cm. April 1st, '62; Washington co. ; d. August 1st, '62.
Henry J. Robertson, 2d Lieut., cm. November 1st, '62; Martin co.
J. C. Smith, 2d Lieut., cm. August 10th, '63; Washington co.
J. C. Smith, 1st Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62.
A. Norman, 2d Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62.
M. L. Haughton, 3d Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62.
Jos. W. Kennedy, 4th Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62.
H. J. Robertson, 5th Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62.
J. M. Manning, 1st Corporal, e. April 16th, '62.
John G. Blount, 2d Corporal, e. March 21st, '62.
Wilson A. Norman, 3d Corporal, e. March 29th, '62.
William A. Latham, 4th Corporal, e. March 21st, '62,
Anderson, Thomas, e. January 9th, '63.
Anderson, Robert, e. May 2d, '63.
Ansley, Benjamin B., e. May 7th, '62.
Ambrose, Isaac B., e. April 16th, '62; dg. April 21st, '63, for disability.
Ayers, Richard T., e. April 16th, '62.
Ambrose, David, e. March 20th, '62.
Biggs, Levi, e. April 16th, '62.
Bateman, Iredell, e. April 16th, '62; dg.
Barnes, Hezekiah, e. May 8th, '62.
Brown, James fl., e. May 24th, '62.
Boykin, John C, e. July 9th, '63.
Bland, Abner, e. February 10th, '63.
Bland, Wm., e. February 10th, '68.
Bland, John, e. February 1st, '63; pr. October 3d, '64.
Blount, John G., e. May 22d, '63.
Bryan, B. L. C, e. June 8th, '62.
Boyd, Henry L.
Chesson, Thomas W., e. December 8th, '63; w. July 30th, '64,
Corprew, James M., e. September 23d, '63.
Corprew, Stephen, e. June 1st, '63.
Craddock, Johnson, e. June 1st, '63,
Carlisle, Ezekiel, e. June 8th, '63.
Clipton, David.
Chamberlain, S. W., e. March 20th, '62.
58 North Carolina State Troops.
Chesson, James H., e. March 21st, '62; dg. June, 26th, for disability.
Chesson, Edward F., e. March 21st, '62; p. 4th Corporal September 6th, '62.; \v.
September lotli, '64.
Cradock, Thomas J., e. March 21st, '62.
Corprew, Malachi, e. March 21st, '62; k. May 4th, '62, by accident.
Cullifer, Jordan, e. April 16th, '62.
Corabstake, Louis, e. May 7th, '62.
Davenport, J. B., e. March 21st, '62.
Davenport, H. M., e. March olst, '62.
Davenport, H. J. J., e. April 16th, '62.
Davenport, M. F., e. March 29th, '62.
Davenport, Hezekiah, e. MaySd, '62.
Davenport, Hardy W., e. February 10th, '63.
Davis, James, e. February 14th, '63.
Fnlford, M. S., e. October 1st, '63.
Flauegan, John, e. October 10th, '63.
Freeman, William T., e. June 22d, '63.
Freeman, John A., e. May 29th, '63.; d. September 3d, '63.
Fagan, William L., e. June 29th, '63.
Fagan, A. L.
Foley, J. N., e. April 16th, '62.
Foley, Staton W., e. April 6th, '62.
Frost, William A., e. March 21st, '62.
Fulcher, Josiah H., e. April 16th, '62,
Garrett, A. F., e. April 21st, '62.
Garrett, H. H., e. March 21st, '62.
Garrett, Daniel, e. March 21st, '62.
Griffin, Joseph B., e. March 21st, '62.
Gherkin, Alfred D., e. March 21st, '62; d. May 21st, '62.
Harrison, Asa W., e. March 21st, '62; d. August 2ath, '03.
Hassell, James, e. March 21st, '62; dg. June, '62, for disability.
Hodder, George W., e. March 21st, '62.
Hoard, Stanley-0., e. March 21st, '62.
Herrington, Joseph S., e. March 21st, '62.
Hopkins, James F., e. April 16th, "62; d. August 19th, '62.
Hutson, Wilson, e. May 3d, '62.
Hargrove, S. H„ e. January 16th, '63.
Howell, R. D., e. January 9th, '63.
Harris, L. B., e. January 9th, '63.
Hyman, Wm. L., e. Jriy 25th, '63.
Hall, David B., e. June 7th, '61. tr. Com, G, August, '63.
Haselip, John, e. February 1st, '63.
Jones, William W., e. January 8th, '63.
Jones, Calvin C, e. April 16th, '62.
Latham, John W., e. September 11th, '62; p. 2d Sergeant August, '63,
Lucas, James H., e. January 10th, '62; d, July 9th, '63.
Ludford, James M., e. Mai'ch 21st, '62; p. 4th Corpor:^!.
Mizell, Joseph W., e. May 29th, '62.
Mayo, Reuben, e. June 11th, '62.
Melson, William R., e. March 21st, '62.
Mizell, N. B., e. March 21st, '62.
Moses, Henry, e, April 16th, '62; dt. to Regiment Band August 10th, '63,
Marriner, James H., e. March 21st, '62.; w. July 4th, '64.
Norman, .Joseph S., e. March 21st, '62.
Norman, John W., e. April 16th, '62; c, and d. at Newbern.
Company G— Seventeenth Regiment
Oiiver, Henry H., e. October 28th, '62.
Oliver, Joseph L., e. October 28th, '62.
PurTis, John H.
mppin, Joseph J., e. ; tr. August, '63.
Phipps, Girard, May 3d, '62.
Powers, Britton, e. May 3d, '62; dg. March 12th, '63, for disability,
Robertson, Moses, e. February 11th, '62.
Riggs, Everett L., e. June 7th, '61; tr. to Com. G, August, '63.
Wpruill, Jos. T., e. October 28th, '62.
Swain, Henry R., e. April 6th, '62.
Sanderson, Thomas P., e. May 1st, '62; tr, December, '63.
Snell, Asa W., e. July 23d, '62; c.
Sherrard, William W., e. July 23d, '62.
"■gledge, Joseph C, e. April 2d, '62; tr. August, '63.
Sexton, William, e. March 21st, '62; dg. June 23d, '63.
Stuey, William A., e. April 16th, '62; d. August 11th, '63.
Sawyers, John H., e. March 21st, '62,
Spruill, Sherrard, e. April 16th, '62.
Spruill, James B., e. April 16th, '62.
Spruill, Henry W., e. May 8d, '62.
Starr, Henry, e. April 16th, 62.
Swain, F. S., e. March 29th, '62.
Swain, James N., e. May 3d, '62.
Saunders, James, e. April 1st, '62.
Smith, George W., e. ; dg. March 5th, '68,
Taylor, James T., e. February 17th, '62.
Tarkington, L. S., e. March 21st, '62.
Tarkington, Wm. B., e. April 16th, '62; k. at Washington, N. C,
Tarkington, Edward, e. April 16th, '62.
Tarkington, Samuel, e. April 16th, '62.
Williams, Daniel A., e. March, 21st, '62; p. Sergeant.
Windley, Joseph N., e. March 21st, '62.
Windley, Wm, W., e. March 21st, '62.
Williams, John, e. March 21st, '62.
Wynne, Spencer D., e. April 16th, '62.
Winfield, John D., e. October 10th, '62.
Woodley, Daniel, e. October 10th, '62.
Woodley, Dempsey, e. May 17th, '63.
Woodley, Eli, e. June 15th, '63.
Whitehurst, Newbern, e. February — , '63.
Whitehurst, Joseph, e. February 28th, '62.
Watson, Charles F., e. ; tr. to Com. G, August, '63; pr. October 3d, '61,
Wise, William S., e. August 5th, '61 ; tr. to Com. G, August, '63.
Note— This comBany was formed of men living in the counties of Beaufort,
Washington and Martin; but the returns do not specify as to the individuals,
where their domiciles were located.
&0 North Carolina. State Troops.
Stewart L. Johriston, Captain, em. April 21st, '62; Washington co.
■Samuel B. Johnston, 1st Lieut., cm. April 21st, '62; Washington cou
William A. Hicks, 2d Lieut., cm. April 2Lst, '62; Washington co.
W^illiam R. Chesson, 2d Lieut., cm. April 21st, '62; Washington co.
Timothy J. Gray, 2nd Lieut., p. from ranks.
James B. Keith, 1st Sergeant, e. April 21st, '62.
H. G. Ivnowles, 2d Sergeant, e. April 21st, '62.
Wm. W. Hathaway, od Sergeant, e. April 21st, '62.
Joshua L. Hassell, 4th Sergeant, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62.
Wm. F. Knowles, 5th Sergeant, e. April 21st, '62.
Wm. Collins, 1st Corporal, e. April 21st, '62; k. Sept. 12th, '62, at Washington.
J. L. Tarkinton, 2d Corporal, e. April 21st, '62; d. Feb. 4th, '64, in General Hospi-
tal No. 1, Wilmington, N. C.
"Geo. H. Rodgers, 3d Corporal, e. April 21st, '62; p. 5th Sergeant.
N. Norman, 4th Corporal, e, April 21st, '62.
Armstrong, Warren W., e. April 21st, '62; d. Sept. 17th, '63, at Hamilton.
Ausbon, Thomas E., e. April 21st, '62.
Ausbon, MicGilbray, e. April 21st, '62.
Andrews, Samuel W^, e. April 21st, '62; p. 1st Sergeant.
Allsbrook, John, e. Sept. 25th, '63.
Ayers, Franklin, e. Dec. 4th, '63.
Ayers, David A ., e. Dec. 4th, '63.
Ausbnrn, W. J., e. Dec. 17th, '63.
Boyd, W. Z., e. Jan. 15th, '63; dt.
Bailey, W. L., e. Nov. 14th, '62; dt. musician,
Bailey, W. G., e. Nov. 'Ith, '62.
Bailey, W. J., e. Nov. 14th, '62.
Bowen, R, S.., e. June 5th, '63.
Barden, Arthur, e. April 21st, '62.
Boyett, Calvin, e. April 21st, '62.
Briley, Win. S., e. April 21st, '62.
Brawney, Hyman, e. April 21st, '62,
Barnes, James, e. April 21st, '62.
Barnes, Thomas, e. April 21st, '62.
Biggs, Hosea B., e. April 21st, '62.
Biggs, Amaziah, e. April 21st, '62; ,dg. May 15th, '62
Brickhouse, Nathan, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62.
Barlow, Wm. H., e. April 21st, '62; p. Corporal; w. Sept. 12th, '62, at Wilmington.
Bodwell, Harman, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62.
Bateman. Henry, e. Dec. 4th, '63.
JBowen, James, e. Dec. 4th, '63^
Compsmy E— Seventeenth Regiment. ffl
Corprew, Churchill, e. Dec. 4th, '63,
Clark, Daniel, e. November 14th, '62.
Cherry, C. K., e. Nov. 14th, '62.
Council, Louis, e. June 16th, '63.
Carpsen, Churchill, e. Dec. 31st, '63; Martin co,
Cofleld, Thos. H., e, April 21st, '62; p. Corporal; w. July 8th, '64,
Ghesson, John B. J., e^ April 14th, '64.
Camb, Nelson, e. April 21st, '62; d. May 27th, '62.
Chesson, Charles, e. April 21st, '62.
Graddock, John H., e. April 21st, '62; dg. May loth, 62.
Craddock, William, e. April 21st, '62.
Graddock, Charles B., e. April 21st, '62; dt.
Craddock, James H,, e. April 21st, '62.
Dillon, Benjamin D., e. April 21st, '62.
Davenport, Joseph, e. April 21st, '62;- dg. May 15th, '62,
Dixon, George H,, e. Jan. 22d, '63.
Dixon, Asa, e. Jan. 17th, '64.
Evei'ett, Jesse B,, e. October 1st, '62.
Everett, Joseph J., e. February 4th, '63,
Everett, Staten, e. February 10th, '63.
Furlough, Francis, e. April 21st, '62;, c. February, '64,
Furlough, Wilson, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May loth, '62,
Furlough, Aaron, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62.
Guyther, John M., e. April 21st, '62; tr. to 1st Regiment.
Gray, Timothy J., e. April 21st, '62; p. 2d Lieut.
Godward, Staten, e. February 11th, '63.
Griffin, Joseph, e. Dec. 4th, '63.
Godward, N. S., e. Nov. 14th, '62.
Grffln, Edward, e. Nov. 14th, '62,
Huge, E., e. Nov. 2d, '62.
Hardison, Joseph A., e. Nov, 14th, '62,
Holliday, Thomas A., e. Nov. 14th, '62.
Hathaway, W. W., e. April 2d, '62; Martin co.
Harrison, Rodman, e, April 2nd, '62.
Harrell, A, A., e. Aiigust 1st, '62.
Harrison, Hyman, e. October 1st, '62.
Haddock, John, e. February 10th, '63.
Hampton, W. H., e. Nov, oth, '62; p. Sergeant.
Hardison, James W.,e. April 21st, '63.
Harrell, Kenneth, e. April 21st, '63; dg. August, '62^
Hurtt, Asa, e. April 21st, '62.-
Hopklns, Joseph, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62,
Hopkins, Daniel, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May loth, '62,
Himmel, E. J., e. March i5th, '63; dg. Nov. 2d, '63.
Jethro, Benj. F., e. April 21st, '62; dg. May loth, '62,
Jenkins, George R., e. February 10th, '6;3.
Jenkins, Benj. R., e. May 2oth, '63.
Johnson, Joel, e. February 11th, '63.-
Jenkins, George, e. April 21st, '62.
Keel, Robert, e. February 4th, '63,
Kemp, George W., e. October 11th, '63.
Kemp, W. C, e. Oct. llth, '63.
Lilly, Joseph A., e. Nov. 14th, 62; d. July 10th, '64y
Lilly, A. N., e. June llth, '62.
Lucas, Boyd, e. February 21st, '63.
^orth Carolina State Troops.
Liverman, Turner, e. October lllh, '63; d. Nov. 23cl, '63, at Wilmington.
Livermon, Thomas L., e. April 21st, '62,
Lilly, Benjamin F., e. April 21st, 'es.
Mann, Daniel B,, e, April 21st, '62.
Mizzell, Hardy H., e. April 21st, '62.
Manning, John W., e, April 21st, '62; dt,
Mann, William, e. April 21st, '62.
McCabe, Hayv/ood, e, April 21st, '62,
McClary, Eli, e. April 21st, '62.
Moore, Julius, e. October 1st, '63,
Martin, Peter B,, e. December 16th, '62.
Manning, Joseph A., e. February 2d, '63.
Manning, W. G,, e. October 12th, '63.
Norman, Sainuel, e. April 21st, '62.
jSTorman, John J., e. April 21st, '62 ; dg. May 15th, '62.
Norman, Henry H., e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62.
Newberry, John W,,e. November 1st, '62.
Overton, Leonard, e. April 21st, '62; dt. musician.
Purrington, Stanley M., e. April 21st, '62.
Purvis, Calvin, e. April 21st, '62.
Phelps, James, e. April 21st, '62.
Perry, S. S., e. February 14th, '63.
Phelps, James J., e. in October, '63; c, '
Peel, Eli, e. February 6th, '63.
Purvis, James C, e. May 12th, '62.
Peel, T. R,, e. November 14th, '62; d, September 3d, '64.
Powell, Ezekiel, e. February 10th, '63; d, August 9th, '64.
Powell, Thomas, e. February 10th, '63,
Ray, H. E., e. November 14th, '62.
Rawls, J. R., e. December 6th, '62.
Rawls, J. L., e. December 6th, '62.
Roebuck, Simon, e. November 4th, '62,
Rodgerson, W. A., e. November 16th, '62.
Respess, James, e. Dec. 24th, '63,
Stalls, James H.
Salisbury, S. W., e. January 1st, '63.
Sikes, Franklin, e. February 1st, '63.
Salisbury, James H., e. April 21st, '62.
Salisbury, John O., e. April 21st, '62.
Slaight, Matthew, e. April 21st, '62.
Snell, Doctrine, e. April 21st, '62; d. August, '62, at Petersburg.
Sulliman, Wm. H., e. April 21st, '62.
Swain, Henderson, e. April 21st, '62; dg. May 15th, '62,
Sawyer, Thomas, e. April 21st, '62.
Stillman, Wm., e. April 21st, '62.
Thomas, Isaiah, e. Sept. 10th, '63.
Thompson, Thomas, e. April 21st, '62.
Twiddj', Jam.es, e. April 21st, '62; d. Oct, 5th, '64.
Twiddy, Levi, e. April 21st, '62.
Taylor, Kinchen, e. February 2d, '63; tr. to Artillery Nov. 1st, '63.
Taylor, James B., e. June 1st, '63.
Twiddy, John J., e. April 21st, '62; k. Oct. 30th, '63, by accident,
Thomas, Josiah, e. Sept. 16th, '63.
Thomas, Richard, e. Sept. 16th, '63.
White, W. W., e. Dec. IVth, '63,
Company I— Seventeenth Regiment
Waters, B. F., e. June 22d, '63.
Waters, R. H., e. October ]4th, '62; dt.
Waters, A. T., e. jSTovember 5th, '62.
Watson, Wm., e. Oct. loth, '62.
Ward, Riddick, e. Nov. 15th, '62.
Whitfleld, W. A.
Wynn, Oeo. W., e. Feb. 1st, '63.
Wyatt, W. H., e. January 22d, '63.
Weaver, Samuel, e. April 21st, '62; dg. July 25th, '62.
Waters, Robert McCoa , e. April 21st, '62; p. Corporal,
White, James W., e. April 21st, '62; pr. Feb., '64.
John S. Dancey, Captain, cm. April 2]st, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dfc. A. Q,. M. May
16th, '62.
A. M. J. Whitehead, Captain, cm. May 16th, '62; Edgecombe co.; r. Nov. 30th, '62.
William H. Powell, Captain, cm. Dec, '62; Edgecombe co.
A. M. J. Whitehead, 1st Lieut., cm, April 21st, '62; Edgecombe co. ; p.
William H. Powell, 1st Lieut., cm. May 16th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p.
James P. Jenkins, 1st Lieut., cm. November 30th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p. from 2d
Wm. H. Powell, 2d Lieut., cm. April 21st, '62; Edgecombe co. ; p.
Pleasant Petway, 2d Lieut., cm. April 21st, '62; Edgecombe co.
James P. Jenkins, 2d Lieut., cm. May 16t,h, '62; Edgecombe co. ; r. Julj^ 18th, '62,
James M. Cntchin, 2d Lieut., cm, Aug. 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
James Wiggins, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Edgecombe co.
ThomasF. Cherry, 1st Serg't, e. March 16th, '62- Edgecombe co. ; dg, in '62.
Henry W. Gorham,2d Serg't, e. March 16th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; p.
James M. Cutchin, 3d Serg't, e. Marcli 16th,5'62;'_Edgecombe co.; p. 2d Lieutenant
Aug. 1st, '62,
David S. Williams, 4th Serg't, e. March 0th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p.
Wm. McDowell, 5th Serg't, e. April 20th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p.
James P. Jenkins, 1st Corporal, e, April 4th, 61; Edgecombe co. ; p. 2d Lieut July
6th, '62, and 1st Lieut.
John A. Cutchin, 2d Corporal, e. April 19th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; p. Sergeant.
Jesse A. B. Thorn, 3d Corporal, e. March 6th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; p. Sergeant.
C. R. King, 4th Corporal, e. March 16th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; p. Sergeant.
Arrington, James G., e. April 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p. Asst, Surgeon August
4th, '62.
Arrington, Benjamin R,, e. May 15th, '62; Edgecombe co.
64 North Carolina, State Troops.
Austin, W. H., e. June 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
Awington, Alfred W., e. April 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.; tr. to Medical Depart-
Brown, J. J., e. January IQth, '63; Edgecombe co.
Bradley, Cornelius, e. October 16tli, '63; Edgecombe co.
iiradley, Ezra, e. January 29th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Bass, Bisco, e. Nov. 19th, '62; Edgecombe co.; tr. from 43d Regimen t; k. July
30th, '64.
Braswell, Robert, e. January 7th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Barfleld, H. E., e. January 28th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Best, John H., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe CO.
Baker, George, e. March 18th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Barnes, F. M., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Best, Thomas, e. April 15th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Battle, Jesse A., e. April 18th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg,
Braswell, John D., e. ; Edgecombe co.
Bridgers, James W., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Braswell, Robert S., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Brown, Baker S., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Bullo(!k,L. D., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Braswell, Baker W., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg. August 15th, '62.
Brewer, R. W., e. May 13th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Brown, G. J., e. ; Edgecombe co.
Burton, W. D., e. ; Edgecombe co.
Barnes, George N., e. May 2d, '62; Edgecombeco.; d. July 28th, '62, in Virginia.
Bass, John, e. March 1st, '64; tr. from H. A. Ft. Fisher.
Garson, Thomas, e. July 6th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; d. Nov. 1st, '62, at Tarboro.
Causey, Francis, e, Januaiy 27th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Cain, Joseph, e. Deceinber 18th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Cain, James A., e. , '63; Edgecombe co.
Counsel, James R., e. January 19th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Cobb, James A., e. January 19th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Cutchin, G. J. L., e. March 10th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Cherry, John R., e. March 10th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Cobb, W. T., e. April 23d, '62; Edgecombe co.; dg. July 6th, '62.
Dicken, J. L., e. May 3d, '62; Edgecombe co.
Draughan, John, Edgecombe co.; dg.
Daughtridge, R. H., Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Draughan, James W., e. May 10th, '62.
Davenport, T., e. August 15th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Edmondson, John, e. August 18th, '63; Edgecoriibe co. ; k. August 12111, '64.
Everett, William, e. September 22d, '63; Edgecombe co.
Everett, Exum, e. September 1st, '63; Edgecombe co.
Elinor, L. J., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Edwards, Salathiei W., e. April 20th, '62; Edgecombeco.; dg.;
Ethridge, W. J., e. April 27th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p. Corporal.
Fellon, Job, e. May 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
Friar, G. L., e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Fleming, William, e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Cxay, James R., e. May 13th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; d. September 5 th, '62.
Ciorham, John C, e. June 4th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Gay, William, e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Garrett, Alfred, e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Gorham, H. W., e.,March 16th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Gorham, William, e. October 11th, '63; Edgecombe co. ^
Company I— Seventeenth Regiment. 65
Hagans, Jesse, e. April 30th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Harrell, William, e. January 23d, '63; Edgecombe co. ; k. July 5th, '64.
Harrell, John, e. January 29th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Hines, Jesse M., e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p. Corporal.
Hagans, Randall, e. May 2d, '62; Edgecombe co.
Hearn, Wyatt M., e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Howell, B. G., e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Howell, Eli, e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Harrell, Amos, e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Harrell, Elisha., e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Jenkins, Charles A., Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Jones, Wilson, e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Johnston, R» D., e. May 12th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Jones, Gray, e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; w.
Jones, Elisha, e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; k. July 16th, '64.
King, Robert, e. March 19th, '62.
Littleton, Pender, e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co. '
Leggett, D. A., e. March 19th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Lane, Joshua, e. May 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
Long, W. R., e. May 5th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Lancaster, David, e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Eancaster, B. J., e. April 19th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Lancaster, R. M., e. May 18th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Leggett, W. H., e. March Sth, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Lancaster, R., Edgecombe co.
Maner, N. C, e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.; d. Sept. 15th, '62..
Mosely, James, e. April 25th, '62; Edgeconibe co.
Mercer, Jesse, Edgecombe CO. ; dg.
Marshall, J. T., e. April 24th, '62; Edgecombe co.
McDowell, E. C, e. April 24th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Marriner, Thomas, e. May 11th, '62; Edgecombe co.; d. August 7th, '62.
McGwigln, R. W., e. May 17th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; tr, to Graham's Battery Nov,.
1st, '63.
Mosely, A., e. Oct. 14th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Moore, Spencer, e. Jan. 7th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Overton, Stanly, e. Jan. 16th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Overton, J. R., e. March 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
Phillips, Wm. H., e. Jan. 20th, '64; Virginia.
Pittman, B. T., Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Pittman, F. C, e. May r2th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dt.musician.
Price, John H., e. March 19th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Parker, James PL, e. March 29th, '62; Edgecombe co.; d. May 27th, '63.
Pitt, Ethelred, e. March 29th, '62; Edgecombe co.; d. Aug. 10th, '63.
Price, Amos, e. March 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
Pender, L., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co. .
Proctor, W., Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Price, James J., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Proctor, Bennett, e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.; dg.
Purvis, R. T., e, Feb. 14th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Price, John J., e. April 2d, '63; Edgecombe co.
Prosise, John, e. June 17th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Rawlings, Jesse, e. January 21st, '63; Edgecombe co.
Rose, D. W., e. January 6th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Redmond, Wm., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Ruffln, W. H., e. April 25th, '62; Edgecombe co,; d. Oct. 1st, '62.
66 North Carolina State Troops.
Ruffln, Robert R., e. May 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
RufHn, Gray, e. May 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.
Rich, William, e. May 1st, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg. May, '62.
Rollins, W. A., e. March 26th, '62; Edgecombe co,
Robbins, Hansell, e. March 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.; k. July 30th, '64.
Randal, Hogans, e. May 2d, '62; Edgecombe co,
Scott, Frank, e. March 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Sessoms, W. T., Edgecombe co.; dg. May, '62.
Stewart, John S., e. February 27th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Sumberlin, David, e. March 10th, '62; Edgecombe co.; dg. May, '62.
Stallings, Perry, e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Savage, James Mc, e. April 24th, '62; Edgecombe co,; d. Dec. 7th, '63.
Savage, W. L., e. May 22d, '63; Edgecombe co.
Sparks, Jackson A., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Svimberliu, Eli, e. Jan. 13th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Shirley, James, e. Jan. 8th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Taylor, John T., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.; dg.
Taylor, McG., e. Feb. 10th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Taylor, J. J., e. Feb. 10th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Taylor, Allen C, e. May Cth, '62; Engecombe co.
Taylor, Thomas B., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Taylor, Calvin, e. June 19th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Thom, Dempsey, e. Jan. 6th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Varnal, Kinchen, e. Jan. 23d, '63; Edgecombe co.
Vick, James L., e. March 24th, '62; Edgecombe co.; d. May, '62, at Raleigh.
Williams, James H., e. April 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p. Corporal.
Wiggins, James, e. April 4th, '62; Edgecombe co.; p. Sergeant Dec. 16th. '62, and
2d Lieut, in '64.
Webb, Wiley, Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Warren, Henry O., e. March 19th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Williford, A. J., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.; dg.
Whitehead, Winfleld, Edgecombe co. ; dg.
Walston, J. B. H., e. April 1st, '62; Edgecombe co.; tr. to 10th Regiment.
Webb, Cullen, Edgecombe co.
"Ward, James L., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.; dg.
Womble, B. F., e. May 12th, "62; Edgecombe co.; dg.
Weaver, B. F., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Webb, Elbert, e. May 7th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Walston, Robert, e. May 10th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Williford. B. L.,e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Williams, W. W., e. May 6th, '62; Edgecombe co,
Walston, Turnei-, e. May 14tb, '62; Edgecombe co.
Wiggins, Wm. W., e. May 14th, '6:i; Edgecombe co.
Wiggins, J. L., e. June 25th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Webb, Wylie, e. January 7th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Webb, John R., e. January 29th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Whitehead, John, e. Nov. 2flth, '62; Edgecombe co.
Whitehead, Jere., e. Nov. 20th, '62; Edgecombe co.
Whitehead, Willie, e. Aug. 14th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Whitehead, Turner, e. Aug. 14th, '63; Edgecombe co.
'Whitehurst, Jas. A., e. June 22d, '63; Edgecombe co.
White, James A., e. Sept. 13th, '63; Edgecombe co.
White, James D., e. Jan. 3d, '63; Edgecombe co.
Weeks, Silas, c. Jan. Gth, '63; Edgecombe co.; dg. Jan. 12tii, '63.
Williams, J. W., e. July 24th, '63; Edgecombe co.
Company K— Seventeenth Regiment 67
Howard Wiswail, Captain, cm, April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Joseph H. Gray, 1st Lieut., cm. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
William A. Cherry, 2d Lieut., cm. April 14th, '62; Pitt co,
Robert K. Hatton, 2d Lieut., cm. April 14th, '62; Pitt co. ; r. Feb. 14th, '6:3,
Lewis W. Lawrence, 2d Lieut., cm. February 20th, '63; Pitt co.
William S, Blount, 1st Sergeant, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co. ; d. of w. at Washing-
Stephen A. Fife, 2d Sergeant, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.; dg. August 20th, '62.
Richard L. Tyson, 3d Sergeant, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co. ; d. October 15th, '62, at
B«njamin W. Turnage, 4th Sergeant, e. April 14th, '62.
R. W. Whichard, 5th Sergeant, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co. ; p. Sergeant,
Bythel T. Moore, 1st Corporal, e. April 14th, '62; Pittco.
Joshua L. Whichard, 2d Corporal, e, April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Thomas Holliday, 3d Corporal, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Josiah D. Albritton, 4th Corporal, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co. ; d. August 8th, '62,
Adams, John A., e. April 14th, '62; Pittco.; tr. to 66th Regiment.
Averett, Silas, e. April 21st, '62; Pitt co.
Baker, Theophilus, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.
Baker, Bryant, e. April 22d, '62; Pitt co.
Baker, Travis, e. April 22d, '62; Pitt co.; tr. to Com. D.
Bowers, William, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.; dg. May, '62.
Briley, William L., e. May 12th, '62; Pittco.
Briley, Willie, e. May 9th, '62; Pitt co.
Braxton, Francis M., e, April 25th, '62; Pitt co.; dg. September 5th, '63.
Britton, M. A., e. May 24th, '62; Pitt co.
Bell, James, e. Dec. 2d, '62; Pitt co.
Bowers, R. B., e. Jan. 17th, '63; Pitt co.
Bowers, Wm., e. Jan. 16th, '63; Pitt co.; d. Oct. 15th, '64.
Briley, James A., e. Jan. 15th, '63; Pitt co.
Briley, James J., e. Jan. loth, '63; Pitt co.
Briley, A. W. R., e. Jan. 16th, '63; Pitt co.
Britton, M. L., e. Jan. 16th, '62; Pitt co.
Carmey, R. H., e. Dec. 17th, '62; Pitt co.; w.
Cooper, N. D., e. Dec. 20th, '62; Pitt co.
Corbett, B. D., e. Jan. 17th, '63; Pitt co.; w. May 18th, '64.
Cannon, Thomas, Pitt co. ; dg. May, '62.
Croft, James E., e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co. ; p. Corporal.
Croft, Silas, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.
Dunard, A. S., e. April 14th, 62; Pitt co.; p. Sergeant.
Dennis, Arthur, e, Jan. 19th, '62; Pitt co.; tr. to Com. E lOtk Regiment,
68 North Ca^rolina State Troops,
Evans, Theophilus, e- Dec. 20th, '62; Pitt co.
Fleming, O., e. April 25th, '63; Pitt co.
Fleming, Thaddeus, e. April 18th, '63; Pitt co.
Foreman, James M., e. July 14th, '63; Pitt co.; w. July, '61,
Forbes, John, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co,
Forbes, Arthur, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.
Fryer, George W., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Gray, Robert W., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.; w, Sept., '62, at Washington.
Gray, Joseph J.-, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.
Gibbs, William C, e. May 1st, '62; w. at Washington; tr. to 10th Regiment.
Gay, Dempsey, e. Jan. 9th, '63; Pitt co.
Gladson, James C, e. Dec. 20th, '62; Pitt co. ; av.
Hardison, James M., e. Oct. 24th, '62; Edgecombe ed.
House, D. T., e. Jan. 18th, '63; Pitt co.
House, Jarrette, e. Dec. 19th, '62; Pitt co.
Hardee, George W., e. May 1st, '62; Pitt co.
Harriss, James A., e. April 14th, '02; Pitt co,
Harriss, Henry, e. April 30th, '62; Pitt co.
Hearn, Benjamin H., e. May 9th, '62; Pitt co.
Herrington, John A,, e. May 1st, '62; Pitt co.; dg. May, '62,
Highsmith, Robert S., e. May 1st, '62; Pitt co.; dg. May 26lh, '62,
HoUiday, Edward D., e. April 10th, '62; Pitt co.
Holliday, McGilbra, e. Mayl2th, '62; Pittco.; dg. June, '62.
James, Ivey, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.; dg. May, '62; re-enlisted and d. August
12th, '64.
James, Wyatt, e. April 14tb, '62 ; Pitt co.
Johnson, John B., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co,; dg, Sept., '62,
Jones, Robert, e. April 16th, '62; Pitt co.
James, Council, e. Dec. ITth, '62; Pitt co.
James, Ivey, e. Jan. 15th, '63; Pitt co.
James, W. A., e. Dec. 20th, '62 ; Pitt co,
Jones, Daniel, e. Jan. 8th, '63; Pitt co.
Lewis, Wm. A., e. Dec. 20th, '62; Pitt co.
Langley, Lemuel, e. April 16th, '62; Pitt co,; d. Jane 3d, '62, at Raleigh,
Lawrence, Lewis W., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.; p. 2d Lieut. Feb. 20th, '63 j c. Oct.
1st, '64.
Little, James C, e. May 1st, '62; Pitt co. ; d. Jan., '63, at Goldsboro.
Little, Geo. E., e. May 7th, '62; Pitt co.
Little, M. Gray, e, ; Pilt co.; dg. May, '62.
May, Wm. H., e. May 12th. '62 ; Pitt co.
May, Blaney H., e. May I2th, '62; Pitt co. ; d. Sept, 21st, '64.
Mills, Joseph R., e. May 4th, '62; Pitt co.; tr. to 44th Regiment.
Moore, Geo. W., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Moore, Lemuel J., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Moore, James C, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.; dg, Sept. 6th, '62,-
Moore, Richie, e. May 6th, '62; Pitt co.
Moore, John R., e. May 6th, '62; Pitt co.; p. Sergeant.
Moore, Joseph S., e. May 6th, '62; Pitt co,; p. Sergeant.
Moore, John T., e. May 14th, '62; Pitt co.; dg. July 9th, '62.
Murphy, Thomas, e. May 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Manning, Wm. M., e. Dec. 20th, '62; Pitt co.
McGlawhon, Enoch, e. Jan, 20th, '62; Pitt co.
Mills, R. H., e. Sept. 28th, '62; Pitt co.
Moore, John A., e. June 24th, '63; Pitt co.
Moore, James C, e. December 19th, '62; Pittco,
Company Jj—SBventeentb Regiment 69
Moore, W, R. G. W., e. April 18th, ^62; Pitt co.
Moore, "Worrel, e. June 16tli, 'G2- Pitt co.
Nelson, James G., e. April 14tli, '62; Pitt co.
Nobles, Simon E., e. May 9th, '62; Pitt co.
Parker, Richard C, e. April 14th, '62; Pitt c©.
Prickett, Alexander N., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt co.
Peel, Craven, e. April 30th, '62-; Pitt co.; tr. to this Com. April 30th, '63; d. Sep-
tember 15th, '64.
Perkins, J, M., e. February 10th, '62; Pitt co. ; w.
Phillips, B. E„ e. January 9th, '62; Pitt co. ; tr. to this Com. January 9th, '63.
Robertson, John A., e. May 1st, '62; Pitt co.; dg. May 30th, '62.
Roebuck, Geo. W., e. May 6th, '62; Pitt co. ; p. Corporal.
Rogers, Henry, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt CO.; d. July Ist, '62, at Goldsboro.
Ross, Samuel R., e. May 26th, '62; Pitt co.
Ross, John L., e. January 17th, '62; Pitt co.
'Sermons, Elias, e. December 20th, '62; Pitt co.
vSmith, L. J,, e. December 20th, '62; Pitt co.; p. Corporal.
Shelly, Wm. H., e. April 14th, '62; Pitt CO.; tr. to 55th Regiment.
•Sutton, Benjamin, e. May 7th, '62; Pitt co.
Teel, McGelbon, e. April 11th, '62; Pitt eo.
Tucker, A, C, e. May 1st, '62; Pitt eo. ; p. Sergeant.
Tyson, Joel, Pitt co. ; dg. May, '62,
Thomas, A'oel, e. May 3d, '62; Martin co.
Wainright, John E,, e. May 9th, '62; Pitt co.
"Weathington, W. S., e. May I'ith, '62; Pitt co.
Williams, James, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt co.; d. July 8th, '62, at Goldsboro.
Winn, J. J, C, e. May 12th, '62; Pitt CO.; dg. May, '62.
'Ward, Fernando, e. December 20th, '62; Pitt co. ; p. Corporal.
Whichard, Alfred, e. January 11th, '63; Pitt co.
Whichard, W. G., e. December 20th, '62; Pitt co.
Woolard, .Tames C, e. May 12th, '62; Beaufort co.
'Webb, William F,, e. November 1st, '63; Edgecombe CO.
Lucius J. Johnson, Captain, cm. May 8th, '61; Pasquotank co.; c. at Hatteras
August 2Sth, '61; p. Major May 20th, '64; c. at Kinston April, '64, and d.
Thos. H. Gilliam, Captain, cm. May 20th, '64; Perquimans co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Thomas H. Gilliam, 1st Jjieut., cm. May 8th, '61; Perquimans co, ; c at Hatteras
August 28th, '61; p.
Wilson L. Mardre, 1st Lieut., cm. May 20th, '64; Perquimans co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Wilson L. Mardre, 2d Lieut., cm. May 8th, ^62; Perquimans co. ; p.
Edward S. Hobbs, 2d Lieut., cm. May, '61 ; Perquimans co.
Joseph D. Perry, 2d Lieut.
W. G. Granberry, 1st Sergeant, e. Api'il 28th, '63; Edgecombe co. ; dt.
X R- Wiggins, 2d Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; Perquimans co.
70 North GsLrolinsL State Troops.
E. B. Suniaer, 3d Sergeant, e. November lOtb, '62; Texas.
B. F. Rush, 4th Sergeant, e. March 23d, '63; Randolph co.
M. Barbee, 5th Sergeant, e. April 6t.h, '63; Wake co.; dt.
J. Standi, 1st Corporal, e. May 8th, '61; Cabarrus co.
A. M. Foster, 2d Corporal, e. August 9th, '62; Herttord co.
W. E. Millsaps, 3d Corporal, e. April 6th, '63; Alexander co,
Thomas Litters, 4th Corporal, e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
AHison, J., e. April 4th, '63; Iredell co.
Barnhart, J. M., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Barnhart, Paul, e. April 6th, ''63; Cabarrus co.
Black welder, R. B., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Blackwelder, W. R., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Bost, A. I., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Bunham, B. F., e. May 29th, '62; Perquimans co.
Cagle, Jeptha, e. May 28th, '63; Union co.
Garden, W. M., e. May 16th, '63; Alamance co.
Gartner, John, e. April 11th, '63; Davie go.
Carter, J. C, e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co,
Chappill, Benjamin, e. May 8th, '61; Perquimans cov.
Clodfelter, I. F., e. October 9th, '62; Alexander co.; dt^
Cook, R.F., e. April 11th, '63; Iredell co.
Combs, David, e. February 25th, '62; Perquimans co.
Davis, W. I., e. February 11th, '63; New Hanover co.
Dewers, W. B., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Elliott, J. W., e. April 29th, '64; Edgecombe co.; c.
Fesperman, J. M., e. March 2d, '63; Stanly co.
Fink, W., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Goodman, J. J., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Goodman, M., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Hilisman, A. N., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Inscore, Joseph, e. April 14th, '63; Granville co^
Icenhour, D.M., e. April 6tlx, '63; Cabarrus co.
Irwin, B. B., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.; d. Sept. 12th, '6L
Johnson, M., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Johnson, W. H,, Richmond co.
Jolly, W., e. April 7th, '63; Iredell co.
Joyner, J. H., e. April 6th, '63; Caba.rrus co.
Keever, J. D., e. April 18th, '63.
Kendall, B. L , e. March 2d, '63; Stanly co.
King, M., e. March 22d, '64; New Hanover co.
Lesesne, M., e. March 2d, '63; Montgomery co.
Latter, O. C, e. July 15th, '62.
Linker, T. A., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Lloyd, A., e. July 15th, '62.
Lloyd, M., e. March 22d, '64; New Hanover co.
Lloyd, T. P., e. July 16th, '62.
Malpass, R. I., e. March 22d, '64; New Hanover co.
Meredith, A. M., e. July 15th, '62; Guilford co. ; w. October 7th,. '6I„
Messei', P., e. April 14th, '63; Cabarrus co,
Mitchell, E. B., e. April 17th, '63; Alexander co.
Parker, W., e. April 17th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Uaper, John W., e. May 8th, '61; Ilertfoi'd co.
Compa,iiy L— Seventeenth Regiment 71
Riley, Jas. R., e. April 10th, '63; Pitt co. ; c. Oct. 27th, '64.
Rodgers, PI. P., e. April 6th, '63; Union co.; w. Sept. 14th, '64.
Ross, L., e. March 23d, '63; Union co.
Scott, M., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Shinn, R. M., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
vSoots, Tobias, e. April 20th, '63; Guilford co.
Thompson, J. \V., e. May 10th, '03; Alamance co.
Turner, C. P., e. xlpril 1st, '63; Jones co.
Vandei'berg, I., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Van-Pelt, J. R., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.; dt.
Wade, J.
Walter, A., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus oo.
Walter, J. A., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Walter, H., e. April 27th, '64; Edgecombe co.
Williams, B. B., e. April ilth, '63; Johnson ca
Wilkerson, W. N., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Wiilcoxon, R. L., e. April ISth, '63; Wilkes co.
Wencoff, A., e. April 6th, 63; Cabarrus co.
Wright, D. F., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Wynne, W.
Wright, J. W., e: April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.; d. Sept. 18th, '64,
Yerton, J. R., e. April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Yost, J, A,, e, April 6th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Field and Staff— Eighteenth Regiment
D captured.
cm commissioned.
eo county.
Com Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg. discbarged.
dt detailed.
k killed.
m missing.
p promoted.
pr .prisoner.
r resigned.
tr transferred.
w wounded.
James D. Radcliffe, Colonel, cm. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; tr. to com-
mand of 61st Regiment.
Rob't H. Cowan, Colonel, cm. April 24th, '62; New Hanover co. ; r. Nov. 11th, '62.
Thomas J. Purdie, Colonel, cm. November 11th, '62; Bladen co. ; p. from Lieut.
Col.; w. December 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg, and k. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
John D. Barry, Colonel, cm. May 3d, '63; New Hanover co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm
June 29th, '62.
Oliver P. Meares, Lieut. Colonel, cm. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. from
Captain of Com. I.
Thomas J. Purdie, Lieut. Colonel; New Hanover co. ; p. from Captain of Com.
K; p. Colonel and k.
Forney George, Lieut. Colonel, cm. November 11th, '62; r. May 11th, '63.
Thomas W. jSIcGill, Lieut. Colonel, em. May 13th, '63; Bladen co. ; w. at Frazier"s
Farm June 29th, '62; p. from Captain of Com. B.
Oeorge Tait, Major, cm. June 15th, '61; Bladen co.; p. from Captain of Com. K;
r. March, '62.
Thomas J. Purdie, Major, cm. April 24th, '62; Bladen co.; p. and k.
John D. Barry, Major, cm. November 11th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. from Capt.
of Com. I.
Thomas J. Wooten, Major, cm. May Sd, '63; Lenoir co. ; p. Captain of Com. K.
< "lias. D. Myers, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, cm. June 15th, '61; p. Captain and Aide-
de-Camp to General French.
Samuel P. Walters, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant; Brunswick co. ; p. Captain.
.James A. Miller, Surgeon, cm. June 16th, '61; New Hanover co.
Charles Lesesne, Assistant Surgeon, cm. 15th, '61; Bladen co.
Anthony D. Cazaux, A. Q. M., cm. June 15th, '61.
Duncan McNeill, A. C. S. ; Richmond co. ; r.
Uob't Tait, A. C. S. ; Bladen co. ; dt. from command of Co. B April, '62; r. July, '63.
Company A—EigMeenth Regiment 78
Christian Cornehlson, Captain, cm. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
Hanke Vollers, 1st Lieut., cm. April 15th. '61 ; New Hanover co.
George A. Johnston, 1st Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; New Hanover co.
Gorham H. W. Bunge, 2d Lieut., em. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
Engelhard Schulken, 2d Lieut., cm. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
Samuel B. Anders, 2d Lieut., cm. April 21th, '62; New Hanover co.
Alexander Newberry, 2d Lieut., em. April 24th, '63; New Hanover co.
David S. Bullard, 2d Lieut., cm. Jan. 2d, '63; New Hanover co.
Charles Archerman, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept., '62; New Hanover co.
.lacoh N. "W. Cornehlson, 1st Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
September 15th, '62.
Frederick W. Heyer, 2d Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April
15th, '62.
Leihr Vollers, 3d Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15tli,
William Deinstbache,4th Sergeant, e, April loth, '61; NewHanover co. ; dg. April
15th, '62.
Alexander Thies, 1st Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April
1st, '62.
John C. Hoock, 2d Corporal, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th,
August C. Bachman, 3d Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; NewHanover co. ; dg. April
15th, '62.
Christian Von Glahn. 4th Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Haiiover co. ; dg.
April 15th, '61.
Appel, John M., e. April loth, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Anders, Samuel B., e, June 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. 2nd Lieutenant April
24th, '62.
Archerman, Charles, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2nd. Lieut. Sept., '62.
Brandt, John M., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July, '61.
Bear, Henry, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Bunchner, Louis, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Brahmer, Henry, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co, ; dg. June 15th, '62.
Bonsold, John, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg, June 16th, '62.
Bullard, David S., e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co.; p. 2nd Lieut. Jan. 2d, '63;
pr. May 12th, '64.
Bullard, Owen, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. Sept. 15th, '63.
Bullard, Angus J., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover; p. 3d Sergeant.
Berry, Charles, e. July 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Beatty, Calvin, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co; w. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg,
Beatty, Wilborn, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co.
Beatty, Cephas, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
74 North Carolina State Troops,
Barkley, John A., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co.
Bandy, H. Q,., e. August 14th, 'G2; Catawba co.; m. August 16th, '64.
Barringer, H. A., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; d. Novemtoer, '62.
Beams, M., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co. ; m, October, '62.
Bumgardner, H., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.; m. October, '62.
Brown, Peter A., e. September Sth, '62; New Hanover co.
Chason, James, e. June 20th, '61; New Hanover co.; tr. from Com. D.
Cordlanden, John H. G., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April loth, '62.
(;iine, M. L., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; d, December, '62.
Crawford, R. A., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; m. in '62.
Cook, John B., e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. June IGth, '62.
Caveniss, Davidson, e. September 3d, '64 ; Iredell co.
Catz, N., e. September 8th, '62; Iredell co.
Cain, Edward J., e. July 16tl], '64.
Dunlap, W. A., e. September 3d, '62; Iredell co.
Davis, Owen, e. July 17tli, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. May 27th, '62.
Domber, Henry, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Dillinger, J. J., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co.; m. in '62.
Deal, Jacob, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; m. in '62.
Deal, ■'■Villiam, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; m. in '62.
Deal, Simon, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; m. in "62.
Earnhardt, William, e. September 8tb, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. May 8th, '63.
Eigenbruner, David, e. April 14th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July^ '61.
Edge, James T., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 1st Sergeant; w. May od,
'63, and m. May 12th, '64.
Edwards, L. F., e. October 3d, '64.
Fisher, Barnett, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; d. November 18th, '62.
Fisher, Noah, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; d. November 11th, '62.
Fleischer, Samuel, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April, '62.
Faircloth, Thomas, e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co.
Grotan, William, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Glunther, August, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Geir, Charles, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '61.
Goldsmith, Benjamin, e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. Oct., '61.
Grunberry, Max., e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Gilliam, Robert, e. August 14th, '62; Iredell co.
Hackerman, Gerhard, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. of w. received
May 27th, '62.
Hoerner, John, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. and dg.
Henkin, L. D., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
Hales, Ollen, e. April 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 1st, '62.
Hall, Washington, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; m. at Falling Waters.
Hare, Aaron C, e. July 20th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. Dec, '62.
Hosper, George F., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Hull, M. F., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. May 2d, '63.
Howard, Franklin, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Harman, M. M., e. Aug. Hth, '62; New Hanover co.; m. July 3d, '63.
Harman, Benjamin, e. Aug. 14th, '62; d. Nov. 21st, '62.
Hall, AVilliam J., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. May 27th, '62, at Hano-
ver C. H.
Hall, Barney, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
Holler, Jacob, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co.
HefTne, John, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co.
Heffraan, H. N., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; m.
Herman, Frederick, e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; pr. May 12th, '64.
Company A— Eighteenth Regiment. 75
Huffman, D. J., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba co. ; d. November, '62.
Hawn, Joseph, e. August 14th, '62; Caiawba co. ; m. May 6th, '61.
Huntley, J. V., e. August 14th, '62; Catawba ec; m.
Howard, William, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Huffman, S. A., e. Aug., '62; New Hanover co.
Hoins, John H., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
Hall, William, e. June 15th, '61; Iredell co.
Holler, Lawson, e. October 5th, '64; Iredell co.
Harman, M. M., e. August 17th, '62; Iredell CO.; m. July 3rd, '63.
Ickerd, W. A., e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; k. May 2d, '63, at Chancellors-
Johnson, Jacob H., e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. Nov. 18th, '62.
Jacoby, Simon, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, 62.
Johnston, George A., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 1st Lieut. ApriJ
24th, '62.
Kornahrens, John N., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg,
Klein, Rudolph, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Katz, Maurice M., e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Koppel, Jacob, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Kuhn, Henry, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Kyhl, Henry R., e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
Lucas, John, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 1st, '62.
Lippman, Moses, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Lindsay, B., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Louis, James B., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. August 10th, '63.
J.AO\e, H. S., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.; c. May 6th, '64.
Lafawn, Daniel, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; m.
Lanier, Joseph, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. Feb. 9th, '63.
I^anier, Jacob, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Leihrs, Glaus H., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62,
Leusebrink, Henry W., e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
Lewis, Thomas J., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Chan-
Lafawn, Daniel, e. September Sth, '62; Iredell co.
Lutes, John B., e. October 5th, '64; Iredell co.
Lutes, Laban, e. October 2Sth, '64; Iredell co.
Lindsay, R. G., e. September 5th, '64; Iredell co.
Leitzen, D., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Lepman, August, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
McCaslin, William, e. August 14t.h, '62; New Hanover co.; d. January Sth, '63.
Maup, Samuel, e. April 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Mayer, A. R., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Mathias, H., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg, April 15th, '62.
Mathias, F., e. April loth, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Marcuse, Max, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 15th, '61.
Mulford, John C, e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. Dec. 25th, '62, in Va.
Melvin, Love, e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; tr. to 2d Cavalry, 19th Reg't,
Merritt, Richard, e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Ghancel-
Martin, Latan F., e. October 3d, '64; Iredell co.
McKinnie, N. M., e. October 5th, '64; Iredell co.
Monroe, Josey, e. September Sth, '62; New Hanover co.
McDaniel, George W., e. July 19th, '64; Iredell co.
Moore, Frederick J. F., e. October 3d, '64; Iredell co.
Nickens, Iredell S., e. June loth, '61; New Hanover co. ; m.
76 North Carolina State Troops.
"Newberry, Alexander, e. June 15th, ''61; New Hanover co.-; p. 2nd Lieutenant
April 24tli, '62.
•Ortman, Ernest, e. April 15th, '61- New Hanover oo.; m. in battle at Hanover,
Overbach, Henry, e. April loth, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 15th, '62.
Pachar, E.,e. April 15th, ^61; New Hanover co.; dg. July, '61.
Pollard, Samuel, e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Pope, Frederick, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover oo.
Pope, Franklin, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Pfundt, August, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 15th, '62.
Portwing, Henry, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 15th, '62,
Potter, Robert, e. September 3d, '62; Iredell co.
Pollard, Samuel, e. September 8th, '62; Iredell co.; e. May 12th, '64.
Pollard, Noah, e. Seiitember 8th, '62; New Hanov-er co. ; d. in '62.
Russ, George W., e. October 29th, '64; Iredell co.
Rinaldi, B. F., e. April 26th, '61; Pasquotank co.; e.
Rosenthall, G., e. April 15th, ^61; New Hanover co.
Rhyne, Eli S., e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. and pr. July 3d, '63; p. Cor
poral and dt.
Reeves, Daniel, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. for disability September
1st, '61.
Robinson, William, e. .lune 15th, ^61; New Hanover co.
Rodgers, HeinriclL, e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; k. June 27th; '62.
Reeves, Robert, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover eo, ; p. Corporal; w. at Chancel-
Reeves, David, e. June loth, '61; New Hanover co.; w. at Chancellorsville; p.,
Stolter, Frederick J., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Smith, "White, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant.
Smith, Henry, e. Jiine 15th, '62; New Hanover co.; tr. to 2d Cavalry.
Stolter, Christian, e. June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
T^tolter, Plenry, e. .June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June leth, '62.
Stockout, Albert, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 15th, '62.
Smith, Daniel M., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. for disability Septem-
ber 1st, '6L
Simmons, Alexander, e. July 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. May 27th, '62, at
Hanover, Va.
Simmons, Joshua M., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at
Sutton, John B., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
Seligman, Samuel, e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co.
Steiniger, George, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July, '61.
Stadler, Joseph, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; d,
Stemker, George, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Schriever, H., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Schwartz, A., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July, '61.
Straus, Wm., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Schoeber, F. W., e. April 15th, '61; New Ha,nover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Speigle, Mickel, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. Nov., '62.
Shok, Henry, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. in prison Sept. 16th, '64.
Shok, John, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Starnes, David, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. in prison Sept. 15th, '64.
Scronce, C. B., e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Scronce, Andrew, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Styles, Wjlliain, e, Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. May 15th, '63,
Company A— Eighteenth Regiment, 77
Siglnan, W. T)., e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Sigman, L, K., e^ Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. Nov, 1st, '62,
Sutton, John B., e. September 20th, '63;. Bladen co.-
Spoke, Peter P., e. September 8th, '62; Iredell co.
Smith, Daniel M., e, October 31st, '64; Iredell co,
Seleman, Samuel, e. January loth, '61; New Hanover co. *
Sherrell, Sidney N., e. October 3d, '64;, Iredell co.
Sutzer, J. L., e. October 5th, '64; Iredell co.
Spoke, P. P., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Similins, W. W., e. September 8th, '62;. New Hanover co.;. d. in '62,
Teller, Emmanuel, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62',r
Turner, Richard, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. July, '61.
Teitzen, Glaus, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. Jvily, '61.
Towery, S,, e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Tatom, Hanson, e- April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co.; d.
Tatom, Marshal N., e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. Sergeant.
Talom, Robert W., e, June 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. July 16th, '63,
Tatom, Simon L,, e, June 15th, '61; New Hanover co,; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancel^
Uhlrich, W,, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg, July, '61.
Voss, G,, e, April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg, April 15th, '62,
Westerman, H,, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62,
Wilson, Louis, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62,
Workman, L. H., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Williams, O., e. September 8th ^ '62; New Hanover co,
Wilson, A,, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. of w. received Sept., '62,-
Weaver, David, e. Aug, 14h, '62; New HanoYer co.; d. Dec, 25th, '62.
Weaver, Adam, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d, Dec. 11th, '62.
Weaver, S, M,, e, Aug, 14th, '62; New Hanover co,; d. Nov, 80th, '62.
Willi,s, Joseph, e. June 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Wagner, John G., e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. May, '62,
Williams, T. J., e. January 8th, '64; Iredell co.
Weightman, David, e. July 15th, '64; Iredell co.
Williams, Gilbert, e. May 15th, '64; Greene co,j
North Carolim State Troopa.
Robert Tail, Captain, cm. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; assigned as A. C. S. and r.
July, '63.
JohnW. McGill, Captain, cm. May 27th, '62; Bladen co.; p. Mti.jor.
Marcus W. Buie, Captain, cm. in '64; Bladen co. ; p. Irom 1st Lieut.; w. in '61.
Oilmore Edwards, 1st Lieut,, cm. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
•John W. McGill, 1-st Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; Bladeuco. ; w. at Prazlers Farm
June 29th, '62.
W. O. Robinson, 1st Lieut., cm. in '61; Bladen co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Willie J. Sikes, 2nd Lieut., cm. May 2d, '61; Bladen co.
.Tohn W. McGill, 2d Lieut., cm. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; p. and w.
Thomas K. Wiggins, 2nd Lieut., cm. May 27th, '62; Bladen co. ; p. from ranks.
Marcus W. Buie, 2d Lient., cm. in '62; Bladen co. ; p. from Sergeant and w.
Camden Lewis, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 1st, '62; Bladen co. ; p. from Sergeant.
W. O. Robinson, 2d Lieut., cm. in '63; Bladen co. ; p. from ranks.
Richard W. Lesesne, 2d Lient., cm, in '63; Bladen co. ; p. from ranks.
Marcus W. Buie, 1st Sergeant, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; p. 2d Lieut, and Capt.
in '61; w.
Camden Lewis, 2d Sergeant, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; p. Lieut. Sept. 1st, '62.
Wni. J. Edwards, od Sergeant, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; p. May 27th, '62, and w.
at Fredericksburg.
Arthur W. Butler, 4th Sergeant, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg.
Moore Callihan, 1st Corporal, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg.
John F. Butler, 2d Corporal, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; dg.
Joseph Hester, 3d Corporal, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
John W. Monroe, 4th Corporal, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Allen, Charles W., e. July 9th, '61; Bladen co.; dg. for disability.
Andrews, R. B., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.
Austin, Edmond, e. August 2otb, '64; Bladen co.
Bragg, Wm. C, e. August 24th, '61; Bladen co.
Blackwell, S., e. May 3d, '61; Bladeuco.; w. at Federicksburg,
Beasley, Absalom T., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; dg.
Brown, O. A., e. June 9th, '61 ; Bladen co.
Butler, Jas. L., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d. June, '62.
Brinkley, , e. July 25th, '64.
Bradley, J. J., e. April 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Barlow, W. B,, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.; c. May 1st, '64.
Blackwell, John W., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Browing, W. R., e. May od, '61; Bladen co.; k. Aug., '62, at Cedar Run.
Carpenter, H., e. Sept. 17th, '62; Bladen co.
Carter, B. F., e. Sept. 17th, '62; Bladen co.
Carter, J. R., e. Sept. 17th, '62; Bladen co.
Cloutz, J. H., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.; d.
Company B— Eighteenth Regiment 7Q
Counc(^, Jacob, e. Aug. 20th, "62; Bladen co.; k. Sept. 20th, 'G2.,
Callihan, D. J., e. May od, '01; Bladen co.
Cheshire, Richard J., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Crawford, B. G., e. Sept. lUth, '62; Bladen co.
Cox, R., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Dryman, W., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Dove, Mitchell S., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; w. Aug, 30th, '62, at 2d Manassas,
Dove, John McD., e. May Sd, '61; Bladen co.; dg. for disability,
Davis, Wm. R., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg.
Davis, Wm. J., e. May Sd, '61; Bladen co. ; dg.
Davis, J, A., e. Sept. 27th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; p. Corporal.
Edwards, Alfred, e. INIay Sd, '61 ; Bladen co.
Edwards, Haynes, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co.
Edwards, Calvin, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; d. April, '62.
Edwards, Wright, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover, Va.
Edwards, George H., e. March 1st, '62; Bladen co. ; c. May 5th, '61.
Ellis, Thomas B., e. September loth, '61; Bladen co.
Evers, Philip, e. May od, '61; Bladen co.; p. Sergeant; c. May 3d, '64.
Edge, Wm. J., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Fields, James H., e. May 3d, '61; Bertie co. ; c. May 12th, '64.
Fields, John H., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Guyton, Anderson, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Guyton, Jeremiah, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. May 7th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
Graves, John F., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Graves, Murdock S., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d. Oct., '62.
Graves, Nathaniel R., e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; dg. for disability.
Graves, Sampson B., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; k. September 1st, '62, at Ox Hill.
Gause, Bryan B., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. Dee. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Gause, Henry, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Gause, James W., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; p. Corporal.
Green, Council, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ;-pr.
Green, Henry, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; pr. May r2th, '64.
Gillis, M. B., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Goble, D., e. Aug. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Goble, J., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.; dg. for disability.
Goodson, J. H., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.; k. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Guffle, E., e. September 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Hester, Snowden, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Hester, Lewis, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d. May 3d, '62.
Hester, Wright, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Hester, John A., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d. September 15th, '62.
Hester, R., e. July 15th, '62; Bladen co.
Hight, Wm., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg.
Hammonds, Orren, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover.
Hammonds, John P., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; dg.
Hilburn, Henry F., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg.
Hilburn, Calvin L., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shepherds-
Hagler, AV. C, e. August 20th, '62; Bladen co; d. in prison in '64,
Hagler, John M., e. August 20th, '62; Bladen co,; c. July 28th, '64.
Hagler, Joseph, e. August 20th, '62; Bladen co.; dt.
Icenhour, D., e. August 20th, '62; Bladen co.; d. November, '62.
Johnson, James, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; p. 1st Sergeant.
Jordan, D. J., e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover, Va.
Jones, Benj. B., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg. May 3d, '62, for disability.
North Carolina State Troops,
King, G. G., e. July 9th, '61; Bladen co,
Kaglor, W. P., e. August 20th, '62; Bladen co.; d. February, '63.
Kaglor, J. W., e. August 20th, '62; Bladen co.
Lovett, William, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co,
Long, William, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; d. January, '62,
Lennon, James, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co, ; dg. May 25th, '62, for disability.
Lunsden, J,, e, September 10th, '62.
Long, G. T., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.
Lesesne, Richard W., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; p, 2d Lieut, in '63.
McKeithan, Frederick J., e. May 3d, '61; d.
Meares, John, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co.
Monroe, W. J., e. July 9th, '63; Bladen co.; dg. May 26th, '62, for disability.
Munn, Oliver, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. MaySd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
McKee, David, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; d, Oct., '61.
McKee, Troy V/., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H,
Moore, S. B., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Morgan, W., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.; d. April 19th, '63,
Miller, G. W., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.
Nance, J. F., e. May 30th, '61; Bladen co; d. May 26th, '61,
Nance, John E., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Nance, F. L., e. March 1st, '64; Bladen co.
Pate, David T., e. May 30th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at Gettysbui'g,
Pate, David, e. May 30th, '61; Bladen co.
Pate, Nelson, e. May 30th, '61 ; Bladen co.
Pate, Edward, e. May 30th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C, Bt.
Powell, Kimon, e. May 30th, '61; Bladen co.; dg.
Porch, Wm., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co. ; d.
Packer, Theophilus, e. May 30th, '01; Bladen co. ; dg.
Kackley, James F., e. May 30th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Robins, Hardy H., e. May 30th, '61; Bladen co.
Robers, Richard B., e. May 30th, '61;, Bladen co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover
Roberts, W., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co,; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Ruse, Troy M., e. May 3d, '62; Bladen co.
Ruse, Matthew, e. May 3d, '62; Bladen co. ; dg. Oct., '62, for disability.
Robinson, Ilardie H., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Robinson, T. A., e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; dg. Sept. 26th, '61,
RobinsonJW. O., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. 1st Lieut, in '63,
Robinson, B. F., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.
Regan, O., e, Sept. iOth, '61; Bladen co.; d. Oct,, '62,
Ramsey, E. J., e, Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.
Rector, A. B., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co.; c. in '64.
Rickman, J. J., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Bladen co. ; c. in '64.
Robeson, W., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; p. Sergeant,
.Sikes, Andrew J., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Sikes, Giles, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Sikes, H, M., e. September 20th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg.
Hinglelary, A., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d. April 6th, '62,
Singletary, J., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Singletary, James, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co, ; d. Aug. 1st, '61,
Slorm, Dennis, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; p. Sergeant and dt.
Singletary, D. M., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Singletary, Harmon W., e. May 3d, '61; Bladeia co. ; k. May 27th, *62, at Hanover
C. H,
Singletary, Milton B., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Company C— Eighteenth Regiment. 81
Singletary, Travis W., e. May od, "61; Bladen co.; c. July 28th, '64.
Singletary, Snowden, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Shaw, A. P., e. Sept. 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Shaw, D.P.,e. Oct. 2d, '61; Bladen co.; dg. Feb., '63, for disability,
•Shook, Adam, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.
Simmons, L., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.; c. in '64.
Souther, Stephen, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co.; d.
Starling, Wm. L., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Thompson, James A., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's
Thompson, B. G., e. June 5th, '61; Bladen co. ; p. Corporal.
Thompson, W. R., June 15th, '63; Bladen co.
Tyson, James, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.
Tyson, Lazarus, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Tyson, Joshua, e. May Sd, '61; Bladen co.
Tilley, Fletcher, e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; dg.
Totherro, J. L., e. Sept. 11th, '62; Bladen co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
White, Daniel, e. Oct. 31st, '64; Wake co.
Wiggins, Thomas K., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; p. 2d Lieut. May 27th, '62.
Wiggins, Jesse, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; d. October 9th, '61.
Wiggins, Moore, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; d. March 15th, '62.
Williams, Joseph H., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d.
Williams, Andrew T., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; dg. June, '61.
Wilson, James W., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
Wilson, J. C, e. July 9th, '62; Bladen co.; d. Jan., '63.
Weeks, George W., e. May 3d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at Hanover C. H., and dt.
Ward, Charles, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; d. Sept., '62.
Ward, John, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Ward, Calvin, e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; p. Sergeant and dt.
Wainscott, Wm., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Bladen co. ; d. Jan., '63.
Forney George, Captain, cm. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Major March, '62;
w. at Cedar Run August, '62.
John W. Meares, Captain, cm. March, '62; Columbus co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Henyard Long, Captain, cm. In '64; Columbus co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
William K. Gore, 1st Lieut., cm. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
John W. Meares, 1st Lieut., cm. May 26th, '62; Columbus co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Henyard Long, 1st Lieut., cm. in '64; Columbus co. ; p. from 2d Lieut,; p.
O. C. Gore, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
Henyard Long, 2d Lieut., cm. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; p.
Owen Smith, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov. 1st, '62; Columbus co.
.John George Butler, 2d Lieut., cm, April 24th, '62; Columbus co.
Samuel A. Long, 2d Lieut., em. in '63; Columbus co.; p. from ranks.
Edward W. Fowler, 2nd Lieut., cm. July 16th, '63; Columbus co. ; p. from, ranks;
w. Sept. 15th, '64.
W. V. Richardson, 2nd Lieut. ; Columbus co. ; p. from ranks.
82 Forth Carolina State Troops.
Owen Smith, 1st Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Novem-
ber 1st, '62.
F. N. Barronellot, 2d Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. in '62.
John W. Meares, 3d Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Captain.
W. V. Stanley, 4th Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. August 80th, '62,
at 2d Manassas.
M. H. Harrell, 5th Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. May 1st, "62, for
W. A. Bell, 1st Corporal, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Gettysburg; p.
Isaac E. Bellamy, 2d Corporal, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. May 27th, "62,
at Hanover C. H.
E. V. Latter, 3d Corporal, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; w. May 27th, '62, at
Hanover C. H.
N. A. Mario w, 4th Corporal, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; w. at Cedar Run
and Gettysburg.
Anson, E., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Acard, B., e. August 20th, '62; Colunabus co.
Austin, J. P., e. Sept. .5th, '62; Columbus co.
Bellamy, Lucian G., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. July od, '62, at Frazier'.«
Bennett, Jas. N., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; d. June 20th, '62, of w. received
at Hanover C. H.
Best, Daniel R., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
burg and dt.
Best, Matthew J., e. April 24th, "61; Columbus co.; dg.
Best, William R., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. Jan. 18th, '65.
Bostian, A. L., e. Feb. 24th, '61; Columbus co.
Bryan, L., e. July 20th, '61; Columbus co.
Bo.swell, J. J., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Butler, John George, e. April 2Jth, '61; Columbus co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April 24th, '62.
Butler, J. A., e. July 20th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; dg.
Boswell, M. B., e. Jan. 28th, '64; Columbus co.
:Benefleld, W. M., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Best, William, e. April 21th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. Dec. 13th, '02, at Fredericks-
Bradshaw, James, e. Aug. 20th, '02; Columbus co. ; d. Feb. 17th, '63.
Bowrnas, S. C, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Beach, Enoch, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Baird, J. H., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Bostian, Alex., e. September 1st, '62; Columbus co. ; c, July 28th, '64.
Browning, William R., Columbus co.
Cannady, Allen, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co,
Cannady, Evander, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. Aug. 12th, '(il.
Cannady, George W., e. April 21th, '61; Columbus co.
Cannady, Joseph, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; dg.
Cumbel, Jacob, e. July 20th, '61 ; Columbus co.
' Corpening, A K., e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Corls, Jacob, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; dt.
■ Clark, W. H., e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; pr. July 30th, '64,
Vompmy C—MgUeenth Regiment S3
aover, S. O., e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; c. July S&, '64.
Craig, J. A-., e. August 20tli, '62; Columtous co.
Craig, J. S., e. March 1st, '63; Columbus co, ; c. May 12th, '64.
Crump, D., e. Aug. 20th, '62^ Columbus co. ; c May 12th, '61.
Cottrell, W, W-., e. Aug, 20th, '62; Columbus co.; d. Nov. 8th, '62.
Day, James, e. Aug, 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; d. Jan-. 6th, '63,
Day, John, e. Aug. 20th, '62; ColumbRs co. ; d>
Day, Wm,, e. Aug. 2uth, '62; Columbus co.
Dula, J, A.,e. Aug. 20th, '62^ Cokimbus co.; dg. for disability.
Dixey, P. T., e. August i2th, '62; Columbus co. ; dg,
Ellis, Bryant, e. Aug. 12th, '62; Columbus co-.; dg.
Faulk, Jonathan G., e. April 24th, '61 ; Col umbos co. ; p. Corporal ; c Julj^ 28th, '64,
Faulk, Wm. PU, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; o. May 12th, '64.
•Fowler, Edward W., e. April 24th, '61; Colum'feus co. ; p. 2d Lieut* July 16th, 'S5;
w. Sept. loth, '64.
Gore, R. H., e. AW.g. 12th-, '61; Celumbifis co.; d. April 26th, '62,
'Gore, Solomon L., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
■Gore, J. J. C, e, October 5th, '64; Columbus co.; p. 1st Corporak
Green, D., e. Aug. 12thi, '61; Columbus co.; w. Dec. 13th, '62,
•Gaine.s, Wil-ey, e. April 24th, '61-; Columbus co. ; dg.
Hartman, John, e. SepU 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; c. at Hagerstown Jitly, '63. j
Hickman, Harmon, e. July 12th, '62; Columbus co.
Hardman, J^, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; w. Dec 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg"
Hudson-, E., e. Sept, 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; dt»
Hudson, Walter, e, April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
Hudson, B., e. Septemljer 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Harris, J, H., ©. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Herring, Daniel J., e. July 22d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm.
Howell, G> G*, e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Huntly, M. N., e. August Seth, '62; Columbus co.; dg. April 27th, '63.
Hilton, Israel, e. August 20tth-, '62: Columbus co. ; w. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
Hinson, W, M,, e. September 6th, '62- Columbus ce. ; dg. October 14th, '62.
Haughton, J. T., e, August 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Hampton, M. N., e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; k. Dec. 1.3th, '62, at Fred-
Jones, Charles, e. April 24th^, '61 ; Columbus co.
Jones, J. M., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. Hv
Jackson, W. T.-, e» September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Jacob, G., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Jacob, G, W., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; w. at Frazier's Farm; dg.
Klutts, Adam, e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Klutts, Darnault, e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Kutchery, D. A., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; c. at SpottsylVania C. H, May
12th, '64.
Lancaster, C. C, e. July 29th, '61; Columbus co„
Latter, E. V., e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; c. July 28th, '64.
Lee, A* M., e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.; d. January 24th, '63^
Lee, J. D., e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.; c. July 31st, '63k
Lee, W. P., e. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Lanier, E., e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Lentz, Mv, &. September 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Long, Henry W., e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.
Long, John J., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus^co. ; c. May 12th, '64.
Long, James M., e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanovei'
Court House.
Forth GaTolina State Troops.
Low, John W., e. July 20th, '61; Columbus eo.; dg.
Long, Samuel A., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus eo,; p. 2d Liettt.
Long, Wallace W., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover
C. H.
Lay, "William J., e. July 20th, '61; Columbus co.; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover
C. H.
Lyerly, J. B., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co.; d. Jan. 14th, '63.
Lee, Jacob, e. Aug. 25th, '61; Columbus co.; d. Oct, 12th, '61.
Meares, Elihu, e. May 7th, '62; Columbus co. ; w. at Hanover C. H. May 27th, '62;
c. in '64.
Milican, Benjamin, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
Mull, David, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Mull, George, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.; k, Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
McNeill, J. D., e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; d. Aug. 7th, '62-
McCall, S., e. ^ug. 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; k. Sept. 7th, '62,
Martin, T. J., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Menins, John, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Coliimbus co.
Miller, A. L., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Merritt, Peyton J., e. July oth, '61; Columbvis co. ; d. April 9th, '62.
Marlow, Richard A., e. November 6th, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. for disability.
Moody, Allen, e. August 20th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. January 8th, '62,
Norris, John T., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co ; dg.
Penny, John, e. July 3d, '61; Columbus co.; dg. ,
Pierce, Stephen M., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; dg,
Poovy, J. S., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; c. May 10th, '64.
Reeves, Geo. W., e. Jane 8th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; d. Nov. 3Dth, '61.
Reeves, Joseph T., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; c. May 12th, '64,
Register, Elias, e. July 6th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsvilie.
Rhodes. William D., e. Muy 20th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover
C. H.
Richardson, J. R., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Richardson, W. V., e. April 2od, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Lieut.
Sowers, O. P., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Columbus co,
Stephens, J. E., e. Feb. 5th, '62; Columbus co.
Stephens, John W., e, April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; k, Dec. 13th, '62, at Freder-
Stephens, Sai-nuel M., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Freder-
Stephens, Benjamin, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. Dec, '62,
Strickland, Braziel, e, July 6th, '61;' Columbus co,
Spencer, Moses, e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.
Stokes, T. A., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co.; d. Dec. 20th, '62,
Stokes, John B., e. Atlg. 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; d. Feb. 7lh, '63.
Skener, Ward, e. July 15th, '61; Columbus co.; dg.
Souls, Alexander, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. May 12th, '61,
Souls, Asa J., e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; pr. May 6th, '64.
Sides, John F., e. Aug. '20th, '62; Columbus co.
Sherrill, George G., e. Aug. 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; dt. musieiau.
Sibbeth, J. J., e. June 1st, '64; Columbus co.
Starns, Simon, e. Aug. 20th, '62 ; Columbus co. ; d. Nov. 16th, '62.
Tast, Enos, e. Sept. 15th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H-.
Thomas, J. H., e. Aug. 9th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. May 12th, '64.
Compmy B— Eighteenth Regiment. 85.
Vause, Edmund K., e. June 10th, '61; Columbus go.
Vause, Samuel A., e. June 10th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. at Fredericksburg.
Ward, Matthew J., e, A.pril 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Sergeant and w.
Ward, J. L., e. Feb. 5th, '62; Columbus co. ; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
Ward, T. A , e. April 24th, '6L; Columbus co.; d. Jan. 9th, '62.
Ward, Thomas P., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; k. Oct. 13th, '62, at Freder-
Ward, Wm. R., e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; w. at Hanover C. H.
Wilkins, Simon P., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. July 4th, '63, at Hanover
Coui-t House.
WMnkler, S. P., e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co.; d. February 16th, ^63.
Winkler, Noah, e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Williams, M.,e. Feb. 5th, '62; Columbus co.,; w. at Hanover C. H. ; dg.
Williams, L. B., e. August 1st, '61; Columbus co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
"Williams, M. B., e. September 1st, '61; Columbus co. ; w. August, '62, at Cedar
Run ; p. Corporal and c. March 12lh, '64.
W^illiamson, B., e. February 5th, '62; Columbus co. ; d. August 30th, '62.
"Williamson, Doctor M., e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co.; w. May 27th, '62, at Han-
over C H.
Williamson, J. J., e, April 24l.h, '61; Columbus co. ; c May 12th, '64.
^Williamson, Isaac, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co..; dg. July 12th, '61, for disa-
Wilson, R. T. J., e. August 10th, '62; Columbus co. ; dg.
W^ells, William, e. August 20th, '62; Columbus co.
W^illiam S. Norment, Captain, cm. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co.
M. C. Lee, Captain, cm. April 24th, '62; Robeson co. ; p. from 1st Sergeant.
A. H. Moore, Captain, Robeson co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
William T. French, 1st Lieut., em. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
A. H. Moore, 1st Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; Robeson co. ; p. from Corooral.
Owen C. Norment, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 18th, '61; Robeson co.
Alfred Rowland, 2nd Lieut., cm. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
John B. Rowland, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; Robeson co.; p. from Sergeant.
Neill Townsend, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; Robeson co.; p. from Corporal
and pr. May 12th, '64.
Allen A. Inman, 2nd Lieut., cm. Dec. 13th, '62^ Robeson co. ; p. from Sergeant and
pr. July 4tii, '63.
Morgan C. Lee, 1st Sergeant, e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; p. Capt. April 24th, '62.
Allen A. Inman, 2d Sergeant, e. May 18th, "61; p. 2nd Lieut. Dec. 13th, '62, and pr.
July 4th, '63.
NoTth Carolina, State Tivops.
John B.-Rowland, 3d Sergeant, e,.May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; p. 2nd Lieut. Aprrf
24th, '62.
Thomas F. Gilbert, 4th Serjeant, e. May 18th, '61- Robeson co.; k. May 27th, '62,.
at Ha,nover C„H.
Daniel McKeitlian, 5th Sergeant, e. May 18t>Jt, '61; Robeson co.- dg.. Jirly 6th, '63..
Alfred S^Ivey, 1st Corporal, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co;
Neill Townsend, 2nd Corporal, e.. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.;; p. 2nd Lieut. April
24th, '62.
George W. Dawkins, 3d Corporal, e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co-.
Albert H. Moore, e. May 18th,. '61 ; Robeson co,; p> 1st Lieut, April 21th, '62„
Allen, Curtis A^ e. May 18th., '61;. Robeson co.; w. at Chancellors ville,-
AUen, William, e. June 12th, '61 ; Robeson co.
Andrews, Wm,0., e. May ISth,. '61; Robeson co. ; c. May 12th, '64,
Andrews, Thomas, e., Aug,22d, '62;: Robeson co,
Barnes, Wm., Sr., e. May 18th, '61;. Robeson co ; d. May 26th, '62,
Barnes,. W. H., e. Oct. 7th, '61; Robeson co,
Barnes, Wm., Jr., e. Amg. 22d, '62.
Barnes, H,H., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; dg, Dec, 20tb, '61.
Barnes, Clark, e. June 22d, '61; Robeson co<.; c. May 8th, '64,
Barnes, John, e. Aug. 14th, '61; Robeson CO.; c. May 6th, '64. ' ,
Biggs, John, e. .July 24th, '61; Robeson eo.
Bryant, F. M., e. Aug. 5th, '61; Robeson co.; c. May 8th, '64,
Bullard, A., e. May 16th,. '61; Ro.beson eo.
Ballard, Dwight A., e. Aug. 15th, '64; Robeson co.
Brigman, Noah, e. May 15th, '61; Robeson co.
Bass, Mole, e. May 15th, '61; Robeson co,
Bass, Richard, e. May 15th, '61; Robeson co,
l.^>ritt, Isham, e. May ISth^ '61 ; Robeson co. ; c. May 6th, '^64,
Britt, Amos, e. Oct. 7th, '61 ; Rebeson co.
Britt, E. J., e. Oct. 7th, '61; Robeson co.; k. May 27th, '62, in Vai,
Britt, Ellis, e. Aug. 14th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; c. May 8th, '64.
Britt,. Eryan, e. Ma.y l&t, '61; Robeson co.
Byrd, John, e. May 1st, '61; Robeson co„; w. at Chancellorsville,
Blackeaship, R. M., e. Aiagust 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Blackenship, W. T., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson go.; c. May 12th, '^64,.
Barnett, R. E., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co,
Brookshire, F. W., e. September 5th, '62; Alex8..nder eo. ; dt.
Barfleld, John, e. May 18th, '62; Robeson co.; dg. May 9th, '62.
Brj'ant, Richard B., e. Feb. 8th, "64; Robeson co. ; pr. May 8th, '64..
Clewis, Zachariah, e. May 18th, ^61; Robeson co.
Capps, Thomas, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; k.May 27tli, '62, at HaJiov-er C.H,
Craven, Wm., e. August 22dT '62; Robeson co.
(Uiarch, Alex., Si August 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Clewis, Augustus, e. June 22d,. '61; Robeson CO.; c. May 12th, '64.
(!apps, R. D., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; d. January 15tli. '63.
Carter, Henry, e. July 21st,, '61; Robeson co.; d. April 16th, '63.
Council, D. H., e.May 18th,. '61; Robeson co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Chasen, James, e. July 21st, '61 ; Robeson co. ; tr. March 10th, '63.
Davis, B'orney, e. August 5th, '61; Robeson co.; w. at Frazier's Farm..
Uavis, Jahn, e.. August 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Dav.is, W. L., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co.
.Davis, C. H., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co.; c.May 6tli., '64.
Company B— Eighteenth Regiment. 87
Duncan, A. W., e. August 22d, '62- Robeson co. ; w. at Sharpsburg and c. Septem-
ber 2oth, '62.
Deese, Jonathan E,, e. May 18tli, '61-, Robeson co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Edwards, Hlnnant, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; k. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Edwards, G. W., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
Edwards, Cornelius, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; dg. March 15th, '63.
Freeman, D, C, e. June 21st, '61 ; Robeson co. ; dg. July 16th, '62.
Ployd, A. E,, e. July 20th, '61; Robeson co.
Fox, Miles, e. Sept. 5th, '62; Robeson co.
Fergurson, J,, e. Aug, 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Gorman, Smith, e. Aug. 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Goodnigh, J. H,, e. Sept. 5th, '62; Robeson co.
Guner, David V., e. Oct. 31st, '64; Robeson co.
Hardin, Angus, e. July 20th, '62; Robeson co. ; c May 12tli, '64
Hartman, J. C, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; p. Corporal.
Hlnes, N. H., e. Aug. 22d, '62; Robeson co.; c. May 12th, '64.
Hall, J. E., e. Sept. 22d, '62; Alexander co.
Harmon, R., e. Sept. 5t.h, '62; Robeson co.- m^ at Gettysburg.
Hanck, W. A., e. Aug. 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Hill, J. E., e. Sept., '62; Robeson co.; c. May 6th, '64.
Inman, J. P., e. Aug. 14th, '61; Robeson co.; p. Corporal.
Ivey, Meredith, e. July 24th, '61 ; Robeson co.
Ivey, Archibald, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; dg. Sept. 20th, '61.
Ivey, Alfred S., e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co ; pr. May 12th, '64.
.Tones, Abram, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; dg. July 16th, '62.
Jones, J. J., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; d. Jan. 10th, '62.
Jones, J. F., e. Aug. 22d, '62; Robeson co.; c. May r2th, '64.
Jenkins, Wm., e. Oct. 3Ist, '04; Robeson co.
King, W. D,, e, Sept. 15th, '62; Alexander co.
Kelly, C. C, e. Sept. 5th, '62; Robeson o».
Kellihan, Richard, e. May ISth, '01; Robeson co.; m. Jiily 6th, '63.
Kellihan, A., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
liovett, Kinchen, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; c. May 6th, '64.
liovett, Henry, e. July 30th, '61; Robeson co.
Lovett, Aldridge, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Lane, J. J., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; d. July 29th, '62.
Ijamb, Benton, e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; d. July 10th, '63.
Lamb, Thomas, e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; dg. July 16th, '62.
Ijawsou, L. A., e. July 24th, '61 ; Robeson co.
Lawson, Alra, e, July 24th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; c. May 12th, '64.
Dett, W. R., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co.
Lett, G. W., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co.
McLane, Simeon, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
McKeller, John C, e. May 18th, '61^ Robeson co. ; p. Sergeant.
McNeill, J. G., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
McLellan, Alexander, e. May lSth,'61; Robeson co. ; p. Corporal; c. May 12th, '64.
Moore, William, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; d. June, '62.
Marlow, W. J., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson co. ; d. January, '63.
Mills, Wm. D., e. Oct. 31st, '61; Robeson co.
odum, Ferdinand G., e. May ISth, '61; Robeson co. ; p. Serg't and c. May 12th, '64.
Parker, D. R., e. May ISth, '61; Robeson co.
Prevatt, Joseph, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; p. Corporal; c. May 12th, '64.
Prevatt, Forney, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; c. May 12th, '64.
Proffltt, A. J., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co.; c. May 12th, '64.
Proffltt, A. N., e. August 22d, '62; Robeson co. ; c. May 12th, '64.
North Carolina State Troops.
Prevatt, Elias, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; d. May 27th, '62, of w. at Hanover
Court House.
Patterson, D. M., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson co.
Pate, Daniel, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
Regan, Ralph, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; k. July 6th, '63, at Hagerstown, Md,
Russ, John J., e. May 18th, '61; Robpson co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Rector, Elisha W., e. Oct. 9th, '61; Alexander co. ; c. in May, '64.
Spivey, Enoch, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; c. in May, '61.
Spivey, Enoch, e. May ISth, '61 ; Robeson co.
Smith, J. D., e. August oth, '61; Robeson co.
Smith, W. A., e. Aug. 15th, '61; Robeson co.
Smith, L. A., e. August 15th, '61; Robeson co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Sutton, Caleb, e. May 10th, '61; Robeson co.; d. February 10th, "62.
Sutton, J. T., e. July 20th, '61 ; Robeson co.
Sutton, M. H., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Sutton, "W. B., 6. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
Sutton, B. L., 6. May 18th, '61 ; Robson co. ; dg. July 16th, '62.
Stancil, B., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
Sealy, S. A^ e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; dg. July 1st, '62.
Sherrell, James, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; k. May 27th, '62, at Haaover C. H,
Sloop, J. "W"., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson co.
Sloop, W. A., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson co.; d. October 3rd, '62.
Thompson, N. J., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; p. Sergeant; dt.
Thompson, S. A., e. February 7th,. '62; Robeson co.
Thompson, Franklin, e. September 15th, '62; Robeson co.
Townsend, Alexander, e. August 5th, '61; Robeson co,
Town«end, William, e. August 5th, '61 ; Robeson co.
Townsend, McQuinn, e. August 5th, '61; Robeson co. ; dt.
Tritt, W. L., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson co.
Teague, V., e. September 5th, '62; Robeson co.
Taylor, L. C, e. May ISth, '61; Robeson co. ; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
White, Wiley, e. January 15th, '64; Robeson co.; pr. March T2th, '64.
Winney, Isaac E., e. January 16th, '64; Robeson co. ; pr. May 12th, '64..
Williams, R. R., e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co.
Walters, Joseph H., e. May 18th, '61 ; Robeson co. ; pr. July 6th.r '63>
Walters, Crawford, e. July 15th, '61; Robeson co.
Watson, I>. B., e. July 20th, '61 ; Bobeson co. ; p. Sergeant and m. at Gettysburg,
Woodle, Elias, e. May 18th, '61; Robeson co. ; p. Corporal and k. May 27th, '62.
Wilkinson, Edward, e. Oct. 31st, '64; Robeson co.
Woodle, David, e. May T9th, '61; Robeson co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Wright, Joseph, e. Sept. 5th, '62; Robeson co. ; pr. July 3d, '63.
Wilborn, L. J., e. Aug. 22d, 62; Robeson co.
Wood, J. Wm., e. Sept. 5th, '62; Robeson CO.
Wike. J. W., e. Sept. 5th, '62: Robeson co.
Wallace, James G., e. Sept. 5th, '62; Alexander co.
Company E— Eighteenth Regiment. 89
John R. Hawes, Captain, cm. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
John Moore, Captain, cm. in '64; New Hanover co. ; pr. at Hagerstown, Md.,
July 13th, '64.
Henry A. Calvin, 1st Lieut., cm. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
John Moore, ist Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; New Hanover co.; p. from Corporal
and p. Captain.
George W. Corbett, 1st Lieut., cm. in '64; New Hanover co. ; p. from 2nd Lieut. ;
pr. May 12th, '64.
Calvin "VV. Hines, 2d Lieut., cm. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Frederick Thomas, 2d Lieut., cm. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
P. C. Calvin, 2d Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; New Hanover co.; p. from 1st Sergt.
George W. Corbett, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; New Hanover co.; p. from
Corporal ; p.
Lewis T. Alderman, 2nd Lieut., cm. Jan. 13th, '63; New Hanover co. ; p. from
Wm. M. Fetter, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Orange co.; p. from ranks.
James P. Stringfield, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; New Hanover co.; p. from ranks.
Pearsall C. Calvin, 1st Sergeant, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
April 24th. '62.
Thomas R. Calvin, 2d Sergeant, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Robert A. Henry, 3d Sergeant, e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co.
Daniel P. Bland, 4th Sergeant, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
Wm. H. Alderman, 5th Sergeant, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. and d.
August 7th, '62,
Shepard S. Averitt, 1st Corporal, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; tr. to
Com. G.
S. H. B. Costin, 2d Corporal, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Alonzo Pridgen, 3d Corporal, e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. of w. received
at Hanover C. H.
John Moore, 4th Corporal, e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; p. 1st Lieut April
24th, '62, and Captain in '64; pr. at Hagerstown July 13th '64.
Alderman, Lewis T., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. 2nd Lieut. January
13th, '63.
Brown, W. F., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Brown, Richard T., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Barnhill, Wm. H., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Boswell, Thos. C, e. Dec. 17th, '64; New Hanover co.
Barnhill, C, e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co.
Bonham, Geo. W., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Blake, C. W., e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant ; w. at Gettysburg.
Blake, Edwin E., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dt.
90 North Carolina State Troopis.
Bland, J. F., e. August 15tb, '61 ; New Hauover co.; dg. November Ist, '61.
Butler, J. H., e. September 7th, '62; Rutberford co. ; d. November 3d, '62.
Bombie, Wm. H., e. May 17tb, '61; New Hanover co. ; c. May 12tb, '64.
Bridgers, S. A., e. Sept. 7tb, '02; Rutherford co. ; d. Dec. 1st, '62.
Butler, William, e. September 7th, '62; New Hanover co. ; c. May 12tb, '64.
Briscoe, L., e. September 7th, '62; New Hanover co. ; c. May 12tb, '64.
Balen, J. H., e. September 7th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. January 1st, '63.
Corbett, N. B., e. Maj^ 1st, '62; Bladen co. ; tr. from 3d Regiment.
Covington, W. J., e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; w. and c. June 22d, '64.
Cooper, M. W., e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co.
Culbert, H. J., e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co.
Calvin, Thos. R., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Costin, Chancey Z-, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Chancellorsville;
p Sergeant.
(Costin, John L., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. Nov. 28th, '61.
Co.s tin, Gaston, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; w. at Gettysburg; p. Ser-
Corbett, Geo. W.. e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. 2d Lieut. April 24th, '62;
c. May 12th, '64; p. 1st Lieut.
Corbett, H. G., e. Sept. 6th, '62; New Hanover co.
Corbett, D. Jasper, e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co.; p. Corporal; w. at Get-
Cook, Wm. J., e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; c. May 12th, '64. ,
(Jroom, JohnF., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. Sergeant; c. May 15th, '64.
Croom, G. H., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; w. at Gettysburg July 1st, '63.
Davidson, William, e. September 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; c. July 2Sth, '64.
Dunham, Z. T., e. September 7lb, '62; Rutherford co.
Dunham, M., e. September 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
DeBouse, George F., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; k. May 27th, '62, in Va.
DeBouse, Jas. J., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. March 1st, '62.
Debouse, R. F., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Eakins, Owen J., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancel-
Eakins, John J. B., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; k. September 17th, '62, at
Sharpsburg. «
Futch, John R., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. Dec. 20tb, '62.
Fetter, Wm. M., e. May 17th, '61; Orange co.; p. 2d Lieut.
Foster, Wade, e. September 7th, '62; Rutherford co. ; tr. to 34tb Regiment.
Flanagan, Alfred, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
(iarriss, Francis D., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. May ISth, '63, of w. re-
ceived at Cliancellovsville.
(iarriss, Gideon A., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Garriss, Wtn. R., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg.
(jrurganus, J. W., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
Henry, Washington B., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. May 6th, '62, for
Henry, William H., e. May 17th, "61; New Hanover co. ; d. March, '62, in North
Henry, Robert, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Chancellorsville and p.
Hunt, Zebulon J., e May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Henry, Andrew J., e. July 26th, '64; New Hanover co.
Hufham, W. F., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Higfasmith, J. T., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. March 3d, '62.
Herring, John, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. August 12th, '62.
Company E— Eighteenth Regiment 91
Herring, J. B., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.;: dg.
Huffman, J., e. Sept. 7th, '62; "Wilkes co.
Huffman, J. S., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Wilkes co,
Huffman, D., e. Sept. 7th, '02; Wilkes co.; d.
Johnson, J. F., e. Oct. 29th, '61; New Hanover co.
Kelly, Robert F., e. May 17th, '61 ;, New Hanover co.
Kinran, Owen, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co,; k. May 27th, ''62, at Hanover
Court House.
Keith, George E., e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co,
Lambert, George, e. Sept. 4th, '81; New Hanover co.; c. July 28th, '64.
Lewis, R.C., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; w. at Gettysburg July 3d, '63;
p. Sergeant.
Lewis, Francis A. B., e. May 17th, '61;. New Hanover co,; p. Corporal.
Lewis, Nathan, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ;■ c. May 12th, '64.
Malpass, Amos, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.;: w. August 9th, '62, at Cedar
Run; dg.
Malpass, Thaddeus D,, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; e. May 12th, '64.
Malpass, George W., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. JuneSth, '&2, of w. at
Hanover C. H.
Mashburn, David, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; m. July 1st, '63.
Malpass, Lewis H., e. May 1st, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Gettysburg and pr.
Malpass, J. D., e. Maj' 17th, '01 ; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Moore, James M., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Gettys-
burg and c. July 3d, '63,
Moore, Henry, e. Nov. 6th, '61; New Hanover co.
Moore, William A , e. May 17th, '01; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Moore, D. J., e. July 16th, '61 ;, New Hanover co^. ; w. at Fairfax C. H.
Moore, John R., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
Moore, J. M., e. August 12th, '61; New Hanover co. ; tr. to 25th Regiment.
Marshburn, David, e. May .17th, '61; New Hanover co,; c, July 3d, '63.
McGlannory, M., e. Sept. 7th, '62; AVilkes co.
Mitchell, T. E., e. Sept. 7th, '02; Rutherford co.; w.at Chancellorsville May 3rd^
McDaniel, W. G., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
McDaniel, J. R., e. Sept, 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; d.
McDaniel, S. R., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; d.
Miller, N. W., e Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; c.May 12t&, '64,
McAslan, Christopher, e. May 17th, '01; New Hanover co.
Nichols, Alfred, e. Sej>t. 20th,. '64.
Padgett, G. R., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; d.
Pridgen, C. J., e. Aug. 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Gettysburg July 3rd, '63,
Pridgen, J. P., e. August 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. Corporal; w. May 3rd,
'63, at Chancellorsville; p. Corporal.
Pridgen, Columbus D., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; w. by accident July
27th, '62.
Pridgen, Bradley F., e. May 17th, '01; New Hanover co. ; d. May 27th, '62, at Han-
over Court House.
Pridgen, H. H., e. Aug. 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co,; w. and pr. at Gettysburg
July 3rd, '63.
Pigford, Jacob L., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; pr. May 12th, '64.
Pigford, William S., e. May 17th, '61; New Planover co.; dg.
Peterson, Haywood L., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; pr. May 12th, '64,
Rooks, Archibald B., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Rooks, J. J., e. February 6th, '62; New Hanover co.: d. June 15th, '62,
Reaves, Richard R., e, May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Worth Gaiolim State Troops.
Register, F. J-, e. July 16th, 'M; Kew Hanover co.
Rayner, Erwin W., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. June 1st, '62.
Robins, M., e Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. Nov., '62.
Roddy, L., e. Sept. 7th, 62; Polk co.
Reaves, Richard R., e. May 17th, '51; New Hanover co.
Solesbee, Wm. W., e. Sept. 12th, '64; New Hanover co.
Stringfleld, James P., New Hanover co. ; p.. 2d Lieut.
Sawsby, James O., e. Sept. 12th, '62; c. May 14th, '64.
Smith, M. G., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
Smith, F. W,, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
Splawn, J. M., e. Sept. 7th '62; Rutherford co.
Splawn, Henry, e. Sept. 7th, 62; Rutherford co.; d. Jan. 22d, '63.
Steadman, Thomas, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford eo. ; d. Jan. 8th, '62.
Sullivan, Edward, e, September 11th, '64; New Hanover co.
Simpson, T. M., e. May 17th, '61; N.ew Hanover co.; d. July 10th, '62, of w. re-
ceived at Cold Harbor.
Stringfleld, Samuel P., e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co.; p. Sei-geant,
Stringfleld, David J., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Corporal; w. afc
Stringfleld, W. T., e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
Simons, Manuel, e. May ] 7th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. May 13th, '63, of w. re-
ceived at Chancellorsville.
Seawell, Virgil N., e. May 17th, '61; New Hannover CO.
Stanton, Edward, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.
Trout, J. M., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. May 18th, '63.
Thomas, T. F., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co,
Thomas, Joseph, e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. May 10th, '62, for disa
Taylor, Charles M., e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co.
Taylor, M. A., e. in February, '62; New Hanover co.; m. July 1st, '63.
Underwood, George, e. Aug. 29tli, '64; dt.
White, Joseph, e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; k, at Cold Harbor.
Williams, J., e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover, co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover
Court House.
Walker, James P., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; tr. to 3d Regiment.
Wheeler, Jarnes W., e. May 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co.
Woodcock, George W. F., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Gettysburg;
p. Sergeant.
Woodcock, Henry M., e. May 17th, '61: New Hanover co.
Woodcock, John J,, e. May 17th, '61.; New Hanover co.; w. at Gettysburg and c.
May 12th, '64.
Woodcock, John M., e. May 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. May 2d, '62, for disa,
Walker, J. J., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
Walker, James, e. ; Rutherford co. ; d.
Weaver, Wm., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Rutherford co.
"Weaver, John, e Sept. 6th, '62; Rutherford co.
Weaver, H,, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherfoi'd co.
Wall, L. B., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
Wall, J. B„ e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
Wiseman, W. D., e. Sep. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.
Womack, J. B., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co,
Whittington, J. B., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Wilkes co.; m.
Wilson, M. v., e. Sept. 7.th, '62; Rutherford co.
Williams, J. Wm., e. Sept. 7th. '62; Rutherford co.
Wells, John, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Rutherford co.; k. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Woodcock, Thomas, e. Nov. 12th, '61; New Hanover co, ; p. CorporaL
Company F— Eighteenth Regiment
Note— I have been unable to tell the counties from which this compc^ny
was derived. The Roll of Honor and the field returns sent to Richmond were-
alike silent on the subject.
Charles Malloy, Captain, cm. May 11th, '61.-
Alfred A, Mofiit, Captain, cm, in '63; pr. at Gettysburg.-
Wm. H. McLaurin, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, cm. Sept. 1st, '62,
John B. Buchanan, 1st Lieut., cm. May 11th, '61.
Lawrence Stewart, 1st Lieut, cm. April 24th, '62,
A. A, Mofflt, 1st Lieut., cm. August 1st, '63.
Daniel M. McLaurin, 2d Lieut.-, cm. May 11th, '61,
.John W. Roper, 2d Lieut., cm. May 11th, '61.
A. A. Moffit, 2d Lieut., cm, April 21th, '62,
Archibald W. McGr6gory, 2d Lieut., em. April 24th, '62.
Franklin Mcintosh, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov. 28th, '62.
James C. Buchanan, 2d Lletit., cm. Aug. 15th, '63.
Christopher C Gibson 2d Lieut,, p, from ranks,
Alfred A. Mofflt, 1st Sergeant, e. May 11th, '61; p. 2d Liet. April 24th, '62; p. Capt.;;
w. and c. in July, '63,
Lawrence Stewart, 2d Sergeant, e. May 11th, '61; p. 1st Lieut.
Daniel W, Middleton, 3d Sergeant, e. May 11th, '61 ; dg.
James C. Buchanan, 4th Sergeant, e. May 11th, '61; p. 2d Lieut. Aug, loth, '63.
B. T. Person, 5th Sergeant, e. May 11th, '61; tr. to 1st Cavalry.
Archibald W. McGregory, 1st Corpora', e. May 11th, '61; p. 2d Lieutenant April
21th, '62,
Wm. H. McLaurin, 2d Corporal, e. May 11th, '61;- p. Adjutant Sept, 1st, '62.
Franklin Mcintosh, 3d Corporal, e. May 11th, '61 ; p, 1st Lieut. Nov, 28th, '62, and
C.May 12th, '64.
Owen McLaurin, 4th Corporal, e. May 11th, '61; dg. June 19th, '62,
Wm, H, Griffith, musician, e. August 181 h, '61.
Alien, John A,, e, October 24th, '63; Wake co.
Baynard, Charles, e. August 20th, '62; k. September 20th, '62,
Baynard, Jeff., e. August 20th, '62; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg,
Beasley, Neill, e. May 11th, '61 ; dg. in '62; rejoined in '63; c. May 12th, '64.
Blue, Daniel, e. May 11th, '61; dg. in '62 for disability.
Brown, Neill, e. May 11th, '61 ; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H. ; c. May 12th, '64,
Ballard, Wm. W., e. May 11th, '61.
Buchanan, William, e. May 11th, '61; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.; p. Ser-
Buchanan, Alexander, e. May 12th, '62; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill,
Burge, John, e. August 20th, '62,
North Carolina State Troops,
Chance, John A., e, March 1st, '64; pr. May 12th, '64.
•Oalder, James A.,<e. May 11th, '61; w. September 1st, '62.
Cameron., Archibald, e. May 12th, '62; pr,
Calhoun, Daniel, e. May 11th, '61; dg. October, '62, foi- disability.
Calhoun, D. McL., e. J'aly 14th, '62; dg, April, '62, for disability.
Calhoun, Dwncan, e. May 11th, '61; d. October 10th, "62.
Calhoun, Hugh C-., e. M^ay 11th, '61; pr.
Calhoun, Malcolm, e. Ma^^ 11th, '61; dg.
Calhoun, Archibald, e. May 11th, '61; d. Sept. 20th, '62, of w, received at Sbep-
Copalini, Lewis, e. October 1-st, '61; d. June 10th, '62, of w.
Clark, Andrew J,, e. May 11th, '61; k. May 27th, '62, in Virginia,
Cornelly, Daniel W., e. May 11, '62; d. August 12tti, '62.
Cornel ly, W, C, e. May 51h, '62; pr.
Cranford, John J„ e. May 11th, '61; dg.
Davis, Wm. C, e. October 24th, '63; Wake co.
Depriest, B. F,, e. August 20th, '62; d. October 21st, '62.
Donahoe, James, e. May Uth, '61 ; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Failey, Alex. A., e. May 11th, '61; d. Aug. 4th, '62.
Failey, John M., e. May 11th, '61; dg. May 25th, '62.
Fortner, P. S., e. Aug. 20th, '62: d. Dec, '62, at Hospital.
Graham, Henry P., e. May Uth, '61; w. and d. June 24th, '62, in North Carolina,
Orayson,, K. J, M., e. May Uth, '61 • pr.
Glllis, Elias, e. Jul^' 19th, '61 ; dg, December, '61, for disability.
Green, Wm. H., e. May 11th, '61 ; w. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shepherdstown.
Green, Joseph P., e. Ma^- Uth, '61 ; w. May 3d, '63, a.t Chancellorsville.
Gilchrist, John F., e. May Uth, '61; d. Oct. 17th, '61.
Gibson, D. M., e. May Uth, '61; d, June 6th, '62, of w. received at Hanover C. H.
Gibson, John A., e. May Uth, '61 ; dg.
Gibson, Christopher C, e. May Uth, '61 ; p. Corporal and 2d Lieut.
Gibson, Wm. H., e. Ma;^^ Uth, '61; d. Dec. 25th, '62.
Harris, Wm. W., e. Aug. 20th, '62; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Harris, H. B., e. Aug. 20th, '62; k. Sept, 20th, '62, at Shepardstown.
Hollifield, H. W., e. Aug. 20th, '62; d.Nov., '62.
Harward, L. V., e. May Uth, '61; m. Dec. 1st, '62.
Henderson, John A., c. May Uth, '61 ; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H,
Huckabee, A, A., e. May Uth, '61; w.
Hughes, John, e. May Uth, '61.
Jones, Alex., e. May Uth, '64; w. and c.
Jones, Dugald, e. May Uth, '61; w. Sept. 1st, '62, at Ox Hill and c in '64.
Jones, Joseph J., e. May Uth, '62; dg. June 16th, '62.
Lovelace, Albert, e. April 20th, '62.
Lyth, John A,, e. May Uth, '61.
Martin, John G., e. May Uth, '61; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg and c. ii» '64.
Melton, D. F., e. Aug. 20th, '62,; m. at Chancellorsville.
Montgomerj^ James, e. May Uth, '61.
Murphy, John A., e. May Uth, '61; m. Dec. 10th, '62.
Murphy, Wm. A., e. May 11th, "61; dt,
McCall, John A., c. Oct. Uth, '61.
McCormick, M., e. May Uth, '61; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsvillev
McEachin, Daniel, e. May Uth, '61 ; dg. June 8th, '62.
McEachin, Milton E., e. May Uth, '61; pr. May 12th, '64.
McKay, Archibald P., e. May Uth, '61; w. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm,
McKay, John, e. May 12th, '62.
McKay, M. G., e. July 1st, '61.
Company F— Eighteenth Regiment. 95
McKimmon, Daniel, e. May lltli, '61; dt. •
McKimmon, G. M., e. May 11th, '61; d. Dec. oth, '61.
McKimmon, John B., e. May 11th, '61; w. Dec. 13th, '02. at Fredericksburg; dt.
McLean, Daniel, e. May 11th, '61 ; c. May 12th, '61.
McLean, M. S., e. May 12th, '61; w. May 23d, '63; p. Sergeant; c. May 12th, '64.
McLean, John F., e. May 11th, '61 ; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
McLauchlin, Alexander B., e. May 11th, '61; k. May 27th, '02, at Hanover C. H.
Morrison, John A., e. Aug. 6th, '64.
Morrison, John K., e. Oct. 27th, '64.
McLauchlin, Duncan, e. May Uth, '01; dg.
McNeill, Neill A., e. May 11th, '61; w. Dec. I3th, "62, at Fredericksburg.
McNeill, W. H., e. July 19th, '61 ; d. June 8th, '62, of w. at Hanover C. H.
McDufBe, Murdoch, e. May 11th, '61; dg.
McPherson, Edgar P., e. May Uth '61; p. Corporal.
McQueen, Neill A., e. May 11th, '61; c. July loth, '63.
McQueen, Angus, e. May 12ih, '62; dg. June 12th, '62.
McGregor, M. V., e. May 12th, '62; c. May 12th, '64.
McKae, Archibald L., e. May 11th, '61 ; dg.
McLauchlin, John M., e. May 11th, '61 ; w. at Hanover C. H. and Chancellorsville.
McLaurin, Duncan, e. May 11th, '61; dg. June 8th, '62.
McNeill, A. H., d. August 12th, '62.
McNeill, Duncan, p. Capt. A. C. S., July, '61.
McNair, Edward, e. May Uth, '61; dg.
McNair, J. O., w. accidcntly in Nov., '62.
Morse, George W., e. Aug. 20th, '62; m. Sept., '62.
Newton, James W., e. May 11th, '61; d. August 17th,';62.
Nelson, W. H., e. May 11th, '61; d,
Norton, Neill, dg. Nov. 24th, '63.
Nichols, Henry H., e. Sept. 10th, '62; m. at Chancellorsville.
Nichols, John, e. Sept. 10th, '62.
Nichols, J. W., Sr., e. Sept. 10th, '62; m. in Nov., '62.
Nichols, J. W. Jr„ e. Sept. 10th, '62.
Nolan, Jacob, e. Aug. 20th, '62.
Nolan, James, e. Aug. 20th, '62.
Norton, Elijah, Sr., e. July 19th, '6L
Norton, i:iijah, Jr., e. May Uth, '61; d. April 27th, '61.
Norton, Isham C, e. May 11th, '61 ; d. Aug. 30th, '62.
Norton, John C, e. July 19th, '61; w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Patterson, Neill M. M., e. April 13th, '64.
Padgett, C. A. C, e. Aug. 20th, '62; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Padgett, John, e. Aug. 20th, '62; m. Oct., '62.
Powell, John M., e. September 10th, '62; m. November, '62.
Powell, W. H., e. September 10th, '62; k. December 13th, "62, at Fredericksburg,,
Peele, David, e. April 3d, '64.
Parsons, Jesse F., e. Sept. 10th, '62.
Pate, John, e. May 11th, '61; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Pate, Stephen W., e. May 11th, '61 ; c. May 12th, '64.
Patterson, Hugh L., e. May 11th, '61; w. at Hanover C. H. ; dt.
Patterson, John A., e. May 11th, '61; p. Corporal.
Price, Calvin W., e. Oct. 24th, '62,
Queen, Joseph P., e. Aug. 20th, '62; m. Nov., '62.
Queen, Dickerson, e. Aug. 20th, '62; m. Oct., '62.
Rash, L. P., e. Sept. 10th, '62; m.
Revis, Samnel, e. Sept. 10th, '62; m.
Rogers, Joseph, e. Sept. 10th, '62.
96 North Carolina State Troops,
Roper, Amos W., e. May 11th, '62; w. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
Scales, John, e. May 11th, '61.
Smart, O. P., e. August 20th, '62; d. October 29th, '62.
Smart, "W. H., e. August 20th, '62; d. November, '62.
Smith, A. E., e. July 14th, '62; p. Sergeant; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Smith, J. W., e. November 17th, '62; pr. May 12th, '64.
Smith, William F., e. August 9th, '61.
Smith, Neill W., e. May 11th, '61; dg. in '62 for disability.
Smith, Neill M. M., e. May 11th, '62; p. Sergeant; pr. May 12th, '64.
Skipper, Barney, dg.
Snead, Wm., d. Dec. 10th, '61.
Stewart, Neill, e. May 11th, '61 ; dg. Oct., '62.
Stewart, JohnW., e May 11th, '61; w. August 9th, '62, at Cedar Run.
Thrower, Chas. N., e. September 1st, '61; w. at Hanover Court House; d. Auga?
12th, '62.
Thrower, Henry M., e. May 11th, '61; w. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg.
Upton, Boyd F., e. August 20th, '62.
Upton, Robert, e. August 20th, '62; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville; pr. May
12th, '64.
Wallace, William, e. May 11th, '61; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H.
Waters, John O., e. August 20th, '62; pr. May 12th, '64.
Waters, William, e. May 11th, '61; w. December 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Webb, Achilles D., e. August 20th, '62.
Whisnant, J. P., e. August 20th, '62.
Wilkerson, M. A., e. August 20th, '62.
Wright, Samuel, e. May 11th, '61; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Wright, James W., e. May 11th, '61 ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Williamson, James, dg. Jan. 1st, '62.
Henry W. Savage, Captain, cm. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.
John J. Poisson, Captain, cm. ; New Hanover co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Charles D. Myers, 1st Lieut., cm. April loth, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Captain
and dt. on stalTduty.
Thomas A. Shepherd, 1st Lieut., cm. July 1st, '63; New Hanover co, ; p. from
John J. Poisson, 1st Lieut., cm. ; New Hanover co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Frederick J. Moore, 1st Lieut., cm. — -; New Hanover co. ; p. from 2d Lieut,
J. Z. Poisson, 2d Lieut., cm. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p.
James D. McPeck, 2d Lieut., cm. April 16th, '61; New Hanover co.
Frederick J. Moore, 2d Lieut., cm. April 16th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p.
Benjamin A. Hallett, 2d Lieut., cm. ; New Hanover co. ; p. from ranks.
Wm. G. Naxon, 2d Lieut., cm. May 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. from ranks.
Thomas R. Lippett, 1st Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April
15th, '62.
Company B—Mghteenth Regiment W
Frederick J^ Moore, 2d Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
April 16th, '62.
■Charles W. H-arris, 3d Sergeant, e. Apiil loth, '61; New Hanover ccx; dg. ApriJ
16th, '62.
■^rheodore d Jam-es, 4tii Sergeant, e. Apri'l 15th-, '61; New Hanover co.; <ig. April
16th, '62.
■John C. Manis, fet Corporal, &, April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg^ April loth, '62.
Augustus D. Lippett, 2d Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April
15th, '62.
Thomas A. Brown, 3d Corporal, e. April 15th, '61^ New Hanover -co.; dg. April
15th, '62.
James G. Whitehea-d, 4th Corporal, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Handover co. ; dg, Apri?
15th, '62.
Alexander B, Lepl-er, Musioiaa, e. July 23d, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg-, in June, '62.
-Adams, J. H-., e. Sept. 8tli, '62:; New Hanover co.
Armstrong, B. D., e. Jan^ 25th, '62; New Hauover co. ; dg. Jane 25th, '63.
-Averett, ShepM'd &„ e. May -17th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; p. 1st Sergeant; m. May
12th, '64.
Allen, Elbert, e. April 10th, '61-.
•Anderson, Alexander, e. May 24tli, '61? New Hanover eo. ; dg. for disability.
Bowden, Beebe J., e. July 13th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; tr. to 3d Cavalry.
Bowen, Jonathan R.., e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co.; d-. January 1st, '63.
Urown, Edward A., e. July 21st, '61; New Hanover co, ; dg.
JBurke, William J-., e. June, '61; New Hanover co.; d May 6th, '62. t
{Bright, Eli S., e. August 14th, '61; New Hanover co.
(Bennett, Julius Edward, e. April 26th, '61; New H-anover co.
Bantha, S. M., e. Aag. 14th, '62:; New Hanover co.
Bunch, E. F,, e. Aug. 14th, '62; New H-anover co.; k. May 3d, '63, at ChBncellors-
■Bridges, H. H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Bradley, V-., &, August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Burney, John A., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; p, 3d Sergeant.
Canap, William, e. August 14th, '62; Iredell co. ; m. July 13th-, '63.
Camp, Wm,, e. August 14tli, '62; New Hanover co. ; m. at Gett^^sblirg-.
Cobb, .1. C, e. A^ugust 14th, '62-; New Hanover co. ; d.
Carlton, G. W., e. Sept. 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
CarltOK, G. M-., e. Sept, 18th, '62; N<ew Hanover co. ; m. at Gettysburg.
Carlton, L-. L., &. Sept. 18th, '62-; New Hanover co.; w. Dec. 13th, '62.
Cooper, N. M., e. Sept. 18th, '62; New Hanover co.
Church, L., &. Sept. 18th, '62; New Hanover co.; k. Dec. 13th-, '62, at FrederiokS"
Cagle, Dempsey, e. Sept. 29th, '64; New Hanov«r co.
Calloway, J. A., e. Sept. 18th, '62; New Hanover co. ; m-.
Cook, James, e. Sept. 4th, '64; New Hanover co.
Carlton, A. C, New Hanover co.
Cobb, Wm.. H., e. Oct. 31st, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April I5th,'6l
Conner, Richard R., e. April 30th, '61.
Chadwick, Enocli M., e. July 24th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. Nov», '62, in Va»
Clifton, Acrol P., e. September 13th, '64; New Hanover co.
Chadwick, M. G., e. July 29th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
Chadwick, E. P., e. JUIy 29th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. April, '62.
Chadwick, Alexajidcr M., Ci July 29th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. January, '63,
B8 North Carolim State Troops.
Casteen, William W., e. July 30th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. January, '63.
Casteen, S. D., e. July 30th, '61; New Hanovor co. ; d. November 11th, '6i.
Casteen, Alexander, e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. April 7th, '62.
Craig, Nathaniel, e. August 9th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. September 8th, '61, for
Coshin, Andrew J., e. April loth, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Culbreth, J. A., e. August loth, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. January 11th, '62.
Duer, Samuel, e. October 31st, '61; New Hanover co.
Dudley, Edward B., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Captain in S6th Reg't.
DeRossett, Edward S., e. June 21st, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. December 30th, '61 .
DeRossett, Armand L., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Sd Reg't.
1 'eal, John, e. July 80th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. June 25th, '62, for disability.
i>ickson, Pleasant, e. September 7th, '64; New Hanover co.
Daniel, Elias,e. August 14th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. Feb. 18th, '62.
Davis, R., e. August i4th, '62; New Hanover co.
Dyer, William H., e. Aug. 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Dula, J. R , e. Sept. 5th, 62; New Hanover co.
Daney, J. R., e. Sept. 5th,'62; New Hanover co,; p. Sergeant.
Daney, W., e, Sept. 5th, '62; New Hanover co.
Dancy, J. H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. June 1st, '63, in N. C.
Ellis, Z., e. Sept. 8th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Lieut, in Artillery in '62.
Early, Isaac, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Eusley, William L.,e. Augu.st 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. December 13th, '62,
at Fredericksburg.
Ellers, J, H., e. Sept. 18th, '62; New Hanover co,
EUers, William Y., e. July 2ist, '61; Nev/ Hanover co.; dg.
iCverett, James H., e. July 22d, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. July 26th, *62, of W. re-
ceived at Frazier's Farm.
Flowers, W. A., e. Aug, 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; m. July 14th, '64, at Falling
Flanner, Charles, e. August loth, '61; New Hanover co,; p. Ordnance Sergeant.
Grier, V., e. Sept. 8th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Grier, W. L., e. Sept. 8th, '62; New Hanover co.; d.
Gordon, John W., e. October 3d, '64; New Hanover co.
Gardner, James D., Jr., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co,; dg, April 15th, '62,
Glasscock, Tracj', e. September 27th, '63; Davidson co.
Gardner, Plugh W., e. Aug. ISth, '61; New Hanover co.; p. Surgeon May 31st, '62.
Hamrick, W. H., e. Sept. 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Hambright, J. R., p. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Hamrick, A. W„ e. A'Jgust 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; m. May 12th, '64.
Ilarrell, W. A,, e, August 14th, '62;, New Hanover co. ; dg.
Hall, Robert H., e. Sept. 4th, '64; New Hanover co. ; dt.
Hawkins, C, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; w, Dec. 13tb, '62, at Freder-
Hawkins, J. H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co,
Holbrook, George, e. — -; New Hanover co.
Hendrick, R. H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Hendrick, L. H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d,
Humphries, S., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.; m.
Humphries, J., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Humphries, Y., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Hinchey, W. P., e. September 5th, '62; New Hanover co.
Hinchey, M. E., e. September 5th, '62; Ncav Hanover co.
I'lensley, John A., e. September 12th, '64; New Hanover co*
Huggins, C. H. e. Oct. 31st, '61; New Hanover co,; dg.
Company (x—llighteeiith Regiment. 99
Hall, Wm. L., e. May 20th, 'Gl; New Hanover co. ; w. Juue 30th, '62, at Frazier's
Farm ; dt.
Huggins, Joseph, e. July 13th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. September 10th, '62.
Hallett, Benjamin A., e. July 19th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Howard, Lewis W., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April lath, '62.
Howard, Thomas W., e. Jnl5' 22d, '61; New Hanover CO.; dt.
.Tolly, H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d.
Kelly, Samuel, e. August 25th, '6i; New Hanover co. ; w. September 30th, '64.
King, Francis W., e. July 18th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg.
King, Samuel J., e. July 21st, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. of w. at Hanover C. H,
King, John E., e. July 29th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. Chaplain 14th Tennessee
Lloyd, Richmond, e. August 2d, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Corporal; w. at Fred-
Leslie, Joseph J., e. August 3d, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Corporal.
Larhs, Geo. W., e. Jan. 1st, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Lowry, John, e. ; New Hanover co.
McRlmmon, Joseph, e. May 27th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chaa-
Morgan, G. B., e. June 28th, '6-4; New Hanover co.
MiUis, Thomas F,, e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co ; d. in prison.
Millis, Robert, e. July 27th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. January 25th, '63.
Massingill, Josiah, e. September 13th, '64; New Hanover co.
Morrison, John B., e. May 27th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Hanover CouiT
House in '62.
McRimmon, Harrison, e. August 19th, '61; New Hanover co. ; w. at Cold Harbor:-.
dg. May 21st, '63.
Moley, Thomas, e. September 5th, '64; New Hanover co.
Murray, Wm. H., e. Sept. 8th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Q. M. Sergeant..
McRary, P. H., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Martin, G. W,, e. September 5th, '61; New Hanover co.
Matheny, G. M., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p.- Corporal; m. May, '64..
Matheny, D., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. May 5th, '64.
McDaniel, S., e. September 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
McNeil, Malcolm, e. September 29th, '64; New Hanover co*
Matheny, B., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. October, '62.
Moore, Edward J., e. April 16th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. 2d Sergeant; dt.
Nash, Henry P., e. May 27th, '61 ; New Hanover co.; p. Sergeant; d. June 1st, '63..
Nash, Frederick, e. June 6th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. June 1st, '62, for disabil-
ity; re-enlisted.
Nixon, Williaui G., e. July 16th, '61;. New Hanover co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May 15th, '62.
Paron, Henry S., e. May 27th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant'; dg. Jan. 1st, '63.
Plowman, D. H., e. November 30th, '63; New Hanover co.; tr.
Poisson, James D., e. August 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. 1st Sergeant; dg.
Powell, Lewis, e. August 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. September 8th, '61, for.
Pigott, David, e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co.; dg. October 31st, '61.
Poisson, Y., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Purley, Lawson, e. June 16th, '62; New Hanover co.
Profiitt, W. C, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d.
Phelps, Bailey, e. September 9th, '64; New Hanover co.
Putnam, A. S., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Pugh, Oliver, e. Sept. 13th, '64; New Hanover co.
Picket, A. W., e. Oct. 2d, '61; New Hanover co.
Roberts, C. H., e. September 3d, '64; New Hanover co.
100 North Carolim SUte Troops.
Roebuck, Samuel W., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Rothwell, Wm., e. June 20th, 61; New Hanover cc; dg.
Rogers, Samuel, e. July 7th, '64; New Hanover co.
Reed, Romanza L., e. July 29th, '61 ; New Hauover co.
Roberts, Isaac N., e. Aug. 19th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg.
Reesner, Henry, e. July 1st, '63; New Hanover co.
Robertson, Wra., e. Aug. 14th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. Oct. 18th, '61.
Rhodes, J. B., e. Avig. loth, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July 10th, '62.
Riddle, William, e. July 16th, '61; New Hanover co.
Ray, Andrew J., e. Aug. 26th, '64; New Hanover co.
Roberts, J. M., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; w. at Sharpsburg and dg.
Russell, L. W., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; w. at Fredericksburg.
Russell, H. C, e. Avigust 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. March, '63.
Raymond, J. M., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Roberts, P. M,, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co,; dt.
Smith, Peter L., e. Sept. 5i.h, '64; New Hanover co.
Shephard, Thos, A., e. July 10th, '61 ; New Hanover co,; p, 1st Lieut. June lst,"63-
Seving, Obadiah, e- Sept. 5th, '64; New Hanover co.
Stevenson, Martin L., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Seavest, Jackson, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Iredell co.
Sudbury, James M., e. July 29th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. of w. received at Cold
Smith, Michael, e. Oct. 1st, '64; New Hanover co. ' ■
i5eaver, J., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Simmons, C. C, e. August 14th, '62; Nevv Hanover co. ; w. at ('hancellorsville.
..Spears, Samuel, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d.
■ Spears, William, e. August 24th, '62; New Hanover co.
: Steadman, John, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. in Richmond.
■ Stewart, Jesse, e. February 4th, '64; New Hanover co.
Saunders, G. F., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. April 2d, '62.
Sparks, M., e. August 14th, '62; Nevv Hanover co.
. Sharon, , e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.
Turner, Dugald, e. Aug. 14th, '61; New Hanover co.
Turner, James L., e. Sept. 27th, '63; New Hanover co. ; m. May 22d, '64.
Vannoy, A., e. August 14th. '62; Nevv Hanover co. ; d.
Webb, Henry, e. July 11th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg.
Whitehead, J. M. H., e. May 1st, '61 ; New Han'over co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Walsh, Y. C, e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. November, '62.
Williams, N. A., e. .lune 30th, '64; New Hanover co,
Webb, Z. D., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover CO.; d.
Wilson, W. F., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; w. and pr. at Chancellors-
ville. *
Wilkins, R. L., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. Jan. 12lh, '62, in Va.
'^Whiltington, J. R., e. August 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; k, May, '63, at Chan-
Worsley, Joseph, e. August 29th, '64; New Hanover co.
'Oompany B—Highteenth Begiment 101
Jolin W, Ellis, Captain, cm. April 22d, '61; Columbus ca
D. N. Gore, Captara, eni. April 24th, '62; Golumfeus co.; p. from 1st Sergeant.
"\V. G. Baldwin, 1st Lieut., cni. April 22d, '61; Columbus oo.
V. V. RiehardsoB, 2d Liexit., cm, Api'il 22d, '61; Columbus ce.
Matthew A. Byrne, 2d Lieut., cm. April 22d, '61; Columbus cq.
F. J. Simpson, 2d Lieut., cm. April 2-ltli, '62; Columbus eo.; p. from ranks.
Alexander Lewis, 2d Lieut., 'Cm. in '64; Columbus co.; p. from ranks.
Archibald McGollura,2d Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62,; Cotambus co. ; p, from ranks
w. May 12th, '64.
John D. Elkins, 2d Lieut., Columbus co.; pr. May 12th,, '64, at Spottsylvania C H.
i)- N. Gore, 1st Sergeant, e. Apa-il 22d, '61-; C-olumbHS co.; p. Captain,
W.H. Best, 2d Sergeant, e, April 22d, '61;; Columbus co.; d. Oct. 24th, '62.
E. R. Bridger, 3d Sergeant, e. April 22d, '01.; Columbus co.; d. Oct. Tth^ '63»
Ira S, Cassar, 4th Corporal, e. Apri r22d, '61; Columbus CO.; w. below Richmond^
C. M. Smith, 1st Corporal, April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Sergeant.
John T. Best, 2d Corporal, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
John L. McKay, 3d Corporal, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; p. Sergeant.
J^ewls Green, 4th Corporeal, e, April 22d, '61; Columbus co,; k. June 30th, '62, at
Frazier's Farm, *
Adams, Hfenry, -e. Sept. 7tli, ^62; Columbus co.
Baldwin, Stafford, e. April 22d, '61; Columbias co.; k^ June 30th., ''62, at Frazier's
Baldwin, Isham, e. April 22d. '61; Columbus co. ; p. Sergeant.
Baldwin, C. M., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
Baldwin, J. R., e, April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
Baldwin, D. D., e. Aprii 22d,'6i; Columbus co. ; p. Corporal.
Baldwin, Charles, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; p. Sergeant and dg^,
Barefoot, Henry, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
Barefoot, D, M., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus -co.
Bass, Everett, e, April 22d, '01; Columbus oo.
Bason, John E., e. Apiil 22d, '61; Columbus co.; d.
Bradshaw, S, T,, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus ■CO.; d.
Brown, A. G., e. Jan. 1st, '62; Columbus co. ; c May 12th, 64,
Brown, T. J,, Columbus co.; «. May 12th, '64.
Brown, G, H., Columbus co.
lUillice, J, E., Columbus oo. ; c. May 12th, '04.
Bumgarner, N. L., Columbus co^; c May 12th, '64,
Best, John T., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co,; p. Sergeant,
Baldwin, J. H., e. April 21th, '61; Columbus co. ; dg.
Bullard, W. H., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus ca
Butler, Robert, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
< 'hancy, J. J., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co.
lOS Jorth CarolmsL State Troops.
Cockerel!, Henry, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. Oct. 1st, '62^
Coleman, J. S., e. April 22(1, '61 ; Columbus co. ; dg.
Cornish, W. A., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
Dowell, Henry S., e. April 23d, '61 ; Columbus co.
Donnie, Neill A., e. April 22d, '61 ; Colvimbus co.
Dowell, Macon, e. April 6th, '64; Columbus co.
Dale, Elias, e. June loth, '61 ; Columbus co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Dodson, Lazarus, Columbus co.; d.
Edmundson, Henry, e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co.
Elkins, John D., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.; p. 2d Lieut.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Edwards, John J., e. Jane 15th, '61; Columbus co.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanovei"
Court House.
Frink, L. D., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co.; d. August 1st, '62.
Frink, William S., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Hanover C H. ; dg.
Frink, .John O., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Color Sergeant.
Frink, J. S., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.
Fisher, Joseph, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. May 12th, '64.
Fisher, Bryant, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. May 12th, '64.
Futrell, J. W., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; k. May 2d, '63, at Chaueellorsville,.
George, David, e. Aug. 17th, '63; Columbus co.
Gore, James W., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. January, '63.
Galiman, James, e. August 18th, '61; Wake co.
Green, James T., Columbus CO. ; w. May 12th, '64.
Quffy, G. R., Columbus co.; w. May 12th, '61.
Guffy, James, Columbus co.; w. May 12th, '64.
High, John H., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; dg. for disability.
High, Win. M., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm .
Harper, William H., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
Harper, Ira J., e. June 16th, '61; Columbus co.; d. April, '62.
Haws, Samuel P., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; k. May 3d, ''63, at Chancellors-
Hinson, J. A., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. July 8th, '63.
Hinson, J. M., e. April 22nd, '61; Columbus co.
Hinson, W. J., e. April 22nd, '61; w. at Hanover C. H., and Chaneellorsville.
Hughes, W. P., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.
Hall, Henry, e. June I5th, '61; Columbus co.; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg.
Harris, F. N., e. June 15tb, '61 ; Columbus co. ; w. at Fredericksburg; dg.
Huffman, W. A., e. June loth, '61; ColumJjus co.
Hall, Alfred, e. June Ifith, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. June 14th, '63.
Joj ner, W. H., e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co.
Jackson, John R., e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Jolly, Solomon, e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co.
Jolly, James, e. June 16th, '61; Columbus co. ; r. July 28th, '64.
.Johnson, J. T., e. June 16th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Kenned, W. A., e. June 15th. '61; Columbus co.
Lewis, Thomas, e. April 22nd, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. for disability.
Lewis, Alexander, e. January 1st, '62; Columbus co. ; p. I'nd Lieut.
Lilly, Gabriel R., e. April 22nd, '61; Columbus co.; k.May 27th, '62, at Hanover
C. H.
Long, H. P., e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co.
Long, J. J., e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co. ; dg.
Ledbetter, T. B,, Columbus co.
Largent, W. L., Columbus co.
Long, Henry C, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Corporal.
Lookadol, J. T., Columbus co.; dg. November, '62, for disability..
Company E— Eighteenth Regiment. lOS
liCnnon, Orren, e. Oct. 24th, '(jl.
Morgan, James M., e. July 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
McKeel, Major, e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co. ; p. 2nd Sergeant.
McPaul, A., e. April 22nd, '61 ; Columbus co. ; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
.Maultsby, William McD., Columbus Co.; dg. for disability,
Merritt, Samuel R., Columbus co.; d. June 26th, '63.
McDonald, J., Columbus co.
McDonald, W, M., Columbus co.
Miller, W. H., Columbus co.
Mitchell, J. W<, Coluixibus co.
Marshall, David, Columbus co. ■
Minton, Abram, Columbus co.
Monteith, J. W., Columbus oo.; d. June, '63.
Meares, Elihu, e. June loth, '61; Columbus co. ; d. October, '62.
McCollum, Archibald, e. April 22d, '62; Columbus CO.; p. Lieut. April 24th, '62;
W.May 12th, '64.
McLeod, J. W.,-©. June 15th, '61.
Newman, Elia«, e. April 22d, '61.; Columbus co. ; w. in '62, at Hanover C. H.
Nanney, John, Columbus co.
Norman, W. T., Columbus co.
Nicholas C^ Colsumbus co.
Newman, E., e. April 23d, '64; Columbus eo,
Nance, William, e. Oct. 28th, '61.
Pierce, J. W., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; d. April, '62,
Powell, Henry, S., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.
Platts, Charles P., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; p. CorporaL
Price, Ruffin H., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; dt.
Proctor, John, e. June loth, '61 ; Columbus co,; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C. H,
Penny, J. J. ]NL, e. June loth, '61; Columb-us co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's
Perry, Wm. J., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; d. May, '63.
Rockwell, W. EL, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier'p
Richardson, James R., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; tr. to Com. C, Jan. '63.
Roses, Noah, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. June, '61, for disability.
Reaves, Duvalt F., e. October 24th, '64.
Richai-dson, Wm. R., e. Oct. 24th, '64.
Simpson, F. J., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April 24th, '62.
Smith, A. G., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus CO.; w. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Smith, Isaac H., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; w.
Smith, Wm. H., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; dg.
Smith, Spencer, e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.; k. June 30th, '62, at E'razier's
Smith, Stephen, e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.; dg.
Smith, Wm. R., e. Jan. 1st '62; Columbus co.
Sibbett, John, e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co. k. at Hanover C. H.
Sibbett, Simon, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. ; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chaneellors-
Stocks, Samuel, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; dg.
Sellars, H. T., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co.
Sellars, A., e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm,.
Sellars, James R., e. June 15th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; d. July, '62.
Shaw, A. J., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.; dg.
Southerland, D. H., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.; d. May 27th, '62.
Sutton, A. J., e. Aug. 1st, '61; Columbus co.
Worth Carolina State Troops:
Saffrit,. Jobrir Corumbus co,>
Spratt, S. B., Columbus co. ; d.
Sasser, Ira S., e. April 23d, '61 - Coiumlcms co.
Sloam, Wm. H., e. July 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
Tedder, John W^ e. Juiae 15tli, '61; Col ambus eo^; e-_ Judy 3d, '6?..
Tedder, Samusl, e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. Oct^ '62.
Thompson, John, Columbus co.; c. May 12th, '64.
Tilley, George F., e. Aug. 30th, '61 ; Columbus <bo. ; dg.
Trexley, Alexander, Colrtmbus co„
Trexley, Warren, Columbus co,.
Trexley, John, CoiumbmiS co.
Williams, Riehard, e. June 18th, '64pColu'm.busco.
Y/atkins, K. R., e. April 22d, '61 ; Colambus co. ; c. July 14thj, '63„
Watkins, A. M., e. June 15th, '61; Columbus co.; k. May 27th., '62, at Hanover
C. H.
White, Edward, e. Oet. 26tlj, '64- Columbus co.
Wooden, Richard, e. April 22d, '61; Columbus co. r b. July 3(J, '63, ait Gettysburg,.
Wooten, F. M., e. April 22d, '61 ; Columbus co.; p. Q,. M. Sergt. and c.Maiy 12th,'64.
Wright, James C, e. Oct. 28th, '64; Columbus co.
Young, MeJ. W., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. for disability.
Young, B. A., e. April 24th^ '61; Columbus co.;, k. May 27th, '62, at Haaover
C. H.
Yelton,F.. M., e. August 25th, '64.
Olivei' P. Meares, Captain^ cm. April 15tb, '61; NefW Hanover co.; p. Lt. Colonel.
Thos. G. Lewis, Captain, cm. April 24tii, '62 7 New Hanaver co,
Robert D. Williams, 1st Lierat., cm. April 15th, '61 r New Hanover co^
William Huggins, 2d Lieut., cm. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover eo.
Joshua T. James, 2d Lieut., cm. April loth, '61 - Ne-w Hanover eo.
Roderick McRae, 2d Lierat., cm. Jvme 1st, '61; New Hanover c&,
Thos. C. Lewis, 2d Lieut., cm. , '61; New Han©ver co.
Benjamin F. Whit®^, 2d Lieut., cna. , '64;: New Hanover co.; p. froisas Ordnance
J.S. Kendall, 1st Sergeant, e-. April 15th,. '61 r New Hamover co ;■ tr. tO' 26th) Regi-
ment as Lieut. Colonel.
Roderick McRae, 2d Sergeant, e. Aprill5th,''61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2d Li&ut.
June 1st, '61.
William Blanks, 3d Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61 r New Hanover co. ; dg. April
15th, '62.
Eugene S. Martin, 4th Sei-geant, e. Apsil 15tb,. '61; New Hanover co.; p. 1st
Lieut, in 1st Battalion.
Company I— Eighteenth Regiment. 105
Tbos. C. Lewis, 5th Sergeant, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 2cl Lieut.
and Captain; e. May 12th, '64.
(Jharles H.King, 1st Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April
i5th, '62.
iiobert B. Clark, 2d Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April
15th, '62.
John T. Sykes, 3d Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th,
Robert C. Dudley, 4th Corporal, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April
15th, '62.
Duncan Mclntyre, Musician, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April
15th, '62.
Ashe, Samuel A., e. January 8th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. Captain of Ordnance
Feb. 15th, '62.
Arwood, J. J., 8. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Aldred, Nathan C, e. October 1st, '64.
Backus, Henry E., e. April loth, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. July 3d, '62.
Bland, Harmon, e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.
Boney, Uriah L., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. Feb. 2d, '63.
Bowden, Joseph N., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Blanton, John F., e. July 6th, '62; New Hanover co.
Brown, James H., e. July 12th, '62; New Hanover co.
Brown, Thomas "W., e. August 30th, '61; New Hanover eo. ; p. Captain Com. A.
Bland, John, e. Oct. 9th, '61; New Hanover co.
Brindle, Daniel, e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Barker, Daniel, e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Burgess, H. H., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. .July 6th, '63, of w.
received at Fredericksburg.
Burgess, R. C, e. Aug. 10th, '61; New Hanover co.
Burgess, W. A., e. Aug. 10th, '62; New Hanover co.
Bell, D. L., e. August 10th, '62; New Hanover co.; k. December 13th, '62, at Fred-
Beggarly, J. E., e. August 10th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. July 20th, '63, of w. re-
ceived at Gettysburg.
Brown, Samuel N., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; tr. to C. S. Navy Jan.
12th, '62.
Bryan, James M., e. April 29t,h, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July, '62.
Burnett, Carlos M., e. April 30th, '61; New Hanover co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Fra-
zier's Farm.
Bryan, Thomas P., e. May 10th, '61; New Hanover eo. ; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chan-
Bellamay, Wm. J. H., e. August 23d, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Brown, James H., e. July 4th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. 4th Sergeant.
Brown, Abner, e. Aug. 17th, '63; New Hanover co.
Brown, Alfred, e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
Hlanton, John F., e. July 6th, '61; New Hanover co.; pr, July 5th, '63.
Blacd, Harman, e. July 4th, '61; New Hanover co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Bland, Henry A., e. October 3d, '64.
Banks, Robert B., e. August 16th, '64.
Bawman, James, e. August 23d, '64.
Bawman, John W., e. March 9th, '64; pr. May 12th, '64.
106 North Carolina, State Troops.
Calloway, J. F., e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Cannon, R. M., e. August ITtli, '62.
Clark, Benjamin L., e. April 19th, '62; Now Hanover co.; dg. for w. received .
Aug. 9th, '62.
Carroll, Isaiah, e. June 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant.
Carpenter, Philip R., e. July 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62,
Cass, John, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Copeland, J., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. December, '62.
Casey, Thomas M., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover eo.; pr. July 3rd, '63.
Curtis, W. L., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover co.
Chesnutt, Columbus L., e. April 18th, '61; New Hanover co.; p. Captain A. Q,. M.
Cook, Abram B., e. July 6th, '62; New Hanover co.; e. May r2th, '64.
Cowan, John, e. April 21st, '62; New Hanover co. ; tr. to 3d Regiment in '62.
Cassiday, Henry C, e. November 9th, "61; New Hanover co.; tr. to C. S. Navy
in '63.
Davis, J. H., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Dawson, J. B., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Dickson, G. C, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. January 6th, '63.
Devany, Rufus, e. July 3d, '62; New Hanover co.
Devane, Rufus, e. July 3d, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. 1st Sergeant.
Eilens, Edward H., e. August 10th, '64; w.
Edniundson, Jesse W.. e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Evans, Henry C, e. July 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Evans, James A., e. Oct. 9th, '61; New Hanover co. ; c.
Fetter, William M., e. January 26th, '64; Orange co.
Flanner, Henry G., e. Oct. 26th, '61; New Hanover co. ; tr. to Latham's Battery.
Fulk, John R., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; k. December 13th, '62, at
Fulk, F. P., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. January 3rd, '63.
Fryar, Daniel, e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.
Fryar, Charles M.,e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. June 16th, '63.
Fryar, James H., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.
Fellow, William J., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.: d. October 25th, fi2.
Gillespie, Richard B., e. April 20th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. August 2Uth, '62.
Gillespie, D. H., e. August 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co.
Gillespie, John, e. August 17th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. October, '62.
Grist, John, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d.
Galyen, John, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. November 6th, '62.
Godfrey, S. A., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover co. ; pr.
Godfrey, J. N., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover co.
Galloway, R. B., e. January 31st, '61; New Hanover co,; dg. June 15th, '63, for
Housend, Asbury W., e. April 29th, '61; New Hanover co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at
Frazier's Farm.
Holliday, Robert H., e. April 20th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. for w. I'eceived at
Herring, Bryant S., e. June 21st, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. February 16th, '62.
Henry, Andrew J., e. October 4th, '64.
Heath, John E., e. August 1st, '61; Hanover co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Hatcher, C. e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Horn, Lewis, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Hall, Henry A., e. July 1st, '62; New Hatioverco.
Hollingworth, Owen, e. June 25th, '62; New Hanover co.
Heath, Josiah J. F., e. July 6th, '62; New Hanover co.
Company I—EigMeenth Regiment. 107
Hollingsworth, Wm. D., e. July 1st, '62.; c.
Jewett, Richard B., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Johnson, Edward N., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. January 6th, '62.
.Johnson, T. M., e. August 17th, '62; d.
Johnson, R., e. August 17th, '62.
Jerrell, Robert, e. September 29th, '64.
Jones, H., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Jones, W. M., e. August 17th, '62 ; New Hanover co.
King, Kendrick, e. October 10th, '64.
Kidd, Samuel, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. January 1st, '63.
Kellj', William H., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Lilly, Joseph M., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Latta, David S., e. April 28th, '61; New Hanover co. ; tr. to Q. M. Depai-tment.
Love, Richard S., e. April 15th, '61; dg. April loth, '62.
Lanier, Z. W., e. May 20th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. Sept., '62, of w.
Loeb, Mason, e. June 2Jth, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. Oct. 9th,"61.
Lewis, John H., e. May 20th, '61; New Hanover co.; d. July 6th, '62.
Lineberry, B. B., e. October 29th, '64.
Lindsey, L. F., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover co.; tr.
Lindsey, W., e. September 10th, '62; New Hanover co.; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chan-
cel lorsville.
Mclntyre, Andrew J., e. July 10th, '62; New Hanover co.
Mallard, John H., e. June 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; tr. to Bunting's Battery.
Metts, James J., e. April 15th, '61 ; New Hanover co; dg. April loth, '62.
Moore, Edward J., e. April 22ud, '61; New Hanover co.; tr. to Company G May
15th, '62.
Mitchell, F. H., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant Major.
Merritt, Josiah, e. July 6th, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Melton, J., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Matthews, Edward, e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co. ; d. March 14th, '62.
Martin, Juo. W., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. May 1st, '63, for disa-
Massey, J., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Mayes, Jos., e. August 17th, '61; New Hanover co.; c.
Moore, A. Duncan, e. January 23d, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant Major; k.
June 30lh, '62.
Newton, George F., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. July 16th, '02.
Norman, W. H., e. August 17th, '61 ; New Hanover co. ; d. Oct. 1st, '63.
Norman, J., e. August 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. Dec. 1st, '62.
Newton, George T., e. August 10th, '64.
Oldham, Heni-y C, e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April loth, '62.
Plgford, James L., e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.
Pigford, John E., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.'
Page, Daniel N., e. June 26th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. July 9tli, '62, for disa-
Pickett, Geo. W., e. June 18th, '62; New Hanover co.; dg July 3d, '62.
Page, Owen, e. June 26th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. June, '62.
Palmer, P., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
Payne, Henry, e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Peck, Wm. M., e. July 24th, '61; New Hanover co.
Price, George, e. April 15th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 15th, '62.
Q/Uin, Jesse, e. August 1st, '61; New Hanover co.
Bigg, Daniel, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Reece, Ira, e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; dg. Aug., '63.
108 North Carolina, State Troops.
llobbins, Jolin, e. September 29th, '64.
Rogers, Wm. C, e. July 30th, '61; New Hanover co.
Kassell, D. T., e. Feb. 14th, '62; New Hanover co. ; p. Div. Ord. Sergeant.
Robinson, Frederick G., e. April 15th, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
.Stringfleld, John J., e. Julj^ 3d, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. October, '63.
Sandlin, William H., e. July 6th, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Story, Edwai'd F., e. April 15th, '62; New Hanover co.; dg. April 15th, '62.
Smaw, Frank D., e. April 15th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April loth, '62.
Smith, Asa J., e. April 21st, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. June 1st, '62, for disability.
Shackelford, Daniel, e. April 5th, '61; New Hanover co. ; dg. April 16th, '62.
Swain, John, e. September 29th, '64.
Swain, M., e. September 29th, '64.
Snow, John, e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. Nov., '62.
Snow, M., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover oo.; dt.
Southard, M., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Freder-
Southard, N., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Sprinkle, J. H., e. Sept. 10th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. of w. at Chancellorsville .
Sprinkle, M., e August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Shade, W. Willis, e. July 3d, '61 ; New Hanover co.; p. 3d Sei-geant.
Sutton, Thomas H , e. April 25th, '62; Ne w Hanovtr co. ; dg. July 3d, '62.
Smith, Thos. J., e. April 27th, '62; New Hanover co.
Tyler, Clarence W., e. April 15th, 62; New Hanover co.; tr. to C. S. Navy in '61.
Thompson, J., e. Aug. 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d.
Venable, J., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co. ; d. Dee. 13th, '62.
Victory, Christopher, e. September 29th, '64.
Wells, David J., e. July 6th, '62; New Hanover co.
Tantor, x\bram A., e. June 9th, '62; New Hanover co.
Williams, Howard M., e. June 8th, '62; New Hanover co.
AVells, Shadrach, e. July 1st, '62; New Hanover co.; p. Sergeant.
Williams, M., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.
Willie, W., e. August 17th, '62; New Hanover co.; d. March 1st, '63.
Whitlock, R. H., e. Sept. 10th, '62; New Hanover co.; d.
Williams, L. S., e. August 17th, '62.
West, John W., e. July 30th, '61; New Hanover co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
Wells, Daniel W., e. July 30th, '61; New Hanover co.; c. May 12th, '64.
Walker, John E., e. April 23d, '62; New Hanover co.; k. June 30th, '62,
White, Benj. F., e. July 24th, '61; New Hanover co. ; p. Sergeant and 2d Lieut.
York, Shubal, e. Sei^tember 29th, '64.
Company K— Eighteenth Regiment. 109
George Tait, Captain, cra< April 20tli, '61; Bladen co. ; p. Major and r,
Thomas J. Purdie, Captain, em. ; Bladen co.; p. Colonel and k.
A. H. Tolar, Captain, Bladen co. ; p, from 2nd Lieut.
Thos. J. Purdie, 1st Lieut., cm. April 20tli, '61; Bladen co. ; p.
Thos, J. Wooten, 1st Lieut,, cm, April 21th, '62; Bladen co
B. F. Rinaldi, 1st Lieut., cm. May 27th, '62; Bladen co.
F. N. Robson, 1st Lieut., cm, Oct. 7th, '62; Bladen co.
R. M. DeVane, 2d Lieut., cm. April 20lh, '61; Bladen co.
James Baker, 2d Lieut., cm. April 20th, '61; Bladen co.
Henry R. Daniel, 2d Lieut., cm. July 20th, '61 ; Bladen co,
T. W. Robson, 2d Lieut., cm. Feb. 1st, '62; Bladen co.
John Monroe, 2d Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; Bladen co.
A. H. Tolar, 2d Lieut., cm. April 24th, '62; Bladen co.
John D. Currie, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov. 1st, '62; Bladen co,
W. E. Atkinson, 2d Lieut., Bladen co. ; p. Irom ranks.
Thos. A. Robeson, 1st Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; tr. to Com. B. Aug,
1st, '6.^
Stephen F. Dickerson, 2d Sergt., e. April 20th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg, July 15th, '62,
Alex. C. McAllister, 3d Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Bladen co.; p. 2d Lieut, in
22d Regiment.
Henry R. Daniel, 4th Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Bladen co.; p. 2nd Lieut. July
20th, '61.
John T. Willis, 1st Corporal, e. April 20th, '61; Bladen co.; tr. to 36th Regiment
and w. at Hanover C. H,
John McK. Whitted, 2d Corporal, e, April 20th, '61; Bladen co,; tr. to Com. O
May 15th, '62,
Amos W. Jessups, 3d Corporal, e. April 20th, '61; Bladen co, ; d. July 20th, '63.
Benjamin R. DeVane, 4th Corporal, e. May 20th, '61; Bladen co.
James P. Bryan, Musician, e. April 20tb, '61; Bladen co, ; dg. June 1st, '62,
Adams, Alexander G„ e. July 25th, '64; Bladen co.
.\rmfl.eld, Hamilton, e. August 24th, '64; Bladen co-
Anderson, Washington W., e, ; Bladen co. ; \v, at Cedar Run Aug, 9th, '02,
Atkinson, W. E., e. ; Bladen co,; w. at Hanover C. H.; p. 2d Lieut.
Alexander, F. J,, e, September 7th, '62; Bladen co,
Andres, J, A , e. October 11th, '61; Bladen co,; >v. at Hanover C. H,
fVllen, David, e. Oct, 8th, '64; Bladen co.
Barker, John F., e, April 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Buie, Mitchell, e, April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; w. and c. at Cedar Run Aug. 9th, '62
d. at Blmira, New York, February 18th, '64.
Bryan, C, W., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co,; k. May 27th, "62, at Hanover C. H.
no North Carolina State Troops.
Burney, William, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Burney, J. A., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at Chancellorsville May 3d, '63.
^>lood^yorlh, Jesse F., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. 2d Sergeant.
Buie, Stephen T., e. May 20th, '61; Bladen co.
Buie, Calvin, e. May 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; d. August 14th, '62.
Benfleld, M., e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Blackwelder, C. H., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Gettysburg July Sd, '63.
(Jollins, John M., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Campbell, Alexander, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Gettysburg July 3d, '63;
dg. February, '65.
('ouncil, Archibald D., e. May 20th, '61; Bladen co. ; d. of w. at Chancellorsville.
Currie, John D., e. May 20th, '61; Bladen co. ; p. 2d Lieut. November 1st, '62.
Chadwick, J. G., e. March 26th, '63; Bladen co.
Campbell, R. B., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Croniartie, J. A., e. March 11th, '62; Bladen co. ; p. Corporal.
Clark, John R., e. Sept. 6th, '61 ; Bladen co.
Davis, James, e. July 19th, '61 ; Bladen co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancelloi'sville.
Dunn, C. M. G., e. July 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; p. Sergeant and w. at Chancellors-
Davis, Jos. W., e. April 25th, '61; Bladen co.; d. October 30th, '62; w. at Frazier's
Davis, Calvin, e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at Cedar Run August 9th, '62.
Davis, Benjamin, e. May 15th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg. July 1st, '62,
Dunham, J. W., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co.
Dunham, J. A., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; k. December 13th, '62, at Fredei'-
Dunham, W. H,, e. May 22d, '61 ; Bladen co. ; d. July 11th, '62.
Dunham, J. R., e. October 11th, '61; Bladen co.
Dunham, J. S., e. August 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; d. of w. at Frazier's Farm.
Dickson, James, e. June 11th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg. October 11th, '61.
Deets, M. P.', e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; k. May 2d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Freeman, G., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Fair, Lewis, e. April 27th, '61; Bladen co. ; d. April 1st, '63.
Ferguson, D., e. August 1st, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Gettysburg July 3d, '63, and c.
Fitz, Randolph B., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg. June 15th, '62.
Gillespie, Joseph, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; pr.
(Tillespie, James F., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; dg. October 11th, '61.
Gillespie, D. F., e. May 20th, '61; Bladen co.; d. November 5th, '62.
Gibson, J. J., e. July 11th, '62; Bladen co.
Grissom, Ezekiel, e. July 25th, '64; Bladen co.
Herney, James, e. September 7tli, '62; Bladen co.
Hall, George W., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. 1st Sergeant.
Uudgins, Charles W., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; tr. to 36th Regiment.
Hurst, Thomas, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg. August 1st, '61.
Higgins, J. W., e. April 26tli, '61; Biaden co.; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Hendley, J. T., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.
Honey, Joseph, e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co.
Henderson, Wm. C, e. July 25th, '64; Bladen CO.
Ingram, William, e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co.; pr.
Johnson, Thomas E., e. July 2oth, '64; Bladen co.
.lohnson, Daniel, e. Sept. 1st, '64; Bladen co.
.lessups, R. M., e. April 21st, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at 2d Manassas Aug. 29th, '62. ; dg.
.fordan, J. C, e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.; d. June 3d, '63.
Jones, George, Bladen co. ; w. at Fredericksburg; d. January 29th, '63.
Kinlaw, John C, e. May 1st, '61; Bladen co.
Company K— Eighteenth Regiment. HI
King, Edward B., e. Augast ISth, '64; Bladen co.; dg, February 9th, '64.
King, Duncan, e. May 1st, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at 2d Manassas August 29th, '62.
King, M. F., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
King, W. H., e. April 23d, '61; Bladen CO.; p. Sergeant; w, at Fredericksburg
Dec. 13th, '62.
King, Alexander, e. May 12th, '61 ; Bladen co.
Kemp, J, F„ e. Sept, 7th, '62; Bladen co.; dg. June 30th, 'Cg.
Lewis, R. F., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. Assist, Surgeon in '62,
Lesesne, Richard M., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co,
Lindsey, Aug. A., e. July 24th, '64; Bladen co.
Lenoir, Benj., e. May 30th, '61; Bladen co,
Loller, R., e. Sept. 7th, '61 ; Bladen co, ; d, of w. at Gettysburg,
Lillis, Thomas, e. September 7th, '61; Bladen co, ; d. January 20th, '63..
Lesesne, Charles, e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co,; p, Asst. Surg. July, '6L
Maultsby, W. J., e. June 1st, '61; Bladen co.
Meadows, F., e. May 21st, '61; Bladen co. ; pr. at Chancellorsville.
Meadows, George W., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen eo-
Melvin, George F., e. April 20th, '61; Bladen co.; dg, October, '61,
Melvin, William, e, April 26tb, '61 ; Bladen co,
Melvin, Henry, e. May 14th, '61; Bladen co.
McMillan, Asa M., e. September 3rd, '64; Bladen co,
Meares, Russell, e, April 26th, '64; Bladen co.
Muun, Daniel, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co; p. Captain 36th Regiment October
1st, '61.
Monroe, John, e. April 26th- '61; Bladen co.; p, 2nd Lieut. April 24th, '62.
Monroe, D. M., e. May 3d, '62; Bladen co,; d. of w. received at Fredericksburg,
Melvin, John T., e- Nov, 13th, '62; Bladen co,
Moldin, James, e. April 26th, '62; Bladen co.; dy June 7th, '62,
Murphy, Daniel, e. April 26th, '62; Bladen co,
McDonald, M., e. May 1st, '61; Bladen co.; pr.
McDonald, J, D., e. May 1st, '62; Bladen co.; k. Dec, 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg,
McCannis, Mickey, e, July 18th, '64; Bladen co.; pr,
McDonald, J. K., e. December 9th, '61; Bladen co.; dg. December 9th, '62.
McDugald, William, e. May 1st, '61; Bladen co,; dg. July 16th, '62.
McMannin, L, D., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co,; dg. in July, '61,
McMillan, W. J., e. May 1st, '61 ; Bladen co.
McMillan, J, D., e. December 9th, '61; Bladen co,; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Mulford, James McK,, e. July 17tb, '61; Bladen co,
Moore, Joseph L., e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co.
Marlow, I. J., e. July 18th, '62; Blacen co.
McCoumin, M,, e. September 7th, '62; Bladen co,
McDuffie, W. J., e. April 30th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Fredericksburg; c.
McDuffie, P. N., e, March 12th, '62; Bladen co.; d. January, '63,
McKoy, J. W., e, July 18th, '62; Bladen co,; w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
McKethan, J. M., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen CO.; k. May 27th, '62, at Hanover C.H.
McNorton, S,, e. June 1st, '61; Bladen co. ; w.
McNorton, J. M., Bladen co. ; dg. March 1st, '62.
McNeill, A. M., e. May 11th, '61; Bladen co.; p. Sergeant.
Norman, Thomas J., e, April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; dg. July, '61,
Noblet, J. D., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.
Pridgen, T. F., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. Corporal and c. July 28th, '64.
Patterson, Alex., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. Sergeant; pr, May 12tb, '64,
Pate, Wm. W., e. May 1st, '61 ; Bladen co. ; dg. March 1st, '62-
Page, Abram, e, March 10th, '62; Bladen co,; w.
Ii2 North Carolim State Tr-oops,
Pangle, A>, e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co. ; d, January 21st, 'G3,
Parker, Wm., e. July 18th, ^62: Bladen co.
Packtey, Arthur C, e. August 4th, '64; Bladen co»
Russ, Simpson, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; p. Asst. Surg.
Reece, S. C, e. July 25th, '64; Bladen co.
Robson, W. O., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; tr. to Com. B, Feb. 1st, *63.
Robson, E. N., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; p. 1st Lieut. October 7th, '62.
Robson, W. T., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; w.
Robson, T. W., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; p. 2d Lieut. February, '62.
Rinaldi, B. F., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; p. 1st Lieut. May 27th, '62.
Richardson, J. E., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co, ; p. Color Sergeant; k. July 3d, '&,
Rinaldi, A., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; w. at Hanover C. H. ; p. Sergeant,
Richardson, S. N., e. May 10th, '61; Bladen co. ; p. Com. Sergeant.
>Singletary, W. C, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm; dg.
Singletary, Isaac D., e. May 1st, '61; Bladen co. ; d. December, '61.
.Singletary, J. Y., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; pr. May 12th, '64.
Swindall, Chester, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co. ; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
Sikes, John W., e. May 13th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Fredericksburg; p. Corpora),
Sikes, W. H,, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Sikes, Nathan, e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co.
Simpson, J. O., e. June 8th, '61; Bladen co. ; dg. June 15th, '62,
.Smith, A. S., e. April 30th, '61; Bladen CO.
Smith, W. M., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.
Shaw, A. M., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; dg. June 15th, '62.
Shaw, W. H., e. May 1st, '61 ; Bladen co. ; d. June 1st, 'ei,
Stubbs, John, e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; dg. March 1st, '62.
Sullivan, Daniel, e. April 26th, '61: Bladen co.
.Sutton, D. M., e. May 1st, '61; Bladen co.; p. Corporal.
Sutton, M. V, B., e, June 27th, '01; Bladen co.
Sutton, W. J., Bladen co. ; dg. July loth, '62.
Snipes, J., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.
Stewart, A. C, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Bladen co.
Seats, L. C, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Bladen co.
Tolar, S. B., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co, ; w. and dg. July 15th, '62.
Tolar, A. H., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; p. 2d Lieut. April 24th, '62,
Tolar, H, L., e. May 3d, '61; Bladen co. ; d. of w, accidently received,
Thompson, M. D., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.
Thompson, M. H , e. Sept. 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; dg. Feb. 1st, '63.
Trublood, Isaac, e. Sept. 7th, '62; Bladen co. ; w. and pr. May 3d, '63, at (!hancei-
Whitted, T. S., e. April 26th, '61; Bladen co.; dg. June 27th, '62, lor w. received at
Cold Harbor.
Williams, L. H., e. April 26th, '61 ; Bladen co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Wooten, Thos. J., e. May 22d, '61; Bladen co.; p. 1st Lieut. April 24th, '62.
Wagoner, J. M., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.
Wright, S. W. A., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.; w. at Shepherdsfcown September
20th, '62.
Webb, J., e July 18th, '62; Bladen co.
Wilkerson, M., e. July 18th, '62; Bladen co.; tr. to 22d Regiment April, '6,3.
Field and Staff— Nineteenth Regiment.
c captured.
om commissioned.
CO county.
Com Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg discharged.
dt detailed.
k killed.
m. missing.
p promoted,
pr prisoner.
r resigned.
tr transferred.
w wounded.
Samuel B. Spruill, Colonel, cm. June 21st, '61; Bertie co.; r. March, '62.
M. L. Davis, Jr., Colonel, cm. April 12th, '62; Rutherford co.; d. in '62.
Solomon Williams, Colonel, cm. May 11th, '61; Nash co. ; k. at Fleetwood/
June 9th, '63,
James B. Gordon, Colonel, cm. June 9th, '63; Wilkes co. ; p. Brigadier General im
'63; k. at Yellow Tavern in '64.
Clinton M. Andrews, Colonel, em. February, '64; Guilford co. ; p. from Lieut..
Colonel; k.
Wm. P. Roberts, Colonel, cm. August 23d, '64; Gates co. ; p. from Major; p. Brig,.
General in '65.
.Tames L. Gaines, Colonel, cm. Feb., '65; Buncombe co.; p. from Captain and
A. A. G. ; w.
Wm. G. Robinson, Lieut. Colonel, cm. September 1st, '61; Wakeco. ; w. and
C. M. Andrews, Lieut. Colonel, Iredell co. ; p. from Major; k.
.lames L. Gaines, Lieut. Colonel, cm. March 6th, '65; w. at Five Forks April, '65,
John W. Woodfln, Major, cm. September 23d, '61; Buncombe co.; r. and k. in
Buncombe co.
C. M. Andrews, Major, cm. June 23d, '63; Iredell co.
Wm. P. Roberts, Major, cm. May, '64; Gates co.; p. from Captain of Com. 0.
John V. B. Rogers, Major, cm. August, '64; Cherokee co.
John S. Hines, A. Q. M., cm. June 21st, '61 ; Wake co. ; r. in '62.
A. Smith Jordan, A. Q. M., cm. March 4th, '62; Gates co.; p. from Sergeant in,
Com. C,
John W. Moore, A. C. S., cm. June 21st, '61; Hertford co.; p. Major of 3d Battalr
ion, (Light Artillery) Feb. 28th, '62.
I'heophilus J. Hughes, A. C. S., cm. February 15th, '62; Craven co.; r.
Charles E. Lowther, Commissary Serg't, Gates co.;.dt. from Com. E; dg.and d.
114 North Ca,rolina State Troops.
G. W. Hayes, Captain, cm. June 18th, '61; Cherokee co.; r. April 30th, '62.
.T. V. B. Rogers, Captain, cm. April 30th, '62; Cherokee co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.; p.
Major in '64.
W. B. Tidwell, Captain, cm. August, '61; Cherokee co.; p. from 1st Lieut.; w.
J. V.B. Rogers, 1st Lieut., cm. June 18th, '61; Cherokee co.; p.
W. B. Tidwell, 1st Lieut., cm. June, — ; Cherokee co. ; p, from 2cl Lieut.
A. E. Evans, 1st Lieut., cm. August, '64; Cherokee co.
W. P. Moore, 2d Lieut., cm. June 18th, '61; Macon co.; r. April 11th, '62.
G. V. Snider, 2d Lieut., cm. June 18th, '61; Tennessee; d. May 19th, '62.
W. B. Tidwell, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '62; Macon co. ; p. from ranks.
A. E. Evans, 2d Lieut., cm. .June 5th, '62; p. from ranks.
Jacob E. Williams, 2d Lieut., cm, Nov. 5th, '62; p. from 1st Sergeant.
-lacob E. Williams, 1st Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61 ; p. 2d Lietit. Nov. 5th, '62.
N. W. Moore, 2d Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61; p. Captain in '62d Regiment.
D. L. Whitaker, 3d Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61; p. 2d Lieut, in Thomas' Legion.
-H. W. Ledford, 4th Sergeant, e. June 18tb, '61.
E. J. Fain, 5th Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61; dg. March 1st, '63.
J. L. Moore, 6th Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61 ; dg, April, '62, for disability.
J. P. Sanderson, 1st Corporal, c. June 18th, '61.
C. L. Fain, 2d corporal, e. June 18th, '61.
W. A. Loudermilk, 3d Corporal, e. June 18th, '61; dg. Feb. '63, for disability,,
John B. Standridge, 4th Corporal, e. June 18th, '61,
T. J. Colvard, Bugler, e. June 18th, '61; dg. July, '62, for disability.
McAnaly Cooper, Bugler, e. June 18th, '61; dg. in Feb., '62,
■ John Swanger, e. June 18th, '61 ; dg. Oct. 23d, '61,
W. A. Hagler, Farrier, e. June 18th, '61.
W. P. Berry, SacHer, e. June 18th, '61.
Amons, J. A., e. June 18th, '61.
yVrrowood, D. P., e. June 18th, '61.
Angel, W., e. June 18th, '61.
Brittain, J. W., e. June 18th, '61; dg. January, '62, for disability.
Birchfield, E., e. June 18th, '61.
Birchfleld, W., e. June 18th, '61.
Byers, D. A., e. June 18th, '61.
Brown, J. O., e. June 18th, '61; k. June 9th, '63.
Brown, J. S., e. June 18th, '61.
Note.— With the exception of the original commissioned oflicers, the resi-
dences of the men composing this company can no where be found by me. I
know, however, that they were all from Cherokee and Macon counties and others
■of the extreme west end of the State,
Company A— Nineteenth Regiment ii5
Berry, J. D., e. June 18th, '61.
Barnard, Homer, e. June 18th, 6L
Brown, W- H., e. June 18th, ^61,
Bryson, Sa.muel, e. June 18th, '61 ; c
Brady, Samuel, e. June 18th, '61; d. Dec, ^62, at Richmond.
Brock, F, S,, e, Jtin« 18th, '61,
Bell, R. F,, e. June 18th, '61^ Cherokee co.
Cook, T, B,, e. June 18th, '64:; Cherokee co,
Colvard, P. S,, e. June 18th, '61.
Cooper, G. B.
Clark, W, J>, e. June 18th, '61; dg. May, '62, for disability.
Crawford, J. F., e. June 18th, '61.
Curtis, W. A., e. June 18th, '61.
Cody, Miles, -e, June 18th, '61-.
Colvard, A, N., e, June 18th. '6L
Coffey, S. W., e, June ISth, '61.
Coffey, M. S., e. June 18th, '61; dg, for w. at Tascarora, N. (X
"Carver, W. M,, e. June 18th, '6L
-^Colvard, W. P„ e. June 18th, '61.
Davis, Miles H., e. June 18th, '61.
Dyche, A. M., e. June 18th, '61; p. 2d Lieut, 39tli Regiment.
,Dale^ Henry, e. Jume 18th, '6L
Dale, W, D>, e. June 18lh, '6L
Dale, A. B., e, June 18th, '61.
Dale, Jacob, e. June 18th, '61-.
Dover, Riley, e. August 10th, '61; dg, August 10th, '64
Eller, A, A,, e. June 18th, '61.
Edwards, A, T,, e.. June 18th, '61.
Evans, A. E., e. June 18th, '61; p. 2d Lieut. June 5th, '62.
Evans, H. C, e, August 10th, '61 ; d, December 10th, '62, in N. C^
Fisher, F. M,, e. June 18th, '61,
Fisher, W. H,, e. May 1st, '63.
Furgurson, T. M., e. June 18th, '61,
Pnrgurson, S. C, e. June 18th, '61.
Fain, A.. S., e. August 10th, '61.
Foisler, "W., e. September 4th, '61.
Fain, C. L., e. June 18th, '61; Cherokee co.
Gabrol, Wm,, e. Sept. 27th, '64.
Hicks, James H., e. June 18th, '61; dg. June, '62, for disability,
Haney, Solomon, e. June 18th, '61.
Huskins, John C, e. June 18th, '6L
Harville, D. C, e. June 18th, '61,
Hawkins, J,, e, June 18th, '6k
Harwood, F., e. June 18th, '61.
Hicks, J, L., e. June 18th, '6L
Huskins, Joseph, e. May 7th, '64,
Horton, Nathan, e. Sept. 27th, '64,
Ham, Joshua, e. Sept. 27th, '64.
Honeycutt, B, L., e. Sept. 27th, '64; Cherokee co.
Ingram, Eli, &, June 18th, '61; p. 2d Lieut, in Thomas' Legion.
Johnson, A. J., e. June 18th, '61; d. Dec. 10th, '62, at Richmond.
Johnson, G, W., e. June 18th, '61 ; d. July 15th, '62, at GoWsbora:
King, M. C, e. June 18th, '61.
King, A. J. W., e. Nov. 1st, '63.
Kelly, J. J„ e, Oct, 1st, '63.
116 North Carolim State Troops.
Kelly, John, e. June 18th, '61.
Kllpatrick, Elisha, e. June 18th, '61.
Kerne, P, T., e. Sept. 27th, '64.
Ledford, H. C, e. June 18th, '61; w.
Ledford, W. H., e. June ISth^ '61 ; w.
Ledford, H. W.,e. March 10th, '64; Cherokee co.
ILaurney, J. G., e. March 10th, '64; k. August 16th, '64..
Linville, W. F., e. June 18th, '64.
Miller, Henry, e. Sept. 27th, '64.
McGlathlin, J. T., e. Aug. 12th, '64.
Martin, W. J,, e. June 18th, '61 ; d. June, '62, at Kinston, N, C,
Martin, John M., e. June 18th, '61.
Martin, B. F., e. June ISth, '61 ; d. Sept., at Murphy, N. C.
McGuire, Nicholas, e. June 18th, '61; k. June 21st, %S.
McGoire, Michael, e. August 10th, '61.
McConnell, W. R., e. June 18th, '61,
Manchester, T. R., e. June 18th, '61.
McClelland, G. L. D., e. June 18th, ''61.
Moore, P. H., e. June 18th, '61; dg. February, '62^ for di.saii>ility,
Moore, Henry, e. November 10th, '61.
Martin, A. H., e. October 23d, '62; k. May 8th, '64.
Newman, J. T., e. June 18th, ^61 ; d. August 13th, '62, in N. C.
Pullin, J. T., e. June 18th, '61.
Panther, David, e. June 18th, '61; d. October 10th, '62, in Va,
Price, Fielding, e. June 18th, '61.
Price, A. M., e. June 18th, '61.
Pullin, H. C, e. March 1st, '^62.
Perry, Levi, e. Sept. 27th, '64.
Phipps, William, e. Sept. 27th, '64.
Rhea, Beaufort, e. June 18tb, '61 ; k. May loth, >62, in N. C
Rhea, J. H,, e. June 18th, '61.
Roberts, W.-S. P., e. June 18th, '61.
Roberts, Eli, e. June 18th, '61.
Rhea, P. M. G., e. June 18th, '61; dt.
Rowan, G. W., e, June 18th, '61; k. August 15th, '64..
Roark, Wm , e. Sept. 27lh, '64.
Raup, John, e. Sept. 27th, '64.
Sapp. F. W., e. March 18th, '64.
Swait, F., e, Sept. 27th, '64.
Slaughter, I. J., e. June 18th, '61.-
Shields, James M., e. June 18th, '61,
Sherrill, L. L., e. June 18th, '61.
Sherrill, B. F., e. June 18th, '61.
Sherrill, W. M., e. June 18th, '61,
Smith, B,B., e. June 18th, '61.
Sanderson, G. W., e. June 18th, '61; c,
Sanderson, John M., e. June 18th, '61.
Taylor, F. M., e. June 18th, '61.
Tidwell, W, B., e. June 18th, '61; p. 2d and 1st Lieut,
Tucker, Josepli, e. June 18th, '61.
Walker, Jesse M., e. June ISth, '61.
Welch, Jonathan, e. June 18th, '61; d. June, '62, in N.C. ■
Wilson, W. B., e. June 18th, '61.
White, M. P. A., e. June 4th, '64.
Weise, Matthias, e. June 27th, '64.
Company B— Nineteenth Regiment. W
Walker, J. W., e. October 1st, '62.
Tork, Wm., e. June 18th. '61; dg. Nov. lOth, '61.
York, McDowell, e, June 18th, '61; d Feb. 6th, '62, in N. C.
Tork, J. E., e. Aug. 10th, '61.
"Zimmerman, D. N., e. June 18th, '61 ; d. Feb. 10th, '62, at New Bern,
■aimmenaian, H., e. June 18th, '61; k. April 14tli, '62, in N. C.
"Clinton M. Andrews, Captain, cm. June 4th, '61; Iredell co.; p. Major Septentiber
6th, '62-; k.
S. Jay Andrews, Captain, cm. September 6th, '62; Iredell co.; p. from 1st Lieut.;
w. a,rKi r. in '61.
R. M. Allison, Captain, cm. in '64; Iredell co.; p. from 2d Lieut.
J. M. Turner, Captain, cntu in '64; Iredell co. ; k. in '64 near Petersburg.
"W. A. Luckey, Captain, em. in '64- Iredell co.; p. from IstLi-eut.
S. J. Andrews, 1st Lieut., cm. June 4th, '61; Iredell co.
Richard M. Allison, 1st Lieut, em. Sept. 6th, '62; p. from 2d Lieat.
W. A. Luckey, 1st, Lieut., cm. in '64; Iredell co.
J. R. Abernathy, 1st Lieut., cm. in '64; Iredell co.
Richard M. Allison, 2d Lieut., cm. June 4th, '61; Iredell co. ; p. Captain.
James N. Turner, 2d Lieut., cm. June 4th, '61; Iredell co.
"William A. Luckey, 2d Lieut., cm. September 6th, '62; p. from Sergeant; w-
-John R. Abernathy, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Iredell co. ; p. from ranks.
Henry B. Knox, 2d Lieut., em. in '64; Iredell co.; p. from ranks.
Wilson A. Ramsay, 2d Lieut., cm. in '61; Iredell co..; p. from ranks.
Pink C. Carlton, 1st Sergeant, e. June 22d, '61- Iredell co.; p. 2d Lieut. 7th Reg't.
William A. Luckey, Jr., 2d Sergeant, e.June 29th, '61; Iredell co.; w. twice; p.
2d Lieut.
Alburtus Cornelius, 3d Sergeant, e. June 21st, '61 ; Iredell co.
Janaes A. Hudson, 4th Sergeant, e. June 29th, '6L; Iredell co.
Marcus Shook, 5tii Sergeant, e. June 22d, '61; Iredell co. ; p. Sergeant,
David A. Reese, 1st Corporal, e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co. ; p. Sergeant,
.loseph T. Sumner, 2d Corporal, e. June 10th, '61; Iredell co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at
Brandy Station ; dt.
Eobert H. Sumrow, 3d Corporal, e. June 18th, '61 ; Iredell co. ; dt. to Band.
R. Grier Black, 4th Corporal, e. June 18th, '61 ; Iredell co. ; k. June 28th, '62.
William McCauly, Bugler, e. August 14tli, '61; Iredell co.
Abernathy, John R., Iredell co.
Abernathy, F. D., e. Feb. 16th, '64; Iredell co.; c.
JBarkley, Robert J,, e. Jwne 18tai, '61 ; k. June 21st, '64.
iiS North Carolina State Troops.
Barkltey, Otbo M., e.Jirae 18th, '61 r dg.- March, '62.
Bailey, J. B., e. Feb. 26th, '62;- dg.Sept.-13th, '62.
Bailey, Benj. A., e. June 18th, '61 ; dg.. July 14tb, '62„
Bean, Eli P., e. June 18th, '61.
I^eck, Wm.S., e. July 18th, '61..
Brock, Enoch, e. June 2&th, '61; d.NoT. 22d, '61.
Bell, Samuel, e. June ISth, '61; dt.
Benson, James, e_ January 4th, '62.
Brawley, Joel V., e. June 18th, '61; dg. Aug-22d/, '62,.
Blackawall, Jas.'R., e. Feb. 17th, '61.
Beaver, Tobias, e. Feb. 16th, '64; Iredell co,
Cline, J. R., e.Feb. ISth, '61; Iredell eo.
Cornelius, A., e. Mardi 21st, '61; Iredell co.
CTovin, M. A., e. March 1st, '62..
Clodfelter, George, e. June 18th, '61 r d.. Sept. 13th, TJL.
Davidson, H. C, e. March 15th, '^62; dg. Aug. 22d, '62.
Dishman, Radford, e.March 15th, ^62r k.Jnne3d> '64,.
Davidson, Geo.L., e, July 22d, '61..
Dixon, John, e. July 2oth, '62_
Daniel, George, e. Sept. 9th, '64; Iredell co_
Deal, A., e.Sept. 16th, '64; Iredell eo.
Earnhardt, Lewis P., e. June 18th, '61; dt.
Earnhardt, L. P., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co..
Edwards, Samuel H., e. June 18th, '61 ; d. Dec. 25th, '62, fn N. Cl
Fink, David A., e. June 18th, '61.
Gillespie, Joseph R., e, June 18th, '61 ; p. Liemt. in 37tB? Regiment.
Graham, George G., e. June 29th, '61 ; d, Nov. 3d, ^61.
Gill, Thos. M., e. June 26th, '61..
Green, John F., e. June 22d, "Bl ; Iredell eo.
Green, Qniney A., e. Oct. 1st, '61; Iredell co.
Green, Jesse F., e. July 3d, '63; Iredell co.; d. July 18th,. '64..
Hammons, James, e. Nov. 18th, '62; Ii-edell co.
Mammons, John, e. June 18th, '61 r Iredell eo.
Hardin, James A., e. July 11th, '63; Iredell co^.
Hardin, Adley, e.. Oct. 23d, '^62; Iredell co.
Hardin, .1. J., e. June 18th, '61;- Iredell cov.
Hill, M. W., e.Api'iSlSth, '63; Iredell co.; dt.
Holsdclaw, Stephen, e. July 23d, ''62; Iredell co.
Honey cutt, Bradford L., e. June 29th, '61; Iredell co..; tr, to Cavalry in '64=.
Johnston, James M., e. July 27th, '61 ; Iredell co. ; d. June 25th, '62, in North Caro-
Jordan, Milas C^ e. June 18th, '61; Iredell eo.
Kenaely, Leroy H., e. June 29th, '61; Iredell co. ; d.Dec. l«t, '62, m Va.
Knox, Andrew S., e. June 18th, '61 r Iredell co.; d. Nov. 20th, '61.
Knox, Henry B., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; p. Sergeant.
Knox, Samuel A,, e. July 4tb, '61; Iredell co..; p. Corporal; d. June lOth^ '64.-
Kister, Amos D., e. Feb-. 20th, '62- Iredell co.
Kimball,. Henry J., e. March 1st, '62; Iredell co.
Kimball, John, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Iredell co„; dg. Feb. 10th, '62 „
Knox, John S., e.July Uth, '63; Iredell co.
Livingston, J. B., e. February 16th, '64; Wake co.
Lawrence, Milas, e. March 29th, '64; Iredell co.
Lackey, James, e. June 10th, '64; Richmond co.
Lentz, John C, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Iredell co.
Long, Thomas, e-July 1st, '63; Iredell co»
* Dompany B— Nineteenth Regiment 119
McLean, James J., e. Jun« 29th, '61 ; Iredell co.
McEwen, John E., e. Feb. 2cl, '62; Iredell co.; dt.
McHargue, J. W., e. July 7th, '61; Iredell co,
Medlock, Cornelius, e. July 15th, '61; Iredell co.
Medlock, Elijah, e. July 6th, '61; Iredell cot
Medlock, Elihu, e. July 26th, '61; Iredell co.
Melony, John T,, e. June 18lh, '61; Iredell co.; d. Aug. 17th, '61.
Miller, George F., e. Dee. 12th, '61; Ired-ell co.; d. Jan, 22d, '63, in Va.
Miller, John F., e, July 6th, '61 ; Iredell co.
:Moore, Robert Y., e. Feb, 21st, '62; Iredell co.
Moore, John B., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Morrison, Robert H,, e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Massey, John A., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co. ; d. Nov., '6L
Mills, Harrison, e. November 18th, '62; Ii-edell eo.
Mills, C. F., e. February 1st, '63; Ired«ll co. ; tr.
Moore, S. R,, e. February 16th, '64; Wake co.
Nelson, J. Locke, e. June 2.5th, ^61; Iredell co.; d. May 16th, '62, in N. a
Nicholson, Wesley M., e* June IStli, '61; Iredell co.
Norton, Wm. J., e. June 22d, '61; Iredell co. ; d. Nov., '63.
Parker, John M.,e. June ISth, '61; Iredell co.
Pennell, A. M., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Pannell, John R., e. Juiae 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Pennell, Wm. R,, e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; d, Nov. 4th, '6L
Pennell, Calvin, e. Feb. 27th, ""63; Iredell co,
Pennell, Franklin, e. Ju3y 23d, '62; Iredell co.
Pennell, William, e. July 23d, '62; Iredell co.
Pennell, Michael, e. July 23d, '62; Iredell co.; dg. Sept. 13th, '62.
Phifer, Wm, S., e. June 29th, '61; Iredell co,
Puckett, James H,, e. June 18th, '61 ; Iredell co.
Puckett, John F,, e, June 18th, '61; Iredell co. ; d. June 19th, '62, in North Caro-
Puckett, Wm, n. K., e. Jiane 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Ramsey, James A., e. Sept. 29th, '61; Iredell co.
Ramsey, Robert A,, e. June 28lh, '61; Iredell co.
Ramsey, Wilson A., e, .Tune ISth, '61; Iredell co.; p. Sergeant,
Kamsey, John L., e. Sept. 7th, '62; Iredell co.
Revis, James, e. Aug, 26th, '61; Iredell co.; dt.
Reid, Wm. F., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; d. Jan. 27th, '62.
Reid, Wm. J., c. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; dg, Feb. 26th. '63.
Reid, Andrew N., e, June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; k. May 30th, '62.
Reid, Joel B., e. April 14th, '63; Iredell co.; k.
Rice, Stephen W.. e. July 9th, '61; Iredell co.
Rogers, Edwin P., e. June 18th, '61 ; Iredell co. ; dt.
Rogers, Edwin P., Jr., e, June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Rumple, Wm. Neal, e. June IStla, '61; Iredell co.; d. Jan. 28th, '63, at Richmond,
Shap, Calvin M., e. Sept, 25th, '62; Iredell co.
Sharpe, Silas B.,e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Sharpe, James D., e. June 18tb, '61 ; Iredell co.; d. Sept. 24th, ■6L
Sharpe, Wallace P., e. June 7th, '61 ; Iredell co.
Shook, Milas W., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Shuford, Jas. A., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.
Steele, Jno. H., March 3d, '62; Iredell co. ; d,
-Sloan, W. S., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; d. Oct. 7th, '61.
«huford, W, J., e. June 3d, '61; Richmond co.
.Setzer, James T,, e. February 16th, '64; Iredell co.
120 Forth Carolim State Troops,
Sumrow, R. H., e. February 18th, '64; Iredell co.
Thompson, .Tno. S., e. March 1.5th, '62; Iredell co.
Troutman, A. D., e. May 15th, '63; Iredell county.
Trent, D. W., e. February 16th, '64; Wake co.
Van-Eaton, McDonald, e. June 29th, '6l'; Iredell co. ; tr. to 10th Virginia Cavalry.
Vannoy, John H., e. June 29th, '61; Iredell Co.; d. Jan. 3d, '62, in N. C.
Vvaugh, Lee, e. Sept. 2Sth, '61; Iredell co.; dg. Feb. 18th, '62.
Waugh, Moses M., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Iredell co.; p. Corporal.
Waugh, James M., e. Feb. 1st, '62; Iredell co. ; k. at Upperville, Va.
"William.s, Abram M., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; d. Sept. 15th, '61.
William, Robert J., e. June 18th, '61; Iredell co.; dg. Nov. 30th, '61.
White, James H , e. Sept. 7th, '62; Iredell CO.; dg. Sept. 13th, '62.
White, James H., e. May 15th, '63; Iredell co.
White, George C, e. Feb. 20th, '62; Iredell co.
White, Geo. R., e. Sept. 9th, '61; Iredell co.
White, John, W., e. Feb. 24th, '62.
Woodside, J. G., Iredeil co. ; tr. from 4th Regiment.
Weatherman, Thos., e. Sept. 1st, '61; Iredell co.; d. Nov. 10th, ^61.
Wedderington, B. M., e. F'ebruary 15th, '61; Iredell co.; dt.
Wells, H. N., e. May 2d, '64; Iredell co.
John Boothe, Captain, em. June nth, '61; Gates co.; w. at Washington; r. May
1st, '63.
James M. Wynns, Captain, cm. May 1st, '63; Hertford co.; p. Lieut. Col. of loth
Battalion in '64.
William P. Roberts, Captain, cm. August 13th, '63; p. Major, Colonel and Brig.
Genera); w. twice near Richmond.
Alexander F. Harrell, Captain, cm. in '64; Gates eo.; p. from 1st Lieut.
L. R. Cowper, Captain, cm. May, '64; Gates co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
James M. Wynns, 1st Lieut., cm. June 17th, '61; Hertford co. ; p.
William P. Roberts, 1st Lieut., cm. May 1st, '63; Gates co.; p. from 2d Lieut.
L. R. Cowper, 1st Lieut , cm August 13th, '63; p. from ranks.
N. O. Ward, 1st Lieut., cm. May„ '64; Gates co.; p. from 2d Lieut.
A. F. Harrell, 1st Lieut., cm. May 2oth, '63; Gates co.
Mills L. Eure, 2d Lieut., cm. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; p. Captain of Com. G July
1st, '62; pr. at Upperville June, '63.
Henry J. Jenkins, 2d Lieut., cm. June 17th, '61; Hertford co. ; r. Sept. 30th, '61.
W. P. Roberts, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 30lh, '61 ; Gates co. ; p. from 1st Sergeant.
B. M. Jordan, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '63; Gates co.; p. 1st Lieut.: dt. as Adjutant.
L. R. Cowper, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Gates co.; p. from ranks.
A. F. Harrell, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Gates co.; p. from ranks.
N. O. Ward, 2d Lieut., cm. Aug. 1st, '62; Gates CO.; p. from ranks; r. in '62.
G. W. Hathaway, 2d Lieutenant, cm. in '64; Perquimans co. ; k. at Five Forks
April, '65.
Uiddick Hoffler, 2d Lieut., cm. in '65; Gates co. ; p. from 1st Sergeant.
Nicholas Hajrell, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Hertford co. ; p. from Sergeant.
Company G— Nineteenth Regiment. 121
Wm. P. Roberts, 1st Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; Gates co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Sept. 30th,
'61; 1st Lieut. May, '63; w. near Richmond twice; p. Captain August, '63.
James R. Hofler, 2d Sergeant, e. June 12th, '61; Gales co.; dg.
Nicliolas Harrell, 3d Sei'geant, e. Aug. 5th, '61; Hertford co.; w. at Mine Run; dt.
C. "W. Small, 4th Sergeant, e. October 8th, '62; Perquimans co. ; w. at 2d Manas-
sas August 25th, '62.
James J. Darden, 5th Sergeant, e. July 12th, '62; Virginia.
J. H. Williams, 1st Corporal, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; dt.
William G. Warren, 2d Corporal, e. May 27th, '62; Hertford co. ; w.
D. E. Riddick, 3d Corporal, e. April 27th, '61; Gates co. ; dt.
W. H. Brothers, 4th Corporal, e. June 17th, '61 ; Gates co. ; w. at Washington, N. C.
Alexander, William, Hertford co.
Alexander, Samuel A., e. July 22d, '61; Hertford co.; dt.
Britt, R. T., e. June 18th, '61; Hertford co.; tr. to 4th Cavalry Sept. 30th, '62.
Battle, John A., e. June 18th, '61; Hertford co.
Battle, J. W., e. February 14th, '62; Hertford co.
Battle, Nicholas, e. June 18th, '61; Hertford co.
Best, J. E., e. February 14th, '62; Hertford co.
Baker, Simon H., e. August 5th, '61; Hertford co.
Brown, F. C, e. February 14lh, '62; Gates co.
Baines, William B., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.
Bogue, Dorsey, e. June 19th, '61; Gates co. ; w.
Boyd, Benjamin F., e. .July 2d, '61; Hertford co.
Boyett, Timothy, e. Sept. 6th, '61; Hertford co.
Boyett, James T., e. Sept. 6th, '61 ; Hertford co.
Britt, Kenneth R., e. June 28th, '61 ; Hertford co. ; w. at Upperville, Va.
Britt, Albert G., e. June 28th, '61 ; Hertford co. ; dg.
Blythe, James, e. July 16th, '61; Hertford co.; k. at Middleburg.
Britt, John E., e. June 22d, '61; Hertford co; dg. Oct. 30th, '63.
Benberry, J. E., Gates co.
Perry, N. J., dg.
Beasley, W. R., e. March 19th, '64.
Carter, Thomas J., e. June 17th, '61 ; Gates co.; d. of w. June, '62.
Cross, John T., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; w. May, '62, at Sawyers, in N. C,
and dt.
Collins, E. T., e. Sept. 6th, '61; Gates co.
Collins, Hugh W., e. July 16th, '61; Gates co.
Chappell, Jacob, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; w.
Cobb, Luther R., e. July 4th, '61; Hertford co.
Clarke, Benjamin F., e. June 17th, '61 ; Hertford co.
Cowper, L. R.,e. June 27th, '61; Gates co.; p. 1st Lieut. August 13th, '63; p. Captain
in '64.
Darden, Algernon T., e. May 1st, '62; Perquimans co. ; tr. from 13th Va. Cavalry,
August, '63.
Dunston, John T., e. July 3d, '61; Hertford co.
Ellis, Alexander, e. June 22d, '61; Gates co. ; d. in '64.
Ellis, Jos. J., e. Feb. 20th, '62; Gates co.; dt.
Bure, Abram, e. July 3d, '61; Gates co.; w.
Eure, H. A., e. Feb. 20th, '62; Gates co.; dg.
Eley, E. J., e. June 18th, '61; Gates co. ; dg. May, '62.
Elliott, Charles D., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; d. Oct. 17th, '62.
122 North Carolim State Troops. -
Furgurson, J. D., e. June 18th, '61; Hertford co.
Forbes, T. M., e. ; Hertford co.; tr. to 12th Battalion, Feb., '62.
Floyd, Joseph, e. August 30th, '61 ; Chowan co. ; dg. March 1st, '62.
(rordon, J. W., e. ; Gates co. ; w. at 1st Brandy Station.
(rrant, Wm. H., e. June 18th, '61; Virginia; \v.
Gray, Wm. L., e. ; Bertie co. ; dt.
Gall, Benjamin, e. June 27th, '61; Hertford co.; dg.
Green, Lewis, e. July 3d, '61; Gates co.; w.
Goodman, W. T., e. ; Gates co. ; dg.
Hobbs, Amos, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.
Hobbs, Alexander, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; dt.
Haslett, John F., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; w. at 1st Brandy Station.
Hathaway, G. W., e. June, '62; Perquimans co.; p. 2d Lieut, in '64; k. in '65, at
Five Forks.
Hotler, Robert P., e. June 22d, '61; Gates eo.
llarrell, Alexander F., e. July 12th, '61; Gates co. ; p. 1st Lieut, and Captain; w.
in '64.
Hofler, C. W., Gates co. ; dg. July 1st, '62.
Hofler, Henry, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; w.
Hofler, Benjamin F., e. February .20th, '62; Gates co. ; w.
Hofler, Charles, e. February 20th, '62; Gates co. ; d. of w. received in '63.
Hofler, Riddick, e. June 10th, '61; Gates co.; p. 1st Sergeant and 2d Lieut.
Hines, Simeon, Hertford co. ; dg. August, '61.
Hobbs, Daniel, e. June l'7tli, '61; Gates co. ; dg. August, '61.
Holt, William J., e. June 18th, '61; Hertford co. ; w. at Upperville, Va.
Hayes, George W., e. July 1st, '61; Gates co. ; dg. October, '61.
Horton, George W., e. June 17th, '61; Hertford CO.; w.
Haskins, John C, e. March 3d, '64.
Harrell, Joseph E., e. June 12th, '61; Gates co. ; w.
Jordan, .John B., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; k. at Hanover, Pa., July, '63.
Jordan, E. M., e. May 18th, '61; tr. from 27th Regiment; p. 1st Lieut, and Adju-
tant; w. at lat Brandy Station.
Jordan, Arthur Smith, e, June 17th, '61 ; Gates co. ; p A. Q,. M. March, '62.
Jordan, J. Parker, e. May 16tli, '61; Gates co.; tr. from 27th Regiment; dg. Jau-
uary, '62.
Jordan, Daniel T.,e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; dg. January, '62.
Jenkins, Andrew K., e. August 1st, '01; Hertford co. ; dt.
Jenkins, William E.. e. June 29th, '61; Hertford co.
Jones, G. W., e. May 6th, '61; Gates co. ; tr. from 27th Regiment October, '62.
.Tones, G. W. N.,e. May 6th, '61; Gates co.
Johnson, John A., e. May 13th, '61; Gates co.; tr.
Johnson, W. S., e. March 3d, '61.
Kimbs, William M., e. March 3d, '64.
King, Peter, e. June 24th, '61; Hertford co. ; dg.
Kelly, James H., e. June 17th, '61 ; Gates co. ; w.
Lassiter, Geo. A., e. Feb. 20th, "62; Hertford co.
Lawrence, M. C, e. July 4th, '61; Gates co. ; w. in '64.
Lawrence, Robert P., e. June 29th, '01; Gates co. ; w. in '64.
I.ynchall, Wm., e. June 30th, '63; Gates co.
Morris, John, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; dg.
Melson,.Johu A., e. July 26th, '61; Hertford co. ; dt. w. andd.
Moore, W. J., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; dg in "63.
McCabe, W. B., e. June 17th, '61; Hertford co. ; k. at Jack's Shop, Va.
Moore, N. W., e. Dec. 1st, '62; Hertford co. ; p. Captain 61st Regiment Aug., '62,
f)verton, Samuel D., e. June 27th, '61; Hertford co. ; dg.
Compsbuy C— Nineteenth Regiment 123
Odom, Geo. V., e. July 24th, '61 ; Gates co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Overman, Josiah T., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; dg.
Pruden, John L., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; dg. Dec, '61.
Perry, Nicholas, e. June 29th, '61; Gates co.
Parker, Benjamin F., e. July 27th, '01 ; Hertford co.; w.
Parker, John N., e. Sept. 6th, '61; Hertford co.; c.
Pai'ker, Job H., e. July 8th, '61 ; Gates co.
Parker, Lazarus, e. Aug. 1st, '61; Gates co.; w. and dg.
Piland, Shadrach, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; w.and dt.
Pierce, Cincinatus, Hertford co.
Parker, Wm. T., e. June 18th, '61; Hertford co.; dg. July 1st, '62.
Piland, S. T., e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.; dg. March 2d, '63.
Parker, Wm. N., e. June 17th, '61; Hertford co.; w. and dg.
Perry, N. J., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; dg.
Roundtree, Orange, e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; d. of w. received at Brandy Sta-
Rogers, John W., e. May 1st, '62; Gates co.; c.
Rose, John R., e. June 19th, '61; Hertford co. ; d. in prison.
Reid, Hill J., Hertford co. ; tr.
Scott, A., e. Feb. 20th, '62; Hertford co.
Smith, Josdiphus, e. ia '64; Gates co.; k. at Five Forks April, '65.
Sanders, Wm. A., e. in '62; w.
Savage. L. N., Gates co.; d. in '62.
Sanders, G. G., e. June, '61; Gates co.; dg.
Sharp, J. W., e. March 3d, '64.
Sharp, J , e. March 3d, '64.
Thomas, Morris S., e. March 3d, '64.
Trotman, Riddick, e. May 1st, '62; Gates co.; w.
Trotman, G. F., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co. ; d. Dec, '61.
Taylor, W. H., e. June 17th, '61; Gates co.; dg.
Vaughan, A. J., e. June 17th, '61; Hertford co.; d. in '61.
White, David, e. July 28th, '61; Gates co.; w.
Walters, Isaac, e. April 26th, '62; Gates co. ; pr. and d. at Point Lookout..
Wescott, Samuel P., e. July 2oth, '61; Gates co. ; dg. in '61.
Worrell, C. E., Hertford co. ; p. Assistant Surgeon March 1st, '62.
Ward, N. O., e. June 17th, '61 ; Gates co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May 1st, '63.
Wallace, James, e. July 27th, '61; Gates co.; w.
i'S4 North Carolina, State Troops.
James W. Strange, Captain, cm. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co.; r. Mar. 30th, '64,
John A. P. Conoly, Captain, cm, in '64; Cumberland co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
William H. Lutterloh, 1st Lieut., cm. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co. ; r. Novem-
ber 18th, '61.
Joseph Balser, 1st Lieut., cm. November 18th, '61; Cumberland co.; p.f rom 2nd
Lieut.; k. in '64.
J. A. P.. Conoly, 1st Lieut., cm, November 18th, '6I4 Cumberland co. ; p. from 2nd
Lieut.; w.
Joseph Baker, 2d Lieut., cm. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co. ; p.
Jas. F. Williams, 2d Lieut., em. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co. ; r. Mar. 10th, '63.
John B. Person, 2d Lieut., cm. November, '61; Cumberland co.
J. A. P. Conoly, 2d Lieut., cm. March 16th, '63; Cumberland co.; p. from ranks.
Charles H. Elder, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Cumberland co.; p. from Sergegtnt.
John B. Person, 1st Sergeant, e. July 6th, '61; Cumberland co.; p. 2d Lieutenant
November, '6L
Daniel A. Patterson, 2d Sergeant, e. July 26th, '61; Cumberland co.
William C. Faucett, 3d Sergeant, e. July 26th, '61; Cumberland co.
Alfred H. Baldwin, 4th Sergeant, e, JuneSlh, '61; Cumberland co.; dg. Decem-
ber 1st, '62.
Charles H. Elder, oth Sergeant, e. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co.
Alex. Leach, 1st Corporal, e. July 6th, '61; Cumberland co. ; dg. March 10th, '62,
for disability.
Edmund M. Waddill, 2d Corporal, e. June 8th, 'Gl; Cumberland co.; p. Sergeant.
George W. McMillan, 3d Corporal, e. July 6th, '61; Cumberland co.; d. Septem-
ber 26th, '61, in N. C.
James D. Buie, 4th Corporal, e. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co.
Henry V. H. Brown, Bugler, e. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co.
Doctor F. Phillips, Bugler, e. June Sth, '61; Cumberland co.
Thomas .1. Mims, Farrier, e. June 12th, '61; Cumberland co.
John Y. Webster, Sadler, e. August 6th, '61; Cumberland co., dg. June 10th, '62,
for disability.
Autry, Alexander, e. June 15th, '61; Cumberland co.
Andrews, Richard G., e. June 25th, '61; Cumberland co. ; d. Nov. 29th, '61.
Henderson, Geo. H., e. Ju7ie 17th, '61; Cumberland co.; dg. June 12th, '62, for dis-
Bramble, Wra. W., e. July 1st, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; dt.
Baggott, Ingraham, e. Aug. 14th, '61; Cumberland co. ; d. May 6th, '63.
Baggott, Lueian, e, Aug. 14th, '61; Cumberland co. ; w. June Oth, '63, at Brandy
Bedsole, Alexander, e. June 21st, '61; Cumberland co. ; w. near Upperville,
Biggs, Neil G., e. June 17th, '61: Cumberland co.
Company B— Nineteenth Regiment. 125
Brown, John L. A., e. June 11th, '61 j Cumberland co.
Baddy, John A., e, July 16th, '61; Cumberland co.; k. Appil 13th,. '62.
Bethune, Andrew J., e. Aug. 6th, '61; Cambeiiand co,; tr. to 63d Regiment Oct,
1st, '62.
Bethune, Maximilllaa D., e. Aug, 6th, '61;: Cumberland co.
Brown, M. A., Virginia.
Oonoly, John A. P., e. July 20tb, '61; Cumberland coi; p, 2d Lieut, March 16tjh
'63, and Captain in '64.
Conoly, Jaa. W., e. July 22d, '61; Cumberland co.; p. Corporal,
Clarli, John A., e, June 12th, '61 ; Cumberliind co.
Clark, Archibald T., e. June 12th, '62; Cumberland eo.
Carter, Thomas, e, July 8th, '61; Cumberland co.; w.
Carter, James, e. Aug. 14th, '61; Cumberland co.
Carter, Jonathan, e. Aug. 12th, '61; Cumberland co.
Carber, Malcolm R,, e. June 12th, '61; Cumberland co.; dg. Sept., '61, for disa^'
Cowan, Thos. B., e. July, '61; Cumberland co; dg.
Chapman, Liberty, e. July 15th, '62; Cumberland co.-
Bawson, David B., e. Aug. 6th, '61 ; Cumberland co,
Davis, Wm. J., e. June 12th, '61; Cumberland co.
Davis, Hanson, e. June 13th, '61; Cumberland co.
Davis, Elias M., e. June lltb, '61 ; Cumberland cOi-
Eason, David, e. June 12th, '61; Cumberland co.
Kason, John E., e. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co,-
Eason, James, e, July 22d, '61;- Cumberland co.
Edwards, Aaron, e. March 8th, '64; Cumberland co,
Fite, B. H., e. March 28th, '61; Cumberland co.
Giles, William, e. Aug. 6th, '61; Cumberland co.
Hutton, Joseph P., e. June 18th, '61; Cumberland co.
Hubbard, John H,, e. June 18th, '61; Cumbei'iand co. ; p. Corporals
Hall, Lucian H., e. June 18th, '61; Cumberland co. ; d. Dec. 15th, '62,
Hall, George \V., e. June 18th, '61; Cumberland co,
Hatchett, L., e. June 1st, '64; Wake co,
.Johnson, Neill A., e. June 22d, '61; Cumberland co.; dt,
-Johnson, Daniel S., e. July 27th, '61 ; Cumberland co,; p. Corporal.
Johnson, Joseph, e. Aug. 6tb, '61 ; Cumberland co.
Keck, Isaac, e. July 27th, '61; Cumberland co. ; d. Sept. 5th, '61,
King, John W., e. July 16th, '61; Cumberland co.
King, Y. H., e. March 28th, '64; Wakeco.
Long, Thos. B., e. July 16th, '61; Cumberland co.; p. Lieut, in 46th Regiment„-
Lee, Geo, R,, e. June 12th, '61; Cumberland co.
I/awborn, Lemuel, e. July 3d, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; d. Sept. 20th, '61,
McArihur, Alexander, e. July 8th, '61; Cumberland co,; dg. Feb. 10th, '62, ft>y
McGuire, Daniel, e. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co. ; dt.
McClaw, Jonathan, e. June 8th, '61; Cumberland co,
McLean, James, e, June 8th, '61; Cumberland eo.
McDugald, Alexander, e. July 20th, '61; Cumberland co. ; dg. for w. April 13th, '62,
McFadgen, Lauchlin, e. July 22d, '61; Cumberland co.; drowned October 10th,
'63, in Virginia,
Melton, Joseph, e. June 22d, '61; Cumberland co.
Moore, Henry B,, e, June 18th, '61;- Cumberland eo.
Moore, Warren C, e. June iSth, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; dg. Sept, 25th, '64.
Melvin, Love, e. June 29th, '61; Cumberland co. ; dg. April 24th, '62, of w. in N,Co
Melvin, Joshua, e. June 15th, '61;. Cumberland eo,; p,5th Sergeant*
126 North Carolina, State Troops.
Monroe, Neill C, e. June 18th, '61; Cumberland co.
McLeod, Samuel, e. July 12t,h, '61; Cumberland co, ; dg. August 31st, '61.
McPhail, D. J., e. July 1st, '61; Cumberland co.; dg. Sept., '61, for disability.
Miller, Charles W., e. June 12th, '61; Cumberland co,; dg. September, '61, for dis
McGlogan, Richard, e, December 1st, '62; Cumberland co,; m, June 1st, '63.
Melvin, George W., e. Oct^ loth, '61; Cumberland co, ; dg. Aug, 14th, '61, for disa-
O'Quinn, William, e, July 22d, '61; Cumberland co.
Powell, James P,, e. July 16th, '61 ; Cumberland co.
Powell, Amos McK., e. July 16th, '62; Cumberland co,
Peebles, Ashley A.,e, June 19th, '61; Cumberland co. ; dg. March 10th, '62, for dis
Price, Henry, e, June 20th, '61; Cumberland co.
Price, Jas, T., e, June 20th, '61; Cumberland co.; w.
Porter, Edward W., e. July 2d, '61; Cumberland co.; w,
Pearson, B, T,, e. July Sth, '64,
Randolph, Charles, e. Jure Sth, '61 ; Cumberland co,
Reardon, Drury W., e, Aug, 16th, '61; Cumberland co. ; c. Jvily oth, '63,
Rogers, J, J., e. Jul;>' 18th, '61; Cumberland co.
,Simms, John W,, e. Jane 21st, '61; Cumberland ca
Spencer, Timothy C. e. June 20th, '61; Cumberland co, ; dg, .June 1st, '63, for dlS'
-Smith, Henry, c. June lSth,'61; Cumberland co,
i^mith, Henry A., e, June 29th, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; d. Sept, 20th, '63,
Shaffer, Edward A., e, June 12th, '61; Cumberland co.
Stone, Jesse C, e. June 21st, '61; Cumberland co.
Shaw, Neill J., e, July 29th, '61; Cumberland co.
Stone, Thomas H., e. June Sth, '61; Cumberland co.
Stevens, Caleb G., e. Aug. 14th, '61; Cumberland co. ; w, at Upperville.
Smith, George R., e. June 18th, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; d. Sept. 24th, '6L
Smith, Wm. J., e, July Sth, '61; Cumberland co.; dg. Sept> 24th, '61.
.Smith, J., e. July 15th, '62; Cumberland co,
Strowd, E. A., e. March 28th, '64; Wa^ke co.
Vaughan, William, e. June Sth, '61; Cumberland co.; c .Tune 30th, '64.
Wilkes, John A., e. July 20th, '61; Cumberland co.
Wellington, Wm. H., e. June Sth, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; w. July 17th, '63; dt.
Wellington, Shadrach H,, e. June 11th, '61 ; Cumberland co.; p. Corporal.
W^right, Jas. McD, o. June 11th, '61 ; Cumberland co. ; dg. Aug., '62.
Wright, Thos. A., e. June 21st, '61; Cumberland co.
Wilkes, Neill A., e. Aug. 1st, '61; Cumberland co. d. Sept. 24th, '63, of w,
Wilburn, Theophiliis J., e. June Sth, '61; Cumberland co.: dt.
Company E— Nineteenth Regiment. 12?
Columbus A. Thomas, Captain, cm. June 10th, '61; Wilson co. ; r. April 1st, '62.
J. J. V. B. Vick, Captain, cm. April 1st, '62; Nash CO.; p. from 1st Lieut.
Robert W. Atkinson, Captain, cm. September 19th, '63; Wilson co. ; pr. in '&i.
J. J. V. B. Vick, 1st Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Nash co.; p.
Nicholas M. Harris, Isi Lieut., cm. April 1st, '62; Nash co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.; r.
June 10th, '62.
R. W. Atkinson, 1st Lieut., cm. June 10th, 62; Wilson co.; p.
E. Prentiss Tuck, 1st Lieut., cm. September 19th, '63; w.
Nicholas M. Harris, 2d Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Nash co. ; p.
R. W. Atkinson, 2d Lieut., cm. June 10th, '62; Wilson co.; p.
Kendry H. Winstead, 2d Lieut., cm. May, '62; M^ilson co. ; p. from Sergeant.
Epliraim Robbins, 2d Lieut., cm. June, '62; Wilson co. ; p. from ranks.
E. P. Tuck, 2d Lieut., cm. March 1st, '63; Wilson co.; p. from Sergeant.
Robert J. Weaver, 2d Lieut., em. December, '63; Nash co, ; p. from ranks.
E. Prentiss Tuck, 1st Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; p. 2d Lieut. March, '63.
Kendry H. Winstead, 2d Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; p. 2d Lieut. Maj-, '62; r. in '03.
Kearney Arrington, 3d Sergeant, e. June 4th, '61; p. Lieut, in 30th Reg't Mar., '63,
G. Ruffin Marshburn, 41h Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; p. Sergeant; w.
John Raper, 5th Sergeant, e. June 3d, '61 ; d. July, '62.
William Belcher, 1st Corporal, e. June 11th, '61 ; p. Sergeant,
Willie H. Perry, 2d Corporal, e. June 8th, '61 ; d. of w. in '62.
Felix E. Woodard, 3d Corporal, e. June 3d, '61; p. Sergeant,
John J. Bryan, 4th Corporal, e. June 10th, '61; p. Orderly Sergeant; \v.
E, D. Perker, Bugler, e. June 10th, '61.
A. Edwards, Sadler, e. June 26th, '61.
Jos. Baker, Farrier, e. June 10th, '61; dg. July, '62.
Allmar, Robert D., e. June 4th, '61; w. and pr. at Upperville, Va.
Braswell, Zadock R., e. June 26th, '61,
Britton, George R., e, June 10th, '61.
Barnes, Ephraim, e, June 4th, '61.
Barnes, Vincent, e, July 10th, '61.
Batchelor, William, e. June 28th, '61.
Barbee, W. H,, e, June 10th, '61.
Barefoot, Dempsey, e, June 15th, '61.
Barnes, Richard H., e. June 15th, '61; d, October, '63.
Bridgers, William A., e, June 15th, '61,
Batty, John, e, Feb. 16th, '64; Wilson co,
Cooper, David, dg. August, '62.
Campbell, Lawson, e. June 4th, '61.
Cockrell, John J,, e, June 8th, '61 ; dt, as Bugler.
Coggins, Elijah C, e. June 8th, '61.
Driver, William A., e. July 30th, '61. ; tr. to the 4th Regiment.
128 North Carolim State Troops.
.Edwards, James J., e. July 11th, '61.
Etheridge, Holloway, e. June 27th, '61.
Eatman, Thomas, e. July 15th, '62.
Eatman, W., e. Feb. 16th, '64; Wilson co.
Eatman, J. B., e. April 12th. '64.
Felton, Thomas, e. June 4th, '61; p. Corporal.
Felton, Ivey, e. July 22nd, '61.
Flora, John, e. June 10th, '61.
Flowers, Willie G., e. June 4th, '61; d. August, '61.
Floyd, Willie D., e. June X7th, '61; p. Corporal January, '62; dt.
Ferrell, Wm. B., e. June 10th, '61; dg. July, 62.
Gupton, G. H., e. June 10th, '61; dg.
Harris, Charles F., e. June 10th, '61.
Habarger, Robert H., e. June 10th, '61; d. of w, Sept., '63,
Harrison, John E., e. June 26th, '62.
Hogg, C. H., e. June 10th, '61; d. February, '63.
Joyner, Theophilus, e. June 4th, '61.
Jones, John, e. June 4th, '61.
Johnson, John H., e. June 18th, '61.
Kelly, Wm. H., e. June 28th, '61; d. May, '62.
Langley, Wm. A. J., e. June 10th, '61; dt. Bugler.
Land, Thomas C, e. June 10th, '61.
Laud, William, e. June 10th, '61; d. November, '6L
Lucas, Perry, e. July 15th, '62.
Morris, Jesse, e. June 7th, '61.
Morris, Benjamin, e. June 10th, '61.
McKeel, B. A., e. June 10th, '61,
Manning, J. C, e. Dec. 21st, '61.
Newsom, Larry, e. June 10th, '61; d, Dec, '61.
Owens, John F., e. June 8th, '61.
Owens, Elisha, e. July 22d, '61; d. Aug,, '61.
Parker, Wm. T., e. June 10th, '61; p. Corporal.
Perry, Nathan, e. June 10th, '61.
Perry, Willie K., e. July 1st, '61; dg. July, '62,
Proctor, Hansel H., e. June 5th, '61; dt.
Pillman, Jesse R., e. June 10th, '61; w. April 13th, '62.
Robbins, Ephraim, e. June 22d, '61; p. Lieut. June, '62, and c.
Perry, A. K., tr. from 55th Regiment.
Ricks, Thomas A., e. June 10th, '61 ; d. October, '61.
Ruffln, James H., e. June 10th, '61; d. August, '61,
Renfrow, Perry, e. June 10th, '61; p. Corporal.
Renfrow, Bufus, e. June 3d, '61.
Ricks, Ruffln, dg. in '62.
Skinner, Hardy, e. June 10th, '61.
Simpson, Jesse, e. June 6th, '61.
Stone, John W. M., e. June 10th, '61; dg. September, '63.
Sharpe, Willie G., e. June 10th, '61; w. in '64.
Saunders, Charles J., e. June 14th, '61 ; w. October, '63.
Thompson, B. E., e. June 10th, '61.
Taylor, J. W., e. June 4th, '61.
Taylor, A. J., e. July 15lh, '62.
Taylor, Simeon, e. July 15th, '62.
Thompson, Blount J., e. June 10th, '61; dg. February, 'W.
Thornell, Henry G., e. June 4th, '61.
Tomlinson, N., e. December 21st, '61; tr. to 55th Regiment,
Vompany F— Nineteenth Regiment 129
Tyson, Thomas. M., e. June 13th, '61; p„ Corporal.
Weaver, Robert I,, e, June 10th, '61: p, 2d Lieut, December, '63.
Watson, Thomas, e. Juiie 8<i, '61.
Woodard, Isaac, e. June 3d, '61.
Winstead, J. E., e. Jane 10th, '61; p. Sergeant.
Winstead, David M., e. June 15th, '61.
Willoughby, John B,, e. June 10th, '61,
Williams, Dempsey, e. Julie 10th,' 61.
Williams, James B., e. Jmne 18th, '61.
Wester, Thomas H., e. June 8fch, '61.
Williams, B. J., e. June 8th, '6L
Williams, Zebedee, e. June 5th, '61; d. January, '6i.
Williams, Gaston, e. June 10th, '61,
Winborn, Reuben, e. June ISth, '61.
Williams, Bartles', e. June loth^ '62.
Wiggins, R H., e. July 15th, '62.
Wells, J. T., e. May 12th, '62; tr. from 4lh Regiment.
Williams, W. B,, e. June 10th, '62; Lenoir co.
Williford, B, F., e. April 12th, '64; Wake co.
Note.— This company was constituted by naen of the counties of Wilson and
Nash, but with the few exceptions given above I am unable to -say to which of
the two shires the individuals belonged.
Barzillai F. Cole, Captain, cm. June 4tli, '61; Guilford co.; r.
P. A. Tatum, Captain, cm. ; Guilford co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
P. A. Tatum, 1st Lieut, cm. Juiie 4th, '61 ; Guilfoi-d co. ; p. and pr.
N. C. Tucker, 1st Lieut., cm, ; Guilford co. ; p. from 2nd Lieut,
N. C. Tucker, 2nd Lieut., cm. .Tune 4tli, '61; Guilford co. ; p.
J. A. Hooper, 2nd Lieut., cniv June 4th> '61; Guilford co.
J. A. Stradder, 1st Sergeant, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
R. C. Ozment, 2nd Sergeant, e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co; dt.
C\ P. "Vanslory, 3rd Sergeant, e. Februarj^ 21st, '62; Guilford co,
Jacob Allen, 4th Sergeant, e. June 14th, '62; Guilford co. ; dt.
E. W. Donnell, 5th Sergeant, e. June 14th, '61; Guilford co.
W. S. Lee, 1st Corporal, e. June 14th, '61 ; Guilford co.
T. P. Dalian, 2d Corporal, e. June 14th, '61; Guilford co.
A. S. Lee, 3d Corporal, e. June 14th, '61; Guilford co.
J. W. Lambeth, 4th Corporal, e. February 14th, '62; Guilford co.
W. D. Edwards, 5th Corporal, e. June IVth, '61; Guilford co.,; dt,
130 North Carolina State Troops,
Allen, A, T., Guilford co;
Ayers, William, e, June 17th, '61; Guilford co.; pr,
Ayscott, Marion, e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.
Aydleit, Jesse, e, February 24th, '62^ Guilford co.
Ball, W. Rt e. April 9th, '63; Guilford co.
Buchanan, T. F., e. July 14th, '61; Guilford co. ; dt-
Bunch, John J,, e. July 14th, '62; Wake co.
Briggs, G. W,, e. March 5th, '64; Guilford co.
Climes, J, D., e. June 20th, '61; Guilford co.
Correll, Y. S, 6, January 10th, '61; Guilford xo
Ci'owell, P, I., e. January 10th, '61; Guilford co.
Durham, J. W., e. January 10th, '61; Guilford ca.
Edwards, Alfred.
Farrington, M., e, January 10th '61.
Frazier, Ellington, e, February 28th, '64; Guilford cc.
Fields, Jeremiah, e. June 10th, '62; Guilford co.
Gallimore, O., e. June 10th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Godsey, W. F., e. February 20th, '62; Guilford co-
Gordon, Pinkney, e. July 14th, '62; Guilford co.
Green, J. R., e. July 14th, '61; Gui¥ord co.; dt.
Griffin, J. F„ e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.
Holden, W. F., e. February 20th, '61; Guilford co.; dt.
Hedgecock, A. G., e. March 16th, '64.
Hobbs, G. L., e. March 5th, '64; Wake co.
Jones, D. W,, e. June 18th, '61; Guilford co. ; w.
Johns, G. A., e. June 18th, '61; Guilford co.
Jacobs, Evans, e. February 26th, '64.
Jeffreys, J, W., e. July 4th, '61 ; Guilford co,
Kirkman, A. W,, e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co,
Kelley, P. C, e. March 15th, '64; Wake co.
Michaux, D. M., e. July 16th, '61; Guilford co.; dt,.
Maden, Henry, e. July 16th, '61; Guilford co.
McClintock, G., e. February 28th, '61,
McKinney, D. F., e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.
McKinney, G., e. February 20th, '62; Guilford co,
Massey, James, e. March 5th, '61; Guilford co.
Nelson, Joseph, e March, 5th, '61; Wake co.
Newell, Gideon, e. June 14th, '61; Wake co. ; w.
Newell, James, e. June 14th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; pr,
Orment, J. S., e. June 14th, '61; Guilford co.; pr.
Pegram, I), G., e. June 14th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Rich, John W., e. June 14th, '61; Guilford co.
Rich, George W., e. June 11th, '61; Guilford co..
Rayals, Adam, e. February 24th, '62; Guilford co.
Robertson, Alfred, e. February 24th, '62; Guilford co>
Robertson, John, e. February 28th, '64.
Scott, R. M., e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.
Scott, Joseph, e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.
Short, M. A., e. June 11th, '61; Guilford co.
Saunders, R. W., e. June 10th, '61; Guilford co,
Sapp, J. A., e. February 14th, '63; Guilford co,
Sapp, R. H., e. April 16th, '64,
Sapp, A. G., e. March 10th, '64.
Company G— Nineteenth Regiment. 181
Stafford, D., e. March 5th, '64; Wake co.
Thompson, D., e. November 26th, '63; w.
Tucker, C. A., e. March 5th, '61; Wake co.
Tucker, J. W., e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.; dt.
Terry, A. P., e. June 17th, '61; Guilford co.
Townsend, E. C, e. June 1st, '61; Guilford co.
Vansevery, John, e. February 28th, '64; Guilford co.
Walker, Alexander, e. January 22nd, '61; Guilford co.
Wood, O. A. G., e. January 22nd, '61; Guilford co.; pr.
White, C. W., e. January 22nd, '61; Guilford co.
White, J. B., e. February 24th, '61; Guilford co.
Westbrook, N. G., e. June 10th, '61; Guilford co.
Weatherly, G. D., e. June 5th, '63; Guilford co.; w.
Wattington, W. H., e. February 28th, '61; Caswell co.
Wattington, J. W., e. February 28th, '64; dt.
White, J. W., e. March 5th, '64; Wake co.; dt.
Wilson, W. R., e. March 5th, '64; Wake co.
Watson, D. H., e. March 5th, '64; Wake co.
Young, R. C, e. January 10th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Note.— This company was not reported in the Roll of Honor, and only the
above meagre record is to be had from the Archives Office.
L. E. Satterthwaite, Captain, cm. April 30th, '61; Beaufort co. ; r. April 30th, '62.
Mills L. Eure, Captain, cm. May, '62; Gates co.; p. from 2d Lieut, of Com. C; pr.
at Gettysburg July 3d, '63.
George Pettigrew Bryan, Captain, cm. in '63; Wakeco. ; p. from 1st Lieut. ; and
k. near Richmond in '64.
William M. Owens, Captain, cm. in '64; Beaufort co.
Samuel C. Whitehurst, 1st Lieut., cm. April 30th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; d. at Kittrel I .
Springs August, '61.
William E. Satterthwaite, 1st Lieut., cm. August, '61; Beaufort co.
George P. Bryan, 1st Lieut., cm. April 30th, '62; Wake co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
J. W. Simmons, 1st Lieut., era. July 14th, '63; Tyrrell co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Wm. E. Satterthwaite, 2d Lieut., cm. April 30th, '61; Beaufort co.; r. April, '62.
William Nelson, 2d Lieut., cm. April 30th, '61; Pitt co.; r. July 12th, '62.
George P. Bryan, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 25th, '61; Wake co.; p. and k.
J. W. Simmons, 2d Lieut., cm. April, '62; Tyrrell co. ; p.
Jas. Jarvis, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64; Tyrrell co.; w. June 9th, '63, at Brandy Station.
William W. Latham, 1st Sergeant, e. July 19th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. Sept., '62.
Andrew A. Williams, 2d Sergeant, e. July 8th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; d. May, '62.
William H, Warren, 3d Sergeant, e. July 15th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; p. Q. M. Ss
132 North Carolina, State Troops.
Benjamin F. Owen, 4th Sergeant, e. July 18th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. March, '62.
Wilson Spr.uill, 4th Sergeant, e. Aug. 16th, '61; Beaufort co.
Wm. M. .larvis, 5th Sergeant, e. July 18th, '61; Beaufort co.
John W. Spencer, 1st Corporal, e. Julj' 9th, '61; Beaufort co.
James M. Bateman, 2d Corporal, e. Aug. 16th, '61.
.Tohn A. Perry, 2d Corporal, e. Aug. 16th, '62; Hertford co.
M. Credle, 3d Corporal, e. July loth, '61; Beaufort co.
Dallas Wahab, 4th Corporal, e. Nov. 1st, '61; Beaufort co.
Alexander M. Rue, 4th Corporal, e. June 26th, '61 ; Beaufort co,; tr. to C . S. Navy,
March, '62.
Amick, .Tno., e. March 3d, '64.
Arnold, Henry A., e. June 24th, '61; Beaufort co. ; d. Jan., '63.
Armstrong, .Jesse, e. August 16th, '61; Beaufort co. ; dg. June, '62.
Austin, Richard, e. August 30th, '61; Beaufort co.
Armstrong, James Thomas, e. August 16th, '61; Beaufort co. ; c. in '64,
Bateman, Andrew, e. Aug. 16th, '61; Beaufort co. ; dg. Aug. 17th, '63.
Ballance, Joshua, e. July 12th, '61; Beaufort co. ; dt.
Blackwell, Thos., e. July 29th, '61; Beaufort co. ; tr. April, '62.
Bonner, Caleb A., e. July 16th, '61; Beaufort co.
Brown, William, e. June 26th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; tr. to C. S. Navy March, '62,
Buchanan, Pinhart, e. June 27th, '61; Beaufort co.
Bristow, Wm. G., e. Aug. 2d, '62; Beaufort co.
Bryan, Geo. P , e. ; Wake co. ; p. Captain and k. near Richmond.
Blankenship, R. M., e. September 27th, '64.
Chaplin, Spencer R., e. July 27th, '61; c.
Call, James M., e. Sept. 11th, '64.
Cahorn, Jesse A., e. Feb. 16th, '62; Beaufort co. ; p. 3d Sergeant.
■ Chesson, Samuel, e. Aug. 18th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; dg. March, '62.
■Chancey, Isaac, e. Aug. 8th, '61; Beaufort co.; d. June, '63.
Cahoon, David, e. Aug. 16th, '61 ; Beaufort co.
Curtis, John, e. Aug. 3d, '61; Beaufort co. ; dg. May, '62.
' Clark, John H., e. Aug. 6th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; w. at Trenton, N. C. ; dt.
Cradle, Mingrelle, e. Aug. 15th, '61; Beaufort co.
Clifton, Henderson, e. Aug. 27th, '61; Beaufort co.; o.
Cooper, Wm., e. Aug. 27th, '61 ; Beaufort co.
Cherry, Robert C, e. Ax^g. 17th, '61; Beaufort co.
Cain, Wm., e. January 1st, '63; Beaufort co. ; c.
' Caswell, Thomas, e. July 26th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. June, '62.
Dunn, Bennett, e. May 4th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. Feb., '62.
Drake, James L., e. March 11th, '63; d. July 25th, '64.
Edwards, George H., e. March 4th, '61; Beaufort co. ; c.
Fuller, Wm., e. July 8th, '61; Beaufort co.
Forman, Michael, e. June 26th, '61; Beaufort co. ; tr. to Navy March, '62.
Filling, Francis, e. July 3d, '61; Beaufort co.
Francis, Peleg, e. July 12th, '61; Beaufort co. ; dg. August, '62, for w. received at
Fitzgerald, Charles, e. August 16th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. June, '62.
Fogleman, J. T., c. March 3d, '64.
Fogleman, J. M., e. March 3d, '64.
Garrett, J. R., e. Sept. 22d, '64.
Graves, A. W., e. July 12th, '61,
' Gurgamons, Franklin, e. July 6th, '61^ Beaufort co,; w.
Company G— Nineteenth Regiment. 133
Gatling, Geo. E., e. Aug. 28th, '62; Beaufort co.
Gibbs, Benjamin F., e. July 12th, '61; Beaufort co.; k. himself April 5th, '62, in
N. 0.
Gradeless, Caswell, e. July 12th, '61; Beaufort co. ; d. July, '62.
Hassell, W. H., e. July 18th, '61; Beaufort co.; d. Jan., '63.
Henderson, Jones S., e, July 15th, '61; Beaufort co.; tr. to 4th Regiment Jan., '64.
Hayman, Samuel M. B., e. June 27th, '61; tr. to C. S. Navy March, '62.
Hand, Owen, e. July loth, '61; Beaufort co. ; c.
Harris, Isaiah S., e. July 12th, '61; Beaufort co.
Harris, James H., e. July IGth, '61; Beaufort co.
Haddock, Wm., e, .Tuly 4th, '61; Beaufort co. ; c.
Hawkins, James, e. July 17th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. June, '62.
Hufton, Joseph H., e. August 16tb, '61; Beaufort co. ; d. Dec, 62.
Hansen, .Joseph, e. August 20th, '62; Beaufort co. ; d.
Harnada, Ballum, e. March .Sd, '64,
Harrell, Artemus, e, Sept^ 8th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; p. Sergeant.
Isley, Wm. P,, e. March 3d, '64; k. Sept. 29th, '61.
Isley, Jacob, e, March 3d, '64,
Jones, Samuel, e. July 27th, '62; Beaufort co.
Jarvis, James, e. Jxily lSth,'61^ Tyrrell co. ; p. 2d Lieut, and w. at Brandy Station
June 9th, '63.
Kinnon, Henry A., e. July 28lh, '61; Beaufort co.; c.
Kibbler, M. M., e. March 3d, '64; d. July 10th, '64.
Kelapp, James, e. Aug. 18th, '61,
Lanier, John W., e. July 3d, '61; Beaufort co.
Leggette, Jeremiah, e. .July 15th, '61; Beaufort co. ; d. January, '63.
Lcggette, John G,, e. July 15th, '61 ; Beaufort co.
JjCggette, Benjamin F., e. July 4th, '61; Beaufort co.
Lamb, Wilson B., e. July 18th, '61; Beaufort co.
Lewis, John, e. July 3d, '61; Beaufort co. ; tr. to C. S. Navy March, '62,
Mobly, Wiley, e. July 27th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. June, '62.
Mason, Samuel N., e. July 27th, '61; Beaufort co.
McCoy, .Tames, e, August 3d, '62; Beaufort co. ; d. November i6th, '63,
.McPherson, John W.. e. March 3d, '64.
Mcintosh, D, A., e. Oct. 18th, '64.
Mosier, Wm,, e. Aug. 8th, '64,
osborn, George, e. July 1st, '61^ Beaufort co. ; k. at Upperville, Va., July, '63.
Odum, John B., e. July 13th, '62; Beaufort co.
Overton, James G., e. July 18th, '62; Beaufort co.
Owens, A. D., e. Sept. 20th, '64; Tyrell co,
I )wens, Wm. M., e. July 18th, '61; Tyrrell co.; p. Captain.
Persons, Alvin, e. August 27th, 64.
Paller, James, e. July Sth, '61; Beaufort co.
Perry, William G., e. July 11th, '61; Beaufort co,
Phelps, Allen, e. July 27th, '61; Beaufort co.
Powers, Isaiah S., e, August 16th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg. June, '61,
Paine, John W., e. August 16th, '61; Beaufort co, ; d. December, '62.
Pruden, Joseph, e. September Sth, '62; Beaufort co.
Perry, John A., e. August 16th, '62; Beaufort co. ; p. Corporal.
Rue, Alexander M., e. June 6th, '61; Beaufort co. ; p. Corporal; tr. to C. S. Navy
March, '62.
Rue, John G., e. July 10th, '61; Beaufort co.; tr. to C. S. Navy March, '62.
Rue, Edgar C, e. July 16th, '61; Beaufort co.
Roberson, A. G., e. July 4th, '61; Beaufort co.
Roberson, M, G., e. July 15th, '61; Beaufort co.; d. January 11th, '64.
184 North CarolinsL State Troops.
Respess, Isaiah, e. July 26th, '61; Beaufort co. ; dg. June, '62.
Rose, William H., e. February 28th, '63; Beaufort co.; dt.
Roy, Ferney L., e. February 16th, '62; Beaufort co.; w. and pr. July, '63, in Pa.
Richardson, John, e. September lath, '61; Beaufort co.
Raleigh, William, e. April 30th, '63; Beaufort co.
Robertson, C. F., e. March 3d, '63.
Rodgers, Asa, e. November 1st, '62; Warren co.
.Spencer, John W., e. July 12th, '61; c.
Shoffner, G. F., e. March 3d, '64.
Shoflfner, William M., e. March 3d, '64.
Shughart, Leonard, e. February 20th, '64.
Simmons, Joseph W., e. July 26th, '62; Tyrrell co.; p. 1st Lieut. July 14th, '63.
Spoon, W. H., e. March 3d, '64.
Swain, Joshua L., e. August 16th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; pr.
Shelter, Charles, e. July 26th, '61; Beaufort co.
Styron, Simon, e June 26th, '61; dg. June, '62.
Smith, Simon, e. July 4th, '61; Beaufort co. ; tr. to Navy March, '62.
Stolks, John, e. July 3d, '61; Beaufort co. ; tr. to Navy.
Snell, John W., e. July 27th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; w.
Sexton, Fdmund, e. Aug. 16th, '61; Beaufort co. ; c.
Stilly, William, e. April, 28th, '63; Beaufort co.; tr. Jan. 1st, '64; tr. to Com. G.
Sanderlin, Lemuel, e. July 18th, '62; Beaufort CO.
'farkinton, Joseph, e. July 18th, '61; Beaufort co.
Travis, James, e. August 16th, '61; Beaufort co.; d. August, '62.
Venters, Benjamin F., e. July 30th, '61; Beaufort co. ; p. 2d Sergeant.
Windley, Bryant P., e. July 18th, '61; Beaufort co.; d. Dec. 20th, '63.
Walker, Caleb, e. August 16th, '61; Beaufort co.; d. Jan., '63.
Watson, Henry G., e. July 12th, '61; Beaufort co.
Winborn, James, e. July 10th, '61 ; Beaufort co. ; w. at 2d Manassas.
Wahab, Dallas, e. Nov. 1st, '62; Beaufort co.
Wade, James, e. July 7th, '61 ; Beaufort co.
Wade, Lemuel, e. Jan. 26th, '63; Beaufort co.
Windley, Wm. E., e. June 28th, '61; Beaufort co.; dg.
■iohn Randolph, Capt:»in, cm. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; r, Nov. 29th, '63,
S. N. Buxton, Captain, cm, November 29th, '63; Northampton co.
Henry Benjamin Hardy, let Lieut., cm. July 6th, '61; Northampton eo. ; r. in '62,
S. N. Buxton, 1st Lieut., cm. in '62; Northampton co. ; p.
.John Calvert, 2d Lieut., cm. July 0th, 01; Northampton co. ; k. July, '61.
W. H. Newsoni, 2d Lieut., cm. July 6th, '61; Northampton co,; r. in '62.
George Bishop, 2d Lieut., cm. August 1st, '61; Bertie co. ; r.
S. N. Buxton, 2d Lieut., cm. in '62; Northampton co. ; p.
P. M. Spivey, 2d Lieut., cm. in '62; Northampton co.
Andrew J. Allen, 2d Lieut., cm. September, '63; Northampton co.
J. A. Bridgers, 2d Lieut., cm. in '63; Northampton co.
W. H. Trvin, 2nd Lieut., cm. in '64; p. from ranks.
Company E— Nineteenth Regiment. 135
H, IJassiter, 1st Ses-geant, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; dg.
H. B. Gay, 2d Sergeant, e. July 6th, '61^ Northampton co. ; tr.
S. N. Buxton, 3d Sergeant, a, July 6th, '01; Northampton co.; p. Captain Novem-
ber 29th, '63.
R. H. Reese, 4th Sergeant, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton <;o. ; k, Nov. 29th, '63.
F. M. Spivey, 5th Sergeant, e. July 6th, 'fl ; Northampton co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Geo. W. Stevenson, 1st Corporal, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; p. 2d Serg't.
A. J. Allen, 2d Corporal, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Sept., '63.
T. R. Hargrave, 3d Corporal, €. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; p. 4th Sergeant.
H. C. Edwards, 4th Corporal, e. July 6t.h, '61,; Northampton co,; tr. to 15th Regi-
ment in '64.
Allen, D. S., e. Jan. 13th, '63; Northampton co.
Barker, J, H., e. July 6.th, '61; Northampton co. ; d. July 1st, '64. ,
Boon, Wm. C, e. July 6th, '68; Northampton co. ; d. Jan. 21st, '64.
Boon, Boling, e, July 6th, '61.; Northampton co.; d. June 1st, '63.
Brickhouse, Daniel, e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Byrum, John, e. July 6th, '61.; Bertie co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Buxton, J, A.,e, Jan. 1st, '63; Northampton co. ; w. June, '63, at Brandy Station.
Bazemore, Thos. H., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co; p. 5th Sergeant.
Bryan, James C, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Bryan, Moses W., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Bennett, Isham, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; p. 5th Corporal.
Baughanj, Titus, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Bunch, James H., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co. ; k. June, '63, at Brandy Station.
Barham, Romulus S., e. July 6th, '61 ; Northampton co.; w. at White Tavern
Aug. 16th, '64; p. Corporal.
Barham, J. H., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; w. at White Tavern August
18th, '64.
Baddy, Joseph, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; k. at Middleburg June 6th, '63.
Bridgers, Wm. H., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Bradgers, J. A., e, July 6th, '61; Bertie co. ; p. Lieut.
Benn, Simeon T-, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co,; k. June 16th, '63, at Middle-
Bishop, George, e. July 6th, "61; Bertie co.; p. 2d Lieut. August, '6L
Barratt, Wm, T., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Castillo, David, e. July 6th, '61 ; Bertie co.
Castillo, Benj. A., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co,
Capeheart, Wm. E., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co,
Copeland, William J., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
CuUifer, Augustus, e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Conner, G. T., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Copeland, Virginius, e. July 1st, '63; Northampton co.; p. and k.
Cox, James H., e. July 6th, '61; w. June, '63, at Middleburg.
Davis, Joseph, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; dg. June, '62.
Dixon, J. K., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Daughtry, J. H., e. July 6th, '61 ; Northampton co.
Drew, L. W., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Northampton co.; dg. for w. received at Malvern
Deloatch, H., e. September 20th, '63; Northampton co.
Edwards, H. D., e. July 6th, '61 ; Northampton co. ; tr. to 15th Regim't Aug., '64.
Edwards, J. D., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; pr.
i36 Forth Csiroliiia, State Troops,
Evans, H., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Foster, J. B. "W., e. July 6th, '61 ; Northampton co. ; d, January, '64, a pr. at Fort
Galling, J. D., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Garriss, J. A., e. September 1st, '62; Northampton co.
Gooding, N. T., e. January 1st, '62; Craven co.
Grant, W, R., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co,; d. January, ''64, a pr. at Fort
Garrias, W. S., e. August, '64; Northampton co.; tr, from 15th Regiment,
Gay, John, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co,; dg.
Hoggard, A. L., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co,; w, at Middleburg Jnne, '63,
Holder, J. H., e, July 6th, '61 ; Bertie co. ; w. accidentally July, '64,
Howard, E. G,, e. July 6th, '61 ; Bertie co.
Hargrave, A. B., e. July 6th, '61 ; Northampton co.
Hill, A. D., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; w. near Ashland May, '61,
Hughes, Riddick, e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Irvin, W. H., p. 2d Lieut.
Jernigan, G. T., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; w. at Reams' Station August
25th, '64.
Johnson, G. W., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton eo. ; w,
Johnson, J. B., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Johnson, J. W., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; w,
Johnson, J. H,, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co,; p. Corporal,
Jordan, B. F,, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Leach, William, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton eo.
Lispcomb, Jos. G., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Lassiter, W. B., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; dg. February, '64,
Lassiter, Hiram., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; k.June 21st, '63^ at Upper-
Lispcomb, William, e, July 6th, '61; Bertie co. ; d, Septen^ber, '61,
Matthews, J. R., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Matthews, J. A., e. January, '62; Bertie co.; w. at Jack's Shop.
Mardre, J. W., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie eo.
Morriss, William, e. July, '62; Bertie co. ; p. Lieut, in 68th Regiment,
Moore, William S., e. July, '61; Bertie co.; k. June 21st, '63, at Uppervilie, Va.
Murphy, G. R., e. August 6th, '64; Northampton co. ; tr. from 15th Regiment,
Phelps, E., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co. ; tr. to 15th Regiment September, '62.
Page, S., e. July, '61 ; Northampton co.
Parker, G, R., e. J^Uy, '61; Bertie co,; dt.
Perry, William D., e. July, '61; Bertie co.
Pritchard, Doctrine, e. July, '61; Bertie co.
Pritchard, J. W., e. July, '6J ; Bertie co.
Peel, Isaac, e, July, '61; Northampton co. ; k, June 30th, '63, at Hanover, Pa„
Powell, H. D,, e. July, '61; Bertie co,
Powell, Wm. R., e, July, '61 ; Bertie co. ; p. 2d Lieut, in 12th Battalion.
Pruden, W, H., e. June, '64; Northampton co.
Pruden, J. L., e. August 1st, '64; Northampton co.
Perry, Martin V., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.; dg.
Reese, T. E., e. January 1st, '63; Northampton co. ; pr.
Rose, G. W., e. January 1st, '63; Northampton co. ; dg.
Sullivan, Jesse, e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co.
Sumner, W. H., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; pr. and d. Jan., '64, at Fort
Sumner, H. T., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; d. September, '61.
Scott, J. R., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
■Company I— Nineteenth Regiment 137
Saules, W. C, e. July 6th, '01; Northampton co.
Smith, C. W., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; k. June 21st, '63, at Upperville'
Smith, C, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; dg. February, '61.
Stephenson, Jas. D., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.; tr. to 15th Reg't in '62.
Spivey, J. M., e. Jvily 6th, '61; Northampton co.; p. 3d Sergeant; tr. to 15th Regi-
ment in '62.
Tanner, L. W., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co.
Taylor, H. E., e. November, '62; Northampton co. ; d. June 21st, '64, at Point
Taylor, T. S., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; p. 1st Sergeant.
Taylor, J. "W., e. January 1st, '63; Northampton co.
Tadlock, W. J., e. July 6th, '61; Bertie co. ; p. Corporal.
Vaughan, E. A., e. July 6th, '61 ; Northampton co.
Vincent, G. B., e. August 20th, '63; Northampton co. ; pr.
Wheeler, Dempsey, e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; d. November, '61.
Wheeler, J. H., e. July 6th, '61; Northampton co. ; pr.
•Jesse L. Bryan, Captain, cm. July 26th, '61; Moore co. ; r. in '62.
Mills L. Eure, Captain, cm. July, '62; Gates co. ; p. from 2d Lieut, of Com. C.
John Arnold, 1st Lieut., cm. July 26th, '61; Moore co. ; cashiered Nov., '61.
Daniel O. Bryan, 1st Lieut., cm. Feb. 18th, '62; Moore co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Thomas H. Harrington, 1st Lieut., p. from ranks.
D. O. Bryan, 2d Lieut., cm. July 26th, '61; Moore co. ; p.
John S. Ritter, 2d Lieut,, cm. July 26th, '61; Moore co.; r. Oct. 1st, 61.
Wm. B. Rowe, 2d Lieut., cm. Jan. 23d, '62; Chatham co. ; p. from ranks; r. April
1st, '62.
John C. Baker, 2d Lieui., cm. j une i3ch, '63, Moore co. ; p. from ranks.
Hendei'son B. Thomas, 2d Lieut., cm. Oct. 31st, '63; Chatham co. ; p. from ranks.
John G. Blassingame, 2d Lieut., p. from, ranks.
Bartlett, T. Tyson, 2d Lieut., cm. Oct. 31st, '63; Moore co. ; p. from Sergeant,
.Tames A. Cole, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '62; Moore co. ; p. from Sergeant; k.
Bartlett Y. Tyson, 1st Sergeant, e. July 17th, '61; Moore co. ; p. 2d Lieut. October
31st, '63.
John A. Walker, 2d Sergeant, e. July 13th, '61; Moore co. ; dg. May 28th, 62.
Daniel R. McDonald, 3d Sergeant, e. July 3d, '61; Moore co.
James A. Cole, 4th Sergeant, e. July 15th, '66; Moore co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May 1st,
'02, and k. June 23d, '63, at Upperville, Va.
Duncan McLeod, 5th Sergeant, e. July 17th, '61 ; Moore co.
Asa Williams, 1st Corporal, e. July 17th, '61; Moore co.
Wm. A. Cox, 2d Corporal, e. July 13th, '61; Moore co.
188 North Carolina, State Troops. '
John M. Gaston, 3d Corporal, e. July 13th, '61; Moore CO.; dg. May, '62, for w.
received at Gillett's.
Archibald Bokcholson, 4th Corporal, e. July 12th, '61; Moore co.
Armstrong, John T., e. July 23d, '61; Moore co.; dt. Farrier.
Baker, Daniel M., e. July 12th, '61; Mcore co.
Burns, Solomon, e. August 19th, '61; Moore co. ; dg.
Brady, Lucas, e. August 20th, '61; Moore co.
Brady, James C, e. August 20th, '61 ; Moore co.
Brady, Charles, e. April 2d, '63; Moore co. ; dg. September 2d, '63, for disability.
Burnes, Virgil A., e. July 17th, '61 ; Moore co.
Brewer, James W., e. August 17th, '61; Moore co. ; d. Dec. 28th, 62, at Lynchburg.
Burnes, Alfred B., e. July 25th, '61; Chatham co,
Burnes, Hardy, e. July 17th, '61; Moore co.
Baker, David, e. August 30th, '61; Moore co.
Black, Archibald, e. July 18th, '61; Moore co.; d. Nov. 10th, '61, at Edenton, N. C.
Brown, Lewis, e. July 15th, '61; Moore co.
Burnes, William, e. July 17th, '61; Moore co. ; c. July 5th, '63.
Black, Duncan B., e. July 15th, '61; Moore co.; d. Dec. 28th, '61, at Goldsboro, N. C.
Bai'ber, Hiram, e. July 13th, '61; Moore CO.
Bynum, Rufus J., e. August 27th, '61 ; Wake co.
Bridgers, .Joseph, e. August 10th, '61 ; Moore co.
Brown, Wesley W., e. September 9th, '61; Moore co.
Branson, Jesse, e. August 12th, '61; Chatham co. ; dg. October 7th, '61,
Blassingame, John G., e. ; p. Lieut.
Baker, John C, e. ; Moore co. ; p. 2d Lieut. June 13th, '63.
Cavenes, William S., e. August 6th, '61; Moore co. ; p. 3d Corporal.
Chisolm, Alexander, e. July 13th, '61; Moore co.; dg.
Carroll, Monroe, e. August 19th, '61 ; Moore co.
Cagle, Thomas B., e. August 17th, '61; Moore co.
Caveness, Thomas H., e. July 29th, '61; Moore co.; dg. March 7th, '62.
Cockman, Mark A., e. August 2d, '61; Moore co.
Culberson, Joseph J., e. August 22d, '61; Moore co.; dg. October 3d, '62.
Cockman, Alexander, e. August 27th, '61; Moore co.
Dodd, James W., e. July 23d, '61; Cumberland co. ; dg. January 4th, '62.
Dixon, Joseph H., n. August 17th, '61; Moore co. ; k. Sept. 22d, '63, at Jack's Shop.
Dalrymple, John, e. July 12th, '61 ; Moore co.
Dalrymple, William M., e. July 12th, '61 ; Moore co.
Denson, David, e. August 27th, '61; Moore co.
Ennis, Haywood, e. August 23d, '61; Moore co. ; d. March 9th, '62, in Virginia.
Fields, Henry H., e. July 30th, '61; Moore co.
Foster, William, e. September 4th, '61; Moore co. ; tr. to Com. A, Jan. 1st, '63.
Gardner, Thomas J., e. July 13th, '61 ; Moore co.; p. Sergeant November, '62.
Garner, William, e. August 12th, '61; Moore co.
Goins, Daniel, e. September 9th, '61; Moore co.
Gordon, Thomas H., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Moore co.; d. March 27th, '62, in N. C.
Gordon, James M., e. September 19th, '61; Moore co. ; pr.
Hanner, Robert, e. July 13th, '61; Moore co.
Harrington, Thomas H., e. August 12th, '61 ; Moore co. ; p. 1st Lieutenant.
Hardin, Patrick W., e. August 7th, '61; Moore co.
Hinsley, James H., e. July 25th, '61; Moore co.; dt. Blacksmith.
Hughes, John, e. July 13th, '61; Moore co.
Hare, William J,, e. September 21st, '61; Moore co. ; w.
Company I— Nineteenth Regiment. 189
hare, John R., e. September 21st, '61 ; Moore co.
Jackson, Andrew, e. September 11th, '62; Franklin co.
Judd, William J., e. August 17th, '61; Moore co.; dg. September llth, '62.
Jackson, R. M., e. Julj 12th, '61; Moore co.; d. October 17th, '61, at Hertford, N. €.
Jones, John E., e. Aug. 20th, '61; Moore co.; d. April 2Sth, '62, at Kinston, N. C.
Jackson, Wm. S. C, e. July 15th, '61; Moore co; p. Corporal.
Jackson, Andrew, e. September llth, '62; Lenoir co.; c.
Jackson, Gary, e. April 23d, '64; Moore co.
Johnson, Jackson, e. Aug. 20th, '61 ; Moore co. ; dt.
Maness, Alex. L., e. Aug. 27th, '61 ; Moore co. ; c.
Murray, John M., e. Aug. 17th, '61; Moore co.
Moody, Wm. H., e. July 17th, '61; Moore co.
Medlin, Wm. H., e. July 15th, '61; Moore co.
Matthews, Josiah, e. July 17th, '61; Moore co.; d. October 19th, '61, at KittreiFs
Maness, Henry, e. Aug. 17th, '61; Moore co.
Muse, A., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Moore co. ; p. Corporal.
Muse, C. G., e. Sept. 9th, '61; Moore co. ; c.
Malcolm, Baker, e. September 4th, '63; Moore co.
McLeod, Duncan, e. July 17th, '61 ; Moore co.
McDonald, D. R., e. July 15th, 62; Moore co. ; c.
Nicholson, A. B., e. July 12th, '61; Moore co. ; p. 1st Sergeant.
Nelson, John, e. August 15th, '63; Moore co.
Nelson, James O., e. Aug. 19th, '61 ; Moore co.
Owen, John, e. July 26th, '61; Moore co. ; dt.
Paschal, Joseph, e. Aug. 19th, Moore co.
Parrish, Jordan, e. July 18th, '62; Moore co.
Parrish, Uriah R., e. July 13th, '62; Moore co. ; pr. and d. from w. at Gettysburg.
Parrish, John, e. July 15th, 61; Moore co.
Regan, Charles F., e. Aug. 13th, '61; Moore co.
Rogers, Eli, e. July 12th, '61; Moore co.
Rogers, Joseph M., e. July 20th, '61; Moore co.
Rowe, Wm. B., e. July 20th, '61; Chatham co. ; p. 2d Lieut. January 23d, '62; r.
April 1st, '62,
Rowe, John W., e. July 12th, '61 ; Moore co.
Rowe, Allen Mc, e. November 1st, '62; Chatham co. ; tr. from Com. G, 48th Regt.
Rowe, Allen M., e. May 8th, '62; Chatham co.
Stinson, J. H., e. July 27th, '64; Moore co.
Starling, William R., e. July 15th, '61; Moore co.
Savage, Ziding, e. July 15th, '61; Moore co. ; d. April 10th, '62, in North Carolina.
Stone, James M., e. July 13th, '61 ; Moore co.
Scoggins, John, e. July 13th, '61 ; Moore co. ; p. 3d Corporal.
Smith, William B., e. August 9th, '61; Moore co.
Sheffield, Elijah, e. August 9th, '61 ; Moore co. ; p. 5th Sergeant.
Thomas, Henderson B., e. July 17th, '61; Moore co.; p. 2d Lieut. Oct. 31st, '63.
Vestal, Andrew J., e. July 26th, '61; Chatham co.
Williams, William D., e. July 17th, '61; Moore co.
Williams, Reuben, e. August 12th, '61; Moore co. ; dt. Saddler.
Williams, Ellas, e. August 9th, '61; Moore co. ; pr. March, '64.
Wallace, Dellany, e. September 10th, '61; Moore co.
Williams, Jesse L., e. August 27th, '61; Moore co.
Williams, Upshur, e. August 13th, '61; Moore co.
Wallace, Josiah, e. January 24th, '62; Moore co.
Wade, Benjamin O., e. August 20th, '63.
140 North Carolina State Troops,
Josiah Turner, Jr., Captain, cm. Sept. lOth, '61; Orange co.; w. April 13th, '62,
near Kinston; r. Nov. 8th, '62.
William A. Graham, Jr., Captain, cm. Nov. 8th, '62; Orange co.; p. Major and
A. A. G. in '63.
John P. Lockhart, Captain, cm. in '63; Orange co.; p. from 1st Lieut.
W. A. Graham, Jr., 1st Lieut., cm. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; p.
John P. Lockhart, 1st Lieut., cm. Nov. 8th, '62; Orange co. ; p.
Albert P. Faucett, 1st Lieut., cm. Sept. 30th, '63; Orange co.
John P. Lockhart, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; p.
James V. Moore, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 10th, '61 ; Orange co. ; p.
Albert T. Faucett, 2d Lieut., cm. May 26th, '62; Orange co.; p.
Julius S. Turner, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov. 8th, '62; Orange co.
James R. Harris, 2d Lieut, cm. Jan. 1st, '63; Orange co.
.lulius S. Turner, 1st Sergeant, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Nathaniel D. Bain, 2d Sergeant, e. Oct. 25th, '61; Orange co. ; dg.
Samuel N. Dunn, 3d Sergeant, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; dg. Feb. 28th, '62.
Williams. Walker, 4th Sergeant, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; d. Nov. 26th, '61.
Albert P. Faucett, 5th Sergeant, e. Sept. 16th, '61; Orange co.; p. 2d Lieut. May
26th, '62; p. 1st Lieut. Sept. 30th, '63; w. May 29th, '64.
Thoma!5 J. Freeland, 1st Corporal, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; dg.
Anthony W. Cole, 2d Corporal, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; d. Jan. 27th, '61.
James R. Harris, 3d Corporal, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Jan., '63.
James A. Holmes, 4th Corporal, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; p. Sergeant.
Asbell, Henderson, e. Nov. 11th, '61; Chowan co.
Asbell, James, e. Nov. 11th, '61 ; Chowan co. ; w. June 9th, 63, at Brandy Station.
Bacon, James W., e. Sept. luth, '61 ; Orange co.
Blacknall, J. R., e. Feb. 17th, '62; Orange co.
Boling, H. T., e. Sept. 10th, '61 ; Orange co. ; w. at Jack's Shop, Va.
Boling, Wm., e. Feb. 9th, '63; Orange co.
Bunch, Thomas, e. Nov. 11th, '61; Chowan co.
Blalock, Henry, e. Sept. 11th, '61; Orange co. ; k. June 9th, '63, at Brandy Sta-
Churchill, , e. ; Randolph co. ; dg. for disability.
Carden, John W., e. Sept. 11th, '61; Oi-ange co. ; w. June 9th, '63, at Brandy Sta-
Garden, Giles, e. Sept. 11th, '61; Orange co.; d. June 5th, '62.
Cole, Levi, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.
Cole, Stephen, e. Feb. 9th, '63; Orange co.
Cole, Allen, e. Sept. 19th, '61; Orange co. ; dg.
Coker, Blaney, e. Jan. 20th, '62; Lenoir co. ; dg.
Crabtree, Thos., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; dg. for disability.
Company K— Nineteenth Regiment. 141
Crabtree, Weslej', e. Sept. 20th, '61; Orange co. ; d. Dec. 29th, '61.
Crabtree, Jackson, e. Sept. 19th, '61; Orange co.
Garden, James J., e. Sept. 10th, '6i; Orange co. ; p. Corporal.
Gates, Thomas, e, Sept. 10th, '01 ; Orange co.; dg.
Dixon, Allen, e. Jan. 28th, '62; Onslow.
Dunn, George C., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.
Dollar, Wm.,-e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; d. Jan. 5th, '62.
Dollar, Alexander, e. Sept. 26th, '61; Orange co. ; d. Jan. loth, '62.
Fowler, William, e. Sept. 21st, '62,; Orange co.
Gray, N. W., e. Dec. 20th, '62; Orange co. ; w. June 21st, "63, at Upperville.
Gray, John, e. Sept. Uth, '61; Orange co.; k. Sept, 6th, '62, at Washington, N. 0.
Garrard, Lambert P., e. Sept. 15th, '61 ; Orange co. ; k. July 8th, '62, at Hagers-
town, Md.
Green, Henry, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Onslow co. ; tr. to 3d Cavalry Regiment.
Hall, Ja.mes, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Onslow co. ; tr. to 3d Cavalry Regiment.
Hall, John L., e. Dec. 20th, '62; Orange co.
Hall, Wm. C, e. Sept. 10th, '62; Oi-ange co. ; c.
Harris, Charles, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; c.
Harris, Thomas J., e. July 8th, '62; Orange co. ;w.
Hendricks, John T., e. Nov, 11th, '61; Chowan co.
Holmes, John W., e. July 8th, '62; Orange co.
Holmes, J. R., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; w.
Harrison, Wm. H., Onslow co.; dg. for disability,
Henderson, Nathaniel, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Onslow co. ; tr, to od Cavalry Reg't.
Henderson, H. E., Onslow co.; tr. to this Com. in Sept., '63.
Horton, Richard, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; d. Nov. 24th, '61.
Jacobs, Thomas, e. Sept. 11th, '61; Orange co.
Jones, Richard, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Onslow co. ; tr. to 3d Cavalry Regiment.
James, George, e. Sept. 12th, '61; Orange co. ; d. Jan. 26th, '62.
Leathers, A, M., e. May 3d, '61 ; Orange cc. tr, from 6th Regiment, April, '63.
Lockhart, Levi Y., e. Sept. 16lh, '61 ; Orange co.; p. Corporal and c.
Layton, Alfred, e. Nov. 11th, '61; Chowan co. ; dg.
Monk, Charles, e, Sept. 19th, '61; Orange co.
Monk, Jefferson, e. September 10th, '61; Orange co. ; w. accidentally and d. April
12th, '62.
Monk, William, e. Sept. 14th, '61; Orange co.
Morris, John Q. A., e. July 20th, '62; Onslow co.
Murdock, Henry, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.
Melvin, Wm. H., Onslow co.; dg. for disability.
Moore, Lemuel, e. Jan. 28th, '62; Onslow co. ; dg.
Neal, Wm. H., e. Sept, lOlh, '61 ; Orange co ; dg. for w. received at Foscues, N. ( '.
Nichols, Stephen, e. Nov., '61; Orange co.; dg.
Nichols, Jonathan M.,e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; d, Dec, 14th, '61.
Pickett, Jas. W., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co,
Pickett, .Tames W., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.
Pickett, Thomas J., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; tr. to Navy.
Pickett, James T., e. Sept. 11th, '61; Orange co.
Piland, Isaac, e. Jan. 20th, '62; I^enoir co.; p. Sergeant.
Powell, John, e. Jan. 2Sth, '62; Onslow co. ; dg.
Rhew, Wm. L., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; dg. for w. accidentally received.
Rhew, John W., e. Feb. 24th, '62; Orange co.
Roberts, J. W., e. Feb. 9th, '63; Orange co.
Roberts, Wm., e. Sept, 10th, '61; Orange co. ; tr. to this Com. in Sept., '63.
Roberts, Jesse, ; Orange co. ; tr. to this Com. in Sept., '63; pr.
Roberts, Wm. K., e. Sept. 10th, '62; Orange co, ; tr, to Com. B, 6th Regiment,
142 North Carolina State Troops,
Rhodes, Brantley, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Onslow cc; tr. to 3d Cavalry Regiment.
Riley, S. L., e. Feb. 4th, '63; Orange co.
Riggs, John, e. Jan. 28th, '62; Onslow co.; d. Feb. 27th, '62.
Rhodes, William, e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; d. March 15th, '62.
Stroud, Wm., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.; d. June 5th, '62.
Simmons, David, e. January 28th, '62; Jones co.; w. accidentally and d. June
26th, '62.
Simmons, John, e. January 28th, '62; Jones co.
Taylor, Isaac, e. Feb. 24h, '62; Onslow co.
Terry, Stephen O., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co. ; p. Corporal.
Tilley, Robert J., e. Sept. 10th, '61 ; Orange co. ; p. Sergeant.
Tilley, George, e. Sept. 10th, 61; Orange co.
Tilley, Henry, e. Feb. 4th, '62; Oi ange co.
Tilley, John, e. Feb. 4th, '62; Orange CO.; w. at Buckland, Va.
Tilley, J. G., e. March 15th, '61; Orange co.
Thompson, H. J., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.
Tillile, Willie, e. July 8th, '62; Orange co.; k.
Terry, J. F. M., e. Sept. 10th, '61; Orange co.
Terry, Samuel P., e. Feb. 24th, '62; Orange co.; w. and pr. at Hanover C. H, in
June, '63.
Teasley, Jefferson, e. Sept. 10th, '61 ; Orange co. ; dg. for disability.
Umstead, Joseph R., e. Feb. 14th, '63; Orange co.; p. Sergeant Major Oct. 1st, '63.
Walker, Geo., e. Nov. 1st, '62; Orange CO.
Walker, Levi, e. Sept. 16th, '61; Orange co.
Walker, Robert Y., e. Sept. 10th, '61 ; Orange co. ; w. and pr. at Hanover C. H. in
June, '63.
Walker, Roberts., e. Sept. 19th, '61; Orange co. ; w. and pr, at Hanover C. H
June, '63.
Waters, Ira J., e. Jan. 28th, '62; Onslow co.
Windley, B. B., e. January 1st, '62; Beaufort co.
Wyes, E. T., e. Feb. 1st, '62; Craven co.; w. at Upperville; k. June ^d, '64,
Wyes, L. H., e. Nov. 1st, '62; Craven co.
Wilson, C. R., e. Feb. 9th, '63; Orange co.; w. at Brandy Station June 9th, '63; dt,
Winstead, J. W., e. March 15th, '64; Orange co.
Webb, W. R., e. March 9th, '61 ; Wake co.
Field and Staff— Twentieth Regiment 143
c captured.
cm commissioned.
CO county.
Com , Company.
e enlisted.
d , died.
dg. discharged.
dt detailed.
k killed.
m missing.
p., , promoted,
pr prisoner,
r resigned,
tr, transferred.
w. wounded.
Alfred Iverson, Colonel, cm. June 18th, 61; Georgia; p. Brig. General and r.
Thomas P. Toon, Colonel, cm. February 26th, '63; Columbus co.; p, from Captain
of Com. K.
Franklin J. Faison, Lieut. Colonel, cm. June 18th, '61 ; Sampson co, ; k. at Gaines'
Mill June 27th, '62,
Wm. H. Toon, Lieut. Colonel, cm. June 27th, '62; Columbus co.; p. from Major;
r, February, '63.
Nelson Slough, Lieut. Colonel, cm- Feb. 26tb, '63; Cabarrus co.; p. from Major.
William H. Toon, Major, cm. June 18th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. from Captain of
Com. K; p.
Nelson Slough, Major, cm. June 27th, '62; Cabarrus co,; p. from Captain of Com,
A; r, November 2d, '63.
J, S, Brooks, Major, cm, February 26th, '63; Brunswick co.; k. In '64.
James A. Bizzell, Surgeon, cm. June 18th, '61.
Wm, B. Meares, Assistant Surgeon, cm, June 18th, '61; New Hanover co.
North Carolins. State Troops.
Nelson Slongb, Captain, cm. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. Major and Lieut.
Colonel; r. Feb. 26th, '63,
C H. Harris, Captain, cm, June 27th, '62; Cabarrus co, ; p, from 1st Lieut.
C F, Harris, 1st Lieut., cm. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. Captain June 27th, '62.
John C, Young, 1st Lieut,, cm. June 27th, 'j '62; Cabarrus co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
S. J. Alexander, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 2oth, '62; Cabarrus co. ; p. from ranks.
P. A. Smith, 2d Lieut,, cm. July 10th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p, from ranks.
John D. Irvin, 2d Lieut,, cm. April 3d, '62; Cabarrus co. ; p. from ranks.
Wm. J. Willis, 2d Lieut., cm. Feb. 15th, '68; Cabarrus co. ; p. from ranks.
John C. Young', 2d Lieut., ctn. May 11th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. 1st Lieut. June
27th, '62.
Lucius S. Bingham, 2d Lieut., cm. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Wm. H. Wallace, 2d Lieut., cm, in April, '62; Cabarrus co, ; p. from Sergeant.
William H. Wallace, 1st Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Lieut.
April, '62.
J. A. Fitzgerald, 2d Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Davidson co.; dt. Aug. 10th, '61.
J, M. Kestler, 3d Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; dg. July 25th, '61,
C. S. Harris, 4th Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co, ; dt. August 10th, '61.
Noah P. Correll, 5th Sergeant, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co,
J. W. Rodgers, 1st Corporal, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dg, July oOth, '62.
K. P. Harris, 2d Corporal, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; k. at Gaines' Mill June
27th, '62.
F. M, Henderson, 3d Corporal, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co, ; p. Assistant Sur-
geon August 5th, '61,
A. M. Woodside, 4th Corporal, e, April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co,; dg. April 20th, '62,
Noah P. Correll, Filer, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dt. to band Nov, r2th, '62,
James C. Benson, Drummer, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co, ; dt. to band Novem-
ber 12th, '62.
D. R. Coleman, Drummer, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dt. to band October
10th, '61,
Alexander, L. H., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Alexander, S. J., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Lieut. Sept. 2.5th, '62.
Bost, William H., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co, ; k. Julj', '63, at Gettysburg.
Bost, Aaron J., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. and tr, to .36tli Regiment,
Beatty, George W., e, April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Barrier, John L., e. March 19th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Barringer, E. L., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. at Leasburg Sept, 20th. '62.
Boyd, William C, e. November 29th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Bostian, J. E,, e. May 8th, '61; Cabarrus co,
Benson, P, G. B., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w, July, '63, at Gettysburg,
Bell, Robert O. B., e. April 20th, '61; Rowan co.; d. at Salisbury August 5th, '63.
Company A— Twentieth Regiment. 145
liarnhardt, John F., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. at Fort Johnson.
Blackwelder, B. F., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Biggers, R. M. W., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. July 2.5th, '63, in Cabarrus.
Boyer, Jacob, e. March 19th, '62; Cabarrus co.; d. Nov., '63.
Castor, Daniel, e. March 16th, '61; Rowan co. ; d. April 18th, '63.
Carter, Joshua M., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Correll, Adam M., e. June 7th, '61; Rowan co. ; dg. Dec. 25th, '62.
Correll, Philip A., e. April 20th, '(jl; Cabarrus co.; dg. July 20th, '61.
Coleman, Thomas P., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dt. July 25th, '61.
Coleman, Daniel G., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. and pi-, at Chancellors-
ville; d. at Washington, D. C.
Chanley, Whitson, e. March 10th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; k. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharps-
Craven, Timothy B., e. April 20th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Denton, James M., e. April 20th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Deal, George H., e. June 7th, '62; Rowan co.
Deaton, Samuel S., e. May 30th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Davis, John D., e. May 15th, '61; Chatham co. ; k. at South Mountain.
Erwin, James K., e. May 30th, '62; South Carolina; w. July 1st, '62, at Malvern
Hill, and Dee. loth, '62, at Fredericksburg.
Earnhardt, P. C, e. May 1st, '62; Cabai-rus co.
Earnhardt, Alex,, e. March 19th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Eagle, Samuel, e. May 1st, '62; Cabarrus co.
Ford, P. C, e. April 29th, '62; Cabarrus co; tr. to 9th Regiment, Nov. 9th, '63..
Fink, D. C, e. April 29th, '62; Rowan co.
Fink, Henry H., e. May 3d, '62; Rowan co.
File, Daniel M., e. May 3d, '62; Cabarrus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill,.
Faggott, Henry G., e. May 6th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Faggott, Paul A., e. May 6th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Gibson, John A., e. April 29th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dt. July 20th, '61.
Gibson, George L., e. April 29th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dg. Nov., '61.
Gibson, Wm. H., e. April 29th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dt. Aug. 10th, '61.
Gibson, James C, e. May 1st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. and pr. at South Mountain;
Sept. 14th, '62.
Goodman, Thos. A., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. at Richraond July 20th,'62. .
Goodman, Daniel, e. April 20th, '61; Iredell co.; d. July 15th, '62, of w. received
at Gaines' Mill.
Goodman, John, e. May 30th, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. Oct. 20th, '62, at Winchester.
Goodman, James, e. March 19th, '62; Cabarrus co,
Goodman, D, A., e. Oct. 30th, '61; Iredell co.; dg. May 30th, '62.
Goodman, George, e. March 25th, '63; Cabarrus co.; k. at Chancellorsville May
3d, '63.
Gordy, John W,, e. March 25th, '62; Rowan co,; w. at South Mountain September
14th, '62.
Groner, Henry, e. March 25th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Grower, George, e. May 16th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Henderson, D. L., e. June 1st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dg. October 10th, '62.
Heathcock, D. L., e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co.
Hinson, George W., e. April 20th, '61; Stanly co. ; d. August 25th, '62.
Harris, Edwin V., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dt. August 10th, '61.
Irvin, John D., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. 2nd Lieut. April 3rd, '62.
Kestler, V. W., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dg. December 19th, '63.
Kindsley, D. F., e. March 17th, '62; Cabarrus co.; d. July, '63, in Maryland.
Kindsley, C. C, e. March, 17th, '62; Cabarrus co.; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
i46 North Carolina State Troops.
Kitchie, Levi, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. November 2nd, '61.
Long, John A., o. Oct. 8th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Gettysburg .July 3rd, '63.
Louder, Tliomas, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co; d. December Sth, '62.
Lilaker, Alfred, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill ;
dg. February, '63.
Leftler, William, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. November Sth, '62.
Ledbettcr, John H., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. September 14th, '62, at
South Mountain.
Litaker, Daniel V., e. May 16th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Litaker, Rulus, e. May 10th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Ludvvick, David, e. Marcli 19th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Lingle, Alfred, e. March 19th, '62; Rowan co.
McCurdy, Caleb S., c. April 20tli, '61; Cabarrus co. ; dt.
McDonald, Charles, e. April 20th, '61; ('abarrus co. ; dt.
McAllister, H. C, e. April 20th, '61; Gaston co.; dt.
McCoy, Charles H., e. May 20th, '61; Cabarru^s co.
Misenheiraer, John M., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Sharpsburg Sept.
17th, '62.
Misenheiraer, Jacob, e. March 13th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; k. at Gettysburg July, '6;^.
Monday, James A., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Moore, Oliver P., e. May lat, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Newell, Warren W., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; k. at Gaines' Mill June
27th, '62.
Naper, Warren, e. March 19th, '62; Wake co.; d. Nov. 16th, '62.
Phifer, John L., e. May 7th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. Ordnance Sergeant March, '62.
Patterson, Charles A., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Gaines' Mill June
27 th, '62.
Patterson, Ibson F., e. .Tune 7th, '61 ; Rowan co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill.
Propst, Andrew, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; dg. Jan., '62.
Patchel, Jacob V., e. June 7th, '61 ; Wake co. ; w. at Malvern Hill July, '62.
Page, James, e. March 19th, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; d. July 5th, '63.
Patterson, John B., e. April 20th, '61; Warren co.
Russell, Robert E., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. Sept. 14th, '62, at South
Russell, John R., e. Oct. 30th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Ritch, John P., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dg. March, '62.
Riley, John W., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; tr. to Ordnance Department.
Smith, P. A., e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Lieut. July 10th, '61.
.Smith, George A., e March 19th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; pr. at Gettysburg and d.
Seaman, John A., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Saunders, Wm. J., e. April 20th, '61; Stanly co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill in '62.
Turner, George W., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. January 21st, '62.
Tickel, John, e. April 20th, '01; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill and Chancellors-
Williford, Jesse F'., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Willis, William J., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Lieut. Feb. 15th, '63.
Wilhelm, A. M., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. April, '63.
Wilhelm, Burgess W., e. October 28th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dg. July 30th, '62.
Wycofl", Pinkney, e. April 20th, '01; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Weddington, Wm. M., e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Weddington, Robert L., e. Nov. 25th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Weddington, Samuel A., e. March 25th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Walter, Allison E., e. May 1st, '61; Cabarrus co.; d.ofw. received at Malvern Hill.
White, Wm. R., e. May 3d, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gettysburg,
White, Philip P„ e. May 3d, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. in '62.
Company B— Twentieth Uegiment. 147
White, Franklin, e. May 6th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Wensil, Henry A-., e. March 19tli, '62; Rowan co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Youst, Chas. W., e, April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w, at Gettysburg.
James B. Atwell, Captain, cv&. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.
O. R. Brumley, Captain, Cabarrus co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Caleb M. White, 1st Lieut., cm. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co.
Wm. Johnston, 1st Lleiat., cm. Sept. 15th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. from Corporal,
O. R. Brumley, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Cabari'us co.; p. from ranks.
Henry C. Howie, 2d Lieut., cm. April 21st, '61* Cabarrsis co.
Richard S. Harris, 2d Lieut., cm. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.
-John M. Caldwell, 2d Lieut., cm. July 1st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. from Sergeant.
John P, Gibson, 2d Lieut,, cm-. October, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. from ranks; pr. July
• 20th, '64.
William B. Bradford, 3d Lieut., cm-, October, '62; Cabarrus co. ; p. from ranks ; pr.
■July 1st, '63.
SJohn M, Caldwell, 1st Sergeant, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Lieut, July
1st, '61.
James M. Cook, 2d Sergeant, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; tr. to Com. A, 52nd
Regiment, March 20th, '62.
J. M. W. Parks, 3d Sergeant, e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; p. 1st Sergeant De-
cember 9th, '62; pr. July 1st, '63.
John W. Young, 4th Sergeant, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. October, '61. ■
Wm. H. Stanley, 1st Corporal, e. April 21st, ''61] Cabarrus co.; dg. June 8th, '61.
L. R. Rose, 2d Corporal, e. April 21st, '61'; Cabarrus co. ; dg. June 18th, '61.
William Johnston, 3d Corporal, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.] p. 1st Lieut. Sep-
tember 15th, '61.
Jacob W. Dry, 4th Corporal, e. April 21st, ''61 ; Cabarrus co.
Arts, Geoi'ge W., c. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.
Arts, W. P,, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg-^
Atwell, Joseph A., e. Dec. 24th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Earnhardt, Eli, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dg. May 5th, '62.
Earnhardt, Lawson, o. July 20th, '61: Cabarrus co.; w. at Malvern Hill and k.
May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Earnhardt, Addison, e. June 1st, '62; Cabarrus co. ; w^ at MaJvern Hill and k.
Sept. 14th, '62, at South Mountain.
Earnhardt, Franklin, e. March 29th, '<j2; Cabarrus co, ; w. at Cold Harbor and
Earnhardt, G. F.,e. March 29th, '62; CabaiTus co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Blackwelder, John C, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Blackwelder, Martin, e. April 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Blackwelder, Charles, e. April 20th, '61 ; Cabarrus co.
Blackwelder, W. W., e. May 15th, '61; Cabarrus co. d. Sept. 28th, '61,
Bradford, Wm. B., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Lieut. Oct.j '62.
148 North Carolina State Troops.
Bradford, John R., e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co.
Bradford, Robert C, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 4th Sergeant March 5th,
'62, and k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Bradford, J. H., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Bradford, D. L., e. Feb. 28th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Bonds, John, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; c. and d.
Bonds, Newton, e. Dec. 20th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; tr, to 14th Regiment August, '63.
Bonds, Jackson, e. March 2'Jth, '62; Cabarrus co.
Bangle, W, H. H. James, e. March luth, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Bangle, B.S., e. Sept. 13th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Earlier, David J., e, April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
Brown, M. H., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. August, '62, at Richmond.
Brady, F. M., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus oo.
Bost, James H., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; k, June 27th, '63, at Cold Harbor
or Gaines' Mill.
Bost, John M., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; w. at Malvern Hill.
Brumley, James C, e. July 10th, '61; Cabarrus co.
Brumley, O. R-, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; p. 1st Lieut.
Bumgarner, Milton, e. July 10th, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
bor. •
Barrier, G. W., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; w. and c at Gettysburg.
Campbell, "W. A., e. May 25th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; k. June 27tb, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Campbell, Amos, e. April 21st, '61; Cabai-rus co. ; dt. to Regimental Band.
Campbell, Alexander, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; k, July 1st, '62^ at Malvern
Cameron, Wm. D., e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; tr. Aug., '63.
Cline, James F., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. Corporal Dec. 1st, '63,
(jline, W. H., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus ca. ; k, July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Cline, Gibson, e. June 10th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Sharpsburg; w. and c, at Get-
Cline, M. E., e. Aug. 1st, '62; Cabarrus co.; w. at Shai'psburg.
Carter, Robert T., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Carter, John, e. June 10th, '61; Cabarrus co,; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor,
Carter, Ellas M., e. June 25th, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Cress, Valentine, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. Oct. 28th, '61.-
Cress, Harris, e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co,; d. Aug , '62.
Caldwell, R. J , e. July 20th, '61; Mecklenburg co. ^
Cross, Geo. W., e. S -pt. 20th, '61; Cabarrus co,; p. 2d Sergeant; w. at ColdHarbor.
Connolly, C.-A., e..-ApriL21st, '61;. Cabarrus co.; dg. March, '62, for w. received at
Cold Harbor.
Dry, Jacob M,, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; dg. June, '62, for disability.
Deaton, Wm, B., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
Ellis, D. R. A., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co,; p. Sergeant Aug,, '63; pr. Septem-
ber 19th, '64.
Frazier, Charles L., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2d Sergeant Dec. 9th, '62;
\v. at Cold Harbor; pr. July 1st, '63.
Faggart, Henry H., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.-; p. Sergeant March 5th, '62; k
Sept. 14th, '62.
Faggart, Jacob V., e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; d. August, '62, of w. received
at Malvern Hill.
Faggart, Paul M., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2nd Corporal March 5th, '62;
■w. at Cold Harbor and Chancellorsville.
Faggart, G. W., e. March 21st, '62; Cabarrus co. ; d. February, '62,
Fulham, S. C, e. July 1st, '61; Mecklenburg co.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Company B—Twentiefh Regiment. 149
^ulham, I. L., e. March 1st, '63; Mecklenburg co.
Foster, James, 6. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. of w. received at Cold Harbor.
SPoster, H. A., e. March 12th, '61; Buncombe co. ; tr.
"Freeze, Isaac, e. March 2ath, '62; Cabarrus co.; w. at Malvern Hill.
Fenning, John, e. March 29ih, '62; Cabarrus co.; k, June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor,
Galaway, R. H., e. July 30th, '61:; Mecklenburg co. ; dt. in band.
'Gibson, John T., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. 2nd Lieut.
iGoodman, M. M., e. March 27th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; dg. December 2ad, '64.
Gray, B. S., Sr., e. March 27th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; \v. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62„
Gray, B. S., Jr.,e. March 27th, '6?; Cabarrus co.; w. at Malvern Hill; dg March, '63.
Hicks, Thomas, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. January, '62,
Hagler, John R., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus eo. ; d. June, '62.
Icenhour, W. S., e, April 21st, '61;; Cabarrus C0.4 pr. August 1st, '63.
Johnston, John C, e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.
Johnston, William M., e, April 21st, '61.; Cabarrus eo.; k. July 1st, '62, at Mal-
vern HilL
Johnston, John W., e. July 10th, '61; Cabarjus co.
Kistler, J. M., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; w.
Kirk sey., John F., e. May 31st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Chancellorsville; tr. De-
cember ISth, '63.
Kelough, W. C, e. August 20th, '63; Cabarrus co.; pr. September 19th, '64.
Xiowder, J. W., e. April 21st, '01; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Cold Harbor; k. July, '63, at
Ijowder, J.. A., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus eo. ; w. at Cold Harbor and dg. March.,
Ludwick, J. A., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Xiitaker, CL W., e„ March 27th, '62:; Cabarrus co.; w. at Cold Harbor and Gettys-
Mitchell, V. K., e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus eo. ; tr. June, '62.
JMisenheimer, M. C, e. AprU 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Misenb«l ttier, C. F., .e. Aug. 9th, '61 ; Cabarrus -co. ; d. Aug., 62.
Misenhfiim^r, W.. H., e. Sept. 13th, '63; Cabarrus co.
JMorgan, N. M.,.e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co ; w. at Cold Harbor; dg. April, '63.
Morgan, D. S., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Gettysburg.
McAnulty, J. W.,e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus eo.; w. at Cold Habor; dg. Aug., '62.
McAnulty, J. B., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
Murphy, W-. F., e. July 10th, '61; Cabarrus co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor
pr. May 12th, '64.
Miller, W. H., t. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus.co.
Neal, A. W., e. July 2U,th, '61; Lenoir co. ; w. at Cold Harbor.
iOrr, Nathan, e. April 21st, "'64 ; Cabarrus co.:; p. ; tr. to 30th Regiment.
Pitts, J. M., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Pitts, C. A., e. April 21st, '61; Ca.barrus co.
Phifer, D. R., e. April 21st, '61; Cauarrus co.; dg. Jan. 18th, '61,
Pope, W. L. D., e. May 31st, '61; Cabarrus co.; p. Sergeant March, '62; pr. July
1st, '63.
Reid, Timothy, e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co, ; pr. May ]2th, '64.
Ritchie, H. A., e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Ritchie, J. D., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Reidling, J. M., e. July 31st, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; k, July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Reinheardt,M.C.,e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; w. at Cold Harbor; dg. Aug.,'62.
Striker, D. F., e. April 21st, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg,
.'Smith, G. G., e. April 21st, '62; Cabarrus eo.; dg.
.■Sims, S. A., e. May 3d, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; pr. July 1st, '93.
150 North Carolina State Troops:
Spears, M. O., e^ May 3d, '61; Cabarrus co; w. at Cold Harbor and Chaneeltonj-
Sellars, John, e. July 10th, '61; Cabarrus co.; w. at Cold Harbor.
Snell, R. L., e. July 20th, '61; Cabarrus co.; dg. ^
Snell, S. K. W., e. July 20th, '61; Cabarrus eo.
Snell, J. P., e. March 1st, '63; Cabarrus co.
Smith, Frank., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co. -, d. July,. '62, of w. received at Cold
Strickland, H., e. May 20th, '63;. Cleveland co.; ti". from 14th, Regim.ent Aug., '63;
dg.. Dec. 24th, '64.
Stanell, Wm., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus eo. ; d. March, '63, at Lynckburg, Va.
Safret, T. J., e. March 29th, '6i; Cabarrus co; pr. July 1st, '63.
Tucker, Rowan, e. April 2Ist, '61; Cabarrus co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor..
Traynham, W. B., e. April 21st, '61: Cabarrus co. ; p. 4th Sergeant Dec. 9th, '62,
w.at Malvern Hill and k. July Sd, '63, at Gettysburg.
Urey, George G., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co.; d. July, '62, ©f w.. received at
Cold Harbor.
Underwood, S. C, e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Wilhelm, D. C, e. April 21st, '61;. Cabarrus co.; d. July, '62, at Richmond..
Weddington, W. G., e. April 21st, '61; Cabarrus co. ; d. Dec, '62, at Lynchburg.
Weddington, A. B.,e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus eo.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold
Winecoff, J. C, e. July 10th, '61 ; Cabarrus co. ; k. Julj^ '63, at Gettysbu.rg.
WinecofT, J. W. C, e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold
Winecoff, M. H., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; pr. October 9th, '64.
Walker, J. W., e. March 29th, '62; Cabarrus co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Woodlej', George, Lenoir co.; tr..to Com.^ B June 1st, '62, and. k.Juiie 27th, '62, at
Cold Harbor..
Burwell Smith, Captain, cm. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.-
James B. Williams, Captain, pr. July 1st, '63.
Oliver H. Powell, 1st Lieut., cm. April 28th, '61; Columbus co.
Arthur N. Jones, 1st Lieut., cm. April 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; p. fron:i IstSerg't.
William H. Smith, 2d Lieut., cm. April 2Sth, '61; Columbus co.
Henry Coleman, 2d Lieut., cm. April 28th, '61; Columbus eo.
Oliver Williams, 2d Lieut., cm. SeptQpiber 22d, '62; Columbus cO;
James B. Williams, 2d Lieut., cm. September, '63; Columbus co.
Giles H. Watson, 2d Lieut., cm. September 2d, '62; Columbus co.
Arthur N. Jones, 1st Sergeant, e. April 23d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; p. Ist Lieut. April..
6th, '62.
Oliver Williams, 2d Sergeant, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Sep-
tember 22d, '62.
J. B. Williams, 3d Sergeant, e. April 23d, '61 ; Robeson co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
William D. Williamson, 4th Sergeant, e. April 23d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; w. at Cold
Company C— Twentieth Regiment. 151
(iiles H. Watson, 5th Sergeant, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; p. 2d Lieut. Sep-
tember 2d, '62.
C. H. Mears, 1st Corporal, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; k. June 27tli, '62, at
Cold Harbor.
A. H. Watson, 2d Corporal, e. April 28d, '61; Columbus eo.; k. June 27th, '62, at
Cold Harbor.
William A. Belcher, .Sd Corporal, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; k. June 27th,
'62, at Cold Harbor.
Alexander, Worley, e. April 3d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Sergeant, w. and pr. July
1st, '63.
Ashley, John P., e. A.pril 23d, '61; Robeson co. ; d. in '64.
Adams, William J., e. November 5th, '61; Robeson co. ; w. at EUysoii's Mill; d.
June 15th, '63. ■
Bowen, Calvin, e. June 23d, '61; South Carolina; p. Sergt. ; p May 12th, '61.
Bullard, Emory, e. Oct. 30th, '61; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysbu.rg.
Bullard, John Q., e. Nov. 8th, '61; Robeson co. ; w. at Cold Harbor; dg. Novem-
ber 10th, '62.
Bullard, J. W., e. November 16th, '61; Columbus co, ; \v. a.t Cold Harbor and Get-
tysburg; pr. May 12th, '64.
Bullard, Cary, e. May 1st, '62; Columbus CO.; d. July 27th, '62, of w, received at
Cold Harbor June 27th, '62.
Bullard, Elias, e. May 8tn, '62; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Bullard, J. C. B., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Bullard, McKinne, e. April 2.3d, '61; Columbus co.
Bullard, McKenzie, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. Sept. 23d, '61.
Bullard, Elisha, e. April 23d, '61; Robeson co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Bullard, Alfred M., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Malvern Hill and Oct.
19th, '64.
ISarnes, Michael, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. Aug. 24th, '62.
Cook, Angus M,, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; tr. to Com. K March 1st, '62.
Coleman, A. Pinkney,e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; d. Nov. 24th, '61.
Coleman, Levi D , e. May loth, '62; South Carolina; d. July 22d, '62.
Collrane, Jesse, e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.
Darden, Robert, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.
Daniel, Wm. H., e, April 23d, '61; Robeson; w. at Chancellorsville.
Euzor, Marion D., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Cbancellorsville.
Euzor, Wm. H., e. Sept. 2d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. and disabled at Fredericksburg.
Ellington, Daniel, e. May 12th, '62; Brunswick co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
Faulk, Volney J., e. January 3d, '62; Robeson co.
Freeman, Calvin, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.
Faulk, Richard, e. April 23d, '61 ; Robe.son co, ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Floyd, Francis W., e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina; d. Nov. 3ath, '61.
Godwin, Reaves M.,e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina; pr. May I'Jth, '64.
Green, Moses, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.
Green, John C, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus CO,
Griflin, Wm, J., e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina.
Gpodson, Allen J., e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina; w. at Sharpsburg; tr. to 1st
S. C. Regiment April 6th, '63.
Grim.sley, Colin, e. April 23d, '61; Robeson co.
Ciriffin, James, e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina; w. at Cold Harbor, and dg. Aug.
15th, '62.
Godwin, Wm. B., e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina.
Gilford, Edwards, e. July 23d, '61; Columbus co.
152 North Carolina State Troops.
(xriffin, Turner, e. Aug. 1st, '61; South Carolina; w. at Cold Harbor; dg. October
24th, '62.
Hinson, Isaiah, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus cc; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. '
Hammonds, William C, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus cc; pr. in '64.
Jernegan, Andrew J., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. July 24th, '62.
Jones, Stephen B., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
Jernegan, William H., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; d. July 26th, '62.
Johnson, Jas. E.. e. April 23d, '61: Robeson co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
King, John I., e. April 23d, '61 ; Robeson co.
King, McKibbin, e. Oct. 30th, '61; Robeson co. ; w. at Cold Harbor; d. Decem-
ber nth, '62.
King, Alexander, e. May 28th, 62; Robeson co.; w. at Malvern Hill and Ohancel-
Kellihan, Dennis, e. May 8th, '61; Columbus co.
Lamb, James, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Lamb, John, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Lovitt, Norman, e. June 23d, '61; South Carolina; w. at Sharpsburg.
Mathis, John, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; d. July 23d, '62.
Marvin, Ensor, e. April 23rd, '61; Columbus co.; p. Sergeant; w. and pr., July
1st, '63.
May, John H., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.
Nance, Wynne, e. Oct. 30th, '61 ; Columbus co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor,
Nance, Edward, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; pr. in '64.
Phillips, M. R., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; w. at Cold Harbor and Gettys-
Powell, George W., e. April 23d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; pr. in '64.
Powell, Jones E., e. Oct. 20th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. and disabled at Malvern
Hill; d.
Parrish, James E., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.; dg. April 20th, '63.
Quaint, Albert M., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.; dg. April 20th, '63.
Riddick, Wm. J., e. Oct. 8th, '61; Columbus co.; w. in '64.
Reynolds, Alexander, e. June 23d, '61; Robeson cc; w. at Chancellorsvllle; pr.
in '61.
Rose, Ardel, e. November 6th, '61; Columbus co.
Seith, Eenj., e. Nov. llth, '61; Columbus co.; d. June loth, '63.
Strickland, Kenyon, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. Nov. 28th, '61.
Strickland, Samuel, e. June 23d, '61; Columbus co ; w. at Chaucellorsville.
Stepps, George H., e. April 23d, '61; South Carolina; w. at Cold Harbor and
Sharpsburg; pr. in '64.
Smith, John Q,., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. May 8th, '62.
Strickland, William S., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; d. January 18th, '62.
Smith, Charles, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; dg. October 26th, '62.
Stanley, Henry, e. April 23d, '61; Robeson co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Strickland, Cain, e. April23d, '61 ; Columbus co.; w. in '64.
Strickland, Bryant, e. May 8th, '62; Columbus cc; w. at Cold Harbor and d. June
18th, '63.
Smith, Augustus, e. May 16th, '62; Columbus co. ; tr. to Q. M. Department.
Trotter, Joseph J., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.
Thompson, Elijah, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus cc; pr.in '64.
Thompson, Richard, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. in '64.
Ward, Gilbert, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; w. and disabled at Malvern HilL
Worley, Copin, e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Cold Harbor Oct. 0th, '62.
Worley, A. C. D., e. April 23d, '61 ; Columbus co. ; p. 3d Sergeant October 1st, '62.
Williams, Leroy, e. April 23d, '61 : Coluinbus^co.
Company B— Twentieth Regiment. i53
Williamsou. M., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co. ; p. 4tli Sei-geant; k, July 1st, '03,
at Gettysburg.
Williamson, R., e. April 23d, '61; Columbus co.; \v. at Gettysburg.
Watson, J. T., e. April 23d, '61 ; Robeson co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Williamson, N. L. H., e. Sept. 8th, '62; Columbus co.
Williamson, W. K., e. Sept. 7th, '61; p. Sergeant April 26th, '62; w. at Cold Har-
bor, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
Williamson, H., e. Oct. 30th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; tr. to 36th Reg't March 15th, '62.
Williamson, J. C.,e. Oct. 3()th, '61; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Williamson, S., e. Nov. 8th, '61; Columbus co.; w. at Cold Harbor and at Get
tysburg July 1st, '63.
Watson, S. Book, e. May 7th, '62*; Robeson co.
Williams, Willis K., e. June 23d, '61; Columbus co-; p. Sergeant.
Williams, Nathan, e. October 8th, '63; Columbus co. ; pr. in '64,
Williams, Wm., e. April 23d, '62; Columbus co. ; pr. in '64.
Williams, Return, e. April 23d, '63; Columbus co.
John B. Stanley, Captain, cm. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
J. Franklin Ireland, Captain, cm. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; p. from 2nd
Lieut, of Com. E; w. May 12th, '63.
Wm. Jasper Stanley, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Jonathan L. Gore, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Elisha W. Collins, 2nd Lieut., cm. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
John F. Garrell, 2nd Lieut., cm. March 6tli, '62; Columbus co.
William H. Ward, 2nd Lieut,, cm. ; Columbus co,; pr. July 1st, '63.
John Mills, 2nd Lieut., cm. March 7th, '62; Columbus co.
T, A, Crozier, 1st Sergeant, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co,; dg. Nov. 18th, '61,
B. J. White, 2nd Sergeant, e, April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; w, July 1st, '62, at
Malvern Hill and June 19th, '64.
Alva Sowles, 3rd Sergeant, e, April 26th, '61; Columbus co,; dg. August 30th, '62,
Simon Simmons, 4th Sergeant, e. April 26th, '6l; Columbus co.; w, July 1st, '63,
at Gettysburg,
William B. Collins, 1st Corporal, e, April 26th, '61; Columbus co,; k. June 27th,
'62, at Cold Harber.
J. B. Fowler, 2nd Corporal, e. April 16th, '61; Columbus co,
Caleb M. Spivey, 3rd Corporal, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. July 15th, '62,
of w. received at Cold Harbor.
George C. Powell, 4th Corporal, e, April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Alford, Samuel, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus CO. '
Bo-well, Eli, e. March 6th, '61; Columbus co.; w. at Cold Harbor.
Best, Henry, e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Best, John K., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Bryant, F, D,, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus <!o.; pr. May 12th, '64.
i54 North Carolim Sta^te Troops.
Carter, William B., e, March 6th, '62; Columbus co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Clarter, William, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; w. at South Mountain; pr.
July 1st, '63.
Carter, Monroe, e. March 6th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; d. November, '62.
Cribb, Hiram T., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Crock ell, Samuel, e. April 28th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Cartrell, Alexander, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. Nov. 30th, '61.
Cartrell, Claudius, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; d. of w. received at Chancel-
Copeland, Benjamin, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Duncan, D. D., e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Duncan, Daniel, e. April 20th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Cold Harbor or Gaines'
Mill; andJuly 9th, '64.
Duncan, David, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. March loth, '62.
Duncan, James R., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Dixon, Wm. A., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold harbor.
Duncan, A. D., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. Nov. 27th, '63.
Duncan, Owen, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus CO.; w. and c. May 3d, '63, at Chan-
cellorsville; pr. July 1st, '63.
Fowler, James J., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; d. January 8th, '62, at Fort
Fowler, Reuben, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; d. Jan. 5th, '62.
Fowler, Wm. J., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; d. at Lynchbui'g, Va.
Fisher, Alfred E., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; tr. to Com. K March 6th, '62.
Fowler, Laban, e. April 2oth, '01; dg. April 1st, '62.
Faircloth, Luke, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; d. in Hospital at Petersburg,
Garrell, John F., e April 26th, '01; Columbus co. ; p. 2d Lieut. March 6th, '62.
Gore, Aaron M., e. April 2oth, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. Nov., '61.
Garrell, William H., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; pr. May r2th, '64.
Garrell, Irvin C, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Gore, Levi, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co ; w. at Malvern Hill and dg. Jan., '63,
Harrell, James, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Hinson, Is'nam,e. April 26th, '81; Columbus co. ; p. Sergeant aud pr. Julj 1st, '63,
Hinson, John, e. April 28th, '61; Columbus Co.; tr. to Com. K March 8th, '02.
Hinson, William, e. April 26th, '81; Columbus co.; m. July 1st, '62, at Malvern
Hateway, James E., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co; d. in Hospital at Richmond.
Harrelson, M. M., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Corporal.
Harrelson, J. B., t;. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; p. Corporal and w. in '64.
Harrelson, George J., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; d. May 6th, '62.
Harrelson, B. M., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Hinson, Alva, e. April 20th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Malvern Hill; pr. July
1st, '63.
Hinson, W. B., e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co.; d. of w. received by accident Sep-
tember 19th, '62, on march for Maryland.
Hardee, William L., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Hinson, Bythel, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Ireland, J. F., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; p. Captain.
Long, John, e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Long, Joshua A., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
McPhersou, Edward, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; w, July 1st, "63, at Gettys-
burg; pr. May 12th, '64.
McPherson, Coleman, e. April 26tli, '61; Columbus co. ; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettys-
burg: pr. May 12th, '64.
Mills, Lott C, e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.
CompaEj D— Twentieth Regiment iS^
Martin, Jno.,e. July 12th, '62; Columhus co. ; w. and pr.JuJy 1st, '63, at Gettysburg
Mills, Washington, e, March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
Mills, Joseph H., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.; d. July 29th, '63, of w. received
at Chancellorsville.
Mills, John, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.; p. 2d Lieut. March 7th, '62,
Morton, John, e. July 20th, '62; Columbus co.; pr. July 1st, '63,
Meares, John, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; pr. July 9th, '61.
Norris, Thomas, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Norris, John, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Norris, Daniel, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; k. May 3rd, '63,. at Cliancellors-
Neally, Jordan, Jr,, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus go.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold
Neally, Datman, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; w. July 1st,. '63, at Gettysburg;
pr. May 12th, '64.
Neally, Lewis, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co,; pr. May 12th, '64.
Neally, Isaiah, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; pr. in '63.
Norris, Andrew, e. April 2yth, '61; Columbus co. ; d. Aug. 10th, '62, at Richmond,
Norris, Gouldy J., e.. April 26th, '61;, Columbus co.; pr. May 6th, '64.
Nobles, John C, e. April 26th, '61 ;. Columbus co. ; dg. Aug. 12th^ '62,
Powell, Absalom, e. March 6th, ''62; Columbus co.
Prince, Michael, e. March 6th, '62;. Columbus co.
Price, Amos M., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co,
Phipps, AVaterman, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; w. at South Mountain Sep-
tember 14th, '62; dg. February, '63.
Phipps, Felix K., e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Powell, V. D., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.;d. Jan..8th,'S3, at Smith ville,N. C,
Powell, Rahls, e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; dg. for w. received at Malvern
Powers, Joseph F., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. for w. received at Sharps-
Reaves, W. F., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; k.July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill
Reaves, Samuel T., e. March eth-, '62; Coliambus co,; m. May 12th, '64.
Reaves, George N., e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Spivey, Owen, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co,; dg. Nov., '61, for disability.
Stewart, John F.,e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. April 1st, '62, for disability.
Simmons, Sam. J., e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.; d, August, '62, aft Riehmand.
Simmons, Jesse, e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. July t»th, '64.
Skipper, Eli M., e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co. ; dg. September 30th, '62,
Skipper, N. M., e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.
Simmons, Ira, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.
Spivey, George, e. March 6th, '62; Columbas co.; d,of w. received at MalYern'
Spivey, John, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; d. March, '63, at Richmond.
Stephens, William, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co. ; w. at Sharpsburg.
Strickland, Noah, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; k. January 27th, '62, at Cold
Spivey, Franklin, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Sowles, Calvin, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.
Suggs, John, e. April 26th, '62; Columbus co.; tr. to Com. K March 1st, '62.
Simmons, F. K., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Strickland, Lewis, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Strickland, John B., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chan-
156 Rortb CaTolina, Stsite Troops.
Summers, John, e. April 26th, '61- k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
•Simmons, John B.,e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; d. December, '62.
Simmons, Hiram, e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Simmons, Simon, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus eo.; pr. July 20th, '64.
Sinners, John, e. April 26th, '61-; Columbus co,; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Todd, Lorenzo C, e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.; p. Corporal.
Womble, William W., e. April 26th, '61 ; Columbus eo.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettys-
Wright, Emanuel, «. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; p. Sergeant; pr. May 12th, '64 >
Wright, Kenyoru, e. April 26th, '61- Columbus co.; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Ward, Jesse J., e. April 26th, '6i ; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '63. at Gettysburg.
Ward, William H., e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; p. 2d Lieut.
White, Stephen, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus eo.; d.ofw. received at Cold Harbor.
Wright, Hanson, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern HilL
Watson, Dixon, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co-
Watts, Meredith, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; dg. June, '61, for disability.
Womble, Isaac, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus eo. ; p. Orderly Sergeant Novem.ber
1st, '63; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
White, Bythel, e. April 26th, '61; Columbus co.; d. August 80th, '63, at Richmond.
White, Colon, e, July 4th, '61; Columbus co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Williams, David, e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Ward, J. S., e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.; d. of w. received at Cold Harbor.
Wright, F, C, e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.; d. August 30th, '62.
White, Wingate, e. March 6th, '62; Columbus co.
White, John P., e. March 6th, '61; Columbus co.; d. August, '62, at Richmond.
White, Needham, e. March 6th. '02; Columbus co.; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Watts, James, e, March 6th, '62; Columbus eo.
Claudius B. Denson, Captain, cm. April 27th, '61; Duplin eo. ; tr, to Engineer De-
Louis T. Hicks, Captain, cm. April 27th, '62; Duplin CO.; p. from 2d Lieut.; pr.
July 1st, '63.
Robert P. Jones, 1st Lieut., em. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
A. Deane Hicks, 1st Lieut., cm. April 27th, '61; Duplin eo ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Louis T. Hicks, 2d Lieut., cm. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
Lemuel H. Hodges, 2d Lieut., cm. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
Daniel A. Cogdell, 2d Lieut., em. Oct., '61; Duplin co.
Hezekiah Grimes, 2d Lieut., cm. April 27th, '62; Duplin co.
J. Franklin IreSand, 2d Lieut., em. April 27tli, '62; Duplin co. ; tr. and p.
Captain of Com. D. .,
J. B. Oliver, 2d Lieut., Duplin co. ; pr, July 1st, '63.
Jos. B. Oliver, 1st Sergeant, e^ April 27th, '61 ; Duplin co. ; p. 2d Lieut. November
25th, '62.
Company E— Twentieth- Regiment- ib7
A. D. Hicks, 2d Sergeant, e, April 27tli, '61 ; Duplin co; ; p. 1st Lieut. April 27th, '62..
John H. Carr, 3d Sergeant, e. April 27th, '61;. Duplin co.; d. July 19th, '62, at
G. W. Broadlmrst, 4th Sergeant, e. April 27th, '61 ; Duplm co,; d.. March. 25th, '62,-
at Camp Lamb.
D. A. Cogdell, 1st Corporal, e, April 27th, '61; Duplin eo^; p. 2d Lieut. October
15th, '61.
Creo. L. Kornegay, 2d Corporal, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co,; d. Dec. 23d, '61, at
Fort Johnston.
Alex. S. Parker, 3d Corporal, e, April 27tb, '61; Duplin co,-; k, June 27th, '62, at
Cold Harbor.
L. M. Cogdell, 4th Corporal, Duplin co,; p. Sergea^nt Sept.- 20th, '62;, d. Aug. 29th,,
'63, of w. received at Gettysburg.
Baker, James H., e. April 27th, '61,' Duplin co. ; p.-Sergeant April ISth, '63; w. at
Barfield, Wm,, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
Bason, Wm., e, April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; d. Sept, 2d, '62, at Richmond.
Bennett, R. P., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; p. Corporal April 27th, '62; k. July
'63, at Gettysburg.
Benton, Wm. K,, e. April 29th, '61; Duplin co.
P.lalock, John H., e, April 27th, '61; Duplin eo. ; p. Sergeant Ma,y 10th, '63, and-
pr. July 9th, '64.
Broadhurst, D.. J., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; p. Sergeant Major November
31st, '61.
Bradsliavf, Lewis, e. April 27th, '61 ; Duplin co, ; d^ Aug. 2.3d, '62, in North Caro-
Branch, Marshal, e, April 27th, '61; Duplin co,; dg, July 18th, '62.
Branch, Reuben, e. April 27tb, '62; Duplin co. ; w. and pr, at Gettysburg,
Barfleld, Theophilus, e. April 27th, '62; Duplin co. ;. k. July 1st, '62, at Malverrb
Burham, John, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co,
Barfield, Isaac, Duplin co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill,
Birdsey, Samuel, e. Dec. 1st, '62; Duplin co.; dg.
Boyd, William, e,- March l*^th, '61; Duplin co.
Berry, James M,, e. March 18th, '61; Duplin co. ; d. a,t Richmond April 1st, '63.
Basnight, Amos, e. April 10th, '63; Duplin co. pr. July 1st, '63,
Basnight, Randolph, e. April 10th, '63; Duplin co.-
Baker, Ivey R., e. May 10th, '62; Duplin co,; dg, April 14th, '63, of w. received at
Cold Harbor.
Baker, Jesse J,, e. May 10th, '62; Duplin co,; d. July 3d, '63, of w. received at Get-
Blalock, David, e. Ma.y 13th, '62; Duplin co.; dv
J'.rock, Needham,e,May 6th, '62; Duplin co,; m.
Brock, Jonah, e. May 6th, '62^ Duplin co.
I'.yrd, Henry, e, October 26th, '61 ; Duplin co,-; w. a-t Chancellorsville and d.
Brock, Charles, e. Sept. 5th, '61; Duplin co. ; w, at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62.
Uroadhurst, W. G., e. Sept, 5th, '61; Duplin co,; tr. to Com. K March 10th, '63;
tr. to Com. E June 17th, '63.
Broadhurst, Thos. W., e.May 22d,'61;;Duplin co.; p. Sergeant Major Mar. 6th, '63,
Barfield, L. L., e. May 1st, '61; Duplin co. ; dg. January 1st, '62, for disability.
Campbell, John W., e. March 18th, '61; Duplin co,; w. andc. at Gettysburg,.
Worth Carolina, State Troops.
Carr, Berry R, e, September 5th, '61; Duplin co.; w. at Cold Harbor- w. and c. at
South Mountain.
Cogdell, John A., e. Sept, 12th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. at Malvern Hill; pr. in '64. ■
Cowley, Stephen A., e. May 6th, '61 ; Duplin co.; p. Drill Master Nov. 20th, '61.
Carr, Robert D., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; pr. in '64.
Cherry, Elisha J,, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; w. at Chancellorsville an<J pr.
in '6f.
Cherry, W. N,, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co,
Cherrj-, W. D., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; d, July 7tla, '62, of w. received at
Cold Harbor,
Cogdell, Lewis D., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; tr. to 2d Regiment.
Cogdell, W. B., e, April 27-th, '61; Duplin -co. ; d. July 27tti, '62, at Richmond.
Davis, Peter, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; dg. for wounds received atCold Har-
David, Archie B., e. May 1st, '61; Duplin co.; w. at Cold Harbor; dg. July 18th, '62.
Davis, John D., e. May .3d, '61; Dnpliii co.; tr. to Com. A March 15th, '62.5
Devane, J. Stewart, e. May 13th, '61 ; Duplinco. ; p. Assistant Surgeon.
Davenport, CL N„ e. April lOth, 'S3; Duplin co.
Denson, Joseph E., e. Nov. loth, '61; Duplin co. ; dg. May 16th, '62, for disability.
Edward, John H., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; p. Sergeant April 27thL, '62; w. at
Malvern Hill; dg. Feb, 2Sth, '63, for disability.
Flowers, John K., e, April 27th, '61 ; Duplinco,; d, Jan, 15tb, '62,
Flowers, Robert B., e. April 27th, '61 ; Duplin co. ; dg. June 1st, "62,
Flowers, Marshall, e. April 17th, '61; Duplin co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Har-
Faison, Thomas M., e. May 12th, '61; Duplin co : w, at Cold Harbor; dt. in Q,, M .
Department; pr. in '61,
Orant, Jackson, e. May 14th, '61 ; Duplin co.
Giddins, Lewis D., e. Nov. 10th, '62; Duplin co. ; dt. to Regimental Band Novem-
ber 20th, '61.
Griffin, Daniel, e. April 27th, '61; Duplinco.; dg, Juae 7th, '61.
Galloway, Henry B,, e. June 1st, '62; Duplin co. ; d. Dec, 20th, '62.
Grant, StafTord, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
Grimes, Hezekiah, e. April 27lh, '61; Duplin co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant.
Hicks, John H., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co, ; dt. to Regiment Band Nov, 1st, '62.
Hill, Lewis, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; p. Corporal January 2.5th, '63.
Huggins, J. J., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; p. Q. M> Sergeant October 10th, '61.
Hicks, John M., e. May 8th, '61; Duplin co.; tr. to Com. I June 8th, '62.
Hicks, E, Faison, e. May 14th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Huggins, W. H., e. August 24th, '61; Duplin co.
Ireland, James D., e. May 10th, '62; Duplin co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg,
Ireland, J. Franklin, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant.
Jernegan, George W., e. Januai-y 8th, '62; Duplin co.
King, Alexander, e, March 10th, '62; Duplin co.; tr. to Com. C.
Killet, John, e. May 10th, '62; Duplin co.
King, William B., e. May .3d, '61; Duplin co.; p. 2d Lieut. Com. I Feb. loth, '63. ,
Killet, James C, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; p. Corporal Api'il 27th, '62; w. at
Cold Harbor; dg. July Uth, '63.
Kornegay, George F., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; p. Corporal ; pr. July 1st, '63_
Kornegay, Joseph, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. at Cold Harbor and Gettys-
burg; w. in '64,
Lane, Samuel, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; dt. to Regiment Band Nov., '62.
Loftin, J. C. M., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; dg. Jan. 10th, '62, for disability.
Lane, John B., e. January 1st, '61; Duplin co.
Link, Henry J., e. March 18th, '01; Duplinco.; d.
Company E —Twentieth Regiment 159
Lanibert, Henry, e. October 31st, '61; Duplin co. ; w. at Cold Harbor and Sharps-
Murphy, Wm. G., Duplin co. ; dt. Regimental Band.
Moselej', G. H., e. Nov. 1st, '61; Duplin co.
Millard, Kenan, e. October Vth, '61; Duplin co.
Mclntire, Thos. T., e. May 17th, '61 ; Duplin co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Martin, Giles, e. May 12th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. and c. at Gettysburg.
Millard, Bryan J., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Outlaw, Alexander, e. May 12th, '61; Duplin co.; w. and c. at Gettysburg.
Phillips, Benjamin, e. June 1st, '62; Duplin co. ; d. March Ist, '63, at Richmond.
Pollocli, David, e. Sept. 19th, '61; Duplin co.; dt. March 20th, '63, at Richmond.
Padgett, James M., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. at Malvern Hill and Chan-
Price, A. Dallas, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Price, Caleb B., e. April 27tb, '61 ; Duplin co. ; tr. to 2d Regiment July 1st, '61.
Rogers, Heury W., e. May 1st, '61; Duplin co.
Rogers, Cicero, e. May 10th, '62; Duplin co. ; d. of w. received at Cold Harbor.
Star, John C, e. March 18th, '62; Catawba co. ; d.
Seagie, Caleb, e. March 18th, '62; Duplin co. ; d. July 1st, '63, at Danville.
Swinson, Erasmus, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; dg. June 1st, '61, for disability.
Shines, John D., e. May 22d, '61; Duplin co. ; p. Color Bearer; d. of w. received at
Cold Harbor.
Southerland, B., e. October 26th, '61; Duplin co. ; d. of w. received at Cold Harboi-
Swinson, Frank, B., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; d. August 22d, '62.
Swinson, .Tohn A., e. April 27th, '61 ; Duplin co. ; p. Sergeant; d. July 18th, '62, at
Tew, John L. W., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Tew, Ashby B., e. May loth, '61; Duplin co. ; d. July 3d, '63, of w. received at Get-
Tew, William R., e. May 3d, '61; Duplin co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Tew, L. J„ e. May 10th, '61; Duplin co.
"Watkins, Jesse F., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
Watkins, Leonard, e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; dg. June 10th, '61, for disabiUty.
Watson, .John L., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co. ; dg. May 20th, '62, for disability.
Wallace, George W., Jr., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.
Wilson, David T., c. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; pr. and d. Nov. 11th, '62, of w.
received at South Mountain.
Winders, David J., c. April 27th, '61 ; Duplin co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Winders, Noah J., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; p. Sergeant January 1st, '03; w.
at Chancellorsville.
Winders, E. J., e. April 27th, '61 ; Duplin co. ; k. July 1st, '62^ at Malvern Hill.
Wright, Thoiras B., o. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; p. Corporal June 27th, '62; dg.
for w. received at Cold Harbor.
Wright, John D., e. April 27th, '61; Duplin co.; d. Aug. loth, '02, at Farmville.
Whitfield, .J. B., e. May 1st, '61; Duplin co.; d. July 27th, '62, of w. received at
Malvern Hill.
Williams, Jesse P., e. May 13th, '61 ; Duplin co.
Williams, Geo., e. May 13th, '61; Duplin co.; p. Hospital Steward Feb. 13th, '63.
Wallace, Thomas, e. May 1st, '62; Duplin co.; d. April 27th, '63, at Staunton, Va.
Winders, William, e. May 26th, '62; Duplin co.; pr. in '64.
160 North Carolim State Troops.
O. P. Chesiiutt, Captain, cm. May 9th, '61; Sampson eo.
J. W. Wright, Captain; Sampson co.
J, W. Wright, 1st, Lieut., cm, May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co.
W, Daughtry, Jr., 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Sampson co,
John McRae, Jr., 2d Lieut., cm. May 9th, '61; Cumberland co.
J. W. Brown, 2d Lieut., cm. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
W. Sessoms, 2d Lieut., cm. April 2Gth, '62; Sampson co.
J. J. Wilson, 2d Lieut., cm. in Feb , '63; Sampson co. ; p. from ranks,
■ F. C. Wilson, 2d Lieut., cm. March, '63; Sampson co.
A. F. Lawhon, 2d Lieut., cm. — "64; Sampson co.
J. A. Ferrell, 1st Sergeant, e. May 6th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. May, '62.
W. A. Peterson, 2d Sergeant, e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co.; pr. July 1st, '64,
Ct. a. Bruuson, 3d Sergeant, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. July, '61.
J. Cooper, 4th Sergeant, e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; d. July, '62.
J. Peterson, 5th Sergeant, e. July 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Gaines' Mill,
C. A. Bennett, 1st Corporal, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; d. July, '62.
W, Sessoms,, 2d Lieut., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; p. 2d Lieut. April, '62.
J. Parker, od Corporal, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; d. April, '63.
A. Sessoms, 4th Corporal, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. May, '62.
Andrews, J. B., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Corporal Feb,, '63,; p. Corporal.
Balcom, J. L„ e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Bennett, G. W., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Benton, J. L., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal Feb., '63; pr. July 1st, '63.
Boykin, W. H., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. July, '62.
Butler, William, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Bedsole, W, S., e. Sept. 7th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. at Gaines Mill June 27th, '62.
Bedsole, J., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Bladen co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill; pr.in '64.
Butler, J. C, e. Aug. 6th, '61; Sampson co ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Benton, M. J., e. May 6th, '62; Sampson co.; dt. drummer Feb., '63.
Balcom, W. J., e. Nov. 10th, '62; Sampson co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg,
Bryant, A. McL., e. March 28th, '62; tr.to C. S. Navy May, '62.
Carter, E., e May 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Carter, William J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; k. July '63.
Casey, J. W., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; tr. to C. S. Navy May, '62,
Carr, J. G., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; dg. July, '62.
Carr, J. C, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Chancellorsville; d. May, '63.
Carr, E. T., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; k.
Carter, J., e. May 9lh, '61; Sampson co,; w, at Gaines' Mill; dg. March, '63.
Cotton, M. J., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co.
Crumpler, B., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Sergeant in '63; w. at Fredericks-
burg; k. July, 63, at Gettysburg.
Company F— Twentieth Regiment. i61
Baughtry, W., Sr., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; pr. in '64.
Daughtry, W., Jr., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. 1st Lieut. April, '62.
Ezzeli, J. R., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Gettysburg July, '63; pr. in '64.
Faircloth, L., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gaines Mill June, '62, and k.
at Gettysburg July, '63.
Fisher, H., e. Aug. 6th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Chancellorsville; p. Sergeant; pr
August 20th, '64.
Fisher, A. M., e. September 7th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant; pr. May 12th, '64.
Fisher, W. J., e. March 28th, '62; Sampson co.; d. in '63.
Giddins, D. C, e. April r2th, '63; Sampson co.
Grice, R. S., e. September 7th, '61; Sampson co.; pr. in '64.
Giddins, H. B., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; tr. to 20th Regiment Oct., '61.
Giddins, G. L., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill and dg. April, '63.
Hair, W., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Hair, H., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. in '64.
Hall, W. S., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; tr. to Com. I May, '62.
Herrington, W. H., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; d. of w. received at Gettysburg.
Herring, J. B., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill June, '62.; w. and
pr. at Gettysburg July, '63.
Herring, N. C, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Highsmith, W. R., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. in '64.
Highsmith, J. S., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. November, '62.
Haws, S. G., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Holland, Q. H., e. May 9th, 61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62;.
Hall, H., e. Marcli 28th, '62; Sampson co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Hall, W. H., e. September 7th, '61 ; Bladen co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Hair, H., e. September 7th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. at Sharpsburg Sept. 17th,. '62,_
Hall, A. N., e. September 7th, '61; Sampson co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg..
Hall, M., e. September 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Hall, T>., e. September 7tb, '61; Sampson co.
Hall, N., e. September 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62.
Hall, S., e. September 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. at Chancellorsville May, '63.
■Jackson, J. H., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Jackson, L. M., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Johnson, J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; dg. April, '62.
•Tones, W. H., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Jones, D. B., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. October, '62.
King, M. S., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill; dg. July, '62.
King, J. E., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co.
Lawhon, A. F., e. March 12th, '63; p. 2d Lieut, in '64.
Lewis, B, B., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant April, '62; p. Sergeant:
pr. July 1st, '63.
Lewis, J. "W., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; d. July, '62, of w. received at Gaines '
Lucas, J., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co.
McArthur, V. J.,e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at South Mountain; dg. Feb., '63.
Merritt, S., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
McUllen, J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
McUllen, E., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; d. July, '62, at Richmond.
Musgrave, C, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
McKenzie, J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; d. February, '63.
McKinzie, C. C.,e. March 27th, '62; Sampson co. ; d. Feb., '63.
McAlpin, J. A., e. March 27th, '62; Sampson co.
Owen, T. C, e. July 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. at Chancellorsville May, '63.
Patrick, J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. February, '63.
i62 North Carolina, State Troops.
Patrick, T., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. January, '62.
Pearson, M., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.
Patterson, R. A., e May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; tr. to 20th Regiment October, '61.'
Pope, J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at South Mountain; dg. Feb., '63.
Ri venbarlc, W, W., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. and disabled at Gaines' Mill .
Robinson, P. R., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; d, September, '61.
Royal, W. R„ e. May 9th j '61: Sampson co.; w. at Gaines Mill; dg. July, '62.
Sikes, J, H,, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co,
Sessoms, T,, e, Augtsst 6th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Corporal February, '63; w. and
pr. at Gettysburg July, '63,
Sessoms, M, A,, e, August 6t-h, '61; Sampson co,; p. Sergeant; k, July, '63,
Sessoms, P,, e, August 6th, '61 ; Sampson co.
Smith, E,, e. August 6th, '61; Bladen co,; dg. March, '62.
Smith, R. W., e, July 17th, '62; Bladen co.
Spell, R. O., e. March 9th, '62; Sampson Co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Tatom, L, A., e. May 9tb, '61; Sampson co. ; dg. Jan., '62,
Tew, A., Jr., e. May 9tb, '61; Sampson co,; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Thomas, M. V,, e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Weeks, B. B., e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; d. March 1st, '63,
Wiggins, J. C, e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; dg, July, '62.
Wilson, J., e. May 9th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal Nov., 63.
Wilson, F. C, e. May 9th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant March, 62, and w. at
Gaines' Mill.
Williams, O. W., e. July 9th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Gettysburg July, 63,
Wilson, J. J., e. July 9th, '§1; Sampson co,; p. 2d Lieut, Feb., 63.
John S. Brooks, Captain, cm. Maj' 25tli, '61; Brunswick co.; p. Major and k.
Seth Robbins, Captain, cm. — , '64; Brunswick co. ; p. from 1st Lieutenant.
D. K. Bennett, Captain, cm. ; Brunswick co.; p. from 2d Lieutenant.
Llewellyn Leonard, 1st Lieut., cm. May 25th, '61; Brunswiclj co.
Seth Robbins, 1st Lieut., cm. Feb. 18th, '62; Brunswick co.; p. fi'om 1st Sergeant,
r, H. Dashiel, 1st Lieut., Brunswick co.
(reorge W. Walker, 2d Lieut., cm. May 2.5th, '61 ; New Hanover co.
Oliver E. Mercer, 2d Lieut., cm. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.
Daniel K, Bennett, 2d Lieut., cm. July 31st, '63; Brunswick co, ; p.
S. F, Williams, 2d Lieut., Brunswick co. ; pr. July 1st, '63,
Seth Robbins, 1st Sergeant, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; p. 1st Lieutenant
February 18th, '62.
[sham Reynolds, 2d Sergeant, e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co. ; pr. at South MouD"
tain September 14th, '62; d.
S. F. Reynolds, 3d Sergeant, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co,; w- and pr. at Get=
tysburg in '63,
'Company (r— Twentieth Regiment 168
>1. "p. White, 4tli Sergeant, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; pr. July 20th, '64.
Alfred Wright, 5th Sergeant, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.^ Wv July 1st, '63, at
t?.. F. Dale, 1st Corporal, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick ca.; k. May dd, '63, at Chan-
Armelin Hewett, 2d Corporal, e. May 25th, '61^ Brunswick co.; d. August ITth,
'63, at Richmond.
D. W,. Leonard, 3d Corpofal, e. May 25th, "61 ; Brunswick co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at
Malvern HilK
'George S. Reaves, 4th Corporal, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co, ; k. June 27th,
'62, at Gaines' Mill.
John C. Hilburs, Drummer, e. May 2.5th, '61^ Brmnswick co.
"Behnett, Joseph J., e. March 7th, ■'62-; Brunswick co. ; d. Nov. 29th, '62, at Lyiich-
feenson, James M,, 6. May 2.5tl^^i '61; Bladen co. ; d. of w. received at Gaines' Mill
June 17lh, '62.
l3enton, Henry D., e. May 25th, '61* Brunswick co.; dg^ January 31st, '63.
Cason, Wm. B., e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co. ; d. July 21st, '62, at Richmond.
■^Oason, Joel W., e. May 25th, '6H Brunswick co.; •w^ Sept, 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
■Carney, Robert, e. May 2.5th, '61^, Brunswick co. ; w. at Gai&es' Mill June 27th, '62.
Clemmons, Samuel B,, e. May 25th, '62; Brunswick co.; p. Corporal September
27th, '63. ; pr. May 12th, '64.
'Cumber., A. F., e. May 25th, ^61; Brunsv/ick co.; pr. September 26th, '64^
Cumber, Henry M^,, e. May 2.5th, '61; Brunswick co.; pr. September 26tb, '64.
'Cumber, James B., e. October .30th, '61; Brunswick co. ; d. in '61 at Sniithville.
*Ooleman, D.,«. May 25tli, '61", Brunswick co.; w-. at Gaines' Mill June, *62; pr,
October 19th, '64.
'Cumber, John T., e. May 2;)th, '61; Brunswick co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Cumber, Benjamin W""., e. May 25th, '61; Bru&swick co.; dg. Feb. 12th, '63.
Carney, A. S.,e. May 10th, '62; Brunswick co.
Clewis, A. C, e. November 3d, '62; Brunswick co.; pr. Maj' 12th, '64>,
IJalmon, Jolm W., e. March 7th, '62'; Brunswick co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Evans, SamUei, e. May 12th, '62'; Brunswick co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg Jtaly
3d, '63.
Evans, J. G., e. May 2.5tli, '61; Brunswick co. ; d. September, '6L
E^'aus, John C, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; d. in '62.
Evahs, Angus, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; k. at South Mountain September
14th, '62.
Evans. George \\\, Cv May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Jivans, Moses, e. March 8th, '62; Brunswick co, ; d. July 2d, '62, at Danville.
Evans, Duncan, e. March 8th, '62; Brunswick co.; dg. January 2?'th, '63.
Goodman, William H.. e. May 2.5th, '61; Brunswick co.
Gore, Edward, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; d. October, '61.
Garrison, S. S.. e. May 25tli, '61; New Hanover co.
Gore, William, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; pr. October 19th, '64
Gore, Wm. D., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Goodman, John B., e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co. ; k. JUly 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Gore, Michael, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Gore, Francis A., e. May 2oth, '61; Brunswiclc co. ; d. August, '62, of Wi received aft
Gaines' Mill,
164 North Carolina State Troops.
Gore, W. J., e, March 15th, '62; Brunswick co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mi!L
Gore, 0. C, e. March 15th, '62; Brunswick co. ; d. June, '62.
Gore, Wesley P., e. June 29th, '61; Brunswick co.
Garrison, Pitt, e. May 25th, '61; Sampson co.; pr. October 19th, '64.
Harvel, John, e. March 6th, '62; Brunswick co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Hewett, Abel K., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.
Harper, William, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; d. Sepleniber 1st, '62,
Haws, Ezekiel, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; w. and pr. at Chancellorsville,
and exchanged October, '63.
Hickman, Jackson, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; w. July 1st, '02, at Malvern
Harris, Wm. H., e. May 25th, '01; Brunswick co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Holder, Nathan E., e. May 25th, '61; l^runswick CO.; dg. February 9th, '62.
Hewett, Dyllon D., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; d. in '61, at Smithville.
Hewett, Isaiah, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; dg. February 23d, '63,
Hewett, Edward, e. March 1st, '62; Brunswick co. ; d. November, '62,
Hewett, John, e. October 26th, '61; Brunswick co.
Hickman, Samuel, e. May 25th, '01; Brunswick co. ; w. and pr. at Soutli Moun-
tain; p. Corporal November, '63.; pr. May 12th, '6J.
Haws, John J., e. May 16th, '62; Brunswick co. ; p. Sergeant January 3d, '63,
Hays, Geo., e. March 15th. '62; Brunswick co.; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill
or Cold Harbor.
Haws, Stephen, e. October 30th, '61; Brunswick co. ; m. Sept, 17th, '62, at Sharps-'
Long, Isaac, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Long, Jesse, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.
Leonard, Jacob, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill and Chancel-
Little, Calvin, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill,
Leonard, John F., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill; dg. Janu-
ary 31st, '63.
Little, Joel, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; k, June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Little, C. C, e. March 1st, '62; Brunswick co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Milliken, Simon, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; d, in '61, at Smithville.
McKeither, J. A., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaiiies'
McKeither, Dan'l K., e. May 2.5th, '61; Brunswick co.; d. March 2ath, '62, at Rich-
Murrell, Isaac T., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; p. Sergeant.
Mills, Andrew J., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; w, June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Melvin, Hewitt, e. May 12th, '62; Brunswick co.; dg, August ISth, '63-
McFarland, Henry, e. October 10th, '64; pr. in '64,
Milliken, Solomon, e. May 6th, '62; Brunswick co.; d- June 26th, '63,
Potter, Michael, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co,
Pouns, Andrew J., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; d. Nov, 16th, '62, at Front
i^ouns, John W., e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co.
Pouns, Jesse J., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; pr. in '64.
Raymond, "Wm. M., e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co.; w. June 27th, "62, at Gaines'
Russ, Ellis, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; w.and pr.atGettysburg; exchanged
and p. Seigeant November, '63.
Russ, Josiah, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Russ, Jasper, e. July 1st, '01; Brunswick co. ; m. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
Company G— Twentieth Regiment. 165
Rtiss, Travis, e. July 10th, '61, Brunswick co. ; p. Sergeant Feb. 18th, '62; w. at
Chancellorsville May, '63; d. June, '63.
Rhodes, Joseph P., e. May 2oth, '62; South Carolina.
Roller, Michael, e. May 25th, '61; Sampson eo.
Reynolds, B. H., e. Mar. 10th, '62; Brunswick; co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Stanaland, Wm. F., e. Nov. 1st, '61; Brunswick co.; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Mill, and d. August, '62.
Stephens, J. P., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.
Smith, John, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; d. October 10th, '62.
Skipper, Wm. H., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Simmons, Moses, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Simmons, Robert T., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co. ; tr. to Com. K 36th Reg't.
Simmons, Samuel J., e. May 25fch, '61 ; Brunswick co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Simmons, William, e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Simmons, N. W., e. May 25th, '61; Brunswick co.
Simmons, Alex., e. May 10th, '62; BrunsM'ick co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Simmons, C. C, e. May 10th, '62; Brunswick co.; d. November, '62.
Somerset, Samuel J., e. November 25th, '62; Brunswick co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Stanley, Asa, e. November 4th, '62; Brunswick co.
Stanley, John D., e. May 25th, '62; Brunswick co.
Wills, Wm. J., e. November 3d, '02; Columbus eo. ; p. Sergeant Feb. 18th, '62. ; pr.
in '64.
Williams, John D., e. February 19th, '62; Brunswick co.; d. June 10th, '62, at Gui-
nea Station.
Williams, S. F., e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co. ; p. Sergeant January 3d, '63.
Whitehead, Willis, e. May 25th, '61 ; Brunswick co.
Wright, Alfred, e.'May 20th, '61; Sampson co.; dt.
Williams, D. M., e. Mar. 1st, '62; Brunswick co.; w. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill;
pr. in '64.
White, Isaac, e. May 16th, "62; Brunswick co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
White, John H., e. May 10th, '62; Brunswick co.; p. Corporal August 7th, '63.
i66 Forth Carolina State Troops.
■N. M. Cox, Captain, cm. May 10th, '61; Sampson co„
C. B. Monk, 1st Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Hardy H. West, 2d Lieut., cm. May lOth, '61 ; Sampson co.
Nathan L. Hawley, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
H-. H. Draughan, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Sampson co.
David Lee, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov. 27th, '62; Sampson co.
Janaes Ingram, 2nd Lieut.^ cm. May 6th, '63; Saroipson co. ; p. from ranks.
Wm. B. Blackman, 1st Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; d. September 22d, '61, at Fort
Henry C. Monk, 2d Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co,; w. at Cold Harbor
and Gettysburg.
Wm. A. Draughan, 3d Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; k. July 1st, '62, at
Malvern Hill.
Gainey West, 4th Sergeant, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. September, '62,
for disability.
M. F. Westbrook, 1st Corporal, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. and disabled at
Cold Harbor.
Noel West, 2d Corporal, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. Oct. 14th, '61, at Fort
G. G. Barfleld, 3d Corporal, e. May 10th, '61 ; dg. Dec. 7th, '62.
•James R. Holder, 4th Corporal, e. May 10th, '61.
Bergott, Robert, e. May 15th, '62; Sampson CO.
Baggott, John, e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern HilL
Baggett, Silas E., e. May 10th, '61. ; Sampson co.
Baggott, Willis, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.
Blackman, J. A., e. Sept. 7th, '01; Johnston co. ; p. Corporal May 10th, '63; pr.
July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Bizzell, Festus, e. Sept. 7tli, '61; Sampson co.
Bagley, Curtis, e. May 10th, '61 : Sampson co.; k. Sept. 14th, '62, at South Moun-
Bailey, Theophilus, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Bass, Wm. A., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Malvern Hill.
Bass, John B., e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Bass, A., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Sergeant and w. at Malvern Hill.
Bass, Joseph E., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Blue, Duncan, e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; d. Dec. 12th, '62, at Danville.
Benton, James H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Benton, Wm. N., e. May 10th. '61; Sampson co.; w. and disabled at Malvern Hill.
Cox, J. John, e. May 10th, '61; Martin co.
Daughtery, Jarred, e. May 10th, '61; San:pson co. ; dg. Aug. 10th, '61.
Davis, James H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Company E— Twentieth Regiment 167
Dawson, Wm. H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Dawson, Wm., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal.
Dudley, John R., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Draughan, H. H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. 2d. Lieut. April 20th, '62.
Draughan, J. C, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal Dec. 6tli, '62; w. at
Cold. Harbor and pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Denning, John J,, e. Nov, 14th, '62; Wayne co. ; d. Dec. 18th, '62, at Lynchburg.
Dunning, Jesse F,, e. Sept- 7th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Malvern HilL
Giles, Matthew M., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson ca ; d. September 24th, '61, at Fort
Giles, Byson, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. Oct. 28th, '61.
Gregory, Elias, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant April 26th, '62.
Gregory, Elijah, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. June 27th, '64.
Gregory, John T., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Fredericksburg.
Godwin, John R., e. May 10th, '61; Cumberland co.; w. at Cold Harbor.
Grant, Kitchen, e. April 24th, '62; Johnston co.
Gainey, Hinton J., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.; d. Feb, 10th, '63.
Gainey, Melvin, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.
Hobbs, William, e. April 24th, '62; Sampson co. ; k. June 27th, '02, at Cold Har-
Hargrave, Owen, e. May 10th, '01; Sampson co. ; w. at Cold Harbor.
Hawley, R. G , e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Hawley, Osborn, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. accidentally near Richmond.
Hawley, Wm. D,, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. July 1st, '02, at Malvern Hill,
Hudson, Isaiah, e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. at Malvern Hill and Chancel -
Hudson, Joel, e. Sept. 7th, '61 ; Johnston co.
Hudson, Coleman J., e, March 6th, '62.
Hudson, Josiah, Jr., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co. ; d. July 10th, '62, at Lynch-
Hudson, Raiford, e. Sept, 7th, '61; Sampson co.
Hill, James H. B., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. May r2th, '64, at Spottsylva-
nia C. H.
Holder, Sampson, e. Sept. 7th, '61 ; Sampson co.; pr. May 12th, '64, at Spottsyl-
vania C. H.
Holder, Abel, e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co. ; w. at Cold Harbor.
1-iinson, Wm. H., e. May l-5th, '62; Sampson co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Hargrove, Albert, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.
Harper, Martin, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Johnston co. ; w. at South Mountain.
Hood, John B., e. Sept. 7th, '61 ; Sampson co.; w. at Gettysburg; pr. September
23d, '64.
Hood, Jiio. B., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Johnston co. ; w. at Gettysburg; pr. Sept. 23d, '61.
Hood, Wm. W., e. Sept, 7th, '61; Johnston co.
Ingram, Jain.e,s, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant Dec. 6th, '62, and 2d
Lieut. May 6th, '63.
Ingram, Lawson, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. Nov. 17th, '61, at Fort Johns-
.lackson, Jam«sM., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Jackson, Wm. H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. Sept. 28th, '61.
-Tackson, John Calvin, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; m. Sept. 28th, '62.
.lackson, John C, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Jackson, Edmiind C, e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.; w. at Chancellorsville; pr.
in '64.
Jackson, Miles B., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co. ; pr. in '6}.
Jackson, Dennis, e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co. ; pr. in '64.
168 North Carolina State Troops.
Jackson, Thomas, e. May 1st, '62; Sampsoii co.
Jackson, Lewis, e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Jackson, Wiley B., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Jackson, Henry B., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold
Jackson, Wm. R., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.; d. of w. at Malvern Hill.
Jernigan, L. M., e. May 10th, '61; Wayne co.; w. and disabled at Cold Harbor ;
pr. in '64.
Jernigan, L., e. May 10th, '61; Wayne co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Jernigan, Cader, e. May 10th, '61 ; Wayne co. ; pr. in '64.
■Johnson, Wm. B., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Jordan, Thos., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.
Lee, Lemmon H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. Sept. 11th, '61, by accident at
Fort Caswell.
Lee, Sihon, e. May lUth, '61; Sampson co. ; d. of w. received at Cold Harbor.
Lee, Henry C, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. of w. received at Cold Harbor.
Lee, David, e. September 7th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Nov. 27th, '62.
Lassiter, John R., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.; w. at South Mountain; pr.
in '64.
Lee, Ashley, e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Lockerman, Alexander, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold
Miner, Josiah, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. Aug., '62, in N. C.
Murphy, Thos. J., e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. at Cold Harbor.
McKinsie, Joiner, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Myers, David, e. May 20th, '62; Wayne co.
McClenny, George W„ e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Merritt, Adolphus, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. June, '62, for disability.
Merritt, Edward, e. Sept. 6th, '61; Sampson co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor
Phipps, Samuel J., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Chaneellorsville„
Philips, Samuel, e. March 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Phillips, Samuel J., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Rayner, Francis, e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Rayner, Wm. D., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Wayne co.; dg. May 30th, '62.
Stafford, David R., e. May 10th, '61; Wayne co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Cold Harbor.
Stafford, Joseph, e. Sept. 7th, '61 ; Wayne co ; dg. April 1st, '62, for disability.
Stith, Jno. G., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Strickland, John R., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Strickland, Isaac, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. July 7th, '63, at Hagerstown.
Strickland, John W., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Wayne co.
Sterling, Wilson, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. September 19th, '64.
Smith, Josiah, e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Stith, Lewis B., e. March 6tti, '62; Sampson co. ; Ic. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Tew, William R., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Sergeant April 26th, '62; k.
July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Tew, Lawson M., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Tew, Iran N., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. August 18th, '62, near Richmond.
Thompson, George, e. May 10th, '61 ; Wayne co. ; d. of w. received July 1st, '63, at
Tail, Thomas R., e. April 24th, '62; Johnston co.
Tart, James, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. March, '62, for disability.
Tart, Uriah J., e. Sept. 7tti, '61; Sampson co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Taylor, John .!., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Johnston co. ; w. at Cold Harbor.
Thornton, S. S., o Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. Nov., '61, for disability.
Company I— Twentieth Regiment 169
Warren, Isaiah, e. May 10th, '61; Sarapson co. ; d. of w. received July 1st, '62, at
Malvern Hill.
Warren, Handy, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. July 1st, '62, of w. received at
Malvern Hill.
Warren, M. W., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Warren, Needham B., e. March 6th, '62; Sampson eo.
West, Lloyd, e. March 6th, '62; Sampson co.
Weeks, Garry, e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.
West, William H., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Cold Harbor.
West, George R., e. May 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. Sergeant Dee. 6th, '62; k. May
3d, '63, at Chaneellorsville.
West, John A., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
West, Lloyd, Jr., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Cold Harbor; k. July 1st, '63,
at Gettysburg.
West, Pennington, e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal May, '63; pr. July
1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Wise, Mordecai, e. May 10th, '61; Wayne co. ; dg. August 10th, '61.
Williams, John P., e. May 10th, '61: Sampson co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chaneellors-
Wilkes, David J., e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Wilson, Starling, e. May 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Wise, Henry A. M., e. May 10th, '61 ; Wayne co. ; d. April 10th, '62, at Camp Wyatt.
Westbrook, William, e. May 10th, '61; Wayne co.; d. of w. received at Malvern
Westbrook, John R., e. Sept. 7th, '61; Sampson co,; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold
James A. Faison, Captain, cm. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
John J. DeVane, 1st Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
John S. Robbins, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62.
Hardy H. Durham, 1st Lieut., Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
William Kirby, 2d Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
R. T. Murphy, 2d Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
R. A. Jackson, 2d Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62. ; Sampson co.
William R. King, 2d Lieut, cm. April 2d, '63; Sampson co. ; tr. from Com. H. ; pr.
October 18th, '64.
David Dye, 2d Lieut., Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
James Ingram, 2d Lieut., Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
J. J. Huggins, 2d Lieut., Sampson co.; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
W. F. Murphy, 1st Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. Drill-Master and
1st Lieut in 51st Regiment.
John S. Robbins, 2d Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. 1st Sergeant Nov.,
'61; p. 1st Lieut. April 2d, '62.
170 North Garolim State Troops.
John W. Gallop, 3d Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. 2d Sergeant Nov.,
'62; tr. to Com. H March, '63.
Oeorge W. Johnson, -1th Sergeant, e. Jane 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; d. Dec. 28th, '61,
at Smithville.
James H. Pugh, 1st Corporal, e. June 29th, '61; Sampson co.
B. I). Jackson, 2d Corporal, e. June 29th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Malvern Hill;
d. Aug., '62.
F. P. Varker, 3d Corporal, e. June 29th, '61; Sampson co.; w. and pr. at Gaines'
Albert Matthis, 4th Corporal, e. June 29th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at
Malvern Hill.
A. C. Garris, Musician, e. June 29th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. Oct., '62; re-enlisted.
R. D. Sutton. Musician, e. June 29th, '61; Sampson co.; dg. Oct., '62; re-enlisted.
Autry, Daniel, e. October 20th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant April 26th, '62; pr.
July 1st, '63.
Andrew, J. W., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.
Blackburn, R., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. in '62.
Bland, James C, e. June 10th, '61; Duplin co. ; d. of w. received at Gaines' Mill.
Brj'ant, Charles R., e. June lOtli, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Gettysbui-g July, '63.
Bryant, Robert, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. March 21st, '62.
Brown, Britton A., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; pr. April 25th, '62.
Britt, Isaac C, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill or
Cold Harbor.
Chestnutt, Lewis E., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. Nov. 25th, '61, at Smith-
Cooper, Luke, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Carr, Reddin T., e, June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. at Chancellorsville May, '63.
Carroll, L. H., e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co.
Carroll, J. E., e. Oct. 14th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. in '64.
riogdell, W. W., e. May 15th, '62; Bladen co.; d. Dec. 31st, '62, at Lynchburg.
Daniel, J. L., e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co.; w. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill; pr.
July 1st, '63.
Daniel, James F., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Dauglitery, R., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill or
Cold Harbor.
Faircloth, Barnabas, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. May 12Lh, '64, at Spot-
tyslvania C. H.
Farn, James D., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. July 23d, '62, of w. received at
Gaines' Mill.
Fry, C. J., e. April 3d, '63; Catawba co. ; w. in '64.
Fann, J. C, e. Aug. 1st, '61; Sampson co. ; d. of w. received at Malvern Hill.
Fann, Owen, e. August 1st, '61; Sampson co. ; d. July, '62, of w. received at
Gaines' Mill.
Gautier, Peter, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal April 20th, '62; Ser-
geant December, '62; w. at Gettysburg July, '63.
Gore, Morris, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. in Richmond in '02, of w. received
at Gaines' Mill.
Hall, Elbert, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. in '64.
Hall, H. W., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; tr. to Com. P May, '62.
Hall, Charles H., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '64.
Hall, Robert, e. June 10th, '01; Sampson co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Hall, Matthew, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Company I— Twentieth Regiment. 171
Hall, W. S., e. May 20th, '61; Sampson eo.; tr. from Com. I May '62.
Holland, William, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; pr. in '64.
Hare, Gilmore, e. August 7th, '61; Sampson co ; pr. in '64.
Holland, I. J., e. Sept. 17th, '61 ; Sampson co.; p. Corporal December, '62; pr. July
1st, '63.
Hollingsworth, C, e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. Corporal April, '62; k. June
27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Hargrove, E. T., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.; w. June27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill ;
d. at Richmond September 21st, '62.
Hargrove, B., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.
Jackson, R. A., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April 6th, '62.
Jackson, Dempsey, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Jackson, John B., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.; p. Corporal Dec, '62; w. at Get-
Jackson, Daniel, e. May 1.5th, '62; Sampson CO.; pr. in '64.
Jackson, M. D., e. May loth, '62; Sampson co. ; w. Sept. 14th, '62, at South Moun-
Jackson, James, e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co.
Jackson, W. T., e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co. ; d. of w. received at Gettysburg.
Johnson, W. L., e. .Tune 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.
.Johnson, W. S., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. at Chancellorsville May, '63.
Johnson, E. F., e. October 18th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. Sept. 14th, '62, at South
Mountain and d. in Field Hospital.
King, Wm. R., e. April 2d, '63; Sampson co. ; p. 2d Lieut. April 2d, '63.
Mathis, Sylvester, e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.; d. Jan. 11th, '62, at Smithville
Mathis, R. E., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
McPhail, Archibald, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; d. Aug., '62, at Richmond.
Naugh, W. A., e. April 3d, '63; Catawba co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Odom, Jacob T., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Padgett, Joab, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Farker, Robert A., e. June 10th, '01; Sampson co.
Powell, James, e. June 10th, '61; Duplin co.; k. july 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
I'owell, Davia M., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. at Gaines' Mill and Gettys-
burg; pr. in '64.
Pope, Everett, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. July 8th, '63, of w. received at
Pope, Lewis, e. June 10th, '61; Duplin co. ; d. in '62, in Sampson co.
Pollock, Wright, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Pugh, James O., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; dt.
Rackley, James D., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.; .pr. in '64.
Register, Newton F., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant in '62; pr. Oct.
10th, '63.
tlegister. Rice P., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co.
Royal, Raiford, e. August 1st, '61; Sampson co. ; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Royal, Michael, e. June 10th, '61; Bladen co.; w. at Cold Harbor and Chancellors-
Reeves, Alexander, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co, ; w. and disabled at Gaines'
Sellers, Amariah, e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; w. at Gettj'sburg July, '63.
Heldars, Daniel, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. Dec. 13th, '62, at Smithville.
Strickland, Nathan, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. July, '62, near Richmond.
Strickland, John H., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Strickland, John B., e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines'
Sutton, Joseph, e. June 10th, '01; Sampson co.; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62,
172 North Carolina, State Troops.
Stewart, Daniel, e. Jiine 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. of w. at Malvern Hill.
Smith, Owen, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Smith, William, e. October 1st, '64; Sampson co.
Sherrell, S. N., e. April 3d, '63; Catawba co.; dg. April 24th, '63.
Thornberry, B. M., e. April 3d, '63; Catawba co.; d. June 17Lh, '63.
Tanner, Hayes, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co. ; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Tanner, Matthew, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; d. Aug. 30th, '61, at Smithville.
Tanner, Calton, e. Oct. 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Tripp, Arthur, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Turner, J. B., e. May loth, '62; Duplin co.
Tew, Newbern, e. May 15th. '62; Sampson co.
Tew, Alston, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.
Treadwell, Dodd D., e. June 10th, '61 ; Sampson co. ; dg. Oct., '63.
Warren, Wra. B., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Corporal April 26th, '62; k.
June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Warren, Joseph, e. May loth, '62; Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Wrench, Joel W., e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Wrench, Newbern, e. May 15th, '62; Harnett co.
Wrench, James P., e. May 15th, '62; Sampson co.
Williamson, C. F., e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; w. andpr. at Gaines' Mill.
Williamson, John, e. June 10th, '61; Sampson co.; p. Sergeant August, '62; pr.
July 1st, '63.
Wood, John, e. April 3d, '63; Catawba co. ; d. June 14th, '63, at Richmond.
Young, John, e. April 3d, '63; Catawba co.; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
William Toon, Captain, cm. May, '61; Columbus co.; p. Major and Lieut. Colo-
nel; r. Feb., '63.
Thoixias T. Toon, Captain, cm. June 18th, '61 ; Columbus co. ; p. Colonel February
26th, '63.
.Tames B. Williams, Captain, cm. Feb. 26th, '63; Columbus co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
William Gaston Baldwin, Captain, Columbus co.; p. from 1st Lieut., and w. Sept.
1st, '64.
Thomas T. Toon, 1st Lieut., cm. May, '61 ; Columbus co.; p.
W. G. Baldwin, 1st Lieut., Columbus co. ; p.
James Coleman, 2d Lieut., cm. May, '61 ; Columbus co.
William Johnston, 2d Lient., cm. May, '61; Columbus co.
W. G. Baldwin, 2d Lieut., Columbus co. ; p.
McGwin Coleman, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Columbus co. ; pr. July, '63, at Getty.?-
George W. Cross, 2nd Lieut., cm. ; Columbus co.; p. from ranks; d. July
1st, '64.
Doctor Spencer, 1st Segeant, e. July 15th, '61 ; Columbus co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Henry Tisdale, 2d Sergeant, e. July 15th, '61; Columbus co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Company K— Twentieth Regiment. i73
Colon M. Nobles, 3d Sergeant, e. July 15th, '61; Columbus co. j pr. July 1st, '63.
John Yates, 4th Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; pr. July 1st, '68.
Somerset Dyson, 5th Sergeant, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus eo. ; pr. July 1st, 'ft^v
BraUly Yates, 1st Corporal, e. October 3d, '61; Columbus co.; dt.
Alonzo Williamson, 2d Corporal, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; c, July 1st, '63,,
William H. tiarrison, 3d Corporal, e. July 1st, '61; Columbus co.
George W. Sellars, 4th Corporal, e. August 4th, '61; Columbus co.
lames Fields, Musician, e. July 4th, '61; Columbus co.
Babson, George Ws, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; c. May 12th,- '64/
Babson, Berry, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; c. July 1st, '63.
Bradshaw, Ashlej', e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; c. May 12th, '64,
Bracher, John W., e^ April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; w<
Bullard, Thomas, e. March 1st, '62; Columbus co.
Bullard, Alvo, e. March 1st, '62; Columbus coj
Bullard, Cornelius, e. March 16th, '62; Columbus cOi
Bachelor, John H., e< March 3d, '62; Columbus co.-
Butler, Elisha, e. March 1st, '62; Columbus eo.
Brown, Daniel P., e* April 24th, '61; Columbus co.; pr,-
Bos%vell, Allegood, e< April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
Cook, Augus M,, e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Cook, M. M., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
C/umbee, John C, e. March 5th, '62; Columbus co.
(yross, George W., Columbus co. ■ p.- 2d Lieut, and d. July 1st, '64,^
Dyson, Simon, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
Duncan, Benjamin M., e< April 24tli, '61; Columbus eo.
Dew, James, e. April 24th, '62; Columbus co. ; w.
Klkins, Stephen, e. June 11th, '61; Columbus co.
Klkins, Daniel M., e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.-
Fields, Curtis, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; w.
Fields, Doctor G., e, September ls.t, '61 ; Columbus co. ; c. May 6th, 64/
Fields, John, e. August 1st, '61; Columbus co.-; dt.
Fields, John O., e. March 1st, '62; Columbus co.
Fisher, Cephas, e. April 21st, '61; Columbus co. '
Fisher, Alfred E., e April 21st, '61; Columbus co.; pr< May 12thj- '64.
F'aulk, Eli, e. July 1st, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Howell, William H., e. July 1st, '61; Columbus co^
liinson, John, e. April 24th, '64; Columbus co.
luman, James R., e. April 28th, '62; Columbus co.
Kelly, James E,, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co.
liOwrie, Alexander E,, e. March 1st, '62; Columbus co<
Morris, Joseph E., e. August 23d, '61; Columbus co.
Morris, Thomas, e, August 23d, '61; Columbus co.
Nobles, Bryant, e. July 1st, '61; Columbus co,; pr. May 12th, '64.
Powers, William, e. April 24th, '61 ; Columbus co,; pr, July 9th, '64,,
Pulley, fiaiford, e. April 24th. '61; Columbus co.
Suggs, Curtis H,, e, July 18th, '61; Columbus co, ; w.
Suggs, John, e. Apx'il 24th, '61; Columbus co.
Singleton, Daniel, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co,
Shaw, Stephen, e, March 1st, '62; Columbus co.; d. Dec, 1st, '63.
Thompson, John, e. September 9th, '61; Columbus co.
Wiggins, L. E., e. March 1st, '62; Columbus co. ; m.
Ward, McDaniel, e. April 24th, '61; Columbus co. ; pr. May 12th, '64.-
174 ■ North Carolina State Troop8.
Ward, John J., e. August 18th, '61 ; Columbus co.
Ward, Daniel G., e. April 24th, '61; pr. October loth, '6;!.
Williams, Joshua, e. March 1st, '62; Columbus co.
Wiggins, Doctor, e. April 2d, '61; Columbus co.
Yates, James, e, March 1st, '62; Columbus co. ; d, Nov. 1.5th, '63.
Note.— The above is but a small portion of the men of this company. It was
not reported at all in the Roll of Honor, and only these few names could be
found in the Archives Office, as the representatives of a corps quite as numerous
as the other companies of the Twentieth Regiment.
Field and Staff— Twenty-First Regiment.
c captured.
cm conunissioned.
CO county.
Com Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg discharged;
dt detailed.
k killed.
m. missing.
p .....promoted.
pr prisoner,
r resigned.
tr transferred.
w. wounded.
William W. Kirkland, Colonel, era, .lune, '61; Orange co. ; p. Brigadier General
in '64.
Robert F. Hoke, Colonel, cm. Aug. .5th, '62; Lincoln eo.; p. Brig. General Jan.
17th, '63, Major General April 20th, '64; w. at Chancellorsville May 3d, '6;5.
\V. W. Kirkland, Colonel again April 21st, '63.
James M, Leach, Lieut. Colonel, cm. June, '61; Davidson co. ; r, Dec. 2.3d, '61.
William L. Scott, Lieut. Colonel, cm. P'eb. 1st, '62; Guilford co.
R» K. Pepper, Lieut. Colonel, cm. April 26th, '62; Stokes co. ; d. June, '62, of w.
received at Winchester.
Saunders Fulton, Lieut. Colonel, cm. Aug. 26th, '62; Stokes co. ; k. Aug. 28th, '62,
at 2d Manassas.
B. Y. Graves, Lieut. Colonel, cm. Aug. 28th, '62; Surry co. ; w. at 2d Manassas and
r. March 12th, '63.
W. S. Rankin, Lieut. Colonel, cm. March 12th, '03; Guilford co.: w. and pr. July,
'63, at Gettysburg.
J. M. Richardson, Major, cm. June, '61, and r. Jan., '62.
Saunders Fulton, Major, cm. April 26th, '62; Stokes co. ; p. Lieut. Colonel Aug.
26th, '62; k.
B. Y. Graves, Major, cm. Aug. 2Sth, '02; Surry co. ; p. w. and r.
Alexander Miller, Major, cm. March 12th, '63; Forsyth co. ; d. Aug. .3d, '63.
W. S. Rankin, Major, cm. Aug. 3d, '6.3, Guilford co. ; p. Lieut, Colonel, w. and pr,
at Gettysburg.
W. J. Sfohl, Major, cm. August 3d, '63; Guilford co. ; k.
«i. M. Hoke, Lst Lieut, and Adjutant, Lincoln co.; r.
J. R. Vogler, A. Q,. M., Forsyth co.
Hamilton Shepperd, A. O, S.
1?6 North Garolim StsiU Troops.
Thomas Keen, Surgeon, Rockingham co.; r.
George A. Foote, Surgeon, Warren co,; r,
J. S. Tanner, Surgeon, Virginia.
J. E. Douthlte, Asst. Surgeon, r.
Jacob Thompson, Asst. Surgeon, r.
E. M. McMahan, Asst. Surgeon, Virgiuiaj
J. P. Moore, Chaplain; r.
James M. Leach,- Captain, cm. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. Lieut. Colonel, and
r. Dec. 2;M, '61.
Jacob C. Hedgecock, Captain, cm. June 28th, '61; Davidson co. ; d. of w. received
at Winchester May 25th, '62.
James F. Beall, Captain, cm. May 25th, '62; Davidson co, ; w. three times.
Jacob C. Hedgecock, 1st Lieut., cm. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. and k.
Adolphus Ai Moss, 1st Lieut., cm. June 28th, '61; Davidson co. ; r.
.Tames C. Beall, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Davidson co. ; p. from Sergeant
Jolm H. Miller, 1st Lieut., cm. May 25th, '62; Davidson co.
A. A. Moss, 2d Lieut., cm. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; p. 1st Lieut.
B. A. Smith, 2d Lieut., cm. May 8th, 61; Davidson co.; d. July 23d, '61,
R. A. Wommack, 2d Lieut., cm, Au^g. 9th, '61; Davidson co.; p. from Sergeant,
James F. Beall, 2d Lieut., cm, July 5th, '61; Davidson co. ; p.
James P. Oakes, 2d Lieut., cm. April 20th, '62; Davie co. ; p. from ranks and
w. at Sharpsburg Sept. 17th, '62,
Lewis C. Powers, 2d Lieut., cm. July 20th, '62; Davidson co. ; p. from ranks and
w. at Sharpsburg Sept. 17th, '62.
J. H. Miller, 2d Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Davidson co.; p. 1st Lieut,
R. A. Wommack, 1st Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. 2nd Lieut. Aug.
9th, '61.
James F. Beall, 2d Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. Captain May 20th,
'62, and w.
James D. Mclver, 3d Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at2nd Manassas
and k. May 5th, '68.
Wm. A. Leach, 4th Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; Randolpli co. ; w. at Richmond and
Harris, F. A,, oth Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
B. F. Myres, 1st Corporal, e. May 8th, '61 ; Davidson co.; k. May 25th, '62, at Win-
J. J. Grubb, 2d Corporal, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; d. Sept., '61, in Va.
John A. Styres, 3d Corporal, e. May 8th, '61; Forsyth co.; p. 2d Sergeant.
Henry P. Fezor, 4th Corporal, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; dg. Feb. 25th, '62, for
Company A— Twenty- First Regiment. 177
Brown, Seth B., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; dg. for disability.
Brinkley, Henrj', e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; w. at Winchester May 25th, '62.
Byerly, John F., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Billing, Benjamin F., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; dg.
Blackburn, J. D., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; k. Aug. 28th, '62, at Manassas.
Blackburn, Wm. D., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; d. at Front Royal, Va.
Brown, Jonathan, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; d. May 25th, '62, of w. received
at Winchester,
Bobbitt, Thomas E,, e. June 6th, '62; Granville co,
Bragg, James D.
Bragg, Granville.
Conrad, Andrew, e. July 25th, '63; Forsyth co.
Chandler, W. G., e. June 6th, '63; Montgomery co.
Carrick, John F., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Manassas.
Clodfelter, William, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co; w. September 17th, '62, at
Coe, Lorenzo W., e. May 8th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. at Thoroughfare, Va.
Clinard, Francis L., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. May 25th, '62, at Winches-
Collins, Alfred N., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson CO.
Craven, Burgess L., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; d. in Va.
Doby, Calvin, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; dg. for w. at Winchester.
Douthit, Alpha L., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; dg. Sept., '61, for disability.
Doss, Francis M., e. May 8th, '61; Yadkin co.; d. Sept. 15th, '61.
Everhart, Lewis, e. May 8lh, '61; Davidson co. ; dg.
Eccles, Francis M., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. Sergeant.
Evans, Michael M., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Ford, Francis W., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Fry, Anderson, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at Fredericksburg.
Fry, William, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. and disabled at 2d Manassas.
Ferebee, B. L., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at Winchester.
Frank, J. A., e. June 6th, '63; Davidson co.
Grubb, Andrew, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. Corporal.
Glover, John A., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Houser, Nicholas, e. May 8th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. at Front Royal, Va.
Haiser, John, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. Sergeant.
Harris, Isham, e. May 8lh, '61; Davidson co.; w. at Winchester; p. Sergeant; k.
at Hazel River.
Harris, Wiley W., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Harris, W. B., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; dg.
Haith, Win., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; d. of w. at Winchester.
Haith, John H., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Hedgecock, Alfred, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; d. of w. at 2d Manassas.
Holder, William A., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Henderson, John R., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at Winchester and Chan-
Haines, Philip, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; d. June, '62, in Virginia.
Haines, Jonathan, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Huflf, B. L., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; d. October, '61, in Virginia.
Huffman, James, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Hannah, William, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Hege, George W., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; d. October, '61.
Harris, G. W., e. July 25th, '62; Davidson co.
Hill, John, e, June 6th, '63; Davidson co.
178 North Carolina, State Troops.
Hurt, Willis, e. July 25th, '63; Montgomery co. ; d. in Hospital.
Jackson, C. H., e. Jane Gth, '83; Davidson co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Jones, Isham, e. June 6th, '63; Robeson co.
Johnson, Wni. A., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. near Richmond ; p. Corporal.
Jackson, Thomas, e. May 8th, '61 ; Davidson co. ; k. at Winchester.
Lineback, Edward, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Lanear, D. G. 11., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.
Leach, H. C, e. May Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Lanear, Alexander, e. .Tune 6th, '63; Davidson co.
Lomax, W. N., e. J'ebruary 25th, '62; Montgomery co.
liOmax, N. W., e. February 25th, '62; Montgomery co. ; d. March 28th, '63.
McRae, George M., e. February 25th, '62; Montgomerj^ co. ; m. at Chancellors-
Morgan, Joseph, e. Feb. 25th, '62; Montgomery co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellors-
Morgan, George, e. February 25th, '62; Montgomery co.
Meatherly, Henry, e. June 6th, '63; Davidson co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Meanes, W.P., e. July 25th, '63; Montgomery co.
Martin, Alexander, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at Winchester.
Miller, John A., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.; d. August, '61, at Manassas Junc-
Michael, Austin, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.; k. May, '62, at Winchester.
Miller, J. H., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.; p. 1st Lieut. May 25th, '62.
Myei'S, Junius L., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; d. June, '62.
Myers, G. W., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.
Owen, Richard, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; d. October, '61. '>
Oaks, J. P., e. May Sth, '61; Davie co.; w. at Sharpsburg; p. 2d Lieut.
O'lSIea], D. S., e. June 6th, '63; Davidson co.
Ferryman, John, e. June 6th, '63; Davidson co.
Painter, Philip, e. June 6th, '63; Davidson co.
Penoland, George M., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; d. December 29th, '62, at
Parrish, W. G., e. May Sth, '61 ; Davie co. ; d. at Front Royal, Va.
Parrisli, Wesley, e. May Sth, '61; Davie co. ; d. at Lynchburg.
Pack, David, e. May Sth, '61 ; Davidson co.
Pack, Charles, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; d. September 15th, '61.
Powers, Lewis E., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at Sharpsburg; p. 2d Lieut.
Scott, George W., e. May Sth, '61 ; Davidson co.
Scott, Frank., e May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; w. at 2d Manassas.
Stone, John A., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; dg, for disability.
Sheets, John W., e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; w. and disabled at Winchester.
Snider, Eli, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; d. September, '61.
Smith, Edward, e. May Sth, '61 ; Davidson co. ; p. Corporal.
Stewalt, Wm. M., e. July 25fh, '62; Forsyth CO.
Stow, James H, , e. July 25th, '62; Nash co.
Smith, John H., e. July 25th, '62; Davidson co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Tippett, Simeon, e. June 6th, '63; Granville co.
Tesh, .Jacob, e. May Sth, '61 ; Davidson co.
Trexler, John H., e. May Sth, '61 ; Davidson co.; d. August 21st, '61.
Tyringer, Alexander, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; w. at Cedar Mountain.
AValser, Henry C, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.; dg. July 10th, '62.
Welfare, E. A., e. May 8t.h, '61; Davidson co.
Wommack, James C, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.
Warner, Henry, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co.
White, William, e. May Sth, '61; Davidson co. ; dg. for disability.
Company B— Twenty- First Regiment. 179
NVood, Casper, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.
Watkins, F. M., e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co.; w. below Richmond.
Webster, John F., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Webster, B. L., e. May 29th, '63; Stokes co.; d. of w. at Chancellorsville.
Whissenhunt, J. W,, e. June 6th, '63; Davidson co.
Webster, Wm. H., e. May 29th, '63; Stokes co.
Younts, Wm. J,, e. May 8th, '61; Davidson co,; d. of w, at Winchester.
•John Kerr Connolly, Captain, <!m. April 27th^ '61; Yadkin co, ; p. Colonel of 55th.
Regiment; w.
-Nathan G, Hunt, Captain, cm, ; Yadkin co. ; r. June 27th, '62.
■R. E. Wilson, Captain, cm, June 27th, '62; r. February 29th, '62.
■Miles A. Cowles, 1-st Lieut., cm. April 27th, '61; Yadkin -co, ; r, Sept. 7th, '61.
Nathan G. Hunt, 1st Lieut., cm. in '62; Yadkin co. ; p.
Nathan G. Hunt, 2d Lieut., cm-. April 27th, '61; Yadkin co. ; p.
-R. E. Wilson, 2d Lieut., cm. April 27th, '61; Yadkin co. ; p,
R. W. Woodruff, 1st Sergeant, e. May Kth, '61; Yadkin co,
■J. P. Hampton, 2d Sergeant, e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co.
E, P. Hause, 3d Sergeant, e. May 12th, '61^ Yadkin co. ; dg.
D. D. Osborn, 4th Sergeant, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
-A. A. Anderson, oth Sergeant, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
J, G. Reaves, 1st Corporal, e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co,
J, C. Bayal, 2d Corporal, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
W. A. Whitaker, 3d Corporal, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.; dg,
W. A, Conrad, 4th Corporal, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
E, L. Transan, Drummer, e. May 12th, 61; Yadkin co.
Adam&, Bryant, e, Ma.y r2th, '61; Yadkin ca
Arnold, Jacob, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Barty, D, H,, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Brana, William D., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin ca
Brann, J, H., e. Ma.y 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Brown, G, W., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Brooks, John, e. May 12th., '61 ; Yadkin co,
Bryant, C, G., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Brown, John, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Benge, W. D., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Ball, William H., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Cornelieus, W. D., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Couch, E. M,, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Candle, Haron, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin c©.
i80 lorth Gamlim State Troops.
Crews, M. J., e. May 12th, '61;- Yadkin co.j
Crews, W. A., e. May 12t!hy '61; Yadkin co„
Davis, J. A,, e. May 12lh, '61-, Yadkin co.
Dobbins, S. S,, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin f.o.
Dobbins, L, B,, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Denny, Emmis, e. May 12tli, '61; Yadkin co.
Dull, G, E„ e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin cov
Faulkner, Thomas, e. May I2tli, '61; Yadkin cc,
Hauser, J. H., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin c©-.
Hammond, .1, M., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Hobson, J. W., e. May 12thv '61; Yadkin co,
Hanes, T. L., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co,
Hutcliins, J. C, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Hutchins, J. F., e. May 12th., '61; Yadkin co.
Hutchins, H,R,, e, Maiy 12th, '&1; Yadliin co.
Hill, N,A,,.e. May 12th., '61; Yadkin co.; d. September 10th, '61,
Howell, J. B,, e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co. ; d. Sept, 18th, '61.
Hendricks, S. A., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Irwin, Samuel, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,; d. Sept, 2.5th, '61,
Jolinson, W. F., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Lawrence, Lee, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Mag, Monroe, e. May '12111, '61; Yadkin CO.
McBride, J. L,, e. May 12tli, '61 ; Yadkin co.; p, CorporaL
Norman, Wm., e. May r2th, '61; Yadkin co.; p. Corporal and d,Sept,27lh, '61,
Gverby, E. J., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.; d. Sept,20tlK '61,
Overby, A, M.,.e. May 12th,'61; Yadkin co.; dg„
Pendry, W, A., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co,
Pendry, J. C, e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadb in co.
Reavis, J, M., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co,
Reavis, J. F,, e.May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Reed, W. F,, e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co-,
Reece, T. A., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co-.
Seat, N. T,, e. May 12th,- '61 ;•. Yadkin co.-
Sloat, W, F., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co-:
Shores, M. G., e. May 12th, '61; Yadldn co.-
Sawyers, A. F., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co.
Shores, N. D., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co.
Sliores, A. D., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co.
Stigart, J. L., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Snow, J, C, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Smith, J. T., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co;
Vestal, W. P. L., e. Ma;y 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Vestal, D. A., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Woodruff, Vincent, e. May 12tb, '61; Yadkin cov
Wagoner, Wm., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Wood, H. R,, e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Whitaker, H. M., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co,
Williamson, W. H., e. May r2th, '61; Yadkin co.
Whitehead, Wm, e. May 12tb, '61; Yadkin co.
Whitaker, L. D., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Whitlock, A. H., e. May 12th, '61; Yadkin co.
Woodhouse, W. A., e. May 12th, '61 ; Yadkin co.-
NOTB.— This Company and Company E were trahsfevrod to thC' Ist Baaalioi! ot
Sharpshooters in 1862, and were no longer reported with the 21st Regiment,
Company C— Twenty- First Regiment 181
Barley Y. Graves, Captain, em. May 20th, '61; Surry eo,; p. Major June 10th, '62.
Byrd Snow, Captain, cm. June 10th, '62; Surry co. ; p, from 1st Lieut,
John K. Phillips, 1st Lieut., cm. May 2nth, '61; Surry oo.; d. Sept. 5th, '6L
Benjamin F. Bray, 1st Lieut., cm. Dec. 28th, '61; Surry co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Byrd Snow, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Surry co, ; p. from ranks,
Logan T, Whitlock, 1st Lieut,, cm. June 10th, '62; Surry co,; p, from 2d Lieut.
Logan T. Whitlock, 2d Lieut., cm. May 20th, '61; Surry co,; p. 1st Lieut.
Benjamin F. Bray, 2d Lieut., cm. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; p. 1st Lieut.
Thom^as A. Davis, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Surry co. ; p. from Sergeant.
S. F. Scott, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Surry co, ; p, from Musician ; r. Dec. 23d, '62.
Frost Snow, 2d Lieut., cm. July 20th, '52; Surry co,; p. from ranks; k. May 1st,
'63, at Chancellorsville.
l^'rank V. Banner, 2d Lieut., cm. January 26th, '63; Surry co,; w, at Gettysburg;
p. from ranks.
W. G. Foy, 2d Lieut,, cm. ; Surry eo. ; p. from ranlis,
Richard H. Grentry, 1st Sergeant, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co,; p. Com. Sergeant.
Thomas A. Davis, 2d Sei-geant, e. May 20tli, '61; Surry co.; p. 2d Lieut.
Daniel S. Golding, 3d Sergeant,.e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; d. of w. received at
Drewry Cockerham, 4th Sergeant, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Samuel Low, 5th Sergeant, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; w. at Winchester and
Andrew T. Galyer, 1st Corporal, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co.
Samuel T. Sandefer, 2d Corporal, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co.
Spradley Dillard, 3d Corporal, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
David G. Minker, 4th Corporal, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Shadrick F. Scott, Musician, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Armstrong, Rufus, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d.
Armstrong, William A., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ^
Adkins, Jeremiah, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Banner, Frank V., e. May 20th, '61 ; Snrry co. ; w. at Gettysburg; p. 2d Lieut.
Barker, Jonathan, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. October 25th, '61.
Bundraut, John, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stoke co.
Bowen, Chapell, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Banner, W. C, e. Aug. 14th, '02; Surry co. ; w. at Chancellorsville,
Baker, G. W., e, June 6th, '63; Johnson co.
Creed, J, W., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co.
Creed, Jonathan, e. Aug, 14th, '62; Surry co.
Cox, Alomonda, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Coherham, P. H., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
€'allaway, W. H., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at 2d Manassas; p. Sei'geant.
Camming, J. W., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Hazel River.
Denny, Azariah, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co.
182. North Carolina State Troops.
Davis, W. H., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co.
Foy, W. G., e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Francis, W. R., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.; w. at Fredericksburg-,
Francis, John, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Francis, Uriah, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Flippen, Samuel, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Flippen, Henry ,'e. Aug. ]4th, '62; Stokes co.
Franklin, William L., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; d.
Galyer, W. H., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; d. in November.
Galyer, Alfred, e. May 20th, '61; Surry eo. ; w. at 2d Manassas.
Griffith, Meshach T., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Glassgow, William H., e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co.
Gates, William, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. for disability.
Goenes, James H., e. May 20th, 61; Surry co. ; dg. August 5th, '62'.
Golding, J. v., e. March 23d, '63; Surry co.
Gillespie, T. M., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co. ; d.
Green, N. M., e. June 6th, '63; Montgomery co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Herring. H. H.,e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co.
Holland. W. H., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.; d. of w. received at Fredericksburg.
Hunley, John, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.; d. July 28th, '63.
Harrison, Jeremiah, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; dg.
Harrison, James F., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; d. Sept. 18th, '61. ,
Hatcher, David, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Sept. 18th, '61.
Hodges, Jesse, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry eo.; d.
Hodges, James, e. May 20th, 61; Surry co.; w. at Sharpsburg.
Hamby, A. C, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co.
Holder, D. M., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Turkey Bend and Getlysburg^,
Holder, H. J , e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Winchester; p. Corporal.
Hyatt, J. M., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Herring, Robert D., e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. Nov. Sd, '61.
Johnson, W. H., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; dg. November, '61.
Johnson, Alexander E., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Johnson, W. A., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Johnson, John, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co,
James, J. H., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Johnson, McC, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co.
Kidd, B. F., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co. ; pr. at Gettysburg; d. at Point Lookout
Lewis, W. T., e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co.
Linthieum, S. W., e. June Gtli, '63; Randolph co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Lundy, Israel T., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Hazel River and Chancellors-
Lundy, James J., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. Sept. 1st, '61.
Lanhicum, Charles H., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Lowe, Daniel, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; k. at Winchester.
Lowe, Albert, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Lemmons, J. R., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; p. Sergeant.
Martin, C. C, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; k. at Winchester.
McKinney, Ell H., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Moody, Ruel, e. May 20ch, '61; Surry co.; w. at 1st Winchester.
McGee, Daniel, e. Aug. 14th, '62; Surry co. ; d. a prisoner at Gettysburg.
Norman, G. B., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; pr. at Turkey Bend.
Norman, Cornelius W., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co,
Norman, Henry F., e. May 20th, '61; k. at 1st Winchester.
Norman, Preston, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Dompuny B— Twenty- First Regiment. 188
Norman, Dickerson, e. May 30th, 'CI; Surry co.; d. Sept. 27th, '61.
Owens, John, e. Aug. 14th, '61; Stokes co. ; d.
Overby, W. H., e. Stokes co.; d. May 28th, '63.
Overbay, J. H., e. August 14th, '62; Surry co.
Parrish, Allen, e. June 6th, '63; Chatham co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Pari'ish, Stephen, e. June 6th, '63; Johnson co. ; pr. at Gettysburg,
Patterson, A. F., e. August 14th, '62; Surry co.
Payne, John, e. May oOth, '61; Surry co. ; d. Sept. loth, '61,
Ramey, Charles W., e. May 30th, '61; Surry co.; d. Sept. 10th, '61,
Ramey, Andrew, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Rutledge, W. G., e. August 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Rutledge, B. F., e. August 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Robbins, L., e. June 0th, 03; Johnson co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Snow, Samuel, e. June 6th, '63; Chatham co.
Smith, L. J,, e. June 6th, '63; Guilford co.
Snow, A. L., e. August 14th, '62; Surry co.
Snow, Byrd, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; p. Captain June 10th, '62.
Snow, Frost, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; p. 2d Lieut.; k. May, '63, at Chancellors-
Snow, Thos T., p. May 20th, '61; Surry co ; dg. Aug. loth, '61.
Sanders, Robert G., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; k. at Wincherter.
Sinter, William, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; d. in '61.
Sparger, Jame«, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Shephard, Gideon, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Timmor.s, John A., e. August 14th. '62; Stokes co.
Timmons, Isaac, e. August 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Timmons, Alexander, e. August 14th, '62; Stokes co.
Vernon, Geoi'ge, e. May 20lh, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Turkey Bend and dg.
Venable, Oscar, e. May 2nth, '61 ; Surry co.; d. July 10th, '62.
Wright, A. B., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; d.
Whitlock, John, e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. Sept. 28th, '61.
Wall, Hyram G., e. May 20th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. Jan., '63.
Wall, D. J., e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Wilmoth, Ezekial, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Wicker, J. J., e. June 6th, '63; Chatham co. ; pr. at Gettj'sburg.
Whitlock, John, e. May 20th, '61; Surry co.
Alfred H. Belo, Captain, cm. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Alexander Miller, Captain, cm. March 12th, '63; Forsyth co.; w. at Richmond;
p. Major March 12th, '63; k. at Gettysburg; p, from ranks.
R. A. Barrow, Captain, cm. May 26th, '63; Forsyth co.; p. from 1st Lieut.
J. W. Miller, Captain, cm. March 12th, '63; Forsyth co. ; w. at 2d Manassas; k.
May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville; p. from 1st Lieut.
W. L. Martin, 1st Lieut., cm. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
David P. Jackson, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Forsyth co.; k. Aug. 26th, '62, at 2d Ma-
184 North Ca,roliiia State Troops.
J.W. Miller, 1st Lieut., cm. Aug. 28th, '62; Forsyth co.; p. and k.
R. A. Barrow, 1st Lieut, em. May 5th, '63; Forsyth co.; p. from Sergeant; p. Cap_
tain May 26th, '63.
Gabriel T. Clayton, 1st Lieut., cm. May 26th, '63; Forsyth co.; p. from 2d Lieut-
C. A. Brietz, 2d Lieut., cm. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.
David Barrow, 2d Lieut., cm. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Gabriel T. Clayton, 2d Lieut., cm. ; p. from Sergeant; p. 1st Lieut.
Albert Alspaugh, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Forsyth co.; w. at 2d Manassas; p. from
John W. Miller, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Forsyth co. ; p. and k.
Wm. J. Pfohl, 1st Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; p. Captain in Com. L.
(Samuel C. James, 2d Sergeant, e: May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Lieutenant in
Com. L.
Gabriel T. Clayton, od Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; p. 1st Lieut. May
26th, '63.
Albert Alspaugh, 4th ^Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; p. 2d Lieut. ; w. at
2d Manassas.
G. E. Sussdorff, 5th Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
David P. Jackson, 1st Corporal, e. May 22d, '01; Forsyth co. ; p. 1st Lieutenant;
k. Aug. 28th, '62, at 2d Manassas.
Henry W. Barrow, 2d Corporal, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; p. Q. M. Sergeant.
John W. Miller, e. 8d Corporal, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Captain March
I2th, '63.
Henry Hughes, 4th Corporal, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. July, '62.
Calvin T. Wrenn, Musician, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
.lames Reich, Musician, e. Ma^ 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; tr. to 1st Battalion.
Bogles, J. C, Musician, e. July 15th, '61;iForsyth co.
Atkins, John, e. Sept. 20th, '03; Forsyth co.
Adams, W. H., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; m. at Cross Keys.
Adams, J. A., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Sept. ISlh, '61, at Front Royal, Va.
Atwood, Benjamin F., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Bonner, Edward J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Barrow, Charles, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Sergeant.
Barrow, Reuben, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Captain May 25th, '63.
Barber, William T., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; dg.
Beck, James T., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Beason, Wra., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
liilliter, Philip L., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. at Front Royal, Va.
Billiter, John H.,e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. October 29th, '61.
Binkley, Jacob W., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Boles, William, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Jan. 18th, '62, at Front Royal.
Boles, James P., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept., '61, at Manassas.
Biles, J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsytli co.; w. at Cross Keys.
Butner, Henry L., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Sept., '61, at Manassas.
Butner, James, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Butner, Augustus L., e. May^22d, '61; Forsyth co.; k. August 28th, '62, at 2d Man-
Boyd, W. J., e. Julj' 8th, '62; Forsyth co.; pr. at Chancellorsville.
Britt, M. C, e. July 8th, '62; Moore co.; d. in Hospital.
Rarr, John, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
Compsmy JD— Twenty- First Regiment. 186
Barton, Jno., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Croft, S. W., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Crawford, R. R., e. June 1st, '63; Randolph co.
Cumbey, Wiley, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
demons, W. W., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Chamberlain, Martin, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Clayton, Matthew C, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. December, '61.
Clemons, flenry W., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; k. at 2d Manassas.
Cofer, John, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. September, '61, at Manassas.
Copeland, Bedford B., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; k. at 2d Manassas.
Doub, J. N. S., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; w. at 2d Manassas.
Deaton, J. M., e. July 8th, '62; Moore co.
Dyal, Calvin, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Davis, Thomas, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
Earnest, Henry, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Ellis, A., e. June 1st, '63; Moore co.
Elrod, J. J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; m. at Gettysburg.
Fogler, Samuel T., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. December, '61.
Pulp, James, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Grubb, James, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Hart, Henry, e. May 28th, '61; Forsyth co.; pr. November 28th, '63.
Hart, William A., e. May 22d, '61; Virginia; d. Oct. 10th, '61, at Manassas.
Hauser, Joseph, e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept. 21st, '61, at Front Royal,
Hauser, John M., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Herald, Wm., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Hester, John A., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; d. of w. received at Cross Keys.
Hicks, Abraham, e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; d. at Front Royal.
Hines, L. F., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Hines, John, H., e. May 22d, '62; Forsyth co. ; dg. in,'62.
Holder, D. J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; dg. Aug., '62.
Holland, Junius R., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Hedgecock, A., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. August, '62, at Gordonsville.
Hunter, Thomas, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
Ingram, John, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.; k. at Chancellorsville.
Jenkins, Robert M., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Jones, J. R., e. July 8th, '62; Davidson co.
Kennedy, Joel, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. Aug., '61.
Kizer, Alexander W., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; pr. Nov., '63.
Lasley, Charles M., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; w. near Richmond.
Lienback, Philemon, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Luniley, David, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; pr. Nov. 28th, '63.
Linville, E., e. March 28th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. of w. received at 2d Manassas.
Lang, Thomas, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Lowder, P., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Randolph co.
Long, A. G., e. July 8th, '63; Forsyth co.; pr. at Fredericksburg, Va.
Moat, William, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. Feb., '62, at Manassas.
Miller, Samuel E., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Miller, C. W., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. in '62, at Winchester.
Moore, James, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Moore, John H., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Moore, James R., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Moore, B., e. March 23th, '02; Forsyth co.; d. of w. received near Richmond. '
Miller, E., e. March 28Lh, '62; Forsyth co.; dg.
Miller, Alexander, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth CO.; k. at Gettysburg.
Merritt, J. M., e. July 8th, '02; Forsyth co.
186 North Carolina, State Troops,
Merritt, John, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.; d. in Hospital.
Mager, Andy, e. July 8th, '62; Forsj'th co. ; k. at Chancellorsville.
Moss, S , e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth Co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Moffitt, W. A., e. June 1st, '63; Randolph co.
Matthew, James, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
Marshall, W., e.Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Moses, Jacob, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Miller, Alexander, e. June 11th, '61; Fors\ th co. ; p. Captain.
Ogburn, Matthew L., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; dg. August, '62.
Ogburn, William, e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Parson, William, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Parson, Henry, e. May 22d, '61; Forsytii co.; d. September, '61, at Manassas.
Pettis, Charlie D., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Oct., '61, at Front Royal.
Phillips, F. W., e. May 22d, '61 ; Forsyth co.; d. Oct., '61, at Front Royal.
Pfohl, Thomas, e. March 28th, '62; Forsyth co.; tr. to Com. L in '62.
Pedicard, S., e. March 28th, '62; Forsyth co.; dg. Aug., '62.
Pedicard, Wm., e. March 28th, '61; Forsyth co.
Ransom, George W., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Reich, Permania, e May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. December, '61, at Manassas.
Rutzel, Christian, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. September, '61, at Manassas.
Reynolds, Columbus L., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Rights, A. J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Reich, James, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth CO.; dt. Musician.
Rowan, Q,., e. June 1st, '63; Robeson co.
Russ, C, e. June 1st, '63; Robeson co. ; dg. Dec, '63.
Samuels, James A., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. October, '61.
Scales, Peter H., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Sites, G. W., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. August, '61.
Shultz, P. F., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; dg.
Smith, John G., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. October, '61.
Smith, William, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Sprinkle, Martin, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Stephens, Alfred, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; k. at Sharpsburg.
Styers, Jesse J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Styers, Edward J., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Starr, A , e. March 28th, '62; Forsyth co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Sprinkle, J. P., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Sprinkle, P. A., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Southern, James, ;. Sept. 20th, '63; P'orsyth co.
Smith, J. W., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Stokes co.
Spicer, J. W., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yakdin co.
Southern, John, e. Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Styers, N. R., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Scott, Thos., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.; d. in Hospital.
Terry, B. S., e. Tuly 8th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. August, '62, at Gordonsville.
Thomassan, H. W., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Tuttle, John, e. July 8th, '62; Stokes co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Thomas, W. H. H, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Vogler, Wm. P., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Vass, Wm. H. H., e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth CO.; p. Sergt. and pr. at Gettysburg,
Wadlingtou, J. C, e. May 22d, '61; Caswell co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Webb, James C, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Sergeant in '63, and w. at Gettys-
Webster, George, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Compmy E— Twenty- First Regiment. 187
Wliite, William, e. May 22d, '61; Forsyth co.
Whicher, Levi S., e. May 22cl, '61; Forsytli co.
Wren, Calvin, e. May 22cl, '61; Forsyth co.; dt. Musician.
White, James, e. July 8fch, '62 Stokes co. ; w. at Gettysburg
AViles, N., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
"Watson, A., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Forsyth co.
Avails, J. W., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
White, W. C, e. June 1st, '63; Cleveland co.
Wiles, E., e. Sept. 20th, '63; Yadkin co.
Itufus W. Wharton, Captain, cm. May 2tth, '61; Forsyth co.
Philip D. Headley, 1st Lieut., cm. May 24tli, '61; Forsyth co.
Julien R. Vogler, 2d Lieut., cm. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Charles B. Brooks, 2d Lieut., cm. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co,
Newell W. Sapp, 1st Sergeant, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Wm. H. Shepperd, 2d Sergeant, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
('ornelius A. Shotley, 8d Sergeant,- e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Wm. D. Owen, 4th Sergeant, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
A. B. Butler, 1st Corporal, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
James E. Shultz, 2d Corporal, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Thomas Hunter, 3d Corporal, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Sept. 28th, '61.
J. C. Phillips, 4th Corporal, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth eo.
Aldridge, Wm. J., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Bundle, John P., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.j tr.
Honeycastle, Ephraim, e. July 12th, '61; Forsytli co.
Brov/ning, Bartlett H., e. July 12th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept. 7th, '61.
Clewill, A. A., e. July 17th, '61; Forsyth co.
(Jhitty, Reuben, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Close, Thomas D., e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Carmichael, L. F., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Crowder, Nathaniel, e. January 15th, '61; Forsyth co.
Carmicheal, William F., e. May 24th," '61; F^orsyth co.; tr.
Cooper, John A., e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Crouse, Daniel J., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co. ; tr.
Douthit, Thomas B., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Davis, J. C, e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
F.sic, Theophilus, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Edwards, William, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Eberham, L. D., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co. ; tr.
KuUer, Wm. L., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
188 Forth Carolina, State Troops.
Fuller, David C, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Foy, William G., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Fisher, C. E., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Griffin, John R. e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Gilliam, Andrew, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.; tr.
Hall, Samuel G., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Hauser, Calvin E., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Hauser, William, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Hendrix, John, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Hunt, Nathan, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Hindsdale, David, e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Hall, Jasper N., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Hammer, Sandford V., e. May 14th, '61; Forsyth co.
Henshaw, Wm. J , e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Ingram, Eli S., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Ingram, James D. C, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Joal, John, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Joal, Herbert N., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Keehler, Francis E.,e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth.
Kinnaman, George, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Kizer, J. J., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Kizer, John A„ e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Lewis, Jacob J., e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Lewis, Joel H. e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Meek, Christian L., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Moser, John H., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Murchison, D. B., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.; tr.
Newsom, Green, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Nelson, Elijah, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Nisson, George, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Porter, George W., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Porter, F. M., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Porter, John H., e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Parks, Robert J., e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Reich, J. E., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Reich, Jos. H., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Reid, James T., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Rothrock, John M., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Snider, William P., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Spears, Solomon, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept. 5th, '61.
Swain, Eli, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Swain, Columbus H., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept. 18th, '61.
Swain, John, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Shouse, Eli R., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Shouse, Wiley, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Sapp, Hartwell B.
Sapp, NeAvell, e. June 17th, '61; Forsyth co. -
Sapp, John, e. July 26th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Shore, Henry L., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Smith, John, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Stewart, Samuel J., e. May 24th, '61; Forsj'th co.
Stafford, Zodo M., e. May 24th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Vass, Adrian L., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Webb, Albert H., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Wright, Lorenzo D., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
CorapMf F— Twenty^ First Uegimeat
Williamson, Swift, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Welch, Jacob J., e. May ^4th, '61; Forsyth co.
Welch, Alphius S., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.-
Welch, Henry N., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Wilson, Joseph, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Whicher, Cyrus F., e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth co.
Waugh, Samuel A.-, e. May 24th, '61; Forsyth eo.; tr^
llufu^ K. Pepper, Captaifi, em. May 29th, '61 < Stakes co. ;' pi LieQt.- Colonel April
26th, '62.
Wm. S. King, Captain, cm^ ; Stokes co.; p. from Sergeant; r. Sept. 15th, '62.-
John W. Beard, Captain, cm. ; Davidson co,; w. at Wiiichester and Gettys"
John C. Blackbtirn, 1st Lieut.-, cm^ May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Wilbourn B. Shonb, 1st Lieut., Stokes co.-; p.- from ranks; k. August 28th, '62, at
2d Manassas.
E. H. Amburn, 1st Lieut., cm. August 28th, '62; Stokes co. ; p. from ranks ; w. at
Wm. B. Sebomb, 1st Lieut,, Stokes co.-; p. frona ranks; k. at 2d- Manassas.
John K, Pepper, 2d Lieut., cm. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Thomas J. Blackburn, 2d Lieut., cm. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.-
Sarauel M. Jessup, 2d Lieut^, Stokes co. ; p. from ranks.
Andrew J. Nunn, 2d Lieut., Stokes co.-; p. from ranks.
Wm. S/ King, 1st Sergeant, e. May 29th, '61; Virginia; p. Captain; r. September'
15th, '62,
Wm. O. McConless, 2d Sergeant, e. May 29tb, '61; Virginia; w. at Hazel River,
H. W. Rierson, 8d Sergeant, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co,
John M. Sisk, 4th Sergeant, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co,
Abraham J, Neal, 1st Corporal, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. in '62,
li. H. Harris, 2d Corporal, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; k, at Winchester.
J. W. Kelly, 3d Corporal, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes eo.
Francis M. Shackelford, 4th Corporal, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co,
G. Warren, Musician, e. May 29th, '61; Virginia; dg.
A. W. Rutledge, Musician, e. May 29ih,- '61; Stokes co,
Amburn, E. H,, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; p. 1st Lieut.; w. at Fredericksburg,-
Auburn, J. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Bennett, J. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.; k. at Gettysburg.
Bennett, James E., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Bennett, M. M., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.; d.
Bennett, Martin, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
190 North Carolina State Troops.
Bowman, G. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Ball, W. W., e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co.
Boyles, John, e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co.
Boyles, Gabriel, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Bennett, Wm., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes, co. ; w. at 2d Manassas and Gettysburg.
Boles, M., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Beard, J. W., e. May 29th, '61: Davidson co. ; p. Captain; w. at Winchester and
Boyles, A. S., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; k. at 2d Manassas.
Bowman, A. J., e. May 29th, '61; Siokes co.
Boles, Burgess, e. May 29ih, '61; Stokes co.; d. January, '62.
Baldwin, N., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. Sept. loth, '61.
BuUiu, Peter J., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; d. Sept. 15th, '61.
Cook J. W., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; w. at 2d Manassas.
Cook J. H., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Richmond and Fredericksburg,
Cook R. W., e. May 29th, '01 ; Stokes co. ; vv. at Winchester and 2d Manassas.
Collins W. H., e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; w. at Winchester, 2d Manassas and
Covington, Peter, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; d. August, '61.
Colter, Wesley, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Coler, Richard, e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Candle William H., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; d. September 25th, '61,
Darnell Morga,n, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61.
Dorsett, Martin, e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Darnel, Martin, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Uuggins, H. D., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Kdwards, Calvin, e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Fulk, Henry, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Fulk,Landy, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Fulk J. W., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; w. below Richmond.
Fnlk', Winston, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; k. at Hazel River.
Fulk,' Martin, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Fossett, Alexander, e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; k. at 2d Manassas.
Gibson, Martin, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; dg.
Golding, Isaac, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Glidewell, John H., e. May 29lh, '61 ; Stokes co.
Gri''"-, James H., e. May :^yth, '61; Stokes co.; dg. Jane, "62.
Gladwell, J. H., e. May 2yth, '61 ; Stokes co.
Howell. Jere. H., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; d. Sept., '61.
Hancock, Wm., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Hauser B. H., e. May 29th, '61; Stokesco.; w. at 2d Manassas and Winchester.
Hauser', E. J., e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Hampton, G. C, e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. April 17th, '62.
Hill B. G., e. May 29lh, '61; Stokes co.; dg. August 29th, '62.
Hill', W. S., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Harrison, Robert D., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Helsebeck, E. J., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Hicks, Able, e. July 25lh, '62; Stokes co.
Hicks, Thornton, e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co. ,
Hicks, Jacob, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co. ; d.
Hicks, Peter, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Hicks, Stephen, e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co.; d.
Hick, Peter, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Hick,Stephen,e. July 25th, '62; Stokesco.; d.
Hick,' Leonard, e. July ajth, '62; Stokes co.
Company F—Twen ty- First Regiment. 191
Illcks, Howell, e. July 25tli, '02; Stokes co. ; d.
Hartman, G. C, e. May 21th, '62; Stokes CO.; p. Corporal; k. at 2d Manassas.
Jaiues, Willis, e. Julj' 25tti, '6.!; StoLses co.
Joyce, R. J., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
James, Martin O., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; p. Sergeant.
Jessup, Samuel M., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
King, J. C, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
King, W. H., e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; \v. at 2d Manassas ; d. Jan. 15lh, '61.
Kearby, P. B., e. April 7th, '62; Stokes co.
King, J. IT.,e. July 25th, '02; Stokes co.
King, A. M., e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co.
King, H. L., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.; d. in Hospital.
King, J. Q. A., e. July 25th, '02; Stokes co.
Lawson, J. R., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Lawson, W. H., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Lowery, Ed., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. Sept. 1st, '01.
Lovins, Ed. R.,e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co.; dg. August 5th, '03.
Lawson, Moses, e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; w. at 2d Manassas; p. Sergeant.
Melvin, James Henry, e. Maj^ 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; k. at Winchester.
Melvin, Robert, e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; d. August, '61.
Mabe, J. M., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Winchester and k. at Chancellors-
Mabe, Mark, e. May 29th, '01 ; Stokes co.; d. August, '62.
Mabe, Lewis, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Mounce, Joel, e. May l9th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. August, '62.
Mounce, G. W., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Mounce, John H., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; d. April, '02.
Morris, Loekey, e. July 25th, '62; Moore co.
Newsom, A. T., e. July 5th, '62; Forsyth co.
Newsom, J. W., e. July 5th, '62; P'orsyth co.
Nucn, William, e. May 29th, '01 ; Stokes co.
Nunn, A. J., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co.; p. 2d Lieutenant.
Nunn, Jefferson, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September, '01.
Overby, J. E., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; k. at Winchester.
Odell, A. N., e. May "29th, '01; Stokes co.
Page, William, e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; w. at Winchester.
Page, J. H., e. May 29th, '01 ; Stokes co.
Rutledge, Adney, e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; dg. November, '61.
Rutledge, Irvin, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. November, '61.
Rutledge, Martin, e. May 29th, '01; Slokes co.; w. at Winchester; p. 5th Serg't.
Roberts, John H., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; w.at Winchester and Gettysburg.
Rierson, Wm., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; d. September, '01.
Riggs, R., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; dg.
Riggs, Francis M., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; d. at Gharlotte Sept., '01.
Stephens, John H., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61.
Sizemore, Henry W., e. May 29th, '01 ; Stokes co. ; d. September. '61.
Smith, William A., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; p. Sergeant.
Sehomb, Wm. B., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co.; p. 1st Lieut. ; k. Augnsf, 29th, '62, at
2d Manassas.
Savage, E. A., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co.
Khackleford, Julius H., c. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; w. at Hazel River and Win-
chester; dg.
Southern, Thomas S., e. May 29th, '01; Stokes co.
Southern, W. W., e. July 28th, '02; Stokes co.
Southern, W. B., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
i92 North Carolim State Troops.
Smith, John, e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co.; d. May, '63.
Smithermon, Alex,, e. July 25th, '62; Forsyth coj
Sizemore, W. H., e. May 24th, '62; Stokes co<
Terry, Lewis J , e< May 29th, '61; Stokes co.
Wagner, John, e. May 29thj '61 ; Stokes co.<
Waguer, A. B., e. May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co*
Webster, William H., e, May 29th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; tr. to 21gt Regiments
Wall, W. A., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Wall, J. W., 0. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co. ; dg. November, '62.
Wall, G. A., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co. ; w, at Chancellorsville.
Wall, W. D., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.; k. at Gettysburg.
Veable, John Q., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co<; d. September, '6L
Williams, John W., e. Ma,y 29th, '61; Stokesco,; w. at 2d Manassas; k, at Gettys-
Wall, Isaac H., e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Ziglor, Daniel C, e. May 29th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61<
Siias Westmorelaiid) Captain, cnij May 30th, '61; Stokes coj
Hiram S. Ligon, Captain, cm. ; Stokes co, ; p. from Sergeant and k. Jilay'
25th, '62, at Winchester.
James O. Blackburn, Captain, cm. May 25th, '62; Stokes co, ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Saunders Fulton, 1st Lieutenant, cm. May 30th, '61; Stokes co,; p. Major April
20th, '62.
Vincent H. Hazlip, 1st LieUt,, cm, — ■ — ; Stokes co,; r, June 11th, '62, for w, re-
ceived at 2d Manassas,
Thomas B. Gentry, 1st Lieut., cm. August 7th, '62; Stokes co.; p. from 2d Lieut,
Wm. E. Willis, 2d Lieut., cm. May 30th, '61; Stokes co,
James O. Blackburn, 2d Lieut., cm. May oOth, '61; Stokes co. ; p.
Thoma.s B. Gentry, 2d Lieut., cm. April 27th, '62; Stokes co.; p, from i-anks; p.
Mills V. Tuttle, :.d Lieut., cm. ; Stokes co. ; r. June 18th, '63, for w. received
at 2d Manassas ; p. from ranks,
William F. Nelson, 2d Lieut,, cm, ; Stokes co.
W. B. Vaugh, 1st Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; p. Sergt, Major.
Wm. F, Nelson, 2d Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May, '63,
Wm. H. Hendrick, od Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Forsyth co. ; tr. to Com. L.
T. Ij. Carmichael, 4th Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Virginia; tr. to Artillery.
H. S. Ligon, 5th Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; p. Captain.
A. A. Withers, 1st Corporal, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. Dec, '63.
James Edward Revel, 2d Corporal, e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; k. at Winchester,
John Thomas Lewis, 3d Corporal, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; dg. June 10th, '62,
George W. Leach, 4th Corporal, e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Edmund Coley, Musician, e. May oOth, '61; Stokes co, ; w. at 1st Winchester.
Kizer, Wm. H., Musician.
Compsiiiy G— Twenty-First Regiment. 193
Abbott, Elisha.
Baker, James Calvin, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; w. at 1st Wiachester.
Baker, Francis J., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Bennett, William, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. August Sth, '61.
Bennett, Elihu, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; dg.
Bennett, James A., e. May 80th, '61; Stokes co.
Blackburn, Columbus M., e. May 80th, '61; Stokes co,; dg. June, '62.
Blackburn, John A., e. May 30th, ""ei; Stokes co.; k. at 2d Manassas.
Eoleyjack, Ephraim B., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. Sept. 23d, '61.
Boggs, Jacob A., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; dg. August, '61.
Boyles, James M., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Boles, Alexander M., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. of w. at Winchester
Bowman, William H., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. September, '61.
Brown, Bedford S.
Bennett, James A., Jr.
Baker, Alexander.
Browder, John N.
Brown, John M,
Ohatman, William
Carroll C. J.
tlarroU, John H,
Crews, M. S.
Crumpler, Irvin A. T., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Cromer, John N., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Cromer, W. R., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d.
Calhoun, John S., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. October, '61.
Carter, James, e. May 30th, '61; Rockingham co.
Carlisle, William, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Davis, Thomas B., e. May 30th, '61; k. at Winchester.
Davis, James F., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co,
Davis, Samuel M.
Dal ton, S. G. J.
Fulton, E. K.
Fulton, J. W.
Fulton, Samuel.
Fletcher, John W,, e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d.
Furgerson, Gideon, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Furgerson, John H., Sr., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Furgerson, John H., Jr., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Fulk, John David, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Fulk, Wm. R. M., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Francis, Francis B., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; dg.
Fulton, Fewell, e. May 30th, '61; Forsyth co.
Fulton, J. P., e. May 30th, '61 ; Forsyth co, ; d. Sept., '61.
Fulton, Hugh Pettis, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Winchester and Gettys-
Fry, Benjamin B., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Fry, Henry Gray, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. Sept., '61.
Gofr, L. M., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Goode, George, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Gentry, Thomas B., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; p. 1st Lieut. Aug, 7th, '62.
Glidewell, Noah M., e. May 30th, '61; Forsyth co.; dg.
Gibson, John H.
Golding, Samuel L.
194 North Carolina, State Troops.
Golding, Henry B.
Goff, A. L.
Goff, E. A.
Goff, W. G.
Glidewell, H.
Haizlip, Vincent H., e. May 30tti, '61 ; Foisyth co. ; p. 1st Lieut. ; r. for w. receiv-
ed at 2d Manassas.
Hill, George G., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Hiclis, James, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Hampton, Wm. W., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Hampton, A. M. e. May 3[)th, '61; Stokes co.
Hopkins, AVm. P., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; dg. Oct., '61.
Jones, Thomas J., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. Sept., '61.
iviger, Wm. A., e. May 30th, "61; Stokes co.; dg. Oct , '61.
Kiger, Benjamin F., e. May 30th, 01; Stokes co.
Kiser, Lewis J., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61.
[viser, Levi. e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; pr. at Gettysbvirg.
Iviser, Alfred, e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Kiser, John H., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. Sept., '6L
Kiser, Wm. A., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Kiser, Wm. H., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Kingsbury, John B., e. May 30th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Kargerson, J. T.
Kiser, Alexander.
Kiser, Daniel.
Kiser, Fandy.
Kiser, Michael.
Kiser, Philip.
Lash, John C, e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. January, '62.
Ligon, Obadiah, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at 2d Manassas; pr. at Gettys-
Leach, Thos. J., e. Maj' 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Lasley, Isa W.
Lillotson, D. H. O.
Moore, Alexander, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at 2d Manassas and Gettys-
Messer, Thos. A., e. May 30th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; d. September, '61.
Morris, Francis M., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. Sept., '61.
Morris, John A. e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61.
Morris, Geo. W., e. May 30th. '61; Stokes co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Miller, W. S., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Moser, J. J., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Moser, Edward W., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61.
Moosefleld, Elijah, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September, '61.
Nobles, Alexander.
Neal, Thomas.
Poindexter, Gabriel W., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Wincliester, Manassa.s
and Fredericksburg.
Robertson, Daniel, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. in '62.
Rierson, John W., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; p. 2d Lieut, in 53d Regiment,
Rainey, Virgin M., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. June, '62.
Rutledge, Irving D., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; d. January, '62.
Rutledge, Francis E., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Smith, Thos. J., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co,; k. at Chancellorsville,
Vompa^ny H—Twenty-Iirst Regiment 195
Hpanhour, Sanford E., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; w. at Winchester; d. Feb-
ruary, '62.
Samuel, Albert W., e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co-
Starbuck, H.
Samuel, Thomas I.
Samuel, William P.
Smith, James M.
Smith, Sidney,
Smith, Alexander.
Smith, Lovelace.
vSmith, Jackson.
Samuel, Albert H,
Smith, W. H.
Sizemore, Sandford.
Thomas, Berry.
Tuttle, John W.
Tuttle, W. M.
Tuttle, Thomas J.
Tuttle, W, B.
Tuttle, A. G,
Tuttle, James M,
Tuttle, Thornton.
Tuttle, S.
Taylor, A, P,, e. May 30th., '61 ; Stokes ce. ; w. at Winchester.
Taylor, Thomas J., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Winchester.
Tattle, Mills V., e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co. ; p. 2d Lieut. ; r. for w. at Manassas.
Tindal, James, e. May 30th, '61; Stokes co.
Vaughn, Francis M,, e. May 30th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; k. at Winchester.
Vaughn, Beverly J,, Stokes co. ; k. at 1st Winchester,
Wall, Wm. E.
Wall, Charles T.
Welch, D, W.
Wood, John Wm,
Westmoreland, Alex.,
White, David E.
Welch, W. W.
Watford, William,
Warren, Richard,
Warren, Henry,
I, R. Waugh, Gap^tain, cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Vndrew P. Shores, Captain, cm. April, '62; Surry co. ; p. from Corporal; k. Aug.
22d, '63, at Rappahannock Station.
E. P. Nicholson, Captain, Surry co. ; p. from ranks.
■Tames H. Jones, Captain, cm. ; Surry co.; w. near Richmond and at Fred-
ericksburg ; p. from 1st Lieut.
J«.mesH, Jones, 1st Lieut,, cm, June 5th, '61; Sxirry co.; w, and p.
196 lorth Carolina State Troops.
William R. Martin, 1st Lieut., cm. August 27th, '62; Surry co.; p. from 2d Lieut^
William A. Jenkins, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
William H. Adams, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Alexander Cbatham, 2d Lieut., cm. September, '61; Surry co.-; p. from Sergeant.
Daniel J. Cockerham, 2d Lieut,, em. April, '02; Surry co.; w. at Gettysiourg; p.
from Corporal.
William R. Martin, 2d Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Surry co.; p^from Sergeant; p.
A. M. Johnson, 2d LietJt., em. October, '63; Surry co. ; p^ from Sergeant,
Nathan H. Gwyn, 1st Sergeant, e. June 5th, 'ijl^ Surry co.; dg. October, '61, for
Ambrose M. Johnson, 2d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Oct., '63.
William K. Martin, 3d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; p. 1st Lieut. August
27th, '62.
Alexander Chatham, 4th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co,; p. 2d Lieut.
S- A. Waugh, 5th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Forsyth co.; tr. to 1st Battalion.
Daniel C. Wolf, 1st Corporal, e. June 5th, '61: Surry co,; d. October, '61.
Daniel J. Cockerham, 2d Corporal, e, June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; p. 2d Lieut.; w. at
Henry J. Gilaspie, 3d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; k, November 7th, '63,
at Rappahannock.
Andrew P. Shores, 1th Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; k- August, '03, at
Rappahannock; p. Captain.
Ayers, Joel, Surry co.; dg. Sept-, '62, for disability.
Adams, John Q, S., Surry co., d. Nov., '01.
Axom, Israel P., Surry co.; k. at Winchester.
Asliburn, W. W.,e. July 15th, '02; Surry co,
Ashhurn, Thomas, e. July 15tb, '62; Surry co,
Burchett, Jackson, e. June 5th, '6i ; Surry co.
Bnrris, J. E., e. June 6th, '61; Surr3r co.
Butcher, Jackson, e. June5th, '62; Surry co.; w. at Cross Keys June Uth, '02.-
Bledsoe, Henry H., e. June 5th, '62; Surry co. ; d, Aug., '61.
Butcher, James, e, June 5th, 61; Surry co. ; w. at Sharpsburg; dg. May, '63,
Butcher, N. F.,e, June 5th,'61; Surry co. ; d. August, '61.
Brinkley, K. W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Bledsoe, W. II., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Aug., '81,
Brown, Iredell, e, June 6th, '62; Siirry co,; d. January, '02.
Baker, Benjamin, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Bullin, E. D., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Brill, Eli, e, May 8th, '03; Gaston co.
Bullen, Jesse, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,; dt. drummer.
Carter, S. H., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. near Richmond.
Chandler, P. G., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. Dec, '01, for disability,
Cripman, W. R., e. June 5th, '01; Surry co.; w. at Shai-psburg.
Cockerham, J. E., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Oct., '61,
Cockerham, P, H., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; dg. June, '62,
Churcher, J. C, e. June 5th, '01; Svtrry co.; dg. April, '62.
Carpenter, Philip, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. Sept., '62.
Gritefleld, Richard F., e, June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Uop, R. A , e. June 5th, '61; Surry cc.
• Company E— Twenty- First Regiment. 197
Dunnlngan, Joel, e. June 5th, 'CI; Surry co. ; d. in '62.
Draughn, J. L., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. Jan., '62.
Dearman, John J., e, June 5th, '61; Surry co.; p. Corporal; w. near Richmond.
Dodson, Elias, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. for disability.
Edmunds, James T., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Aug., '6L
Bades, Wm. H., e, June 5th, '61; Surry co, ; d. Aug., '61.
Edward, Adison D., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Eldridge, James N., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co,
Evans, Alfred, e. June 5th, '61; Wilkes co. ; d. Jan., '62.
Edmunds, W. G., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Winchester.
Gentry, William, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; p. Sergeant; d. July, '63.
Glassgow, A. J., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Gibbons, J. E., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Gordon, J. D., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Holyfield, John, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; pr. at Fredericksburg and Gettys-
Holyfleld, Enoch, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Holyfield, Williami, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Holyfield, Jeflferson, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; dg. in '62.
Holyfleld, Wm. A., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. of \v. at 2d Manassas.
Harris, C. H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; k. May 25th, '62, at Winchester.
Holder, John, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; w. and pr. at Sharpsburg.
Hauser, J. W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. September, '61,
Hudson, George W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. August, '61.
Hunt, B. F., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Hunt, J. J., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Idle, J. C, e. Juneoth, '61; Yadkin co. ; p. Corporal; w. at Cedar Run and Gettys-
Jenkins, John J., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Johnson, Alfred H., e. June 5th, '61; Virginia.
Johnson, N. A., e. May 8th, '63; Surry co. ; w. at Gettysburg-
Jones, W, T., e. May 8th, '63; Randolph co.
Jobbling, T. J., e. May 8th, '63; Randolph co.
Key, Lewis J., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co-
Key, A. S., e, June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Kullin, Jesse, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; k. .Tuly, ^63, at Gettysburg.
Logan, L. C, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Lassiter, S., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; k. May 25th, '62, at Winchester.
Lassiter, John, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
Loggins, Thomas, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Marion, Jeff., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. August, '62.
Marion, J. F., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; k. May 25th, '62, at Winchester..
Mosely, James H., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. February, '62, for disability.
McKinney, William, e. Jiine5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. August, '61.
McKinney, James, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. August, '61.
McKinney, A., e. June 5th, '61; Surry eo. ; p. Musician.
Midkiff, J. J., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Minish, Abraham, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Minish, Jeremiah T., e. June 5th, '61; Surrj'^ co. ; k. May 25th, '62, at Winchester.
Mooney, William, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
McGlanhan, .Tames W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Marion, Henry, e. July 15th, '62; Surry eo.
Marion, William, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Marion, Thomas M., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Dec, '6L
Mickle, Henry H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. June, '62.
North Carolina, State Troops.
Miller, William, e. May 8th, '63 ; Guilford co. ; c. at Gettysburg-..
Moore, J. H., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Marshall, C. M., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Mickle, Henry H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
Nicholson, E. P., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; p. Captain; d. May, '62„
Weave, W.R., e. May 8th, '63; Guilford co.
O'Neal, James, e. June oth, '61; Surry co. ; p. at Gettysburg.
O'Neal, Elias, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Peel, William, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. Aug., '61.
Pierce, William, e. May 8th, '68; Randolph co.; d. June, '63,
Ring, Augustine, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; p. Sergeant.
Ring, Martin, e. June 5th,. '61; Surry co.
Reid, John, e. June 5th. '61 ; Surry co. ; dg. July,. '62, for disability.
Reynolds, John, e. June 5t.h, '61; Surry co.
Reid, James, e. June 6th, '61; Surry co.
Richardson, W. D., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; w. at Rappahannock ; k. at Fred-
Roberts, William, e. May 8th, '63; Guilford co.
Snow, Thomas, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; w. at Sliarpsburg ; k, at Chanceilors-
Share, James C, e. June 5th, '61; Surry c-o. ; k. at Cross Keys.
Southerlin, Wiley, e. June 5th, 61; Surry co.; dg. Sept., '61.
Sprinkle, Andrew J., e. June 5th, '61; w. at 2d Manassas.
Simmons, W. D., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Dec, '61.
Scott, Thomas, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. September, '61.
Stewart, P. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Stultz, J. E., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.; w. atChancellorsville,.
Shinalt, Benj., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Smith, J. W., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Saunders, Wm., e. March 8th, '63; Guilford co..
Sawyers, John, e. June 5tb, '61; Surry co.
Sawyers, Solomon, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,
Shaw, John C, e. ; d. September 28th, '61.
Vaughan, .John, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,; dg,
Venable, Wm., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Venable, Alien, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Wilmotb, RuflBn, e. June5th,'61; Surry co.; d. Sept., '61,
Wilmoth, Calvin, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Woodrufi; W. W., e. June 5th, '01; Surry co. ; k. May 25th, '62, at Winchester,.
Whitaker, Joshua, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Wall, Stanley, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,; d. Jan., '62,
Woodruff, Enoch P., e. .lune 5th, '61; d. Sept., '61.
Ward, John H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
Wall, Andrew J., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w, at Chancellorsville.
Wall, Newell J., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
Ward, Clinton, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,; d. in Hospital.
Whitaker, G. W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Whitt, Anderson Ij., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Whitaker, K. D., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Winfrey, H. F., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Wood, Peter, e. J ily 15th, '02; Surry co.
Water, J. M., e. May 8th, '63; Guilford co.; w. at Gettysburg,
Wicher, Eli, e. July 25th, '62; Forsyth co.; d. June, '63.
Gompsmy I— Twenty- First Regiment. i99
John C. Gilmer, Captain, cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
M. L. Patterson, Captain, cm. April, '62; Surry co.; p. from Sergeant and w. at
2d Manassas.
Matthew C. Moore, Captain, cm. .\pril 25th, '63; Surry co.
Matthew C. Moore, 1st Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; p.
W. H. Pell, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Surry co.; p. from 2d Lieut, and w. at Chancel-
John M. Gynn, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ,
R. O. T. Banner, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Robt. P. Rawly, 2d Lieut., cm. April, '62; Surry co.
James A. Hill, 2d Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Surry co.; r. Oct. 30th, '62.
Wm. H. Pell, 2d Lieut., cm. Jan. 1st, '63; Surry co.; p. from Sergeant; w. and p.
R. P. Rawly, 1st Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; p. 2d Lieut.; dropped from
Joseph Davis, 2d Sergeant, e. June olh, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Cliancellorsville.
Wm. H. Pell, 3d Sergeant, e. June 5th,'61; Surry co.; p. 2d Lieut, and w. at Chari-
M. L. Patters:>n, 4tli Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Surrj^ co.; p. Captain and w, at
2d Manassas.
James W. Shelton, 5th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,
Yancey Jones, 1st Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
James Belton, 2d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; dg. July 16th, '62.
(ieorge W. Williams, 3d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. January, '62, at
Joseph Taylor, 4th Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Awbury, George, e. June 5th, 61; Surry co. ; d. August, '61, at Manassas.
Allen, William, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Allen, Joseph, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
AUgood, R. H., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.; d. December 5th, '63.
. Ballard, John W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Baldwin, James E., e. June oth, '61; Surry co. ; k. June 11th, '62, at Cross Keys.
Baldwin, W. D., e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; k. August 28th, '62, at 2d Manassas.
Baldwin, F. M., e, June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. August, '61, at Manassas.
Boyles, R. W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Boyles, C. H., e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co.
Boyles, Alexander, e. July 2.5th, '62; Stokes co. ; d. February, '63.
Bennett, Reuben G., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Winchester.
Beasley, James W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Barr, Isaac, e. July 2.5th, '61 ; Stokes co.; d, September, '63.
Ballington, H. L., e. July 15tli, '61; Stokes co.
Creed, D. H>, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
<'onter, W. S. W., e. June 5th, '81; Surry co. ; w. at Winchestei'.
200 Forth Gsirolim State Troops,
Cullen, A. A., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
'Cullen, C. W., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co. ; d. July 5th, '63.
Caveniss, Ishani, e. July 15th, '62; Surry CO.
Culler, E. A., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Culler, A. H., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Culler, W. J., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Culler, J. M., e. July loth, '62; d. September, '62.
Davis, B. F., 6. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Durham, A. J., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Fi'edericksburg^.
Durham, James M., e, June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Dick, Thomas W., e. June 5th, '61; Surrj'' co.
Denney, Harvey, e. JuneSth, '61; Surry co.; d. Nov., '61.
Edward, William, e. July 25th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d, Sept., '62.
Edwards, John, e. July 2oth, '61; Stokes co.; d. Dec, '63.
Faulkner, John Henry, e. July 5th, '61; Surry co.
Fowler, Charles, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Fulk, Haywood, e. July 15th, '62; Stokes co.
Pulk, George, e. June 5th, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. Jan., '63.
Gravley, John Lee, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.; d. Aug., '61, at Manassas.
Gordon, Wm. A., e. Jane 5th, '61; Surry co.
Green, Wm. Henry, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Aug., '61, at Manassas.
Green, J. S., e. June 5th, 'Gl ; Surry co.
Gray, J. Q,., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Grigg, Wm. Alexander, e, June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; dg. June, '62.
Harrison, Little, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,
Hefler, Tyson, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
Hall, D. C, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; dg. Nov., '62.
Hill, San ford, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.; w. at 2d Manassas Aug. 28th, '62.
Hill, Rufus W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; k. at Winchester.
Hill, James A., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,; p. 2d Lieut.; r.
Johnson, David C, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; k. at Chancellorsville, May, '63.
Johnson, Samuel, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co,
Johnson, James, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; dg. Oct., '61.
Jackson, Wm. e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; d. Aug., '61, at Manassas.
Kingsbury, Edmund E., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
King, William, e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Keen, Elisha, e. July 25th, '62; Rockingham co. ; dg. July, '62.
Lowe, Wm. A., e. July 25th, '62; Surry co.; d. Nov., '62.
Love, Hardin J., e„ July 25th, '62; Surry co. ; dg. Sept., '62.
Lowell, James, e. July 25th, '62; Surry co.; dg. Sept., '62.
Linville, R., e. July 25th, '62; Surry co.
Mason, W. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes.
Moses, J. R., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.; d. July, '63.
Mickey, J. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co. ; k. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Mickey, W. A., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes.
McKinny, Wm. E , e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. Oct., '62, of wounds received at
McBrides, John, e. JuneSth, '61; Surry co. ; dg. Nov., '61.
Owens, Alexander, e. June 5th, '61; Sui-ry co.
Poore, Thomas, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; m. at Gettysburg.
Poore, Charles, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; dg. August, '62.
Poore, Ricard, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. October, '61.
Pritchett, W. J., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; w. at Chancellorsville and Gettys-
Pettitt, George, c. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Company K— Twenty- First Regiment. 201
Perkins, Wm. C, e. June 5th, 61 ; Surry co. ; d. September, '61.
Reynolds, Virlin, e. June 5th, '61; Surry CO.; k. at Cross Keys June 11th, '62.
Rawley, C. W., e. July 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; k. Aug. 22d, '62.
Roark, Squire Martin, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; k. Aug. 28th, '62.
Rottenburg, John, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Rottenburg, William, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.
Snodd, Riley, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; d. Aug., '61.
Shelton, Edward F., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Stone, J. J., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Sutvin, Irwin, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Stone, E. M., e. June5lh, '61; Surry CO.; k. at Gettysburg.
Sparger, J. M., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; w. at Winchester and Richmond.
Savage, T. A., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Scott, T. M., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Scott, L. H., e. July 25th, '62; Surry co.; w. at Chancellorsville; d. July, '63.
Scott, H. M., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Taylce, Gabriel, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; k. May 3d, '63.
Tuttle, J. C, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; k. at Chancellorsville.
Tuttle, Thomas, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Vaughn, J. Zebulon, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co. ; w. at Rappahannock and Gettys-
Vernon, H. L., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; w. at Winchester; k. at Chancellors-
Watson, E. D., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Warden, R. W., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.
Warden, Newell, e. June 5th, '61; Surry co.; d. November, '61.
Whittington, J. H., e. June 5th, '61; Surry co. ; k. at Gettysburg.
Whitaker, Giles, e. June 5th, '61 ; Surry co.; w. at Manassas and Winchester.
Wall, G. W., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Wall, James, e. July 25th, '62; Forsyth co.
Wall, L. H., e. July 25th, '62; Stokes co.
Wall, Azariah, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.; d. September, '62.
Wilson, W. J., e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.
Woodley, Wesley, e. July 15th, '62; Surry co.; pr. at Chancellorsville.
F. P. Miller, Captain, cm. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; p. Major; k. at Sharpsburj
David Rawson, Captain, cm. ; Forsyth co.
C. B. Ziegler, 1st Lieut., cm. June 11th, '01; Forsyth co.
John L. Pratt, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Forsyth co.; p. from Sergeant.
Wm. F. Swain, 2d Lieut., crn. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Alexander Miller, 2d Lieut., cm, June Uth, '61 ; Forsyth co.; p. and tr.
Calvin Crews, 2d Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Forsyth co.; p. from Sergeant.
S. D. Newsorn, 2d Lieut., cm. April 2Gth, '62; Forsyth co. ; p. from Sergeant.
202 North Carolina State Troops.
Calvin Crews, 1st Sergeant, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth eo. ; p. 2d Lieutenant April
26th, '62.
John L. Pratt, 2d Sei'geant, e, June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. 1st Lieutenant April
26th, '62.
Madison H. Lulian, 3d Sergeant, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Yerby B. Cassal, 4th Sergeant, e. .June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; p.
Samuel D. Newsom, .5th Sergeant, e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant
April 26th, '62.
.John D. Carter, 1st Corporal, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept. 17th, '61.
.Tno. L. Waggoner, 2d Corporal, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Dec. 7th, '61.
Wm. Crews, 3d Corporal, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. *
John F. Stewart, 4th Corporal, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; p. 2d Sei'geant
April 26th, '62.
James H. Coley, Musician, e. ,Iune 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
4raos Billirtie, Musician, e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Atkinson, J. D., e. May 28th, '63; New Hanover co,
Albartj', James J., e. June Hth, '61; Forsyth co.
Aldridge, J. A., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth CO. ' .
Bevel, Allen W., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co.
Burner, Wm. H., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Boyer, Ralph, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. February 29th, '62.
Brewer, Joseph, e. June Hth, '61; Forsyth co.
Barham, E. S., e. June Hth, '61; Forsyth co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Barron, David, e. May22d,'61; Forsyth co. ; p. Captain and w. at Fredericksbilrg
and Chancellorsville.
Boyer, Radford, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Graver, PI. H., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Crater L. J., e July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Cox, Gabriel G., e. June Uth, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; d. June oOth, '62.
Cline, William, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; dg.
Cline, Philip, e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co.; dg.
Creekman. George M., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg.
Crews, R. H., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. : p. Sergeant; pr. at Gettysburg,
Conrad, Alpheus S., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. for disability.
CuUen, Sanders, e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co; d. of w. at Cross Keys.
Dwiggins, D. W., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. of w. at 2d Manassas.
Doub, H. H.,e Feb. 17th, '63; Forsyth co.
Duncan, John, e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. June, '62.
KUiott, Senry H., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; \v. at Gettj'sburg.
Essie, Valentine, e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. for w. at 2d Manassas.
Fanster, William, e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co.
Franklin, Wm. C, e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; w. at Chancellorsvil!e and Gel
Grimes, J. W., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg.
Gordy, Julian, e. .Tune Uth, '61; Forsyth co.
Hanes, Jacob, e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. March, '03.
Hester, Wm. H., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co.; w. at Cross Keys.
Holder, George, e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co.
Hill, Samuel, e. June IHh, '61; Forsyth co.
Hedge, Amos, e. Uth, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg.
Holder, W. C, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
. Company K— Twenty- First Regiment 203
Holey, "William, e. July Sth, '62; Forsyth co.
Idol, J. F., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; w. at Fredericksburg.
Joyner, Elias A., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Johnson, P. G., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Feb. 22a, '63.
Kreeger, James, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Kuotts, \Vm. R., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; m, at Sharpsburg Sept. 17th, '62.
Kimble, Lewis, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Ketner, Leonard, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Livengood, William, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co..
Jjong, Joseph, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Livengood, Joshua, e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. June, '62.
Lineback, B. F., e. Feb. 17th, '63; Forsyth co.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Lineback, J. A., e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. January, '63.
Ledford, Andrew, e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co.; d. September 17th, '62.
Lancaster, W. M., e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; w. at 2:1 Manassas.
IjCWIs, Isaac, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
I^ewis, Wm,, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth eo.; d. of w. received at 2d Manassas,
Lewis, James H., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Livengood, Levi, e. June 11th, '61 r Forsyth co.
Linebark, J. H., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Sergeant,
Linebark, John W., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. July, '61.
Ledford, Edwin, e. Forsyth co. ; w. at Manassas: d. August, '61.
McKnlght, Marion F., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Oct., '61.
Marshall, Wilson, e. June 11th, "61; Forsyth co. ; d. Nov., '61.
Montgomery, J. M., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d, August, '62, of w. received
on Jam.es River.
Moser, Isaac, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Marshal, Peter, e. February 17th, '63; Forsyth co.
Mendenhall, Franklin, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.; dg.
Mooney, Peter, e. May 26th, '63; Lincoln co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Ncwsom, H. B., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; w. at 2d Manassas and k. at Chan-
Newsom, G. D., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; dg. Oct., '61.
Nelson, George, e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; w. at Sharpsbui-g.
Nelson, Joseph, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Powers, John H., e. June lltb, '61; Forsyth co.; w. at Cross Keys and Richmond,
Petree, J. J., e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; dg. 6or disability in "61.
Petree, Alex W., e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth eo. ; k. at 2d Manassas.
Preston, John W., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Preston, Nathaniel, e. June 11th, '61 ; Forsyth co. ; dg. for disability.
Pfatr, Miles A., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Nov., '61.
Pfaff, John D., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. January, '62.
Payne, Andrew, e. June lith, '61; Forsyth co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Poindexter, Johnston, e. June Hth, '61; Forsyth co.
Robertson, Wm., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; w. at Hazel River.
Reich, Lewis, e. June Hth, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Sept. 9th, '61.
Reich, Constantine, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; k. at 2d Manassas,
Rempson, John.e. June Hth, '01; Forsyth co. ; dg. Aug., '62.
Rominger, Wesley J., e. June Hth, '61 ; Forsyth co.
Robertson, Christian, e. May 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Keich, B. F., e. May 8th, '62; Forsyth co. ; d. September, '63.
Robertson, Frank, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Robertson, John, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
lieioh, William, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Reich, G. F., e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co.; dg. May, '63.
Stultz, Joel, e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co.; d. December, '62.
204 North Carolina State Troops.
Shamel, W. W., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Bhamel, Junius, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Spaugh, Obadiah, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Spaugh, J. E., e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Spaugh, Simon, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Spaugh, Jones, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Sides, Winston, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Shrouse, Christian, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. for disability.
Stack, W. L., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.
Stack, D. P., e. June Hth, '61; Forsyth co.
Shultz, J. P., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. December 21st, '63, of w. received
at Malvern Hill.
Shultz, J. A., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; k. at 2d Manassas.
Stewart, Andy A., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; dg. Nov. 25th, '61.
Shutt, Samuel, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; p. Sergeant.
Trotter, J. B., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; dg. Aug., '62.
Transom, Reuben, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Oct. 13th, '61. .
Transom, Owen C, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Oct., '61.
Vawter, Alex. L , e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Sept., 61.
Venable, Rial, e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co.; d. Aug., '62.
Vest, Wesley W., e. June Uth, '61; Forsyth co.
Vogler, J. L., e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth CO. ; d. January, '63.
Warner, Jacob, e. July 8th, '62; Forsyth co.
Warner, F., e. March 27th, '62; Forsyth co.; d. September, '62.
Young, Robert B., e. June 11th, '61; Forsyth co. ; d. Jan., '62.
William L. Scott, Captain, cm. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Lieut. Colonel Feb.
1st, '62.
William S. Rankin, Captain, cm. April 26th, '62; Guilford co. ; p. Major August
28th, '62; p. from 1st Lieut.
John E. Gilmer, Captain, cm. August 2Sth, '62; Guilford co.; w. at Fredericks-
taui'g; p. from 1st Lieut.
William S. Rankin, 1st Lieut., cm. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p.
Wilson S. Hill, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co. ; p. from Sergeant.
John E. Gilmer, 1st Lieut., cm. April 26th, '62; Guilford co.; p. from Corporal; p.
John S. Dick, 1st Lieut., em. Aug. 25th, '62; Guilford co.; w. at Fredericksburg;
p. from 2d Lieut.
John Doggett, 2d Lieut , cm. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Andrew Summers, 2d Lieut., cm. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
John S. Dick, 2d Lieut., cm. — ; Guilford co. ; p. from Corporal; p.
J. A. Cobb, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co. ; w. at Winchester and Gettysburg;
p. from ranks.
S. F. Stewart, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co.
Wilson S. Hill, 1st Sergeant, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. 1st Lieut.
H. M. Clapp, 2d Sergeant, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. August 29th, '61.
Luther W. Scheck, 3d Sergeant, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p.
. Company M— Twenty- First Regiment. 205
S. F. Stewart, 4th Sergeant, e. Juue 4th, '61; Guilford co.; p. 2d Lieut.
Isaac W. Garrett, Sth Sergeant, e. June 4th, 'Bl; Guilford co. ; d. Aug. 27th, '61.
John E. Gilmer, 1st Corporal, e. Juue 4th, '61; Guilford co.; p. Captain August
28th, '62.
J. S. Dick, 2d Corporal, e. June 14th, '61 ; Guilford co, ; p- 1st Lieutenant August
28th, '62.
O. Robert Coble, 3d Corporal, e. June 14th, '61; Guilford co.
Robert A. Wilson, 4th Corporal, e. Juue 14th, '61 ; Guilford co.-; p,; d. December
Alexander, Harrison, e. June 4th, '61; Gttilford co.
Alexander, R. H., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; d. May 13th, '62.
Boon, John P., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. at Fredericksburg.
Boon, L. H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Boon, Howard G., e< June 4th, '61 ; Guilford' co.
Blackwell, W. P., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Brittain, James H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Black, Monroe H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; w. at Gettysburg.-
Brothers, Mark, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. Oct. 9th, '6L
Buchanan, R. C, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.-; d. Oct, Qth, 62.
Blakely, John, e. July 8th, '63; Guilford co, ; w. at Gettysburg.
Clapp, Somerson, e,- September 20th, '63; Randolph co.
Clapp, George, e. September 20th, '61: Guilford co.
Coe, Wm. W., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. of w. received at Gettysburg,
Cobb, John H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. August Sth, '61.
Cobb, Robert R,, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. of w. received at Fredericks^
Cobb, Fealty A,, e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Cobb, .John A., e. .June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Coble, G. W. B., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d, Aug. 22d, '61.
Coble, Gero,, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. Sept. 21st, '61.
Coble, Eli S., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guillord co.
Cummings, John F., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co, ; k, at ChancellorsviUe.
Clapp, Peter R., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. August 24th, '6L
Clapp, Eli P.-, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co., d. September 2lst, '61.
Clapp, John C, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Sergeant.
Clapp, Henry C, e. Juneltli, '61;- Guilford co.; p. Corporal; w. at Cross Keys,
Dick, Franklin, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co,
Dobson, E. W., e. June 4tb, '61; Guilford co.; k, August 22d, '62, by accident,
Devault, J. R., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Corporal; k. at Winchester.
Duggins, A. v., e. August Sth, '62; Stokes co.
Duggins, W. A., e. August Sth, '62; Stokes co,
Duggins, J, F., e. August Sth, '62; Stokes co.
Duggins, M. M., e. August Sth, '62; Stokes co.
Duggins, William, e. August Sth, '62; Stokes co.
Duggins, J. R., e. August Sth, '62; Stokes co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Elliott, W. A., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Corporal; sv. at Gettysburg,^
Fryar, John A., e. June 4th, '61; Guilfoi'd co.
Forbis, William A., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; dg. December 16th, '61.
Fields, Charles H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Oaut, Jonathan M., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Gant, Thomas J., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. August 2Qth, '61.
Gerringer, Martin, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; dg.
206 North Garolina State Troops,
Gerringer, John S., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Hicks, Emsley, e. August 10th, '62; Randolpli co.
Hockett, William, e. July 8th, '63; Guilford co.
Harvey, Vrice, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. at Winchester.
Hart, John W., e. June 4th, '01; Guilford co. ; d. August 26th, '62.
Hufflnes, William R., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.; d. of w. at Wincliester,
Hubbard, Joseph A., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. and disabled at Williams-
Jugle, Henry, e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilfoi-d co.
Jugle, Rufus W., e, June 4th, '01 ; Guilford co. ; w. at MaJvern Hill, and %v. and dis-
abled at Fredericksburg.
Josel, Joshua, e. August 8th, '62; Stokes co.
Josel, Samuel, e. August 8th, '62; Stokes co.
Kussume, Elisha, e. July 8th, '63; Guiltord co.
Lineus, David M,, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Lambeth, James M., e. July 22d, '61; Guilford CO.; d. August 21st, '01,
Lambeth, Cornelius L., e. July 22d, '(Jl; Guilford co.
Layton, John C, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. October 12th, '61.
Lewey, Addison, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. September 12th, '61.
Montgomery, Jesse A., e. July 22d, '61; Guilford co.; k. at Hazel River.
May, Martin B., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. September 6th, '61.
Marshall, Isaac, e. June 4th, '61; Guiltord co. ; d. May r2th, '62.
McPherson, Alexander, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; w. at Fredericksburg; p.
McLean, Joseph M., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Nelson, James M., e. August 8th, '62; Stokes co.
O'Bryan, John M., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford CO.; dg. January 10th, '61.
O' Bryan, James T., e. July 22d, '61; Guilford co.
Parker, Wm. E., e. July 22d, '61; Guilford co.
Pritchett, John R., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford CO.; p. Sergeant.
Rankin, Wm. H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. at Cross Keys; p. Sergeant.
Reynolds, Daniel W., e. June 4th, '01; Guilford co.; d. May 19th, '03.
Richardson, William, e. August 8th, '02; Stokes co.
Richardson, Joseph, e. August 8th, '62 ; Stokes co. ; d. of w. at Fredericksburg,
Sykes, William W.. e. July 22d, '61; Guilford co.; d. September 16th, '61.
Summers, William E., e. July 22d, '61; Guilford co. ; d. October 7th, '62.
Summers, Harper, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; p. Sergeant.
Summers, J., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Stewart, W. H., e. .Tane 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Sochwell, R. M., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Sochwell, David, e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Smith, Jesse A., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. September 12th, '61.
Shoe, Peter, e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Soots, Samuel, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Sheppard, J. S., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Stratford, R. A., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Simpson, James S., e. June 4th, '01; Guilford co. ; d. September 13th, '61.
Simpson, D. T., e. July 22d, '61; Guilford co.; d. September 1st, '61.
Tickell, William R., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Tickell, Levi R., e. June 4th, '01 ; Guilford co.; dg. December 12th, '61.
Thomas, R. H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; dg. September 13th, '61.
Wilson, Madison, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; d. December 12th, '01.
Waynick, Daniel, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.; p. Corporal; d. of w. at Win-
Walls, Wilson, e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co.
Company M— Twenty- First Regiment. 207
Wayiier, Daniel, Jr., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Corporal.
Wiley, Eli H., e. June 4th, 'Gl; Guillord CO.; p. Corporal; k. at Ciettysburg.
Watson, Francis M., e. .June 4th, '01; Guilford co.
Wilson, James M., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Wooten, Calvin H., e. June 4th, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Sergeant.
Wyrick, James M., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Wright, John M., e. June 4th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; \x. at Fredericksburg.
208 Field and Staff— Twenty-SeGond Regiment.
c .captured.
cm commissioned.
CO county.
Com Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg discliarged.
dt detailed.
k., :.... killed.
m missing.
p promoted.
pr prisoner.
r resigned.
tr transferred.
■w, wounded.
James Johnston Pettigrew, Colonel, cm. July 11th, '61; Tyrrell co. ; p. Brigadier
General; w. and pr. May 31st, '62, at Seven Fines; mortally \v. July 4th, '63,
near Gettysburg.
Charles E. Lightfoot, Colonel, cm. March 1st, '62; Virginia.
James Connor, Colonel, cm. June 14th, '62; South Carolina; ^Y. and r. August
13th, '63.
Thomas S. Galloway, Colonel, cm. September 1st, '63; Rookingliam co. ; p. from
Captain in 45th Regiment.
John O. Long, Lieut. Colonel, cm. July 11th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr. May 31st, '62.
Robert H. Gray, Lieut. Colonel, cm. June 14th, '62; Randolph co.; p. from Cap-
tain of Com. F. ; d. March 16th, '63.
C. C. Cole, Lieut. Colonel, cm. March 16th, '63; Stokes co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chan-
Thos. S. Galloway, Major, cm. July llth, '61; Rockingham co. ; p.
C. C. Cole, Major, cm. June 14th, '62; Stokes co. ; p. and iv.
Laban Odell, Maj«r, cm. March 6th, '63; Randolph co. ; p. from Captain of Com.
D; k. May 8d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Graham Daves, Adjutant, cm. .June 24th, '61; Craven co. ; p, CapL.iin and A. A.
G. April 1st, '62, Major and A. A. G. Nov. 3d, '62.
J R. Cole, Adjutant, cm. Oct. loth, '62; Guilford CO.; r. Feb. 20tb, '63.
J. H. Wilborn, Adjutant, cm. May 22d, '63; Guilford co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chan-
cellorsville; p. from Sergeant Major.
J. R. Hall, Surgeon, cm. July llth, '61; Davidson co. ; r. Oct. 10th, '02.
Silas Johnson, Surgeon, cm. June 20th, '62; Alabama; tr.
P. G. Robinson, Surgeon, cm. Dec. 23d, '62; South Carol in;!,
B. A. Cheek, A. A. Surg., cm. July 24th, '61; Warren co.
A. B. Cox, Chaplain, cm. July 16th, '61; Alleghany co.; r. Oct. 19th, '62.
Compa,ny A — Twenty- Second Regiment. 209
James J. Litchford, A. Q. M., cm, July 19th, '61; "Wake co.
J. D. Wilder, A. Q. M., cm. June 14th, '62; Caswell co.
H. W. Connor, A. C. S., cm. June 13th, '62; South Carolina.
K. C. Graham, Sergeant Major, Craven co.; p. 2d Lieut, in Com. I Aug. 12th, '61,
and Captain Com. E, 27th Regiment, Nov. 10th, '62; w.
J. H. Palmer, Sergeant Major, Chatham co., p. 2d Lieut, in Com. F.
T, J. Hooper, Sergeant Major, Rockingham co.
J. W. Graves, Q. M. S., Caswell co. ; p. Captain of Com. G.
H. T. Reed, Hospital Steward, McDowell co.
J. S. Robbins, Ordnance Sergeant, Randolph co.
M. Dodson, Hospital Steward, Guilford co.
H. F. Craig, Q. M. S., McDowell co.
G. L. Russell, Ordnance Sergeant, Montgomery co.
J. M. Rush, Q. M. S., Randolph co.
E. C. Neal, Commissary Sergeant, McDowell co.
W. F. Jones, Captain, cm. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; r. April 30th, '6L
Thomas D. Jones, Captain, cm. Aug. 8th, '61; Caldwell co.; k.. May 31st, '62, at
Seven Pines; p. from 1st Lieut.
James M. Isbell, Captain., cm. June 1st, '62; Caldwell co. ; r. Oct, 28th, '62; p.from
2d Lieut.
Wm. B. Clark, Captain, cm. ; Mississippi; tr. from 47th Miss. Regiment May
10th, '62.
Thomas D. Jones, 1st Lieut, cm. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; p. and k.
Joseph B. Clark, 1st Lieut., cm. Oct. 10th, '62; Caldwell co.; p. from 2d Lieut.
James W. Sudderth, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Caldwell co. ; w. at Seven Pines ; r. Oct.
10th, '62; p. from Sergeant.
James M. Isbell, 2d Lieut., cm. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; p.
Joseph B. Clark, 2d Lieut., cm. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; p.
Felix Dula, 2d Lieut., Caldwell co.
Wm. W. Dickson, 2d Lieut., Caldwell co.
Wm. B. Clark, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Mississippi; p.
Marcus Deal, 2d Lieut., Caldwell co. ; p. from ranks.
J. W. Justice, 2d Lieut., Caldwell co. ; p. from ranks.
J. W. Sudderth, 1st Sergeant, e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; p. 1st Lieut. ; w. a%
Seven Pines; r. Oct. 10th, '62.
W. S. Sudderth, 2d Sergeant, e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w. at Seven Pines :
C. Caison, 3d Sergeant, e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; dg. May 12th, '62.
,S. H. Oxford, 4th Sergeant, e. April 3Uth, '61; Caldwell co. ; p. 1st Sergeant; w.
A. W, Austin, 5th Sergeant, e. April 30th, '61.
210 North Carolina, State Troops.
L. M. Dinkins, 1st Corporal, e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; \v. and pr.
William Reld, 2d Corporal, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. Sept. 25th, '62.
(Taston G. Hood, 3d Corporal, e. April oUth, '61; Caldwell co.; d. July 12th, '62.
Elkanah Austin, 4th Corporal, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. May 12th, '62
Abernathy, W. T. R.,e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; k. June 30lh,'02, at Frazier's
xVllen, B. G., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.
Anderson, E. L., e. July 23d, '61; Caldwell co. ; w.
Allen, W. A., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w.; dt.
Adams, J. A., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell Co.; w.
Ijadger, John M., e. April 3Uth, 'Gi; Caldwell co. ; w.
Barnes, George W., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. June 10th, '62.
Benfleld, E. A., e. April 30th, '61; Alexander co.
Barlow, Pickens, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; p. Sergeant and w.
Burns, VV. P., e. April 30th, '61; Catawba co. ; dg.
Bryant. W. P., e. April 30th, '61; Caklwell co.; w. and c. May 12th, '64.
Benfleld, George, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; d. August 5th, '62.
Besaner, A. N., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; d. of w. received June, '62.
Clark, S. M., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; p. Sergeant and w.
Clark, Hiram K., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; k. at Frazier's Fatm June, '62.
Cobb, B. F., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. June 17th, '62.
Coffey, A. B., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; p. Sergeant and pr.
Coffey, H. C, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.
Coffey, Sidney, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. June, '62, of w.
Coleman, J. A., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. of w. Oct. 20th, '64.
Conley, J. G., e. April 30lh, '61; Caldwell co.
Criger, Michael, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; w.
Crump, John F., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. June Iflth, '62.
Campbell, John, e. Aug. 1st, '63; Caldwell co. ; dg.
Clarke, W. B., e. May 10th, '62; Mississippi; tr. from 7th Mississippi and w. June
22d, '64.
Clark, D. P., e. Oct. 1st, '62; Caldwell co.; d. July 22d, '63;
Clarke, ISIathan, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w. and d.
Clark, R. B., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w. twice.
Coffey, Larkin, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w. and c. May 12th, '64.
Clifford, Andrew, c. March 17th, '62; Caldwell co. ; d. June 15th, '63.
Cloyd, J. G., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; d. June 15th, '62, of w. received at
Seven Pines.
Coleman, R. A., e. July 23d, '61; Caldwell co. ; dg. June 10th, '62.
(lark, H. A., e. July 23d, '61; Caldwell co.; w. three times.
Dula, J. PI., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w.
Dula, F. "W., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w.
Dula, S. P., e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; dg. July 3d, '61.
Dula, F. P., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; p. 2d Lieut. Aug. Sth, '61.
Dickson,W.W.,e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; p. 2d Lieut. Aug. 8th, '61; pr.
July 3d, "63.
Deal, A. J., e. Oct. 1st, '03; Caldwell co. ; p. Corporal.
Deal, Marcus, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; p. 2d Lieut. ; w.
Deal, Pinkney, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; p. Lieut, in 20th Regiment; k, at
Cold Harbor.
Deal, Rufus, e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w.
Diamonds, Robert, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.
dompany A— Twenty- Second Regiment. 211
'Dainiels, James, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; dg. June 10th, '62.
Dula, S. A., e. April 30th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w. ; dg. July 2d, '64.
Dula, A. J>, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w. and c. June 23d, '64,
Estis, J. M., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w.
Estis, Samuel, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; k. May 31st, '62.
Ellis, W. F.,e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksbtirg.
"Fowler, W. H., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w. and c. May 12th, '64.
Fields, T, F., e. March 19th, '62] Caldwell co,
Fisher, H. C, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co,
Fisher, J, B., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; k-. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Fincanon, James M,, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; tr. to Artillery July 23d, '61.
Fields, S. E,, e. March 14th, '61; Caldwell co.; c. July 3d, '63.
'Green, Collet A,, e, April 30th, '61; Ashe co, ; w.
Grider, Tilghman, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.
•Gilbert, I. T., e, March 19th, '62; Caldwell co ; d. June 22d, '62,
Gains, J, R, e, March 19th, '62; CaWwell co.; pr. July 3d, '63.
■Healon, M. O., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Helton, Joseph, e, March Iffth, '62;Cald\vell co.
Hamby, "W. A^, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w.
Holder, Lewis, e, March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Hanger, R, C., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Helton, J, H., «. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co, ; w,
Helton, Lewis, e. Sept. l&t, '62.
Haigles, J, S., e. Aug, 8th. '62; c. May 22d, '64.
Pleaton, J. R,, e, Feb, 20th, '64,
Hap, Stewart, e. April 20th, '61; Caldwell co.
Hart, R, R., e, April SOth, '61; Kentucky; dg. July, '61.
Hartley, Joseph, e. July 23d, '61; Caldwell co.; d. of w. August 21st, '62.
Hagler, John, e. August 8th, '61; Caldwell co.; w,
Hoss, Stewart, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.
Hoss, Shul'oi-d, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co,; w.
Hart, John W., e, April SOth, '61; Caldwell co,; d, June 6th, '62,
Hart, R. R., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. June 20th, '62.
Hartley, Boyden, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co. ; d. February 20th, '62.
Helton, John, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; w.
Helton, Amos B., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co,; w. ; 4g. September 1.5th, '64.
Helton, Jacob, e. April SOth, ''61; Caldwell co.; w.
Holly way, N, A., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; d. September 21st, '61.
Hamby, James, e, April SOth, '61; Caldwell oo.; w.
Harker, S. F., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co. ; pr. July 3d, '63.
Jone^s, John H., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.
Jones, Walter L., e. April .30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; tr. to 26th Regiment.
Justice, George W., e, April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; k. May 31st, '62.
Justice, J, W., e. Feb. lOth, '63; Caldwell co.; p. 2d Lieut.
Kaler, Marctis, «. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co. ; d, June 20th, '62, of w.
Keller, H. C, e, March 19th, '62; w. and c. May 1st, '64.
Keller, L J ., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w.
Knight, James, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w.
Knight, T. J,, e, December 12th, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w.
Knight, M, L., e. December 12th, '61 ; Caldwell co, ; d. July 10th, '62.
Knight, J. C-., e. December 12th, '61; Caldwell co.; w.
Lingle, W. A., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. March 10th, '62; w,
Lingle, Monroe, e. April .30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w.
Lutz, Pinkney C, e, April SOth, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w.
Le-Fevres, W. I., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w, and c
21B North Carolina State Troops,
liUtz, W. D., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; w. and pr.
Medlock, Joseph, e. March 19th, 'f)2; Caldwell co.
McCormick, W. J., e. March 19th, '62; d. Sept. 25th, '62, of w.
Martin, W. A., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; d. May 20th '63, of w.-
McCrary, P. G., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Mull, D. Ac, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; k. May 31st, '62.
Mundy, John, e. March 6th, '64; Caldwell co,
Maire, John, e. Oct. 5th, '63.
McMullen, J. C, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell eo.; k. July 1st, '63,
Martin, B. S., e. July 23d, '61; Caldwell co-; dg. April 20th, '63.
McCray, A. C, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.
Miller, E. P., Jr., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w. aud c. July 3d, '63.
Miller, Julius S., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d.
Mathis, Joseph, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co,; dg, July 2od, '61,
Nelson, G. L., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; k. Dec, 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
Payne, PI. C, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; k, Sept. 20th, '62,
Poovy, G. W., e. March Wth, '62; Caldwell co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Powell, G. W., e, March 19th, '62; Caldwell eo.; d. July 21st, '63.
Padgett, Rufus, e. Sept. 15th, '63; w. Aug. 8th, '61,
Payne, John, e. March lOih, '64.
Preswell, J . J,, e. Sept. 20th, '64.
Powell, Simpson J., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w. and d. Feb, 26th, '63.
Powell, Thos. M., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; k. May 31st, '62.
Porch, LawsoD, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co. ; w.
Palmer, Joseph M., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.
Palmer, Isaac, e. April SOth, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w.
Payne, Benton, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.
Robinson, John W., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w,
Reid, Mahlon, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; dg.
Reid, Burgess G., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; dg.
Robbins, Wm. L., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Robbins, Thomas, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co, ; d. June 17th, '62.
Richards, T. B., e. March 19th, "62; Caldwell co.
Russell, Larkin, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; d. June 13tb, '62.
Sides, George H., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w.
Sherrill, R. F., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; k. May 3d, '63,
Sherrill, B. W., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; d. Dec. 18th, '61.
Sherrill, J. A., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; d. Dec. 15th, '61.
Settlemire, Jacob W., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co. ; d. Aug. 7th, '62,
Sparks, Marcus, e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; w.
Sudderth, W. P., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. April 7th, '62.
Sudderth, James M., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co. ; w.
Stallings, James N., e. April SOth, '61 ; Caldwell co. ; w. ; p. 5th Sergeant,
Shell, S. B., e. April SOth, '61; Caldwell co.
Sherrill, J. C, e. July 23d, '61; Caldwell co. ; w. twice.
Sexton, J. L., e. Feb. 10th, '61.
Smith, Henry, e. March 12th, '62; Caldwell co.; k. Sept. 20th, '62.
Storie, Jesse, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; d. May 29th, '62.
Stone, J. W., e. December 12th, '61; Caldwell co. ; d. November 15th, '62.
Sherrill, John C, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Sherrill, J. L., e. April 1st, '64.
Sherrill, J. A., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; k. May 3d, '63.
Summers, Julius, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; d. May 2d, '62,
€ompa,ny B— Twenty-Second Regiment. 213
Smith, Marion, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell <;o.; d. in '62.
Simmons, J. B., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; k. May 31st, '62.
STierrill, J. C, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w.
Setsan, Larkin, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; dg. SepL 25th, '62.
Stallings, H. H., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co. ; w,
Storie, A. W., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Starns, L. S., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Stetle, J. S., e. March 19th. '62; Caldwell co.
Sudderth, L. J., e. March 19fh, '62; Caldwell co. ; w-
Sherrlll, William, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Taylor, Hardy, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Tilley, H. H., e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.
Teague, Gilbert, e. March 19th, '62; Caldwell co.; d. July 22d, '62.
Tritte, Jacob, e. March 19tfa, '62; Caldwell co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Teague, Logan, e. Feb. 4th, '62; Caldwell co. ; c. May 3d, '64.
Tuttle, William A., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant.
Tilley, L. D., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; d.
Thornton, James W., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; k. June 28th, '62.
Todd, William A., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; d. Aug. 25th, '62, of w.
Taylor, Sidney, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. June 10th, ^62.
Teague, Nathan, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; w. and pr. May 31st, '64.
Teters, Jacob, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. May 15th, '62.
Wakefield, Richard H., e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co.; dg. June 10th, '63.
Wilson, John, e. April 30th, '61; Caldwell co. ; w. and pr. July 3d, '63.
Watts, J. A. E., e. August 8th, '61; Caldwell co.
Williams, Joseph, e. Oct. 6th, '62; Caldwell co. ; k. July 1st, '63.
Watts, J. A. E., e. Aug. 8th, '61.
J. M. Neal, Captain, cm. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th,
'62; r. August, '62.
J. T. Couley, Captain, cm. April, '63; McDowell co. ; d. of w. received July Srd,
'63, at Gettysburg; p. from 1st Lieut, in 54th Regiment.
Geoi'ge H. Gardin, Captain, cm. Nov., '63; McDowell co. ; p. from ranks.
A. G. Halyburton, 1st Lieut., cm. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Samuel H. Adams, 1st Lieut., cm. May 1st, '62; McDowell co. ; k. May 31st, 62, at
Seven Pines; p from 2d Lieut.
James M. Higgins^ 1st Lieut., cm. May 31st, '62; McDowell co. ; p. from 3d Lieut.
Rob't A. Tate, 1st Lieiit., cm. ; McDowell co. ; w. at Chancellorsville; p. from
2d Lieut.
S.H.Adams, 2d Lieut., cm. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; p.; k. May 31st, '62, at
Seven Pines.
James M. Higgins, 2d Lieut., cm. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; p.
R. A. Tate, 2d Lieut,, cm. August 1st, '63; McDowell co.; p. and w.; p. from Ser-
S. P^ Tate, 2d Lieut., cm. August, '63; McDowell co.; p.
'George H. Gardin, 2d Lieut., cm. May, '63; McDowell co.; p. from Corporal.
214 Forth Carolma State Troops:
R. A. Tate, 1st Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; p. 1st Lieut. ; w. at Chan-
S. P. Tate, 2d Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; p. 1st Lient.
J. C. Neal, 3d Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. March, '62.
John Young, 4th Sergeant, e. May 8th, '61;, McDowell co. ; d., September, '61.
J. W. Murphy, 1st Corporal, e. May Sth,'61; McDowell co. ; w. below Richmond;
tr. to C. S. Navy,
Joseph G. Neal, 2d Corporal, e. May 8th, '61;, McDowell co. ;. dg. May, '62, for dis-
George H. Gardin, 3d Corporal, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; p. Lieut. May, '63,.
and Captain in Novemher, '63.
James H. Hensley, 4th Corporal, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; w. at Gettysburg.
July, '63.
Alford, S., e. May 8th, '61 ; McDowell co.; d. July, '62,
Allred, James F., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg.. June I6th, 152..
Arrowood, James, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Byrd, J. W., e. July 13th, '61; Mitchell co. ; d. May, '62.
Byrd, Wm. M., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; k. May, '62, at Seven Pines.
Byrd, G. W., e. March 21st, '62; McDowell co. ; d. of w. received at Sharpsburg'^
Byrd, Benton, e. February 25th, '62; McDowell co.; d. July, '62, at Richmond.
Bolton, John H., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
Bridges, Tyrrell B., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.;" dg. Oct.. '61.
Barnes, John I., e. Maj' 8th, '61; McDowell co.; k. at Seven Pines May 31st, '62.
Barnes, T. F., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; d. May, '62.
Buchanan, T. L.,e. May 17th, '63; Mitchell co. ; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg..
Buchanan, W. A., e. July 6th, '61; Mitchell co.,; w. at Seven Pines.
Burnett, Philip, e. May Sth, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. July, '61, for disability
Burnett, Eldridge, e. May Sth, '61; McDowell co.; p. Corporal.
Burnett, W. F., e. July 13th, '61; McDowell co.
Bledsoe, Jolm, e. August 10th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. Oct.., '61,. for disability.
Brackett, W. B., e. April 1st, '62; McDowell co.
Brackett, W. D., e. April 1st, '62; McDowell co.
Cook, John R., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsvilie.
Causby, James A., e. May Sth, '61; McDowell co. ; w. at Chancellorsvilie.
Cuthburton, T. M., e. May Sth, '61; McDowell co.
Chapman, Joshua, e. May Stli, '61; McDowell co.; k. at Chancellorsvilie May, '63.
Cliapman, Leander, e. May Sth, '61; McDo.well co.
Cox, Wijri. G., e. July Sth, '61; McDowell co. ; w. at Cliancellorsville Maj^, '63.
Crentis, M. J., e. August otli, '61; McDowell co.
Cuthbertson, J. M., e. May Sth, '61; McDowell co.
Colland, D. R., e. April 1st, '62; McDowell co.
Conley, J. I., e. April 30tli, '62; McDowell co. ; p. Captain; d. of w. at Gettys-burg„
Christy, J. W., e. October 10th, '62; McDowell co.
Curtis, Martin, e. Aug. 10th, '61; McDowell co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Curtis, Jason, e. May Stli, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '^62,
Clayton, Alford, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
Conner, G. W., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Cowen, James, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. May,. '62, at Richmond.
Cowen, Joseph, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. May, '63, at Richmond.
Cowen,. Hampton, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; w.and pr. at Seven Pines.
Dompany B—Twenty-SeGond Regiment. 215
<Ohmty, W-. L., e. April 15tli, '62; McDowell co.; pr. at Gettysburg; c. July 12th, '61.
Oox, S. B., e. April 15tli, '62; McDowell co. ;d. January, '63, in. Virginia,
Cox, A. J.,e. April 15th, '61; McDowell co,
Davenport, Wesley, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Davis, James, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; dg. July, '62, for disability.
Dale, J. H., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; w. July 3d, '63; pr. at Gettysburg.
Dickson, J. M., e. Oc(. 6th, '63.
Dickson, J. G., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; w. at Gettysburg. ^
Dover, William, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; dt.
Elders, John, e. May S-th, '61-; McDowell co.
England, James A„ e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechan-
England, Samuel P., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '62.
Elliott, Wm. R., e. May 8th, '61.; McDowell co.; pr. May 23d, '61.
Eppe, John W., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co, ; p. Sergeant; w. at Chancellors-
Elliott, G. S„ e. Feb. 22d, '64,
Elliott, J. E., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Early, W. F., e. Oct. 9 th, '63.
Finley, G. P., e. Oct. 6th, '63; McDowell co.
Finley, G. C, e. Oct. 3d, '63; McDowell co.
Finley, W. A., e. Feb. 10th, '64; McDowell co.
Finley, Alfred L., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; p. Sergeant,; w. at Seven Pines,
and c. May 6th, '64.
Fields, K., e. Aug. 10th, '61; McDowell co,; d, Aug., '62.
Gibbs, W. T., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; p. Sergeant; d. December, '62.
Gibbs, A. R., e. May 8th, '61: McDowell co.; d. May, '62, at Richmond.
Gibbs, W. F,, e. July 6th, '61; Mitchell co.; w. at Seven Pin-s.
Gawin, William C, e. Maj^ 8th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Gettysburg.
Gregory, H., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co ; dt.
Goodman, Z. D., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. Dec, '61, at Evansport.
Gurley, J. H., e April 15th, '62; MeDowell co. ; k. iVIay, '63, at Chanoeilorsville.
Glass, A., e. April 15th, '62; MeDowell co. ; pr. at Falling Waters.
Hogan, Lee, e. May 8th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62. ,
Harris, James, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. July, '62.
HufstetIer,J. B.,e April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; c. May 23d, '61.
Haney, John, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; pr. at GettysburgJuly 3d, '63.
Haney, H. C, e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Holland, D. R., e. April loth, '62; McDowell co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Holland, Jacob, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. May, '62.
Holland, Nimrod, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. Feb., '62, for disability.
Hendley, B. P., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; k. Nov., '62, at Winchester.
Hensley, G. A., e. May iSth, '61; McDowell co.
Holyfield, A, S., e. July 6th, '61; McDowell co.; d. Aug., '62.
Holyfield, W. A., e. July 6th, '61; McDowell co. ; w. at Seven Pines and dg,
Isbill, A. H., e. June 6th, '64,
Irvin, John, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; k. at Manassas.
Ingle, J. L., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Jamison, J. H., e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Jamison, Alfred, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. for disability Feb., '62.
Jamison, D. W., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co,
Jamison, J. P., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; pr. at Falling Waters.
James, J. R,, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
.James, W. M., e. Aug. 5th, '61; McDowell co.
James, R, Q., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
216 North Carolim State Troops.
James, William, e. Aug. 10th, '61; McDowell co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Johnston, D. M., e. July 6th, '61; McDowell co.; dg.
Knosh, John, e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Lewis, William, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; d. May, '62.
Laughuen, Hugh W., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; k. at Gettysburg July, '63.
Laughuen, Noah A., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. of w. received at Mechau-
Lackey, Geo. W., e. May 8th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; p. Corporal ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Lisk, Freling, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. July, '62.
Lisk, John, e. August 10th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. in '62.
Lambert, John, e. April 16th, '62; McDowell co.; W.September, '63, at Shsrps-
McPeccus, D., e. April 15th, '61; McDowell co.; d. June, '62, at Richmond.
McDaniel, E., e. April 15th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62, at Richmond.
Mitchell, Lorenzo D., e. May 8th, '61 McDowell co. ; dg. Feb., '62.
Mitchell, J. R., e April 15th, '62; McDowell CO.; d. May, '62.
Moore, G. W., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; d. May, '62.
McCall, John G., e. May 8th, '61 ; McDowell co ; d. May, '62.
McCall, T. F., e. July 13th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62.
McGalliard, William, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Mastin, J. S , e. July 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Neal, E. U., e. April 15th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; dt.
Nichols, J. G., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. in '62, at Richmond.
Nichols, John E., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Nichols, Leander C, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62.
O'Dear, Thomas, e. July 6th, '61; Mitchell co.
Padgett, Jacob G., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; w. at Seven Pines and pr. at
Gettysburg; dt.
Padgett, James A., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Padgett, J. G., e. May 8th, '61 ; McDowell co.
Pratt, C. F., e. Feb. 25th, '62; McDowell co.
Pratt, W. C. e. Oct. 10th, '63.
Patton, R. E.. e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; c. May 23d, '64.
Pyett, C. F., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Price, L., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell CO.; d. May, '62.
Price, A., e. April 15th, "62; McDowell co.; d. Oct., '62.
Poteat, W. G., e. April 15th, 'Gl; McDowell co.; k. July, '63, at Gettyburg.
Poteat, Rober, e. August 10th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '62.
Quln, D. R., e. July 13th, '61; Mitchell co.; d. July, '6^..
Queen, D., e. April 15th, '62; Mitchell co.
Reid, E. P., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; p. Sergeant July, '63.
Robertson, W. H., e. June 12th, '61; McDowell co.
Radford, A., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell CO.; dg. August, '62, for disability.
Radford, S., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell CO.; dg. August, '62, for disability.
Smith, William, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Smith, John, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; d. Aug., '62.
Smith, Willie, e. August 10th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '62.
Shehan, Morris, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. July, '62.
Swann, John, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; d. June, '62.
Stokes, George W., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; k. May, '62, at Seven Pines.
Seagle, Wm. D., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; d. July, '62.
Seagle, B. P., e. July 6th, '61; McDowell co.; w. at Seven Pines May, '62.
Seagly, J. M., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Swaflford, John, e. April 15th, '62; Mitchell co. ; d. April, '62, at Richmond.
Swafford, Martin, e. July 6th, '61 ; Mitchell co. ; k. May, '62, at Seven Pines.
CompELiiy G— Twenty-Second Regiment. 217
Thompson, John,e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. Feb., '62.
Turner, James, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '62.
Turner, Noah, e. Aug. 10th, '61; McDowell co.
Taylor, A. B., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; w. at Chancellorsville May 3d, '63.
Vaughn, John, e. August 10th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. July, '62, at Richmond.
Washburn, C. H., e. July 13th, '61; Mitchell co.; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Washburn, Jacob, e. May 17th, '63; Mitchell co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Welch, John, e. April 10th, '62; McDowell co.
Walton, Y. M., e. June 23d, '64; c. May 6th, '61.
Walton, William, e. April 15th, '62; Mitchell CO.; pr. May 6th, '64.
Walker, W. S., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell CO.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Walker, L. L., e. Oct. 10th, '62; McDowell co.
Walker, D. D., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co.; d. May, '62.
Walker, L. T., e. October 10th, '62; McDowell co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
West, Hampton, e. October 10th, '62; McDowell co, ; dt.
West, W. O., e. April 15th, '62; McDowell co. •
Whistnant, J. M., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Western, W. S., e. May 8th, '61; Iredell co.; dt.
Wilson, David J., e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. Feb., '62.
Warren, John, e. May 8th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. Oct., '61.
Ward, James, e. October 10th, '62; McDowell co.
G. V. Land, 1st Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
B. W. Burkhead, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
K. W. Wiubourne, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
W. P. Wood, 1st Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
L. I. Wood, 2d Sergeant, e. June 6th, '61; Randolph co.
W. W. Kedding, od Sergeant, e. Feb. 24th, '61 ; Randolph co.
H. B. Rush, 4th Sergeant, e. June 4th, '61 ; Randolph co.
R. L. Causey, 5th Sergeant, e. May 4th, '61; Randolph co.
N. H. Lewis, 1st Corporal, e. June 1st, '61; Randolph co.
N. C. Lamb, 2d Corporal, e. November 14th, '61; Randolph co.
Alfred Daniel, 3d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Allred, Eli W., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Note.— This roll was sent with the others of the same command and was
marked Company A. This was evidently a mistake, as that company was given
in another roll which corresponds with the record in the Roll of Honor. The
companies of this regiment were designated in a curious way and so reversed
all military rules that I supposed this must have been the missing roll of Com-
pany C, and so have inserted it. It will be observed that it is a very imperfect
record, and does not even give the name of the Captain.
218 North Carolina, State Troops.
Allred, William R., e. June 5tli, '01; Randolph co.
Alford, Sidney J., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Allred, Elisha, e. November 1st, '62; Randolph co.
Askew, Thomas M., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Brown, John, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Brown, James M., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Burvis, Lewis F., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Oaviniss, Jones M., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Borsette, David A., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Dereltte, Thomas, e March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Daniel, William H., e. March 4th, '62; Randolph co.
Davis, Allison G., e. March 4th, '62; Randolph co.
Davis, Stephen R., e. April Sd, '64; Randolph co.
Falkner, David, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Fulk, John W., e. June 22d, '64; Randolph co.
Fields, Christopher, e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Frazier, Elias, e. January oth, '61 ; Randolph co.
Frazier, Felix, e. April 22d, '64; Randolph co.
Gardner, James, e. September 8th, '64; Randolph co.
Guire, James, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Hanby, Henry, e. February 4th, '62; Randolph co.
Hater, Zaliver, e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Hester, Robert Z., e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Hahm, Antonio, e. February 4th, '62; Randolph co.
Heath, James W., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Hix, Jackson W., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Hileg, Jonathan, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Hutter, Arnold P., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Hughes, Daniel, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Hecke, William J., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Ivey, John, e. April 2d, '64; Randolph co.
James, John, e. Nov. 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Jolly, Thomas J., e. Oct. 27th, '62; Randolph co.
Jarrell, Zimri, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Jarrell, Tilmon, e. April 20th, '64; Randolph co.
James, C. C. e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Johnson, William, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
King, Jesse, e. June 5th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Kellings, .Jonathan, Jr.,e. February 24th, '62; Randolph co.
Knight, William S., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Batan, Shadrach, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Lineberry, Albert M., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Little, Bavid, e. Nov. 14th, '61; Randolph co.
Ijamb, Bird, e. June IStli, '61; Randolph co.
Lamb, Eli B., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Lamb, William, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Lamb, Alpheus L., e. Jane 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Lanton, Enoch, e. Feb. 24th, '62; Randolph co.
liathan, Kelly, e. June 5th, '62; Randolph co.
r^ee, Kelley W., e. March 1st, '62; Randolph co.
Ledmon, Alreus, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Ijangstar, Amos, e. June 1st, '64; Randolph co.
McBowell James, e. March 4th, '62; Randolph co.
McBowell, Lindsay, e, Feb. 4th, '62; Randolph co.
Mitchell, William, e. March 1st, '62; Randolph co.
Company C— Twenty -Second Regiment 219
MeCallnm, James, e. Nov. 1-lth, '61; Randolph co.
McLawrin, Angus, April 2d, '61; Randolph co.
McMasters, B. C, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Marley, Haywood, e. March l!i!th, '62; Randolph co.
jNIyers, Alfred, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
May, Benjamin K., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
May, Wm. J., e. March 19th, '62 ; Randolph co.
May, Henry, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
McMasters, Thomas, e. March 12th, '62-,. Randolph co.
Mainn, Sidney, e, March 12th, '62-,, Randolph co.
Marsh, William, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
McLennes, Cugh, e. April 2d, '64; Randolph co.
Noel, Daniel, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Ower, Joseph, e. April 2d, '6l; Randolph co.
Ower, Daniel, e. April 2d, '64; Randolph co.
Osborn, William C, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co,
Oberly, Stephen, e. June 2d, ^64; Randolph co.
Phillips, John, e. February 24th, '62; Randolph co. .
Pike, William, e, March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Patterson, George M., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co,
Robins, Samuel, e. February 24th, '62; Randolph co.
Robins, Iredell, e. April 22d, '64; Randolph co.
Robins, William, e. April 22d, '64; Randolph co.
Robins, Haman, e. September 8th, '64; Randolph co-.
Robins, A., e. November 1st, '62; Ra,ndolph co.
Rogan, Joel C, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Rose, Thomas, e. March 19th, '62;: Randolph co.
Steed, Henry C, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Summer, Nelson, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Straley, Washington, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co,
Staley, William J., e. June. 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Tucker, Pickeny, e. October 14th, '63; Randolph co,
Thompson, Robert, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Thrift, John W., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Venable, Joseph, e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Venable, James, e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Vanner, M. C, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Winningham, Alfred, e. February 24th, '62; Randolph co.
Walker, William A., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Wood, A. S., e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Walker, Alfred, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co.
Walker, Lewis, e. March 19th, '62; Randolph co,
York, Seman, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co..
22-9 Forth Carolim SUte Troopn.
John M. Odell, Captain, cm. June 10th, '61; Randolph co,
Laban Odell, Captain, cm. April 20th, '62; Randolph co.; p. Major March 6th, '63.
W. B. Kivett, Captain, cm. March 6th, '63; Randolph co.; p. from 1st Lieut.; r.
May 2d, '63.
Columbus F. Siler, Captain, cm. May 1st, '63; Randolph co.; p. from Sergeant;
w. three times.
Laban Odell, 1st Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. Captain and Major.
Warren B. Kivett, 1st Lieut., cnu April 20th, '62; Randolph co. ; p. and r.
J. M. Bobbins, 1st Lieut., cm. March 6th, '63; Randolph co.; w.
James M. Po^mds, 2d Lieut., cm, June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Henry C. Allred, 2d Lieut., cm. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
LewisF. McJNIasters, 2d Lieut., cm. May 17th, '62; Randolph co. ; p. from Sergeant;
w. and r. April 1st, '63.
John M. Lawrence, 2d Lieut., cm. March 6th, '63; Randolph co. ; p. from 1st Ser-
geant; w. three times.
A. W. Lawrence, 2d Lieut., Randolph co. ; p. from ranks; w-
John M. Lawrence, 1st Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; Virg-inia; p. 2d Lieut. March
6th, '63; w.
Lewis F. McMasters, 2d Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; p. 2d Lieut.
May 17th, '62; r.
Wm. Coble, 3d Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Februai'y 25th, '61, at
Cedar Hill.
Columbus F. Siler, 4th Sergeant, e. June lOth, '61; Randolph co. ; w. and p. Cap-
Wm. A. Pounds, 5th Sergeant, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
John R, Coble, 1st Corporal, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Madison Smith, 2d Corporal, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Wesley C. Siler, 3d Corporal, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. July, '63, at Get-
M. R. James, -Ith Corpoi'al, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. Aug. 1st, '61.
Allred, Ensley, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; k.
Allred, J. A., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Allen, Simon, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; pr. at Manassas.
Allred, Calvin C, e. June lOtlx, '61; Randolph co. ; k. at Frazier's Farm.
Arnold, A. Norman, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shep-
Arnold, Thomas, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; w.
Allred, B. F., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Burgess, John P., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; w.
Burgess, Franklin, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. June 1st, '62.
Baker, John H., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. May 30th, '62, at Richmond.
. Gomp8;By I)— Twenty-Second Regiment. 22 i
Barker, Nathan, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w. '
Brown, J. B., e. March 15th, '63; Moore co.
Biirress, Samuel, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; k.
Brewer, Henry, e. March loth, '63; Moore co, ; dg. October 6th, '63r
Breedlove, Joseph, e. February 6tb, '64.
Brown, S. P., e. May 15th, '64.
Caudle, Wesley E,, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. June 1st, '62,
Cox,, James M., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Claven, Enoch S., e. JUne 10th, '61; Randolph co.; d. July loth, '62,
Cross, Thomas F., e. June lOth, '61; Randolph co.
Campbell, J. E., e.- March Gth, '62; Randolph co,; w. and pr, at Gettysburg.
Coble, Hiley, e, March Gth, '62; Randolph co.
Craven, Henry, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Craven, J. F., e. March 6th, *62; Randolph co.; d, Sept. 20th, '62.
Carrol, H. S., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; k. May, '63, at ChancellorsviUe.-
Caveniss, John A., e. March 151h, '63; Moore co.
Cook, W. L., e. May 15th, '63; Granville co.
Cross, James, e. January 14th, '64.
Cannon, Jackson, e. May 10th, '64.
Cannon, James, e. November 29th, '63; pr. May 21gt, '64,
Ellington, A. P., e. November 29th, '63.
Eniiss, Grandison, e, March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; pr. May 2.3d, '64,
Foust, J. M., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.
E"'oust, Jacob, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co,
Foust, Christian, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co,; w,
Foust, Peter, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Fields, Jesse, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; d, Sept. 20th, '62.
Fields, Wm., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; k. »
Fields, Andrew, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; d, June 20th, '62,-
Ferguson, James, e. March 26th, '64.
F'oster, Josiah F., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Foster, Levi, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. Sergeant.
Glassgow, J, W., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.
Glassgow, W, M., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.
Gray, Calvin, e. August 1st, '61,
Hutson, H. M., e. May 1st, '64.
Hays, J. M., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.
Hays, William, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; k, at 2d Manassas, ^
Henson, J. A., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Hardin, William, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.
Hays, Thomas B., e, June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Hays, Elias W„ e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr, at Gettysburg.
Hays, Oliver P., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. July 7th, '62.
Hays, W. F., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. Sergeant and w.
Hicks, James R , e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co,; d. July 8th, '62, at Richmond,
Holder, Lewis F,, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co,
Ivey, Stephen W., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. June 1st, '62.
.lackson, John, e. March 15th, '63^ Moore co. ; d, July 15th, '63,
Jones, Craven, e. July 10th, '64.
,fones, W. C, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.
Johnson, Willis, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; d. Oct. 17th, '61,
Jennings, Peter, e. June 10th, '61; d, June 30th, '62.
Kenney, George, e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; d. June 30th, '62.
Kivett, W. B., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; p. Captain March 6th, '63.-
Kivett, Talton, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
222 North Carolina, State Troops.
Kivett, Alfred W., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; pr. at Gettysburg,
Kivett, J. M. M., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. October 7th, '62.
Kivett, K. M., e. June 10th, '61: Randolph co. ; d. May 17th, '62, at Richmond.
Kivett, Troy, e. June 10th, '01; Randolph co.
Kivett, John "W., Jr., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Kivett, Joel, e. Julj' 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Kivett, John W., Sr., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. at Gaines' Farm.
Kivett, Jacob, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. May 21th, '62, s,t Richmond.
Kivett, J. F., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; dg. June 1st, '62.
Kivett, D. M., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; d. May 6th, '62, in Va.
Kiney, Wesley, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; d. Aug. 7th, '62.
Love, W. E., e. March 6th, .'62; Randolph co. ; d. May 6th, '62, in Va.
Lawrence, A. \V., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; p. Lieut, and w.
Lane, John C, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; d. Sept. 11th, '62.
Langly, E. Tyson, e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; dg. for w.
Langly, B. Yancy, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Laughlin, N. G., e. June 10th, '01; Randolph co. ; dg, in '62.
McLemore, Calvin, e. March 15th, '63; Moore co.
Manis, A., e. March 15th, '63; Moore co.
McNeill, William, e. March 1.5th, '63; Moore co.
McDaniel, A. Green, e. June 10th, '01; Randolph co.
O'Dear, William, e. March 15th, '63; Granville co.
Pugh, Alpheus, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; k. May 31st, '82 at Seven Pines.
Routh, J. A., e. March 6th, 't)2; Randolph co.
Routh, Aaron, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; dg. Aug, 30th, '62.
Routh, W. P., e. March 6lh, '62; Randolph co.; d. April 1.5th, '62, in Va.
Robbins, J. M., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; p. Lieut, and v/.
Robbips, W. T., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; d. of w. received at Chancellors-
Reanes, Marshall S., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Routh, Joshua M., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Routh, Wm. C, e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Routh, Jesse, e. June 10th, '61; d. May 16th, '62.
Routh, Wm. R., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. June, '62.
Routh, George E., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. July 8th, '62.
Reece, W. D., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; d. Aug. 3d, '62.
Smith, Howard E., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; d. of w.
Spinx, J. D., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. at Manassas.
Scotton, ,Ias. N., e. June 10th, '01; Randolph co.
Sumner, John R., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Scott, E. P., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; d. July 25th, '82, at Richmond,
Stout, Lorenzo D., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Stout, W. G., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. Nov. 27th, '62.
Steel, A. B., e. June 10th, '61,
Turner, Thomas, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Turner, J. L., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; w. ; dg. March 18th, '63.
Turner, A. J., e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Trogdon, Samuel, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. of w.
Trogdon, H. C, e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Trogdon, Stephen, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; w. at Gettysburg,
Trogdon, L. A., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Trogdon, Solomon, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Trogdon, Jeremiah, e. June 10th, '01; Randolph co.
Wright, Isaac, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Aug. -1th, '62, at Richmond.
Wright, David, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
. Company E— Twenty- Second Regiment. 223
Wriglit, Doras, e. June 10th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; w.
Williams, D. E., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. Oct. 16th, '62.
Williams, J. M., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Williams, J. R., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; k. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shepherds-
Webster, Jas. A., e. June lOtli, '61 ; Randolph co. ; w.
Willie, Wm. P., e. June 10th, "61; Randolph co. ; w.
Williams, Lindsey, e. March loth, '63; Moore co.
Williams, Joel, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Williams, Benjamin, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; d. Oct. 20th, '62.
Wilkerson, D. C, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; d.
Wilkerson, J. M., e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; d. July 30th, '62.
York, Joseph, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
York, Clarkson, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co.; w.
York, Braxton, e. March 6th, '62; Randolph co. ; d. of w.
York, Wm. J., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. Dec. 25th, '61.
York, Larkin, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.: dg. June 1st, '62.
Yeargin, Daniel, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
York, Darius, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Columbus C. Cole, Captain, cm. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Major June 13th, '62
Charles E. Harper, Captain, cm. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at
Frazier's Farm; p. from 1st Lieut.
Joseph A. Hooper, Captain, cm. ; Guilford co.; w. at Seven Pines; r. April
20th, '63; p. from 2d Lieut.
M. M. Wolf, Captain, cm. June 30th, '62; Guilford co. ; w. Aug. 30th, '62, at Ma-
nassas; r. Sept. loth, '63; p. fi'om 1st Lieut.
R.W. Cole, Captain, cm. Sept. loth, '63; Guilford co.; \v. at Chancellorsville; p.
from 1st Lieut.
Charles D. Harper, 1st Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61 ; Guilford co. ; p. and k.
Martin M. Wolf, 1st Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co. ; p. and w.
A. J. Busick, 1st Lieut., cm. Sept. 15th, '63; Guilford co. ; p. from Sergeant.
R. W. Cole, 1st Lieut., era. ; Guilford co. ; p. and w.
W. H. Faucett, 2d Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61; dt. to Commissary.
James M. Hanner, 2d Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61; r. July 21st, '61.
John N. Nelson, 2nd Lieut., cm. July 30th, '61; d. Nov., '61; p. from Sergeant.
Joseph A. Hooper, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co.; p., w. and r. ; p. from Serg't.
Andrew J. Busick, 2nd Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co. ; p. from Sergeant; p.
R. W. Cole, 2d Lieut., cm. June 3d, '62; Guilford Co.; p., and w. three times;
p. from Sergeant.
O. C. Wheeler, 2d Lieut., cm. ; Guilford co.; r. Jan. 26th, '61,
John N. Nelson, 1st Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; p, 2d Lieut.; d. Nov,
224 North Carolina State Troops,
Joseph A. Hooper, 2cl Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; p. Captain.
Austin P. Charles, 3d Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; dg. Sept. loth, '63
M. M. Wolf, 4th Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61 ; Guilford co. ; p. Captain.
A. J. Busick, 5th Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; p. 1st Lieut. September
loth, '63.
John H. Thacker, 1st Corporal, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.
Shelly Hampton, 2d Corporal, e. May 2Sd, '61; Guilford co. ; dg. May, '62,
P. W. Pratt, 3d Coi'poral, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm and
N. S. McCleutick, 4th Corporal, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.; w.
Alberton, Lewis T., e. May 2oth, '61; Guilford co.; d. Oct. 25th, !62,
Alberton, L. W., e. May 26th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Apple, Larkin, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; d. June 23d, '62.
Anderson, J. M., e. Maj- 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Author, Levi, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Archer, Anderson, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co, ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Andrew, S. G., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; w. in '63 at Cliancellorsville and at
Archer, John, e. May 28d, '61; Guilford CO.; d, in '62.
Archer, H., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
AUred, John,e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; m.
Beaver, W. H., e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.
Busick, D. W., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm and Gettys^
Buchanan, Calvin, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co,
Briggs, W. S., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. at Manassas.
Brown, S. M., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Bell, J. R., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; dg. September 16th, '63.
Burton, S. J., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Bowen, Tliomas, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Baker, S. Y., e. June 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville-
Bishop, J. H., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d.
Bosham, W. H., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Bell, Stephen, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. May 81st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Bodenhomer, Pleasant, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; d. May 1st, '62.
Brown, Peter, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Bennett, P., e. Sept. 4th, '64; Guilford co.
Bragly, A. V., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; m.
Cruchfield, Reubin, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; d. Nov. 2d, '62.
Copeland, J. H., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; w. May, '63, at Chancellors ville.
Crouch, R. H., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Clapp, D. M., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. of w. at Chancellorsville,
Cook, Hubert, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm,
Clark, John R., e. Feb. 4th, '62; Guilford co.; d. in '62.
Clark, C. C, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Clark, John C, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Chismon, Zack, e. June 23d, '61; Guilford co.
Chipman, A. G., e. June 23d, '61; Guilford co.; d. in '61.
Cole, R. W., e. Nov. 14th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. ; p. Captain Sept. 5tli, '63.
Dodd, John, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Dean, W. H., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Company E—Tv/enty- Second Regiment. 225
Bads, Thomas, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; d. August 8th, '62.
Ellott,Beujamin, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Enoch, R. H., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; w. June, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Frazier, Alexander, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Mechanics-
Frazier, G. L.
Farmington, Marion, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; dg.
Frazier, J. R., e March lOtS, '63; Guilford co.; k. May 3d, '63.
Glenn, W. A., e. May 25th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; dg.
Gaulding, A. J., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; w.
Garringer, J. R., e. May 25th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; k. June 30th, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Grissom, W. M., e. May 25th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Gordon, A. A., e. June 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; w. Aug, 28th, '62, at 2nd Manassas.
Gordenhomer, John A., e. June 2od, '61; Guilford co.
Graham, H. C, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; tr. to Com. E.
Glenn, William, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.; dg. in '61.
Gwyer, E., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w.
Gordin, Albert, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co ; d. in '62.
Gain, ; m.
Huffaud, Lewis, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. in '62.
Halchcock, Thos., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. Aug. 5th, '62.
Hooney, E., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. June 8th, '63.
Hunt, E. J., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; m.
Hill, Eli, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Hooper, T. J., e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.; p. Sergeant Major Sept., '63.
Holt, M. A., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; dg. October 1st, '63, at Harper's Ferry.
Hooper, F. M., e. June 23d, '61; Guilford co.; w. at Frazier's Farm; k. May 3rd,
'63, at Chancellorsville.
Holbrook, Robert, e. June 1st, '64; Guillcrdco.
Holbriiok, Henly, e. Sept. 25th, '63; Guilford co.; pr. May 21th, '64.
Holt, G. W., e. March 17th, '63; Guilford co.
Hall, W. B., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Irwin, William, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Jordan, M., e. 1st, '64; Guilford co.
Jackson, I. W., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Jackson, I. R., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Jones, Harper, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg-
Jones, Pendleton, e. February 22d, '61; Guilford co. ; k. June 30th, '62.
Jackson, J. W., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Jackson, T. R., e. February 22d, '62; Guiliord co.
Jester, J. R., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Kellom, N. S.,e. May 2.5th, '61; Guilford co.; w. at Gettysburg July 1st, '63; pr.
May 6th, '64.
Kellom, Frank, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Kellom, J. F.; m.
Loflin, L., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Leonard, Joseph, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; tr. to 10th Reg't July 28th, '61.
Long, Henry, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; d. June 27th, '62, of w.
Loftin, Robert, e. March 1st, '63; Guilford co. ; k. May 3d, '63.
Little, Henry, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.; dg. in '61.
Loftin, James, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Langlin, J. F., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w.
Langlin, G., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Long, Richard, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
226 North Carolina State Troops.
Mendenhall, W. R., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. in '63.
Meredith, E., e. February 22d, '62; Gnilford co.
Morgan, John, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. May 2d, '62.
Maxwell, A. P., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; k. May 31st, '62, atSeven Pines,
Martin, N., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Martin, James, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co. ; d. August 4th, '62.
May, John, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. July 8d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Michael, William, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
McQuan, Calvin, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co ; d. July 27th, '62.
McGlee, Elwood, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. July 4th, '62.
May, J.; e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg. .
May, James A., e. May 251h, '61 ; Guilford co. ; d. June 27th, '62, of w.
May, W. C, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
May, Jesse, e. May 2.jth, '61; Guilford co.; dg, October 24th, '01.
Michel, C J., e. May 2jth, 'dl ; Guilford co.
Madaris, M. D., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; w.
Neal, Edwin, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; d. Oct. 301h, '62.
Oliver, W. G., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guiltord co. ; w. July 2ith, '63, accidentally.
Oliver, W. S., e. Feb. 22u, '62; Guilford en.
Orrell, W. C, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Oakley, Peter, e. May 25th, '61; Guillord co. ; w. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Pegram, Isaiah, e. May 25th, '01; Guilford co. ; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Parrish, Calvin, e. May 25th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; d. Feb., '62.
Parrish, Alfred, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; w. Aug. 30th, '62.
Poe, W. W. H., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; d. April 30th, '62.
Parrish, Reuben, e. May 2oth, '61; Guilford co. ; d. June 30th, '62.
Pegram, J. F., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Powers, David, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.: d. January 26th, '63.
Poe, Harper, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
I'egram, F. G., e. July 15th, '62; Guilford co.
Powers, J. T., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford CO.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Perkins, C. C, e. Feb.22d, '62; Guilford co.
Pegre, John, e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Pratt, P. W., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. May 8d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Pegram, S. H., e. March 19th, '63; Guilford co.; w. at Chancellorsville; d. Sept.
20th, '64, of w. received at Reams' Station.
Powers, J. L., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; c. Jtlay 25th, '61.
Quackenbush, J. G., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Quaint, Wm,, e. Miy 25th, '01; Guilford co.; dg.
Quackenbush, Jacob, e. May 2.3th, '61 ; Guilford co.; w. May 3d, '03, at Chancel-
Quackenbush, J. P., e. Feb. 22d '62; Guilford co.
Ruvis, AV. H., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Riley, Elijah, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; k. at Manassas.
Roberts, Benj., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.
Ross, A. A., e. May 25th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; d. Juno .2lst, '02.
Rich, M. A., e. February 22d, '61; Guilford co. ; p.
Russell, David, e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Slack, J. P., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. at Gettysburg and Seven Pines.
Shaw, T. E., e. Feb. 4th, '02; Guilford co.; w. Aug., '62, at Manassas.
Stanly, John, e. Feb. 22d, '62;' Guilford co.
Steagall, J. B., e. May 22d, '61 ; Guilford co.; c. May 6th, '64.
Stack, W. B., e. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.; w. at Harper's Ferry; pr.
Stack, J. W., e. Feb. 22d. '62; Guilford co.; m.
Sapp. A. F., 6. Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford CO.; d. July 21st, '62.
Vompany F— Twenty- Second Regiment. 227
iSmothei-s.P., e. February 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Smothers, G'sorge, e, Feb. 22d, '62; Guilford co.
Sents, J., e. Februarj' 22d, '62; GuiUord oo. ; d. of w. at Chancellorsville.
Sicks, James, e. Ma.y 25th, '61 ; Guilford co, ; d, January 12th, '61.
Strunk, Shelby, e. Maj 25th, '61; Guilford co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Shoe, Henry, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; w. accidentally,
Scott, T, J., e. June 23d, '61: Guilford co.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Smothers, George, e. February 22nd, '62:; Guilford co.
Troll ver, N. ; m.
Vinson, J.ve. FebruarsMth, '62; Guilford co.; d. August 27th, '63.
Whittington, W. F., e, February 9th, ^64; Guilford co.
Whittington, VV.; m.
Wolf, G, W., e. March 19th, '63^ Guilford co.
Wolf, Thomas J,, e. Feb. 22d, '62-, Guilford co.; d. in '62.
Wood, John, e. February 4th, '62; Guilfoi-d co. ; pr. at Hagerstown July, '63.
Wade, H., e. February 4th, '62; Guilford co. ; w. June, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Willoughby., H,, e. February 4th, '62; Guilfoi-d co. ; d. August 24th, ''62.
Ward, Stroud, e. February 4th, '62; Guilford co. ; d, in '62, of w.
Wade, A. L., e. February 4th, '62; Guilford co.
Wilborne, J. H., e. February 4th, '62; Guilford co. ; p. Sergeant; w. May 3rd, '63,
at Chancellorsville.
Whitak«r, E„ e. Feb. 4th, '62; Guilford co.
Willoughby, Washington, e. May 2.5th, '61 ; Guilford co.
Wyrick, M. W.-, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co,; pr, at Gettysbtirg; w. at Frazier's
Williams, H., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co.; dg, September 16th, '61.
Wrightenberry, Hiram, e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; d.
Wilson, A. R., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; w. June 30th, '61, at Frazier's Farm,
Wheeler, O. C, e, June 23d, '61; Guilford co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Welch, John, e. June 2od, '61; Guilford co.
Wiley, G. W,, e. May 23d, '61; Guilford co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Yates, John W., e. May 25th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. of w. at Mechanicsville.
Young, William, e. May 25th, '61 ; Guilford co. ; d. September, '61,
Young, Isaac, e. March 3rd, '64; Guilford co.
Jesse P, Reaves, Captain, cm. May 27lh, '61; Alleghany co.; r. Sept. loth, '61.
Preston R Reaves, Captain, cm. Sept. 15th, ^61; p. from 1st Lieut.; d. May 31st, '62.
W. L. Mitchell, Captain, Alleghany co. ; w. ; p. from ranks.
S G. Caredill, Captain, Alleghany co.; cm. in '64; p. from 2nd Lieut.
P. B. Reaves, 1st Lieut., cm. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. and d.
John Gambill, 1st Lieut., cm. Sept. 20th, '61 ; Alleghany co.
N. A. Reynolds, 1st Lieut,, cm. June 1st, '62; r. Oct. 16th, '62
David Edwards, 1st Lieut., cm. Oct. 1st, '62; w, twice ;pr.
Horton S. Reaves, 2d Lieut., cm. May 27th, '62; Alleghany co.
Calvin Reaves, 2d Lieut, cm. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; r. Aug. 6th, 'Ol,
228 Forth Garolim State Troops,
George M. Reaves, 2d Lieut., cm. August 20th, '61 ; Alleghany co.
David Edwards, 2d Lieut., cm. June 1st, '62; Alleghany co. ; p. 1st Sergeant,
Calvin C. Carrier, 2d Lieut., cm June 1st, '62; Tenn. ; r.
S. G. Caredill, 2d Lieut., cm. April 25th, '63; Alleghany co,; pr,
David EdAVards, 1st Sergeant, e. Aiay 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. 2d Lieut. June
1st, '62; AV. and pr.
John Gambill, 2d Lieut., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; p, 1st Lieut. Sept, 20th,
M, G. Alexander, 3d Sergeant, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Hiram Edwards, 4th Sergeant, e. May 27th, 'ol; Alleghany co.; w.
John C. Reaves, 5th Sergeant, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
John Tallial'erro, 1st Corporal, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. June 5th, '62,
Berry Edwards, 2d Corporal, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. 1st Lieut,
Jacob Estep, 3d Corporal, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
James Wilkinson, e. May 27th, '62; Alleghany co. ; dg. Sept. 1st, '61,
Anthony, Daniel P., e. May 1st, '64. ■ .
Alexander, A. B., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Anders, Calvin, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. Sept. 17tb, '62,
Anderson, Elisha, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; w. and dg,
Atwood, James D., e. April l.st, '04; Alleghany co.
Brackens, Spencer H., e. Jan. 27th, '64.
Brimegar, A., e. April loth, '62; Alleghany co.
Baldwin, John M., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; w.
Billings, Granville, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; pr,
Blevins, R., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Blevins, J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Benfleld, Charles A., e. May 17th, '64; d. September 23d, '64,
Caudill, A. J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; k. Mayolst, '62, at Seven Pines,
Caudill, J. C, e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; w.
Caudill, W. J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Caudill, D. C, e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co.
Caredill, J. A., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. 3d Corporal.
Caredill, S. G., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; p. 2d Lieut. April 25th, '63, and
Captain; pr.
Caredill, William, e. May 27th, '61: Alleghany co. ; d. November 5th, '61,
Carrier, Calvin C, e. May 27th, '61; Tennessee; p. 2d Lieut,
Cheek, Morgan, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. November 15th, '62,
Cheek, F. R., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co.
Combs, Jackson, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Combes, John, e. March 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co.
Choate, S. J., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; d. July 2d, '63, of w, at Gettysburg,
Choate, J. W.,e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. September 10th, '62.
Crows, J. A., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Crows, John, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. Oct. 17th, '61.
Crows, C. M., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; w. and pr.
Crows, J. A., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. of w.
Crows, Solomon, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.
Crows, Charles M., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. 1st Corporal,
Collins, Levi, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; c, June 23d, '61,
Company F— Twenty-Second Regiment 229
Collins, J. W., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; c. May 23d, '64.
Cumby, W. A., e. March loth, '62; Alleghany co. ; w.
Carson, Thomas J., e. Nov. 12th, '63.
Caudill, Martin, e. Sept. r2th, '63.
Crisp, Asbury, e. April 15th, '63.
Daughton, J. H., e. May 27th, 'Gl ; Alleghany co. ; w,
Delp, Lee M,, e. January 11th, '63; Alleghany co. ; c. May 3d, '64.
Edwards, Berrj' H., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany CO.; p. Sergeant in '62, and w.
Edwards, William S., e. March 15th, '62; Surry co.; w. in '63 and c. May 23d, '64.
Edwards, Samuel, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; dg. May 20th, '62.
Estep, Jacob W., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Edwards, Hiram, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Fox, Henry, e. Feb. 22d, '64; Alleghany co. ; w. June 29th, '64.
Fox, Noah, e. Feb. 22d, '61; Alleghany co.
Fender, William, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.; d. September 20th, '62, of w.
at Shepherdstown.
Fender, Center, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; d. June 30th, '62, of w. near
Finney, O. B., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; w. and r.
Fender, John, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; pr.
Greenwell, G. W., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. June 10th, '62.
Greenwell, J. J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. Sept. 8th, '61, at Fredericks-
Gambill, R. C, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. : p. Corporal and Sergeant; w.
Goens, F., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. May 20th, '62.
GufTey, John E., e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Guffey, Thomas L., e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Howard, Walker G., e. Sept. 14th, '63.
Hoppers, Stephen, e. May 27th, "61; Alleghany co.
Hampton, F. S., e. May 27th, '61; Virginia; p. Sergeant; w.
Hale, Morgan, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. September 15th, '62.
Hill, John, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. June 10th, '62.
Holloway, A. J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. Aug. 1st, '62.
Hopperas, J. J., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; d. of w. October 27th. '62.
Hoppers, John, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.; d. August 30th, '62.
Hill.R. F., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.; d. May 10th, '62.
Ham, E. J., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.
Hensley, W., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; d. May 30th, '62. '
.Jordan, George, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; dg. Oct. 30th, '61.
Killen, W., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. Sept. 14th, '62.
Landreth, E. T., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. Sergeant and d. Oct. 10th, '62.
Lovelace, Amstide, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. Sept. 27th, '61.
Long, H. W., e. May 27th, 61; Alleghany co.
Landreth, James C, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Lambert, Franklin, e. March loth, '64.
Mamis, James, e. Feb. 6th, '63; Alleghany co.
Moon, Wm. H., e. Nov. 8th, '63.
Maxwell, Wm. D., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; dg. Sept. 17th. '61.
Mains, Hiram D., e. May 27th, '61; Virginia; w.
Mains, John, e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany CO.; k. July 2d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Maines, E., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.
Maxley, Noah, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; dg. Jan. 1st, '62.
Mitchell, Wm. L., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; p. Captain and w.
Myers, Jesse, e. November 8th, '63; d. June 20th, '64.
Osborn, Reeves, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
230 North Carolina State Troops,
Osborn, Matthew C, e. May 27th, '61; AUeghauy co. ; p. Sergeant and pr. May
'23d, '64.
Powell, George F. C, e. May 27tli, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Pollard, John, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; k. June 26th, '62, near Richniond.
Phipps, Joseph, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. Corporal.
Patte, S. M., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; dg. Dec. 1st, '61.
Prewett, J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. July 28th, '62.
Perry, E., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.; d. June 1st, '62,
Perry, N., e. March loth, '62; Alleghany co.
Pegram, F. S., e. April 15th, '63; Guilford co.; w.
Richardson, Caleb, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Reynolds, N. A., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; p. 1st Lieut, in '62; d.
Reynolds, W., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; d. July 20th, '62.
Reynolds, Nathaniel, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; w.
Richardson, G. W., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Reaves, George M., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Richardson, Eli, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Reaves, John C, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Reich, Chas. E. C, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Stamper, Jonathan, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany oo. ; dg. June, '62.
Stamper, John, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Stamper, Leander A., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghanj^ co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Sexton, Jonathan, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Sexton, C. J., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.
Spurlin, Eii, e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.
Scott, W. D., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; d. Sept. 23d, '62.
Spurlin, William, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Saunders, R. P., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Smith, Marion, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
South, George, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. October 5th, '61.
Sweeny, Preston, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Stamper, H. G., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. Aug. 9th, '62.
Sides, William F., e. April 1st, '61.
Shehan, Thomas W., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Saunders, Wm.,e. April 1st, '64; Allegheny co.
Shropshire, J. P., e. April 1st, '64.
Tapper, W. S., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co. ; d. July 1st, '62, of w. near Rich-
Talliaferro, Calvin J., e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; p. Corporal July 1st, '63.
Talliaferro, M. B., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Talliaferro, Calaway J., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; k. at Shepherdstown.
Talliaferro, Alexander, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; w.
Talliaferro, G. H., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Wyatt, Matthews, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Warren, Wm., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.
Warren, H. J., e. October 27th, '63.
Walker, Joel, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w.
Whitaker, P'ranklin, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; w. and pr.
Whitaker, Theophilus, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. November 25th, '61.
Whitaker, Allen, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; d. December 5th, '62.
. Company Gr— Twenty- Second Regiment. 231
Watson, William, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; dg.
Wills, Johnson, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. October 26th, '62.
Wiley, Calvin, e. May 27th, '61 ; Alleghany co. ; w.
Willey, Martin, e. January 1st, '64.
Williams, S. B., e. March loth, '64; pr. May 6th, '64.
Williams, Offey G., e. March 15th, '64.
Williams, Washington A., e. March 15th, '64; pr. May 6th, '64,
Williams, Melvin B., e. March 15th, '64.
Wolfe, Henry A., e. November 20th, '63.
Wolf, Eli, e. May 27th, 61; Alleghany co.; p. Sergeant; w.
Waggoner, J. fl., e. October 17th, '62; pr. May 23d, '64.
Waggoner, Martin, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. of w. Sept. 27th, '62.
Waggoner, H., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co.; d. Oct. 25th, '62.
Waggoner, Daniel, e. September 12th, '63; d. October 17th, '64.
Waggoner, H. R., e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany co. ; p. Sergeant.
Wyatt, Calvin, e. May 27th, '61; Alleghany CO.; c. May 23d, '64.
Willey, Levi S., e. March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.; p. Corporal; d. Oct. lOth, '64.
Willey, John, e, March 15th, '62; Alleghany co.
Edward M. Scott, Captain, cm. May 2Sth, '61; Caswell co.; tr. as Captain of Com.
D, 1st Regiment.
J, A, Burns, Captain, cm. June 1st, '61; Caswell co. ; r. Sept. 12th, '61.
John W. Graves, Captain, cm. Oct. 3J, '61; Caswell co.
•Stanlin Brinchfleld, Captain, cm. May 1st, '62; Caswell co.
O. W. Fitzgerald, 1st Lieut., cm. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; r. June 12th, '61.
•lames T. Stokes, 1st Lieut., cm. June 12th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; p. from 2d Lieut.
Peter Smith, 1 3t Lieut., cm. May 1st, '62; Caswell co. ; p. from 2d Lieut. ; w. twice.
J. A. Burnes, 2d Lieut , cm. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.
J. T. Stokes, 2d Lieut., cm. May 28th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; p.
J. N. Blackwell, 2d Lieut., cm. August, '61; Caswell co. ; p. from Sergeant.
Peter Smith, 2d Lieut., cm. June 11th, '61; Caswell co. ; p. and w.
n. S. Mitchell, 2d Lieut., Caswell co.
Martin H. Cobb, 2d Lieut., cm. April, '63; Caswell co. ; w. twice; r. March 25th,
.J. N. Blackwell, 1st Sergeant, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; p.2d Lieut. Aug., '61.
John D. Wilder, 2d Sergeant, e May 2Sth, '61; Caswell co.; p. A. Q,. M.
Wm.Lockhart, 3rd Sergeant, e. May 28th, '61 ; Caswell co.; dg.
Chas. H. Stokes, 4th Sergeant, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. for disability.
James C. Ingram, 1st Corporal, e. May 2Sth, '61; Caswell co.; d. of w.
Isaac L. King, 2d Corporai, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; d. June, '62, of w.
B. 3. Mitchell, 3d Corporal, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May 1st, '62.
R. T. Blackwell, 4th Corporal, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; w.; p. 1st Sergeant.
232 North Carolina, State Troops.
Arrowil, Alfred, e. Oct. 6th, '63; Martin co.
Atkinson, , e. February 4th, '62; Caswell CO.; w.
Brinchfleld, Stanlin, e. January 1st, '62; Caswell co.; p. Captain May 1st, '62.
Burton, A. B., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.
Bragg, Cicero, e. May 27th, '61; Caswell co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Bolton, R. W., e. May 27th, '61; Caswell co. ; w. July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg.
Bragg, John, e. May 28th, '61; Cas^^ell co.; dg. in '62.
Barts, James H., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; m.
Barrow, Peter W., e. Oct. 6th, '63; McDowell co.; m.
Bust, John A., e. March 1st, '64.
Brown, L. E., e. February 4th, '63; "Wake co. ; k.
Brewer, David, e. February 17th, '63; Forsyth co.; d. of^w.
Brewer, Edwards, e. July 1st, '64; Forsyth co.
Ballard, J., e. February 4th, '63; Wake co.
Barnhill, A., e. February 4th, '63; "Wake co.
Casson, S, M., e. February 4lh, '63; Stokes co.
Cane, Daniel, e. March 1st, '64.
Cook, Evans E., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; d. June 12th, '62.
Cobb, Martin H., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; p. 2d Lieut.; w. and r.
Cook, George W., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; d. Aug. 1st, '62.
Ceames, Robert, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. in '62.
Clayton, John D., e. July 12th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. in '62, for disability.
Durham, "W. "W., e. May 28th, '61 ; Caswell co.
Durham, David, e. Ma'' 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. August, '61, for disability.
Durham, N., e. April 7th, '61; Caswell co.
Durham, Richard, e. July 12th, '61; Caswell co.
Daniel, John A., e. July 12th, '61; Caswell CO.; dg. Aug., '61, for disability.
Elliott, James A., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; w.
Ferrell, Henry W., e. March 1st, '64.
Ferrell, "Wm. F., e. April 1st, '64.
Fields, C, e. April 7th, '61; Guilford co. ; d. of w.
Faisons, Haywood, e. April 7th, '61; Wake co. ; d. April 15th, '6S.
Faisons, J. P., e. April 7th, '61; Wake co. ; d. April 27th, '63.
Ferrey, J. W., e. March 5th, '63; Stokes co.
Filley, E., e. February 24th, '63; Stokes co.
Gray, John, e. Oct. 6th, '64; McDowell co.
Gibson, Wm. T., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; dg. July 6th, '62.
Graves, George A., e. May 1st, '62; Caswell co.; w.
Graves, John W., e. May 12th, '61; Caswell co.; p. Captain October 8th, '61.
George, Levy, e. July 2d, '64; Forsyth co.
Hardy, G. W., e. July 12th, '61; Caswell co.; pr.
Hubbard, Freeman A., e. May 28th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; dg.
Hubbard, James L., e. May 2Sth, '61 ; Caswell co. ; d. of w.
Harold, E., e. Oct. 6th, '63; McDowell co.
Hodge, Jesse, e. Feb. 7th, '63; Wake co.
Hody, J., e. February 21st, '63; Wake co.
Hamburt, J. G„ e. February 21th, '63; Stokes co. ; w.
Hanley, John F., e. October 5th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. in '62, for disability.
Ingram, D. W., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co. ; k. at Gettysburg.
.Tackson, Franklin, e. March 20th, '(i3; m.
Jordan, Franklin, e. Feb. 12th, '63; Guilford co.; m,
.Tentry, Richard, e. July 2d, '64; Rockingham co. ; tr.
Kersey, Clark L., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; w.
Company <}— Twenty-Second Regiment. 283
Keaday, D. C, e. March 2d, '63; Guilford co.
Knott, J. H., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.; d. of w.
Lovelace, Samuel A., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. for disability.
Loyelg-ce, Wm. F., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.
Lovelace, Joseph, e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; w.
Lovelace, William F., e. Nov. 10th, '61; m.
Lovelace, Cury R., e. Feb. 14th, '64; Caswell co.
Lewis, David, e. Feb. 14th, '64; Caswell co.
Lewis, William, e. March 1st, '64. \
Lane, Joseph, e. March 1st, '64.
Lane, John W., e. Oct. 21st, '64; Guilford co.
Lane, Levi, e. Oct. 21st, '64; Guilford co.
Lambreth, John G., e. Feb. 20th, '62; Stokes co.
Lamb, T. C, e. March 24th, '6a; Guilford co.; w.
Leonard, Robert, e. March 24th, '63; Guilford co.
Lee, Henry W., e. March 24th, '63; Guilford co. ; w.
Lee, Henry W., e. Feb. 21st, '62; Guilford co.
Morton, John, e. May 28th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; dg. May, '62, for disability.
Mitchell, R. J., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.
Murphy, T. S., e. May 25th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; d. July, '62.
Meachum, William, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; d. June. '62.
McNelo, Wm. S., e. July 2d, '64; Rockingham co.
Murston, Robert, e. March 1st, '63; Guilford co.
Nance, William W., e. September 20th, '61; Caswell co.
Orr, C. N., e. March oth, '63; Caswell co. ; d. July, '63.
Pryor, Joseph, e. May 25th, '61; CJaswell co.
Paron, Wm., e. May 25th, '61 ; Caswell co.
Perkins, Leander, e. May 25ih, '61; Caswell co. ; w.
Page, Wm. S., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.; k. June, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Page, W. L., e. October 5th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; p. Corporal; w.
Page, W. D., e. October 5th, '61; Caswell co.
Powell, John H., e. July 12th, '61; Caswell co.; d. June 19th, '62.
Powell, James C, e. August 5th, '61; Caswell co.; p. Sergeant; w.
Patterson, Turner, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; w.
Patterson, William, e. July 12th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; pr.
Poteat, Charles L., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.
Pryor, Pinkney, e. May 28th, '61; Wake co.
Padgett, Levi S., e. Feb. 14th, '63; Forsyth co.
Padgett, L. S., Forsyth co.
Rogers, Romulus, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; w.
Rogers, Joshua, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; w.
Rogers, John H., e. March, '64; m.
Richards, John W., e. March 1st, ' — ; dt.
Robertson, Thompson G., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.
Rainey, Demortha, e. May 25tli, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. in '62.
Rich, E. W., Forsyth co.
Read, Nat. V., e. February 17th, '63; Caswell co ; d. of w.
Rhodes, Andrew J., e. July 2, '64; Wake co.
Shelton, D. F., e. February 17th, '63; Stokes co.
Simpson, Charles L., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.; dg.
Simpson, Richard, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; w.
Sarten, Stephen, e. May 25th, '61 ; Caswell co.
Sarten, Moses, e. May 25th, '61 ; Caswell co. ; w. and pr.
Sarten, Ellis, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; w. and dg.
Strader, G. V., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; pr.
234 North Garolim State Troops.
Strader, John E., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.
Sanders, Robert, e. May 25th, 'Gl; Caswell co.; dg. in '62 for disability.
Sanders, John, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.; dg. in '62.
Sanders, William F., e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co ; w. June 13th, '64. ,
Snow, Stephen, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.; w.
Snow, Henry, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co.; d. in '62 of w.
Snow, James, e. May 15th, '64; Wake co.
Silvey, Jasper M., e. Oct. 0th, '63; Warren co.
Sparks, Milton, e. May 25th, '61; Caswell co. ; k. June, '62, at Mechanicsville.
Stone, Thomas R., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.
Smith, Andrew J., e. July 12th, '61; Caswell co. ; w. ; d. at Richmond.
Smith, Peter, e. May 28th, '61; p. 1st Lieut.; w.; dt.
Simms, John, e. July 12th, '61; Caswell co. ; d. June, '62,
Smithy, John, e. July 12th, '61 ; Cawell co. ; d. May, "62.
Turner, W. E., e. March 5th, '63; Caswell co.
Tuttle, James, e. April 1st, '64; Stokes co.; w. June 1st, '61.
Thurmond, George W., e May 28th, '61; Caswell co.; dg. in '62.
Walker, II. W., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co.
Walker, L. L., e. May 28th, '61; Caswell co. ; dg. in '62.
Walker, John, e. March 2d, '63; Guilford co.; pr.
Williams, H., e. April 7th, '61; Wake co. ; d. April 22d, '63.
Wynn, J. H., e. February 15th, '63; Forsyth co.; w. May 6th, '64.
Wilkerson, Andrew, e. March 28th, '64; McDowell co.
Work, Wm. D., e. March 22d, '63; Guilford co.
Work, W. M., e. March 30th, '63; Guilford co.; w.
Wheeler, W. S., e. March 20tb, '63; Guilford co.
White, Andrew, e. July 2d, '64; Forsyth co.
White, B., e. March 20th, '63; Guilford co.
Yates, Alexander, e. May 28th, '61 ; Caswell co.
Hamilton Scales, Captain, cm. June 10th, '61 ; Stokes co.
Ephraim Bouldin, Captain, cm. May ISth, '61; Stokes co.; p. from 1st Lieut. ; k
at Malvern Hill.
Wm. H. Lovins, Captain, cm. Julj^ 1st, '62; w. at 2d Manassas Aug. 29th, '62; r.
May 14th, '63.
Ephraim Bouldin, 1st Lieut., cm. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.; p.
S. Martin, 1st Lieut., cm. May 18th, '62; Stokes co. ; r. Oct. 18th, '62.
O. C. Smith, 1st Lieut., cm. Oct. 24th, '62; Stokes co.; r. July 17th, '63.
John.K. Martin, 1st Lieut., cm. Sept. 9th, '63; Stokes co.; p. from ranks; w.
Samuel B. Ziglar, 2d Lieut , cm. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.; r. Aug., '61.
Shadrach Martin, 2d Lieut., cm. June 1st, '61; Stokes co. ; p. and r. Dec, 1st, '61.
. Joshua D. Ziglar, 2d Lieut., cm. May loth, '62; Stokes co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at
Seven Pines.
Company R— Twenty-Second Regiment 235
Mason T. Mitchell, 2d Lieut., cm. May 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; p. from Sergeant and
thrice w.
C. C. Sinith, 2d Lieut., cm. July, '62; Stokes co. ; p. from ranks.
C'alvin L. Graves, 2nd Lieut., Caswell co. ; p. from ranks.
Joshua D. Ziglar, 1st Sergeant, e. June 2d, '61 ; Stokes co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May 13th,
'62, and k. May Slat, '62, at Seven Pines.
Mason T. Mitchell, 2d Sergeant, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; p. 2d Lieut. May Ibt,
'62, and w.
John Gatewood, 3d Sergeant, e. June 2d, '61; Stakes co.; d. Oct., '61, at Freder-
Thomas B. Martin, 4th Sergeant, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; dg. Oct., '62.
Shaflfer, George W., 1st Corporal, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Mechanics-
ville June, '62.
.John W. Hutching, 2d Corporal, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w.
W. W. Cunningham, 3d Corporal, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w. May 3d, '63, at
C. C. Sands, 4th Corporal, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.
Alley, Hardin, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Amos, R. G., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Amos, R. F., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Arnold, James, e. November Uth, '62; Stokes co.
Alberti, A. J. P., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; m. at Gettysburg,
Allen, Edmund, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. April, '62, at Camp "Winder,
Alley, Thomas, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. April 1st, '62, at Camp Winder.
Alley, L. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. of w. received at Frazier's Farm.
Alley, William, e. March 1st, '82; Stokes co.; d. April, '62, at Camp Winder.
Andrew, Nathaniel, e. March 1st, '62; StoRes co.; d. June 1st, '62, in Virginia.
Alley, Granville, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. May 1st, '62, at Camp Winder,
Burge, J. M., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. at Sharpsburg and Chancellors-
ville; p. Corporal.
Bullen, Wm., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. July 31st, '64,
Benton, ,T. M., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Brown, W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. May 13th, '62, at Camp Winder.
Brown, W. M., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes eo.; d. June 26th, •62, at Mechanicsville.
Berry, Edmund M., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.
Brown, A. I., e. June 2d, '61 ; Stokes co. ; dg. Dec. 1st, '61.
Brown, Hubbard, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. July 1st, '62.
Bohanon, J. A., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; d. .Sept. 19th, '61, at Fredericksburg.
Bigg, Albert C, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. April, '62, in Va.
Corn, John A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; pr. at Falling Waters.
Corn, Joshua A., e. Mai-ch 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Campbell, J. H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Carter, W. A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; dg. July 1st, '63, for disability. '
Claybrooks, Samuel, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; k. July, 63. at Gettysburg.
Corn, .Tohn C. J., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; w.
Campbell, H. H., e. June 2d, '61; dg. December, '61, for disability.
Corn, John C, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Collins, G. W., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w. July 1st, '62.
Collins, Jeremiah, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w.
236 North Carolina State Troops.
Collins, Matthew, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes eo.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Collins, Mat., e. June 1st, '64; Stokes co. ; pr. May 5th, '64.
Duggins, James M., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. June 1st, '63.
Duggins, Marion, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. December 1st, '61.
Duggins, W. B., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co ; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Dunlap, N. H., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. April 1st, '63, for \v. at Harper's
Dillian, Armstead, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; d. September 15th, '61.
Dillian, Asa, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; dg. June 1st, '62.
Dillian, William, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; dg. June 1st, '62.
Dodson, Samuel, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. July 1st, '62.
Dodson, G. W., e. April 1st, '64; Stokes co.; w. May 12th, '64.
Dunlap, J. P., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Durham, A. H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Duggins, Harrison, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. January 1st, '63.
Elliott, Jackson, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; p. Corporal; w.
Frazier, A. H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; c. May 25th, '64.
Frazier, P. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; c. May 2oth, '64.
Freeman, A. J., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Fodrill, J. F., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg; dt.
Fair, James J., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; pr.
P'odrill, William, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; dg. April 1st, '62, for disability.
Graves, Calvin L„ e. March 26th, '63; Caswell CO.; p. 2d Lieut.
Gatewood, John D., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.
Gatewood, William, e. June 2d, '62; Stokes co.; d. Sept. 10th, '61, at Fredericks-
Griffin, R. D., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; c.
Hollingsvvorth, J. M., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. July, '63.
Hennis, T, C, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. January 18th, '63.
Hopkins, John, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; pr. at Falling Waters.
Hutchins, William, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. April, 62, at Camp Winder.
Hutchins, S. F., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. August, '62, at Camp Winder.
Hutchinson, Pleasant, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Hutchinson, James, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. May, '62, at Camp Winder.
Hutchinson, C. A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. May, '62, at Camp Winder.
Hutchinson, W. A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Huchinson, P. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Huchinson, Pleasant, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Hall, William, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. and pr.
Hall, John, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. Sep. 20th, '62, of w. at Shephei'dstown.
Hall, Wilcher, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; k. at Manassas.
Hellam, Franklin, e. March 1st, '61; Stokes co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Heath, A. B., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w. and pr. July, '63.
Heath, John H., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; pr.
Hill, James A., e. June 2d, '61 ; Stokes co.; k. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shepherdstown.
Hunley, John H., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; pr. May 6th, '64.
Hensley, N. B., e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. Nov. 1st, '61.
Hutchinson, Richard, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. of w. received May 31st, '62.
at Seven Pines.
Hollingsworth, C. H., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
ville and dt.
Hannis, Pleasant P., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; w. at Seven Pines and Manassas.
Hall, G. W., e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.; d. April, '62, at Ashland.
James, R. L., e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co.
Joyce, L. L., e, March 1st, '61; Stokes co. ; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Company S— Twenty- Second Regiment 2S7
Joyce, William, e. March 1st, '61; Stokes co.; k. Dec. 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg,
Joyce, W. W., e^ June 2d, '61 ; Stokes co,
Joyce, G. M., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.
Joyce, G. W., e. June 2d, '6t; Stokes co.; d. Oct. 24th, '61, &X Fredericksburg.
Joyce, E. H,, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.^; p. Sergeant ; pr.
Knight, G. W., e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co.; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Lawrence, G. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; tr. to 57th Va. Regiment
Lankford, Jas. T., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; k. at Fredericksbvirg.
Lanklord, Wm,, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; dgj Dec, '61, for disability-
Lawson, John W., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co, ; pr.
Lackey, H. C, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Lovins, William H., e. March Istj '61; Stokes CO.; p. Captain July 1st, '62; w. at
Manassas; r. May 14lh, '63.
Manuel, Abner, e. June 2d,- '61; Stokes co. ; w.
Manuel, George W., e. June 2d, '61^ Stokes co.
Manuel, John, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; dg. Oct. 28th, '61,
Manuel, Hugh, e. Sept. 1st, '63; Stokes co.
Martin, John K., e. June 2nd, "61; Stokes co.; p. 1st Lieut. Septembr, '63; w.-
Martin, W. H., e. June 2nd, '61; Stokes co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Martin, Richard R., e. June 2nd, '61; Stok js co.; p. Sergeant; w,
Martin, Andrew J., e. June 2nd, '61; Stokes co.; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Martin, R. T., e, March 1st, '62; Stokes co ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chance llorsville,
Martin, J, H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co,
Martin, W. D., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w. and pr,
Martin, Raleigh H., e. March 1st, '62j Stokes co,; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg,
Martin, W. F., e. March 1st, '62;. Stokes co.
Martin, P. A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.: k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Martin, Wiley W., e. March 1st, 62 j Stokes go.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancelloi-s-
Martin, George W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. June 1st, '62,
Mabe, H. J,, e. Mai-ch 1st, '63; Stokes co.
Mabe, A. J., e. March 1st, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. Dec,, '62,
Mabe, Anderson, e. Nov. 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d.
Mabe, John W,, e. June 2nd, '61; Stokes co. ; d. June 1st, '62,
Mabe, Winston, e. June 2nd, '61; Stokes co.; dg. July 1st, '62.
Nicholson, John H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w,at Chancellorsville.
Nicholson, James, e. March 1st, '62 j Stokes co.; d. Nov., '62.
Nicholson, John, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. May, '62,
Nicholson, William J., e, June 2nd, '61;. Stokes co.
Nelson, John, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Nowler, A. C, e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co, w. and- pr. at Gettysburg,
Orender, Thomas, e. June 2nd, '61; Stokes co.
Powers, W. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Padgett, P. A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. and pr. July, '63, at Gettysburg,
Padgett, P. H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w.
Phillips, R. L., e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Priddy, Henderson, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Rhodes, A. C, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w. at Frazier's Farm.
Rhodes, Hardin J., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w.; d. Dec. 10th, 62,
Robinson, James, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; pr. May 23d, '64.
Robinson, W. W., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. Sept. 25th, '61, at Frederick.?-'
Robertson, James, e, March 15th, '64; Stokes co.
Reid, Alexander, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w. at Gaines' Mill.
Reid, Matthew, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. May 1st, '62, at Camp Winder,
JS8 North Garolim State Trwps.
Reid, W. A., e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co.
Steel, J. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w, and m. at Sharpsburg,
Steel, A. B., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; pr, at Falling Waters.
Steel, W. P., e. March 1st, '62: Stokes co. ••
Sisk, Pendleton, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. May 3rd, '63,at Chancellorsville,
Sisk, John P., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Sisk, Henderson, e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co. ; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellors-
Sisk, William H., e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Q-ettysburg,
Sisk, Wni. G., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co. ; p. Sergeant.
Smith, M. L. D., e. January 1st, '63; Stokes co.; pr. July, '63, at Hagerstown,
Smith, DeKalb, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. June 26th, '62, at EUyson's
Smith, C. a, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; p. Lieut. July, '62; r. in '63.
Smith, W. T., e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Smith, R. L., e. Mai'ch, 1st, '62; Stokes co., d. July, '62, at Farmville, Va.
Starr, ,1. L., e. June 1st, '61 ; Stokes co.
Shoflfer, G. W., e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.
Shoffer, William, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
.Shoflfer, William A., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; w. accidentally.
Stain, Tison, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. August, '62.
State, Samuel, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co, ; d. Sept. 16th, '61, in Va.
Stanley ,^John, e. June 2d, '61 ; Stokes co. ; d. August 1st, '62, at Lynchburg.
Stanley, Latney, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Stanley, 0. C, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; d. June 1st, '62, at Camp Winder.
Spencer, James M., e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.; pr. at Hagerstown July 13th, '63.
Spencer, Wm., e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.; pr. at Falling Waters.
Slair, J. L., e. June 1st, '61 ; Stokes co. : w. at Cedar Run.
Sands, C. C, e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co. ; w.
Sands, C. C, e. July 1st, '61; Stokes co.; pr.
Tumblen, S. H., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville,
Taylor, R. H., e. March 1st, 62; Stokes co. ; w. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Taylor, Grimm, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. August, '62.
Tilley, John, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Tilley, B. I., e. March ist, '62; Stokes co.; c. June 22d, '64.
Tilley, William, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. Sept., '62, in Virginia,
Tilley, James M., e. June 2d, '61: Stokes co. ; d. Nov. 6th, '61, in Va.
Tilley, Peter M.,e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d,
Tilley, Edmund, e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; d. September Sth, '61, at Fredericks-
Tilley, Amos J., e. June 2d, '61 ; Stokes co. ; w. April 29th, '62.
Tilley, John H., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes CO.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Tilley, G. M., e. April 7th, '64; Stokes co.
Vernon, R. W., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Vernon„Richard, e. Marcli 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. April, '63.
Vernon, John, e. March 1st, '62; SLokes co. ; d. July, '62, at Camp Winder.
Ward, Samuel M., e. Marcli 1st, '62; Stokes co.
White, Wm., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Wilkins, Thomas, e. March 1st, '63; Stokes co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Williams, Hudson, e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg; dt.
Williams, W. P., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; d. Aug., '62.
Wells, J. M., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.
Wood, W. F., e. March 1st, '62; Stokes co.; w. at Manassas and Gettysburg.
Wilkins, Wm. H,,e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Wilkins, Wm, .T., e. June 2d, '61; Stokes co.
Company I— Twenty- Second Regiment. 239
Whitten, John B., e. June 1st, 'Gl ; Stokes co. ; dg. '61, at Evansport.
Watson, W. A., e. April 15th, '61; Stokes co.
Willard, J. P., e. Oct. 15th, '64; Stokes co.
Yates, Thomas, e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co.; w. at Gettysburg; dt.
Young, Alexander, e. June 1st, '61; Stokes co. ; pr. at Falling Waters.
Ziglar, James T., e. March 1st, '62; Georgia; tr. from Georgia Regiment.
S. G. Worth, Captain, cm. June ath, '61; Randolph co. ; r. June 24th, '62
G. V. Lamb, Captain, cm. July 18th, '62; Randolph co.; p. from Sergeant; w,
three times.
Robert Hanner, 1st Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; r. July, '61.
EllH. Winningham, 1st Lieut., cm. July, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Julj^ 17th, '62.
John H. Palmer, 1st Lieut., cm. July, '62; Randolph co. ; k. July 3d, '63, at Get-
B. W. Burkhead, 1st Lieut., cm. July 3d, '63; Randolph co. ; w. three times.
William McAuley, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; r. July, '61.
E. H. Winningham, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Randolph co, ; p. and d.
H. C. Graham, 2d Lieut., Craven co.
Alexander A. McAllister, 2d Lieut., Randolph co.
B. W. Burkhead, 2d Lieut., cm. August 1st, '62; Randolph co. ; p. from Corporal:
w. thrice.
J. S. Robbins, 2d Lieut., cm. February 18th, '62; Randolph co. ; Iv. July od. '63,
at Gettysburg.
R. A. Glenn, 2d Lieut., cm. July 3d, '63; Randolph co. ; p. from i-anks.
R. W. Winbourne, 2d Lieut,, cm. August 1st, '63; Randolph co.; w. ; p. from 1st
R. H. Winbourne, 1st Sergeant, e. June 5th, '6L; Randolph co. ; w. and p. 2d. Lieut.
Aug, '63.
T. J. Wood, 2d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
G. V. Lamb, 3d Sergeant, e. June oth, '61; Randolph co.; w. ; p. Captain July
15th, '62.
A. S. Kenneth, 4th .Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
B. W. Burkhead, 5th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; w. ; p. 2d Lieut.
Aug., '62; pr. May 22d, '64.
Dixon, M. L., 1st Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. May, '63.
J. W. Jolly, 2d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. Nov., '62.
J. W. Heath, 3d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
F. W. Robbins, 4th Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Alford, John, e. June 6tb, '61; Randolph co.
MO NoHh Carolina, State Troops.
AUred, Daniel, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Allred, William K., e. June oth, '61; Randolph co.
Amos, T. F., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. in '62.
Aiford, J. S., e. February 25th, '62; Randolph co.; dg. in '62,
Allred, James, e. September 10th, '63; Randolph coj
Allred, J., e. March 8th, '62; Randolph co.; d. in '62.-
Allred, Elisha, e. Sept. Sth, '64.
Albred, E., e. March Sth, '61 ; Randolph co.
AUridge, P., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; pr. July 14th, '63.
Bunting, S., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co.
Brown, J., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co.
Baldwin, P. M., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co.; d. in '62,
Bowlin, William, e. June 2d. '61; Randolph co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Brogden, James, e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; d. January, '63.
Breedlove, Henry, e. June 15th, '81; Randolph co. ; d. April, '62.
Breedlove, Milton, e. June loth, '61; Randolph co,; pr. July 4th, '63^
Breedlove, L., e. June loth, '61; Randolph co.
Bowman, W. L., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Bradley, T. L. C, e. Feb. 10th, '64; d. of w. September 1st, '64,
Curtis, S. H., e. October 6th, '63.
Calhone, J. M., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Causey, R. L., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; w,; p. Corporal; pr. May 23d, '64,
Causey, A. E., e. June 2d, '61 ; Randolph co. ; d. August, '61.
<;heek, Morton', e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. July, '62.
(!ranford, Terby, e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; d. September, '63.
Cater, Stoliven, e. July 1st, '61; w. August 24th, '64.
Craven, W. H., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Cross, W. H., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co.
(lauly, Henry, e. April 2d, '64.
Cross, Luke, e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. for disability.
Cross, H., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co.
Cross, W., e. March Sth, "62; Randolph co.
Davidson, F., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; dg. for disability,
Davis, Stephen R., e. April 2d, '64.
Davis, W., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co.
Davis, A. G., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co. ; pr. May 22d, '64,
Daniel, M. M., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co.
Daniel, W. H., e, March Sth, '62; Randolph co.
Doolittle, David, e. June Sth, '61 ; Randolph co. ; pr.
Ewen, Daniel, e. April 22d, '64.
Elliot, J. P., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. August, '62,
Fulk, John W., e. June 22d, '64; Randolph co.
Kaulkner, S., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co.
Faulkner, D., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co.
Fields, Christopher, e. July 1st, '64.
Frazier, F., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co.; dg. for disability; w. June 12th, '&4/
Frazier, E., e. June 2d, '61 ; Randolph co. ; w. and pr,
Frazier, William, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Gibson, G. W., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co ; dg. for disability,
Glenn, R. A., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co. ; p 2d Lieut.; c. May 22d, '64.
(Jroves, B., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co.; d. in '62.
Groves, R., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co. ; d. in '62,
Gardner, W. S., e. March Sth, '62; Randolph co. ; k, July, '63, at Gettysburg,
Gardner, James, e. Sept. Sth, '64; Randolph co.
Graham, H, C, e. Aug, 12th, '61 ; Craven co.
Company I— Twenty- Second Regiment. 241
Heraldson, , e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Hamlett, A. J., e. June 2d, '61; Randolph co.
Hancock, S. J., e. June 12th, '61; Randolph co. ; tr. .July, '61.
Hannei; J. C, e. June 12th, '61; Randolph co.; pr.
Heath, A, S., e. June 12th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr.
Hicks, Jackson, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Hicks, Milton, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Hileg, John, e. June 5th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; w.
Hethcock, J., e. March 8th, '62; Randolph co. ; dg. in '63.
Heath, E., e. June 5th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; dg. in '62.
Hester, Robert T., e. July 1st, '61.
Holder, A., e. March 8th, '62; Randolph co. ; w.
Heath, James W., e. June 5th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Hann, A. M., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.; vv.
Hargrove, J. H., e. June 15th, '64.
Ivey, John, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Jerrell, Milton, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr.
Jerrell, William, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; dg.
Jarrell, Zimri, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; c. May 1st, '64.
Jarrell, Tighlman, e. April 22d, '64.
Jolly, Thomas J., e. Oct 27th, '62.
.Jennings, D. B., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. Sept, 20th, '62, at Shepherds-
.Johnson, Eli, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr. August, '63.
Jordan, Jesse, e. June 5th, '61; Randolpli co. ; dg. in '62.
Julian, A. H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; w. ; p. Sergeant.
Jarrell, A. F., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. February, '63.
Jones, John, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Kimball, William, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
King, "W. H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
King, Jesse, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Lamb, D., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Lamb, D. C, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Lamb, E. H., e. June oth, '61; Randolph co.
Lamb, J. Q,. A., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg.
Lamb, A. L., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; w. and pr. May 23d, '04,
Lamb, Newton E., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr.
Lamb, William A., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Lamb, B., e. June 5th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; pr. May 23d, 't>4.
Lamb, M., e. March 1st, '62; Randolph co.
Lamb, Eli D., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Langster, Amos B., e. June 1st, '64.
Little, David, e. Nov. 14th, '61; Randolph co.
Latham, Henry, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ,
Latham, Noah, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; dg,
Latham, John, e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Latham, K., e. Mai-ch 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Latham, B„ e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.; w.; c May 23d,. '64..
Lee, R. E., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Lee, A. A., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. in '62.
Lewis, N. H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; w.; p. Corporal ; pr. May 22d, '64..
Little, Green, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg.
McMasters, W., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; pr.
McCallum, Jas. M., e. Nov. 14th, '61; Randolph cd
McLaurin, A. L., e. April 2d, '64; c. May 22d, '64.
242 North GaTolim SUte Troops.
McCoUum, M., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Morgan, H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr.
Mclver, Hugh, e. April 22d, '64; d. June 6th, '61.
Mitchell, W., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
McDowell, J. M., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.; c. May 30th, "64.
McDowell, L., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Noe, J., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.; d. in '62.
Orment, Jessie, e. March 22d, '63; Guilford co.
Overby, Stephen, e. June 22d, '64.
Owen, Jasper, e. April 2d, '64.
Palmer, J. H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. 1st Lieut, and k. Jul3' 3d, '63, at
Palmer, J. N., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; d. in '62.
Presnel, J., e. June oth, '61; Randolph co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Presnel, N., e. June oth, '61; Randolph co.; dg. for disability.
Patrick, John, e. April 22d, '64.
Pollins, H. H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Phillips, J., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Rush, IT. B., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; p. Sergeant; w. and pr. May 22d, '64.
Redding, B. F., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Roderick, C. D., e. October 6th, '63.
Rotabins, Wm., e. April 22d, '64.
Bobbins, Damon, e. Sept. Sth, '64; c. May 22d, '64.
Bobbins, J. S., e. Feb. 8th, '61; Randolph co.; p. 2d Lieut.; k. July, '63, at Gettys-
Robbins, J., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Kobbins, L., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Robbins, C, e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Robbins, A,, e, March Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Reynolds, M., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co. ; k. at Frazier's P'arm.
Richardson, N., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Redding, W. W., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co. ; p. Sergeant; w.
Rollins, J. J., e. March Sth, '61 ; Randolph co.
Romer, J. L., e. Feb. Sth, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Reams, H., e. March 1st, '61; Randolph co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Rich, M., e. March 1st, '62; Randolph co.
Rich, N., e. March 1st, '62; Randolph co.
Stoley, W. J., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Smith, John, e. Junii5th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Jan., '62.
Smith, A., e. June Sth, '61; Randolph co.; dg. Aug., '62.
Smith, Mc. Wm., e. June 5th, '61; Ranpolph co.; dg. in '62.
Smith, William, e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co. ; d. in '62.
Smith, H., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Smith, J., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Smith, W. W., e. March Sth, '61 ; Randolph co.
Sanders, R., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph CO. ; w.
Sirratt, G. W., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; dg.
Schutz, E., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Thompson, Robert, e. June Sth, '61; Randolph cc; w.
Trogden, R., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Nov., '62.
Tucker, A., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.; pr.
Tucker, R., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.; dg. in '62.
Tucker, Pinkney, e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.
Todd, W., e. March Sth, '61; Randolph co.; w. ; p. Sergeant; pr. May 22d, '64.
Venable, Joseph, e. July 1st, 'G4.
Gompuny K— Twenty-Second Regiment. 243
Venable, James, e. July 1st, '64.
Vaughn, R. T., e. April 19th, '64.
Wallace, E. H., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co; dg. May, '62.
Wall, Jesse, e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. in '62.
Walker, Wm, A., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Wheeler, J. R., e, June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; k. June 26th, '62. at Mechanics-
Writingburg, J., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. June, '61.
Wetherford, Samuel, e. October 6th, '63; dt.
Winslow, N., e. June 5th, '61; Randolph co.
Wright, R. C, e. June 15th, '61; McDowell co, ; dg. July 10th, '64.
Warren, Reuben, e. June 15th, '64.
Wilson, J. E., e. September 11th, '64.
Wilson, G. S., e. September 11th, '64.
Williams, S. W., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Winnington, A., e. March 8th, '61; Randolph co.
Yarborough, W. A., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
AIney Burgin, Captain, cm. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; r. Oct., '62.
Charles H. Burgin, Captain, cm. Oct., '62; McDowell co. ; w. at Shepherdstown
and d. Nov. 13th, '62.
William B. Gooding, Captain, cm. November 13th, '62; McDowell co. ; p. from.
1st Lieut.
E. J. Dobson, Captain, cm. in '64; McDowell co. ; w.
Charles H. Burgin, 1st Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; p. and d.
W. B. Gooding, 1st Lieut.
Isaac E. Morris, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; p. Major and Q. M.
April, '62.
A. W. Crawford, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
W. B. Gooding, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; p.
J. L. Greenlee, i.d Lieut., cm. August, '62: d. Oct., '62, at Upperville.
E. J. Dobson, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov., '62; McDowell co. ; p. from ranks, and w. May
3d, '63, at Chancellorsville; p. Captain.
J. B. Burgin, 2d Lieut., cm, Oct. 1st, '62; McDowell co.
John M. Burgin, 2d Lieut., cm. April 4th, '63; McDowell co.
J. E. Bailey, 2d Lieut., cm. in '64: McDowell co. ; p. from ranks; w.
Wm. R. Gooding, 1st Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; McDo'well co. ; p. Captain Nov
15th, '62.
Elijah L. Morris, 2d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. December 30tb,
'61, for disability.
John T. Reid, 3d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co»
Wm. F. Craig, 4th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; dg, Aug. 7th, '62.
244 Forth Garolim State Troops.
Joseph G. Morgan, 1st Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; MeDowell eo. ; k, Sept. 20th, '62,
at Shepherdstown.
Elisha Ross, 2d Corporal, e. June 6th, '61; McDowell co,; k. July, '63, at Gettys-
Ba-vid L. Gibhs, 3d Corporal e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June, '62.
Moses H. Wilkerson, 4lh Corporal, e, June 5tb, '61; McDowell co. •,. d. September
18th, '62.
Allison, Benj., e. March 15tbr'&2; McDowell co.; pr. at Gettysburg,
Allison, George, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62, at Lynchburg.
Allison, Benj., e. March 18th, '62; McDowell co. ; pr. July 1st, '63.
Allison, Jacob S., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; w, at 2d Manassas; p. Corpora!
March 1st, '63.
Allen, J. Y., e. July 23d, '64.
Allen, A, C. B., e, March 18th, '64,
Burgess, N. L., e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Blackburn, Wm., e, June 18th, '64.
Benfield, Marion, e. July 23d. '63; McDowell co.
Bailey, Wm, G., e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co.
Bailey, J. E., e. January 4th, '62; McDowell co.; p. 2nd Lientenant; w, July 4th,
Bailey, W. G., e. June 5th, '61.
Blackwelder, Rufus A., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; d. Sept. 10th, '61.
Bradley, Samuel J., e. June oth, '61; McDowell co. ; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg,
Bradley, G. W, L., e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co.
Bradley, W. W,, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Bradley, J. L., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Burgin, G. W., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co,; k, June 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Burgin, Wm. S., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; k. June 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Burgin, R. L., e. June 5th, '61; Henderson co.
Burgin, John M., e. January 4th, '62; McDowell CO.; p. 2d Lieut.; p. 1st Lieut.; c,
Bruner, James, e. Mai'cli 25th, '63; Catawba co.
Burgin, J. D., e, April 28tb, '61 ; McDowell co. ; w. December 13th, '62, at Fredericks-
Burgin, B. M., e. June 5th, '61 ; Henderson co.
Burgin, J. B., e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; p. 2d Lieut. October, '62.
Burgin, James L., e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Bird, John W., e. June 5tb,'61; McDowell co. ; d. of w. received at Shepherds-
Bird, Richard S., e. .Tune 5th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
Bruner, Marion, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; k, by accident October, '61.
Bunn, Joseph, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Brown, W. M., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.; p. Sergeant.
Condley, Franklin, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co,; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechan-
Conner, Noah. e. June 8th, '61; McDowell co.
Conner, Cornelius, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. Aug., '62.
Carr, John A., e. June 5th, '61 ; Georgia ; dg. June, '62.
Crawford, John W., e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co.; p. Sergeant,
Cannon, David, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. July, '62.
Cardwell, H. H., e. March 1st, '&i; Wake co.
Compuny K— Twenty- Second Regiment. 245
Cardwell, Parker, «. March 12Ui, '63; Wake co.
Cardwell, W., e. March 6th, '64; Stokes co.
Cardwell, H. H., e. March 23d, '63; Rockingham co,
Cardwell, Parker, e. March 23d, '63; Rockingham co.; w. May, '63, at Chaneel-
Curtis, J. C, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; p. Sergeant.
Curtis, F. I., e. March 1.5th, '62; McDowell co, ; d. June, '62, in N. C.
Curtis, George W., e. June 6th, '61; McDowell co.
Copeland, A. B., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; d. of w. received at Mechanics-
Criswell, F. M., e. March loth, '62; McDowell co.
Crisweli, W. J., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. Dec, '62, at Lynchburg.
Dobson, George W., e. Oct. 6th, '63.
Dohsou, E. J., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; p. 2d Lieut, and Captain; w. at
Chancellors ville.
Dall, John H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. June 16th, '6L
Davis, David, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; p. Corporal.
Davis, Marion, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. June, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Davis, Robert, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June, '62.
Davis, J. H., e. Dec. 28th, '62.
Davis, J. J., e. Sept, 11th, '64.
Duncan, Marion, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Duncan, Robert, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; k. June, '62, at Frazier's Farm.
Darryberry, Thomas H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; d. July, '62.
Ezement, Jesse, e. March 23d, '63; Guilford co. ; w. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Fenley, "William A., e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co.; dg. June 15th, '62.
Goforth, John P., e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; k. Sept. 20th, '62, at Shepherds-
Gray, James W., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Gray, James L., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. Dec 12th, '61.
Gray, Thomas, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. July, '62.
Gray, Ephraim "W.. e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co,; k, July, 63, at Gettysburg.
Godfrey, Wm., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.; pr. at South Mountain.
Gillespie, J. H. C, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Gibbs, C. H., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.; d. May, '62, in Va.
Greenlee, J. L., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.; p. 2d Lieut.; d. Oct., '62.
Greenlee, .T. P., e. March 15th, '62; w. and pr. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Gaddy, Clement, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. Sept., '61, at Fredericksburg..
Harris, J. C, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.; w. and pr. July, '63, at Gettysburg
Harris, Mainyard, e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; d. October, '61, at Evansport.
Hemphil, T. B., e. March 1.5th, '62; McDowell co.
Hagan, Wm. C, e. June 5th, '6t; McDowell co,
Haynes, E. L. F., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; w, July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Horton, James H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Hawkins, Noah H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; w. at Malvern Hill, and w,
and pr. at Gettysburg.
Hall, Jas. H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Hawkins, Z. S., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Hall, James M., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; pr. May 23d, '64,
Hall, James M., e. January 4th, '62; McDowell co.
Hall, J. M., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Horton, Jas. H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; w. in Sept., '62.
Haynes, EL A., e. June 5th, '61; Madison co.
Haines, L., e. January 4th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62, at Richmond.
Honly, George, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d.
246 Forth CaroUna State Troops.
Hayle, M. M., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. of w. at Manassas.
HuflFstetler, William, e. June 6th, '61; McDowell cc; dg. January, '61, for dis-
Hopson, L. H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. Nov., '61, for disability.
Justice, Peter O., e. June 5th, '61; MoDowell co.; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Justice, John H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Jones, Elisha F., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. Aug., '62.
Joyce, H. W., e. March 2c!d, '63; Rockingham co.; w. July, '63,. at Gettysburg.
Kraws, John W., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Kelly, Alexander, e. Oct. 6th, '62; Alexander co.
Keepley, John, e.. July 23d, '63; McDowell co.
Lackey, George W., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; w, June,.'62, at Mechanics-
l<ackey, William, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. Sept.. '61, at Fredericksburg.
Lovenden, David, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; k. June 25th, '62, at Frazder's
London, Jas. S., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; k. May 31st, '62.
London, W. M., e. January 4th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62, at Richmond.
Loftis, Robert, e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; d. June, '62, at Richmond.
Moody, William H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; c. May 23d, '64.
Miller, B., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; k. Maj% '63, at Chancellorsville.
McFarland, R., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Morgan, Perminter, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. Aug., '61, for disability.
Morgan, James, e. June 5tb, '61; McDowell co.; d. Dec, '62, at Lynchburg.
Marshbourn, Burton, e. July 24th, '61 ; Wake co.
Marsh bourn, Burton, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; w. July, '63, at Gettysburg
McCoy, Robert R., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell CO. ; w. at Gaines' Mill ; d.Septem-
ber, '62.
McKinney, Jas. S., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; k. June 18th, '62, at Frazier's.
McPeters, John, e. June 5th, '61 ; McDowell co. ; dg. June 16th, '62.
Morris, L. A., e. March loth, '62; McDowell co. ; k. June 27th, '62, at Gaines' Mill.
Norton, Wm., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. June, '62, for disability;
Nobllt, James, e. Sept. 6th, '63.
Noblit, W. R., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.
Orraent, Jesse, e. March 22d, '6i; Guilford co.
O'Dear, Wm., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; c. May 23d, '64.
Pinkerton, Jesse H., e. June oth, '61; Henderson co.; w. May, '63, at Chancel-
Parker, Wm., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; dg. July, '61, for disability.
Pyatt, J. J., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co.; d. May, '62.
Poteat, John H., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; w. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Ross, Jasper N., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.
Rhodes, N. H., e. March 23d, '63; Rockingham co.; w. May, '63, at Chancelloi's-
Reel, Daniel, e. June 5th, '61; MeDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '61.
Stup, F. M., e. March 15th, '62; McDowell co. ; w. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Smith, Micajah, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Stroup, Moses S., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; c. May 23d, '64.
Stroup, Alfred, e. March 23d, '63; McDowell co.
Seagler, Clement, e. March 23d, '63; Lincoln co.
Sauls, J. B., e. March 23d, '63; Rockingham co.
Suttles, Guilford, e. March 15th, '62; McDowfiU co.; w. at 2d Manassas in '62.
Taylor, Asa, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. September, '61.
Vess, Alney B., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; d. July, '62.
Compa,By L— Twenty- Second Regiment. 24?
V^rner, Wm., e. March 23d, '63; Rockingham co.; w. May, '63 at Chancellorsville.
Wright, Rob't C, e. June 5th, '61; M-cDowell co.; w. June 26th, '62, at Mechanics-
Wright, Ralph, e. March 23d, '63; Guilford co.; c. May 2.5th, '64.
Willierson, John M., e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co. ; d. November, '63.
Wilkerson, M. K, e. August 23d, '63; McDowell co.; d. of w. received at Choncel-
Washburn, John, e. June 5th, '61; McDowell co.; dg. June 16th, '62; c May 6 Lb,
Yarborough, W- A., e. June 5th, '61; M«Dowell co.
Robert H, Gray, Captain, cm. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; p. Lieut. Colonei
June 1st, '62.
J. A. C. Brown, Captain, cm. June 1st, '62; Davidson co. ; p. from 2d I.ieuU; r.
October 28th, '62.
Lee Rnssell, Captain, cm, — ; Montgomery co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Y. M. C, Johnson, Captain, cm. in '64; Randolph co. ; p. from 1st Lieut.
Claiborn Gray, 1st Lieul,, cm. June ISth, '61; Randolph co.
Lee Russel, ist Lieut., cm. October 28th, '62; Randolph co. ; p. from ranks.
Y, M. C. Johnson, 1st Lieut., cm. April 25Lh, '63; Randolph co ; p. Captain.
J. A. C, Brown, 2d Lieut., cm. June 18th, '61; Davidson co. ; p. and r.
Wm. G. Spencer, 2d Lieut., cm. June 18lh, '61; Randolph co. ; r. Nov. 1st, '61.
E. C.Harney, 2d Lieut, cm. July 1st, '62; Raudoiph co.; d. Sept. 15th, '63, of w.
received July 3d, '63, at Gettysburg; p. from Sergeant.
Oliver M, Pike, 2d Lieut., cm. Julj' 1st, '62; Randolph co. ; p. from ranks,
(lalvln H. Welboru, 2d Lieut., cm. August 1st, '63; Randolph co.; p. from ranks.
Joshua B. Darrett, 1st Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. May loth, '62,
at Richmond,
James P. McMasters, 2d Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; p. 2d Lieut.:
r, and d, June 30th, '62, from w.
Joseph H. Rush, 3d Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; p. Q. M, S. October
10th, '62; w,
Rudy C. Brower, 4th Sergeant, e, June 18th, '61; Randolph eo. ; d. Sept. 25th, '61.
for disability,
E. C. Harney, 5th Sergeant, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. 2d Lieut.; d. Sept.
15th, '63, of w.
James McElder, 1st Corporal, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. 2d Lieut, and
tr. ; w. December 15th, '62.
R. W. Robbins, 2d Corporal, e. June ISth, '61; Randolph co.; d. May 25th, '63, of
w. at Chancellorsville.
Y. M. C.Johnson, 3d Corporal, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; p, Lieut. April
25th, '63, and Captain in '64,
248 North Carolina State Troops.
Hezekiah D. Perry, 4th Corporal, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; k. July Sd, '63,
at Gettysburg.
Allred, Thomas, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Albright, Calvin, e. June 18th, '61; Alamance co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Allred, A. W., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; w. May Sd, '63, at Chancellorsvile.
Allred, "Doctor F., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; m. in action June 22d, '64.
Allred, Samuel C, e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Bishop, W. D., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; m.at Seven Pines.
Boon, Daniel, e. June 18th, '61; Burke co. ; dg.
Beasley, D. Barney, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; k. at Seven Pines.
Brady, F. A., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; pr. July 14th, '63.
Breedlove, David U., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; tr. to Cavalry.
Burkhead, F. M., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. 1st Sergeant; w.
Burkhead, S. M., e. June LStli, '61; Randolph co. ; p. Sergeant; w. July 3d, '63.
Burrough, Dobson, e. June ISth, '61 ; Randolph co. ; d. July 2)th, '62.
Brower, W. D., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; tr. to Cavalry.
Burris, Lewis F., e. June ISth, '61; Randolph co. ; d. June 25th, '62.
Burris, W. Y., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; d. November 2d, '61, in Virginia.
Brown, John, e. March 12th, '62; Randolphco.; dg. August 25th, '62, for disability.
Brown, J. M., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Burkhead, S., e. in October, '61; Randolph co.; dg. October 1st, '62.
Burkhead, M., e. August 1st, '63; Randolphco.
Barnett. J. R., e. July 1st, '64; Wake co.
Brady, F. A., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph CO.
Barion, Daniel, e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Brown, J. M., e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.
Craven, C. B., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; m. May 22d, '64.
Caveniss, J. W., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Carter, A. I., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; pr. at Falling Waters. .
Creasman, J., e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.
Crisp, T. C, e. April 10th, '64; Randolph co.
Carter, Samuel, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Caviness, John E., e. Jusie iSth, '61 ; Chatham co. ; pr. July 4th, '63.
Clapp, P. S., e. June ISlh, '61 ; Guilford co. ; dg. February 28th, '62.
Cooper, Ahi, e. June ISth, '61; Randolph co. ; d. July 25th, '62.
Coward, W. J., e. June 18th, '61; Chatham co.
Coward. J. H., e. June 18th, '61; Chatham co.
Crawford, E., e. June 18th. '61; Randolph co.; d. August 1st, '62.
Craven, A. J., e June 18th, '6i ; Randolph co.
Craven, J. M., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. August 1st, '02.
Craven, D. C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Curtis, W. D., e. June 18th, '61; ChaUiam co. ; w. July 12th, '63.
Davis, Dugan, e. June 18th, '61; Kandolph co.; d. July 1st, '61.
Dennis, George T., e. June 18th, '61; Montgomery co.
Dorsett, David, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; w. May 3d, '63.
Dorsett, Thomas, e March 18th, '62; Randolph co.; d. May 15th, '62, at Richmond.
Dorsett, E. R., e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.
P^llison, D. P., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Fogleman, Oscar D., e. June 18th, '61; Alamance co. ; d. May 25th, '63, of w.
Fox, Dennis, e. June ISth, '61; Randolph eo. ; w. May 3d, '63.
Fox, John C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Oct. 31st, '01. at Fredericksbui'g.
Company L— Twenty-Second Regiment. 249
Freeman, James F., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; w.
Fruit, Lewis T., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; k. June SOth, '62.
Farlow, R., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph CO.; d. April, '62.
Gosley, R. M., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; k. May 3d, '63.
Grubta, J. C, e. April 10th, '64; Randolph co.
Gorley, Ruffln, e. April 20th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. September 23rd, '64.
Goley, John, e. June 18th, '61 ; Guillord co.
Griffith, James H., e. June 18ih, '61; d.
Gray, R. C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Hall, Edward E., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; tr. to 10th Battalion.
Hamilton, C. G., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; tr. to 28th Regiment April, '63.
Hardister, Levi P., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Nov. 1st, '62.
Harlin, J. F., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; dg. Jan. 1st, '62, for disability.
Hicks, Jackson, e. June ISth, '61 ; Randolph co.
Hughes, Elias, e. June 18th, '61; Davidson co. ; d. December 1st, '62.
Hicks, William J., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Hughes, Daniel, e. Warch 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Hutton, A. P., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; w. May 3d, '63.
Henson, O., e. in October, '61; Randolph co.
Hughes, Thomas, e. August 1st, '63; Randolph co.
Hughes, Daniel, e. March 18th, '64; Randolph co.
Hughes, W. T., e. March I8th, '6i ; Randolph co.
Ivey, Allen, e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
James, Thomas, e. May 10th, '64; Randolph co. ; w. August 25th, '64.
Jones, J. B., e. March 10th, '62; Randolph co,
Johnson, W., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; d.
Jones, C. C, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Jackson, Alsey, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; pr. July 4th, '63.
Jackson, J. L., e. June 18lh, '61; Guilford co. ; d. Aug. 1st, '62, at Richmond.
Jackson, J. Ruffin, e. June 18th, '61.
Kearn, John, e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.
Kanoy, Jacob, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Lassiter, Henry C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Lassiter, John H., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. Oct. 1st, '61.
Lassiter, Wm. F., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co.
Leach, Henry C, e. June 18th, "61; Randolph co.
Leach, I. Addison, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; tr. to Prison Guard at Salis-
Luther, I. W., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; k. December 13th, '62.
Lassiter, B. H., e. June 18th, '61.
liassiter, Thomas, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Lidui-end, A., e. March 12lh, "62; Randolph co. ; d. of w. June 28th, '63.
Latan, Shadracli, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; w. May Sd, '63.
Learaan, J. M., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Llneberry, A. M., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; w. May 3d, '63.
Marsh, A. T., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; w. May 3d, '63.
Marsh, David W., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; d. July 1st, '62, at Richmond.
Marsh, Samuel, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Mason, John C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
McMasters, D. Clark, e. June ISth, '61 ; Randolph co.; w. July 3d, '63.
McMasters, John D., e. Junel8fh, '61 ; Randolph co.; d. July 1st, '61.
Miller, Wilber S., e. June 18th, '61; Guilford co.
Myers, K. C, e. June 18th, '61; Davidson co.; dg. Sept. 25th, '62.
Moorf, Daniel, e. March r2th, '62; Randolph co.; tr. to 5th Regiment Feb. 8th, '63.
Marsh, William, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; w. July 3d, '63.
2cO North Carolina State Troops.
McMasters, T. Y., e. March 12th, '62; Ran-iolph co.; k. June 30th, '62.
Mayuard, Sidney, e. March 12lh, '62; Randolph co.
May, B. H., e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.
May, W. J., e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.; d. of w. May 3d, '63.
May, Henry, e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.; pr. July 14th, '63.
Marley, H., e. March 12th. '62; Randolph co.
Myers, A., e. March 12th, "62; Randolph co. ; d.
McMasters, R. C, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; d. June 28th, '63.
Manser, Josiah, e. July 1st, '61; Randolph co.
Nance, C. S., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; pr. July 14th, '63, at Falling Waters.
Nance, D S., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. September 12th, '61, at Evans-
port, Va.
O'Brian, Alex. B., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Osborn, W. H., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Owens, J. C, e. July 23rd, '63; Randolph co.
Pipe, W. M., e. Mai-ch 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; p. Sergeant in '62.
Patterson, G. L., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph CO.; d. October 3d, '63.
Peacock, Henry H., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. iiugust 1st, '62, at Rich-
Pike, Oliver M., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; p. 2d Lieut. July 1st, 'G2, and w.
in '64.
Pugh, Franklin, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. May Ist, '62.
Riddick, John M., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; w.
Russell, George L., e. June 18th, '61; Montgomery co ; p. Ordnance Sergeant
August 4th, '62.
Russell, Harris, e. June 18th, '61; Montgomery co.; dg. July, '62, for disability.
Russell, J. B., e. June 18th, '61; Montgomery co ; d. in prison.
Russell, Lee, e. June 18th. '61; Montgomery co.; p. Captain.
Russell, W. A., e. June 18th, '61'; Montgomei'y co.; dg. Nov. 1st, '61, for disability.
Rose, Thomas, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Ragan, J. C, e. March 12rh, '62; Randolph co.
Reagan, F. A., e. in October, '61; Randolph co. ; d. May 3d, '62.
Rush, J. H., e. June 10th, '61; Randolph co.
Steed, H. C, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.
Sumner, Nelson, e. March 12lh, '62; Randolph co.
Seyraore, York, e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.
Spencer, John. e. May 10th, '64; Randolph co. ; d. September 21st, '64.
Staly, Madison, e. February 1st, '64; Randolph co.; w.
Scott, R., e. in Oct., '61; Randolph co. ; p. Corporal; w. September 30th, '64.
Steeley, W., e. March 12th, '62; Randolpli co. ; w. in '63.
Shaw, Martin K., e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; d. October 1st, '61.
.Stack, J. Franklin, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. June, '62.
Steed, Clark C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Steel, D. Franklin, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d. April 23rd, '62, in Va.
Stinson, R. W., e. June 18th, '61; Chatham co.; p. Lieut, in 46th Regiment.
Stout, J. W., e. June 18th, '61; Randolpli co. ; d. October 12th, '62, in Virginia.
Thompson, R., e. April 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Thomas, Jacob, e. July 1st, '64; Randolph co.
Thrift, J. W., e. March r2th, '62; Randolph co.; w. and m. May 21st, '64.
Talbert, E., e. June 18th, '61; Montgomery co.; k. June 30th, '62.
Thomas, Mangum B., e. June 18th, '61 ; Alamance co.
Thornburg, John C, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Tysinger, .Tolin, e. June 18th, '61; Davidson co. ; d. P'ebruary 1st, '62.
Vestal, C. Marion, e. June 18th, '61; Chatham co. ; p. Sergeant; w. June 27th, '62.
Varner, M. C, e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co. ; w, and pr. July 3d, '63.
Gompany L— Twenty- Second Regiment 251
Wood, A. S., e. March 18th, '62; Randolph co.; d.of w. October 1st, '63.
Walker, Alfred, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co. ; pr. at Falling Waters July
14th, '63.
Wright, W. T., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; d. May 3d, '63.
Walker, L., e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co.; d.
Williams, B. F., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Wolfram, David, e. August 15th, '61; Randolph co.
Ward, Manus, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.
Ward, Zeno, e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; w. and pr. July 3d, ''63; dg..
Weltaorn, Absalom, e. June 18th, '61; m. May 31st, '62.
Welborn, Calvin H., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co.; p. 2d Lieut. August 1st,, '63..
White, John K., e. June 18th, '61; Randolph co. ; d, June 25th, '62.
Williams, A. O., e. June 18th, '61 ; Alamance co.
White, William, e. June 18th, '61 ; Randolph co. ; dg. September, '62.
York. Solomon, e. in October, '61 ; Randolph co.
Yard, Seymore, e. March 12th, '62; Randolph co..
252 Field and Staff— Twenty-Third Regiment
e captured.
cm commissioned.
CO county.
Com ....Company.
e enlisted.
d died.
dg discharged.
dt detailed.
k killed.
m missing.
p promoted.
pr prisoner.
r „ resigned.
tr transferred.
w wounded.
John F. Hoke, Colonel, cm. June 10th, '61; Lincoln co.
Daniel H. Christie, Colonel, cm. May 10th, '62; Granville co.; w. July 1st, '63, at
Gettysburg; d. in Winchester August, '63.
Charles C. Blacknall, Colonel, cm. Aug. 15th, '63; Granville co.; pr. at Gettys-
burg; w. at Winchester Sept. 19lh, '64; d. Oct. 20th, '61.
Wm. S. Davis, Colonel, cm. Oct., '64; Warren co.; tr. from 12th Uegiment; w.
John W. Leak, Lieut. Colonel, cm. June 10th, '61; Richmond co.
Robert D. Johnston, Lieut. Colonel, cm. May 10th, '62; Lincoln co.; w. at Seven
Pines; p. Brigadier General July, '63; w.
Daniel H. Christie, Major, em. June 10th, '61; Granville co.; p. from Captain of
Com. G and k.
E. J. Christian, Major, cm. April 26th, '62; Montgomery co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at
Seven Pines.
Charles C. Blacknall, Major, cm. May 31st, '62; Granville co.; p. from Captain
of Com. G.
Isaac Jones Young, Adjutant, cm. June 10th, '61; Granville co. ; w. July 1st, '62;
p. Captain of Com. G and r. in '62.
Vines E. Turner, Adjutant, cm. May 10th, '62; Granville co.; w. June 27th, '62.
Junius French, Adjutant, cm. June, '63; Yadkin co. ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettys-
Charles P. Powell, Adjutant, cm. July, '63; Richmond co.; k. May 12th, '64, at.
Spottsylvania C. H.
Lawrence Everett, Adjutant, cm. May 12th, '64; Richmond co.
Edwin G. Cheatham, A. Q,. M., Granville co.; cm. June 10th, '61; r. Feb., '62.
W. I. Everett, A. Q,. M., cm. in '62; Richmond co.; r.
Vines E.Turner, A. Q,. M., cm. June, '63; Granville co.
James F. Johnston, A. C. S., Lincoln co,
Theophilus Moore, Chaplain, Person co.
Rober t J. Hicks, Surgeon, Granville co.
William F. Gill, Sergeant-Major, Granville co. ; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Gompmy A— Twenty-Third Regiment.
William F. Harlee, Cfaptaltf, cm. May 22d, '61 r Anson eo,; r. December 15th, '61^
James M. Wall,- Captain, cm. December 15th, 'til ; Anson co.
Frank Bennett, Captain, cm. May 10th, '62; Anson co. ; p. from 1st Sergeant; w^
W. D. Redfearne, 1st Lieut., cm. May 22d, '61 ; Anson co,
James C, Marshall, 1st Lieut., cm. May 10th, 62; Anson co. ;. tr.as Adjutant to 15tto
Regiment in '62.
John M. Little, 2d Lieut., cm. May 22d, '61; Anson co.
James Crowder, 2d Lieut., cm. May 22d, '61; Anson co.-
Samuel F. Wright, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62;, Anson co,-
Frank BenH«tf, 1st Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; p. Captain May 10th, '62^
Clem, G. Richardson, 2d Sergeant, e. May 10th, '62; Anson co. ; dg. December Ist,.
'61, for disability.
W^illiam A. Lowman, 3d Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61; xVnson eo,; d. July 10th, '61, at
James M. Wall, 4th Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co. ; p. Captain Dec. 15th, '61.-
Joseph Crowder, 5th Sergeant, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co; ; pr, at Gettysburg.
Alexander Duren, 1st Corporal, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.; p. Sergeant.
M. H. Allen, 2d Corporal, e. May 22d, '61 v Anson co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Sam'l F. Wright, 8d Corporal, e. May22d, '61; Anson co.; p. 2d Lieut, May 10th, '62,
W. W. Carpenter, 4th Corporal, e- May 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. September 20th, '61,
at Gordonsville.
Allen, M. H., e^ AugOst 22d, '61; Anson co.
Alien, Robert M., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co,; p. Corporal and pr. September
19th, '64.
Barrett, Wm. A., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.; d. August 4th, '62, in Va,
15arnett, Armstrong, e. August 22<i, '61; Anson co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-'
Billingsby, Frank, e, August 22d, '61; Anson CO.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Billingsby, J.- D., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.; k.May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Burmingham, Wm.., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; w. at Seven Pines, Sharps-
burg and Gettysburg.
Blackwell, Stephen W., e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; dg, Dec. 18th, '61.
Bowei's, Frank, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. of w. received at Gettysburg.-
Broadway, W. M., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; dg. Jan. 2d, '62,
BuUard, B. T., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; dg. January 2nd, '62.
Beverly, W. P., e. May 15th, '61; Anson co.
Billingsby, J*, M., e. Feb. 2Sth, '63; Anson co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.-
Barger, Hosea, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Caawba co. ; w. at Chancellorsville,
P.iggers, R. W., e, October loth, '64; Wake co.
254 North Carolim SUte Troops.
Campbell, John, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; m.
Crowder, Richard, e. May 15th, '62; Anson co.; w. atSharpsburg and Gettysburg.
Courtney, C. d, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Clark, W. C, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.; dg. Oct. 10th, '61.
Cenney, L, C,, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; dg, Oct. 1st, '62.
Cox, Jesse J., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; \v. and pr, at Chancellorsviile,
Crump, James F., e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co.
Dennis, Charles J. F,, e. August 22<i, '61; Anson co. ; pr. at Gettysburg,
Dunlap, William P., e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co, ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Drum, W. H., e, Sept. 6th, '62; Alexander co.
Fades, J. N., e, Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Eckards, Wm., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.
Eddleman, H, M., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co. ; m.
Earnhardt, Peter S,, e. Augu-st 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; p. Sergeant and w. at Getty s»
Farmer, S., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.
Freeman, M, C, e. - — ; Wake co.
Farmer, Seabury, e. May 22d, '01 ; Anson co. ; d. Nov, 30th, '61, at Manassas.
Grissom, Win,, e. Dec. 5th, '62; Anson CO.; d. Jan. 15th, '63, at Lynchburg.
Gaddy, John, e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co, ; w. Oct. 12th, '63, at Stevensburg.
Gaddy, Franklin, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.; d. Sept. 12th, '61, at Manassas.
Gaddy, Dennis D., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; \v. at Chancellbrsville and pr.
at Gettysburg.
Gaddy, Patrick P., e, August 22d, '61; Anson co.; w. at Sharpsburg, and k. May
3d, '63, a.t ChancellorsviUe,
Gatewood, Philip, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. Aug. 25th, '61, at Richmond.
Gardner, N, H., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. June 11th, '63, at Williamsport.
Grady, John, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co, ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg,
Guledge, Joel, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Horn, John, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.
Horn, Jas. T., e. Aug, 22d, '61; Anson co.; dg. Sept. 31st, '62.
Horn, Martin V., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; dg. Sept. 3d, .'62.
Horn, Wm., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. May 5th, "63, of w. at ChancellorsviUe.
Hendrick, John D., e, Aug, 22d, '61; Anson co.; w. at ChancellorsviUe.
Hoss, R. M., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; pr. at Gettysliurg.
Henman, Peter, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co. ; d.
Hevener, Peter, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Lincoln co.
Hayse, Jackson, ■!. Sept. 6th, '6:^; Catawba co.
Horn, liCwis I., e. May 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. May 10th, '61, at Richmond.
Hebrew, Peter, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Moore co.
Ingram, Benj., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Ingram, W. B., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; k. Sept. 17th, '63, at Sharpsburg.
Jones, J. W., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Henderson co.
Kelly, L. M., e. Aug. 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; d. May 3d, '62, at Richmond.
Knight, Jas., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; d. May 30th, '63, of w. received at Chan-
Killiam, A. L., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co. ; d. Feb. 4th, '63, at Lynchburg.
Keiver, Milton, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawaba co.
Killiam, J. A., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. at ChancellorsviUe.
King, W. H., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Henderson co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Kerby, C. C, e. May 12th, "61; Anson co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg; p. Sergeant.
Longeryer, Paul, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co. ; d. May 12th, '63, at Lynchburg.
Lee, William, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co. ; k, July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Lockhart, James T., e. May 22, '61; Anson co.; w, and pr. at Gettysburg.
Company A— Twenty- Third Regiment. 255
Leonard, Caswell, e. March 19th, '64; Anson co.
Mask, M. S., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; k. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
May, John, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.
Marshall, Jas. C, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; p. 1st Lieut. May 10th, '62.
McDuffee, George W., e. Aug. 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; d. Sept. 10th, '61, at Manassas .
Meadows, Jas. W., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; c. Sept. 18th, '64.
Meacham, Coleman, e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. Dec. 31st, '61, near Manassas.
Munlin, Jas. W., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; w. near Richmond.
Munnerlyn, John R., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Myers, Ransom B , e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co. ; c. July 1st, '63.
Myers, Stephen H., e. Aug. 22d, '61; Anson co.; dg. Oct. 1st, '62.
Mathis, Daniel, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; dt.
Mull, Jacob, e. Sept. Cth, '62; Catawba co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Moore, W. M., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; d. Oct. 6th, '62, at Bunker Hill, Va.
Munnerlyn, Robert W., e. Sept. 23d, '62 ; Montgomery co. ; d. Nov. 25th, '62, at
Mull, D. P., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; d. Jan. 13th, '63, at Fredericksburg.
Munnprlyn, J. W.
Mays, Jackson, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Iredell co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Parker, J. F., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.
Punch, J. L., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Phillips, Thomas, e. Aug. 22d, '61 ; Anson co.; w. at Gettysburg; c. Sept. 19th, '64.
Ponds, Tristam T., e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; d. Aug. 5th, '61, at Manassas.
Proffitt, William R., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; dg. October 1st, '62.
Perry, David, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Alexander co.
Redfearn, Alfred, e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; dg. October 1st, '62.
Redfearn, Berry J., e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; k. May 29th, '62, in Va.
Redfearn, John, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. July 6th, '62, of w. at Seven
Redfearn, James T., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; dt. Colonel's Orderly.
Redfearn, Wilson C, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. October 4th, '61, in Va,
Rutliffe, Dennis, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.
Richardson, John R., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.; p. Sergeant; w. at Sharps-
burg and Gettysburg.
Ricketts, George W., e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; dg. Oct. 21st, '63, for disability.
Rushing, Andrew P., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; w. at Seven Pines; k. July
1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Rushing, Horace F., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. July 10th, '62, in Virginia.
Roach, John J., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.; dg. June 15th, '62.
Rorie, W. T., e. May 22d, '61 ; Anson co.
Rushing, Thos., e. May 12th, '61; Anson co. ; w. at Chancellorsville; p. Corporal.
Rorie, Thomas, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.
Ronier, A. J., e. Sept. eth, '62; Catawba co. ; d.
Short, Spencer, e. August 22d, '61; Anson co. ; w. at Seven Pines and Chancel-
Sullivan, Isaac, e. August 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; dg. July 12th, '62, for disability.
Sykes, John T., e. August 22d, '61; Anson co.
Stegall, Henry M., e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.
Saunders, William K., e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.; d. March 17th, '62, in Virginia.
Tarlton, Benjamin, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.; d. June 31st, '62, of w.
Tarlton, Thomas, e. May 22d, '61 ; Anson co. ; w. at Seven Pines, Sharpsburg and
Gettysburg; pr.
Townsend, James S., e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.; pr. at Sharp.sburg; w. at Chan-
256 North Carolina State Troops^
Tray wick, Samuel, e. May 22d, '61; Union co.; p. Sergeant; d. July 15th, '62, in
Tucker, William T., e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.; w. at Chancellorsville; dt. in '64.
Tucker, Lewis, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co. ; dg. December 18th, '61, for disability.
Tyson, Jethro, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co. ; d. Sept. 15th, '61, at Manassas.
Thornton, J. P., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Henderson co. ; d. March 1st, '63, in Va.
Turner, P. L., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; w.
Watkins, W. C, e. May 22d, 61; Anson co. ; k. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
Wall, Samuel C, e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.
Waddell, Wm. R., e. May 22d, '61; Anson co.; dg. Nov. 8th, '61, for disability.
Womble, Thos., e. May 12th, '61; Anson co.
Young, John, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Catawba co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
G«orge W. Seagle, Captain, cm. May 23d, '61; Lincoln CO.
Wesley Hadspeth, Captain, cm. ; Lincoln co.; p. from ranks; w. at Sharps-
burg; k. at Chancellorsville May 3d, '63.
G. W. Hunter, Captain, cm. ; Lincoln co,; p. from ranks.
Joshua Holbrook, Captain, Lincoln co, ; p. from ranks,
T, J. Sagle, 1st Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.
M. H. Shuford, 1st Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.
Ijee Johnson, 2d Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
S. A. Shuford, 2d Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
William R. Sloan, 2d Lieut., cm. May 23d, '61; Mecklenburg co. '
M, H. Shuford, 2d Lieut., cm. May lOih, '62; Lincoln co.
W. A. Thompson, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Lincoln co.
M. M. Hines, 2d Lieut., cm. November 20th, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; pr. Sept. 19th, '&i.
A. P. James, 1st Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; dg.
William McCaslin, 2d Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; d. April 23d, '62, at
A. J. Seagle, M Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; p. Sergeant; w. at Sharps-
John A. Roberts, 4th Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; dg. August, '62.
William R. Sloan, 5th Sergeant, e. May 23d, '61; Mecklenburg co. ; p. Lieut.
Levi H. Friger, 1st Corporal, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. at Seven Pines and
Darrel Friger, 2d Corporal, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; d. Nov., '61, at Richmond.
M. H. Shuford, od Corporal, e. May 23d, '61; Gaston co.; p. 2d Lieut. May 10th, '62.
Martin Ransom, 4th Corporal, e. May 23d, 'bl; Lincoln co. ; p. Sergeant; k. July
1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Black, Alfred, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.
Company B— Twenty-Third Regiment. 257
Black, Dinkney, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.
Baker, Jefferson A., e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Bysinger, William H., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; pr. May 3rd, '63, at Chan-
Bell, Cephas, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.; dg. September, '62, fgr disability.
Blaylock, Alex., e. October 17th, '64; Lincoln co.
Cauble, Peter V., e. March loth, '62; Lincoln co.
Cauble, Harrison, e, March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Cody, Jesse, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co. ; d. July 20th, '62.
Cody, Ca.mei'on, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co. ; d. July 20th, '62, of w. received at
iSeven Pines.
Cross, F. G., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Campbell, G. P., e, March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; d. July 20th, '62.
Campbell, Jere., e. March lotli, '62; Gaston co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Carpenter A. S., e. May 28d, '61; Lincoln co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Seven Pines; w.
and c. at Gettysburg.
Carpenter, W. D., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Carpenter, David S., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines
Carpenter, Joseph, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Coon, Henry, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; k. September 14th, '62, at South Moun-
Coddell, Henry, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; d. July 20th, '62.
Campbell, Hanxian, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg; d.
July 7th, '62.
Carter, Robert M., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Davis, Tliomas, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co. ; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellors-
Edwards, Jasper, e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.; d. September, '61, at Charlotts-
Edwards, Marion, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Feniress, Geo. W., e. May 23d, '61; Wake co.; dg. Sept. 4th, '62.
Finger, Wm., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Fisher, David, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; dg. Sept., '62.
Finger, Levi, e. May 2od, '61; Lincoln co.
Gates, William, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.
Goodwin, A. M., e. October 25th, '64; Iredell co.
Hobbs, James, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Hoke, David A., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; p. Corporal; w. at Seven Pines;
m. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Henry, Marcus H., e. March loth, '62; Gaston co. ; k. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharps „.
Helms, Hiram, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Helms, Eli, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; d. July 15th, '62, of w. received at
Cold Harbor.
Hines, M. M., e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.; p. Lieut. November 20th, '62; c.
September 19th, '64.
Haynes, William, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.; dg. June 15th, '62, for disability.
Haynes, Marcus, e. March 15th, "62; Lincoln co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Hallman, Oliver C, e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co.; dg. January 12th, '62.
Heavener, Nicholas, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; dg. June 25th, '62, for disa-
Heavener, Frederick, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Harrell, Wm. H., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; d. August 10th, '62, in Va.
Hope, Thomas L., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
258 North Carolina, State Troops.
Hoke, Eli, e. August 11th, '62; Lincoln co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Cljancellorsville.
Hoke, Marcus, e. January 1st, '63; Lincoln co.; p. Corporal; k. July 1st, '63, at
Hauser, Levi, e. March 5th, '63; Lincoln co. ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg-.
Hoyle, J. F., e. March 6th, '63; Gaston co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Holdbrook, Joshua, e. August 11th, '62; Lincoln co.; p. Captain of Com. B; w. at
Seven Pines.
Hunter, G. W., e. April, ' — ; Lincoln co.; p. Captain; d, July 16th, '63, of w. at
Charlotte, N.C.
Harrell, A. T., e. October 17th, '64; Lincoln co.
Harris, Rufus, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Hoke, W. M., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; d. April 20th, '62.
Holdbrooks, John, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; dg. February, '62, for disability.
Hendrick, Andrew, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Hollman, George B., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; d. May 12tii, '63, of w. received
at Chancellorsville.
Helms, John, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; dg. October, '62, for w. received at
Seven Pines.
Helms, Jacob, e. May 2od, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Haynes, Robert, e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.
Hull, John, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; w. and pr. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Hull, C. P., e. May 22d, '62; Lincoln co. ; dg. June, '62, for disability.
Hull, Major, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Harrison, William, e. May 23rd, '61; Tennessee; w. at Seven Pines.
Hobbs, Caleb, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co. ; pr. at South Mountain ; w. at Chan-
Hartzoe, Daniel M., e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.
Hayle, Andrew, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.
Hadspeth, Wesley, e. September 1st, '61; Lincoln co.; p. Captain; w. at Sharps-
burg; k. May, '63, at Chanoellorsville.
Kistler, W. H., e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.; dg. December, '62, for w. received at
Seven Pines.
Kistler, Noah, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Kirksey, Albert, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co. ; dg. December, '62, for w. received
at Seven Pines.
Keener, Franklin, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. and pr. at Sharpsburg and
Lambeth, A. M., e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.
Leonard, Caleb, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.
Lutz, Daniel A., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. at Sharpsburg; pr. at Gettys-
Le-Fevre, William, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; w. at Seven Pines and dg.
Loftin, Langford, e. November 1st, '64; Lincoln co.
Mosteller, William P., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; d. August 19th, '62, in
Morrison, Nelson, e. March loth, '62; Lincoln co. ; k. September 14th, '62, at South
Martson, Daniel, e. May 25th, '61; Lincoln co.
Moore, A. D., e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
Mace, .Tohn, e. May 23rd, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; w. at Malvern Hill.
Neal, Peter, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Oaks, John, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; dg. August, '62.
Pelt, Marcus, e. May 23rd, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; d. December, '61, at Richmond.
Peal, Giles, e. October 17th, '64; Lincoln co.
Pelt, Jacob, e. May 23rd, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines,
VompMy B— Twenty- Third Regiment. 259
Parker, David, e. May 23rd, 'Gl; Lincoln co.; pr. July 19tli, '63.
■ Potter, John, e. May 23rd, '61; South Caiolina.
Q,uickle, Jacob, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Rhodes, Daniel P., e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Ramsoiir, Milton, e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co.; w. Maj' Slst, '62, at Seven Pines;
p. Corporal.
Ramsour, John, e, September 1st, '61; Lincoln co.; dg, August, '62.
Ramsour, M. S., e. May 23rd, '61; Lincoln co. ; d. April 29th, '62, at Yorktown.
Reep, Peter, e. May 23rd, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Reynolds, Jacob, e. May 23rd, '61; Gaston co. ; k. May Slst, '62, at Seven Pines.
Robinson, Joseph R., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Ransom, P. W., e. Ma.y 23d, '64; Lincoln co. ; c. at Cedar Creek October 19th, '64.
Rash, Noah, e, September 25th, '63.
Rhodes, David F., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Ransom, E. D.,e. May 15th, '64; Lincoln co.
Ramsour, Pinliney, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. at Seven Pines and Chan-
Rudisill, Martin, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Rosh, Melvin, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; w. Sept. 17th, '62; tr.
Seagle, Charles, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; d. February 10th, '63, at Castle
Seagle, Polk D., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; p. Corporal.
.Seagle, Marcus, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; dg. Jan. 15th, '62.
Seronce, Abram, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Shuford, Jacob M., e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co. ; pr. July ISth, '63, at Front
Sherrill, Leander, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co. ; dg. Januai-y 15th, '62, for disa-
Sherrill, Nelson M., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Sumerow, Geo. W., e. March 15th, '62; Gaston co. ; d. April 26th, '63, in Va.
Shuford, M. H., c. ; Lincoln co. ; p. 1st Lieut.; c. at Gettysburg July 1st, '63.
vSeagle, Marion, e. January 10th, '63; Lincoln co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Scroner, Ephraim, e, March 5th, '63; Lincoln co. ; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Smith, Thomas, e. March 5th, '63; Lincoln co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Seagle, M. V., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Seagle, John, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Seagle, George, e. May 2M, '61; Lincoln co. ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Seagle, Noah W., e..May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; d. July 12th, '63, in prison.
Seagle. Philip, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Shuford, James A., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co. ; dg. September 1st, '62.
Shitle, Lawson, e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.; d. October 10th, '62, in Virginia.
Shitle, John A., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Stuart, Franklin L., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancellors-
Sims, Harrison, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Sains, Elam, e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.; k. May Slst, '62, at Seven Pines.
Smith, Andrew, e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co.; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor.
Thompson, W. A., e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; p. 2d Lieut. May lOtli, '62.
Turbyfleld, Marcus, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; p. Sergeant; pr. at Gettysburg.
Whetstine, David, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.
Wilson, Jacob K., e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; w. May Slst, '62, at Seven Pines.
260 Forth CarolinsL State Troops,
White, Amos, e. May 23d, '61 ; Lincoln co. ; W. at MechanicsTille; k. July 1st, '6S^,
at Gettysburg.
Whitworlh, George R., e. May 23d, '61; Gaston co.
Warlick, Henry, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Wilson, Jacob K., e. May 28th, '61; Lincoln co.
Wilson, La-Fayette, e. August 11th, '62; Lincoln co. ; d. Jan. 10th, '63, in Virginia.
Whitworth, W. R., e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.; w. May 3d, '63, at Chancel-
White, James G., e. March 15th, '82; Lincoln co.; pr, at Gettysburg.
Williams, Marcus, e. March 15th, '62; Lincoln co.
Yount, Ambrose, e. May 23d, '61; Lincoln co.; d. October, '61, at Richmond.
Yount, Eli, e. May 23d, '61 ; Li ncoln co. ; dg. in '61 for disability.
C J. Cochrane, Captain, cm. Jlay 27th, '61 ; Montgomery co.
E. J. Christian, Captain, cm. May 10th, '62; Montgomery co.; p. Major and k.
May 31st, '62, at Seven Fines.
A. F. Scarborough, Captain, cm. May 10th, '62; Montgomery co. ; k. at Seven
PinesMay 31st, '62.
E. FL Lyon, Captain, cm. May 31st, '62; Granville co,; tr, froin Com, E; pr. Sept,
19th, '64.
E. J, Christian, 1st Lieut,, cm. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; p, and k,
John R. Nicholson, 1st Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Montgomery co.
E. J. Garris, 2d Lieut., cm. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
G. W. Montgomery, 2d Lieut., cm. May 27tb, '61; Montgomery co.
Jeremiah Coggins, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Montgomery co.: pr. at Gettys-
burg July 1st, '63.
A. P. Saunders, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Montgomery co.
,T. P. Leach, 2d Lieut., cm. April 14th, '63; Montgomery co,
J. P. Leacb, 1st Sergeant, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co,; p, 2d Lieut. April
14th, '63.
Jeremiah Coggins, 2d Sergeant, e. May 27th, '61 ; Montgomery co.; p- 2d Lieut.
May 10th, '62,
John R. Nicholson, 3d Sergeant, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; p, 1st Lieut.
May 10th, '62.
E. J. Lilly, 4th Sergeant, c. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; w. May 3rd, '63, at
George T. Bledsoe, 5th Sergeant, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. Aug. 23d,
'63, in N. C, of w. received at Seven Pines,
William Harris, 1st Corporal, e. May27tli, '61; Montgomery co,; w. Sept. I7th,
'62, at Sharpsburg.
Samuel H. Marion, 2d Corporal, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; p. Sergeant
and w. at Seven Pine« and Gettysburg
Company G —Twenty-Third Regiment. 261
Abram Coggins, 3d Corporal, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. Sept., '62, of
w. received at Sharpsburg.
Thomas J. Bright, 4tli Corporal, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; k. July 1st,
'62, at Malvern Hill.
O. L. Miller, Musician, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
M. Shaw, Musician, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Annsucker, A. A., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at Seven Pines and
Chancellors vi lie.
Andrews, Edmund, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dg. June, '62.
Andrews, Whitson W., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dg. Jan. 7th, '62, for
Andrews, William H., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. August, '61, in N. C.
Ary, B. T., e. September 3d, '62; Stanly co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Boon, E. C, e. September 3d, '62; Stanly co.
Brown, L., e. September 3d, '62; Stanly co.
Burris, David, e. September 3d, '62; Stanly co.
Burris, J. L., e. September 3d, '62; Stanly co.; d. June 10th, '63, of w. at Chancel-
Burris, William A., e. September 3d, '62; Stanly co.
Brewer, E.S., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. Aug. 22d, '62, at Liberty, Va.
Brewer, James D., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. in Hospital.
Bowden, Thomas, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at Chancellorsville and
Boyd, Ira, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. Aug. 9th, '62, at Richmond.
Boyd, Robert, e. March 4th, '63; Montgomery co. ; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Brown, Temple, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; dg. June, '61, for disability.
Christian, John G., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; dg. Nov., '62.
Campbell, Alexander, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. June 29th, '62, of w.
received at Cold Harbor.
Campbell, James P., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. Aug. 5th, '62, in Va.
Campbell, John H., e. May 27th, '61; Montgoinery co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Coggins, John M., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. of w. August 8Lh, '62, at
Seven Pines.
Coggins, Jas., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; k. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
Caudle, Thomas J., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co ; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold
Coggin, Jere., p. 2d Lieut., and pr. at Gettysburg, July 1st, '63
Deaton, H., e. Sept. 3d, '64; Iredell co.
Davis, E. F.. e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; p. 2d Sergeant.
Davis, Wilson, 6. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Davis, Wm. G., e. June 31st, '62; Montgomery co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
DaviS; Wiley P., e. March 4th, '63; Montgomery co.; k. May, '63, at Chancellors-
Demas, F. W., e. Sept. 9th, '61 ; Montgomery co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Deaton, Hiram, e. August 31st, '62; Cabarrus co.
Epps, Alex., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Malvern Hill,
and pr. at South Mountain.
Freeman, Branson, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Futrel, H. Y., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. August 6th, '61, at Richmond.
Fink, John C, e. August 31st, '62; Cabarrus co.; dg. Feb., '63, for disability.
Freece, M. C, e. August 31st., '62; Cabarrus co. ; k. at Chancellorsville.
Furr, Israel, e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co.; d. Jan. 31st, '63, at Hanover Junction.
262 North Carolim State Troops,
Green, Anderson, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at Seven Pines and Get-
Green, Elijah, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Green, Calvin, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; p. Corporal; pr. at Gettysburg.
Green, John, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co, ; d. of w.
Green, John, e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co.; d.
Green, H. N., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co.; m. May 12th, '64.
Green, M. V., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co.; m. May 12th, '6-4.
Garrett, Henry, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. of w.
Graves, Jesse, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. June, '62, in N. O.
Hall, John L., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Hall, T. W., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Hall, George W., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Hall, Josiah, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dg. Nov. 13th, '61, for disability.
Hall, E. D., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. October, '61, at Richmond.
Hall, Nelson T., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. September, '61, in Va.
Harris, Brantly, e. Maj' 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellors-
Harris, Arthur C, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. Feb. 3d, '62, in "Virginia.
Harris, Thomas N., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dt.
Harris, Bella F., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; pr. at Gettj'sburg.
Harris, J. Ward, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Gettys-
Harris, S. W., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; k. Sept. 17th, '62, at Sharpsburg.
Hamilton, W. G., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; dg. August, '62.
Howell, Edward F., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; pr. at South Mountain.
Hearne, Joel, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Hilliard, Preston, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Haywood, John R, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. June 10th, '62, of w.
received at Seven Pines.
Hunt, R. K., e. May 27th, '61;- Montgomery CO. ; d. June 10th, '62, of w. received
at Seven Pines.
Hutchins, John, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. July 1st, '62, of w. received
at Seven Pines.
Hough, J. A., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Harris, Wm., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Iredell co.
Hunsucker, A. H., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Heathcock, J. M., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Honey cutt, A. F., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co. ; m. October 19th, '64.
Honeycutt, C. M., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co.; m. October 19th, '64.
Honey cutt, E. E., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stauly co.; d. February 13th, '63.
Jenkins, William R., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co ; w. at Sharpsburg.
Jordan, Jacob, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Lewis, J. F., e. May 27th, '61 ; Montgomery co
Lilly, J. Madison, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomei-y co.; p. Corporal.
Lyon, E. H., p. Captain and pr. at Winchester Sept. 19th, '64.
Lents, David T., e. Sept. 2d, '62; Stanly co. ; d. Jan. 17th, '63, iu Virginia.
Lefter, W. R., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Lippard, W. H., e. August 30th, '62; Cabarrus co.; d. Nov. 29th, '62, in Virginia.
Lippard, Peter, e. August 30th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Litaker, W. N., e. August 30th, '62; Cabarrus co.; ra. September 19th, '64.
Little, Jacob, e. August 30th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; dg. Jan. 24th, '63, for disability.
Love, James E., e. Sept. 3d, '62; Stanly co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Leach, Daniel P., e. Sept. 9th, '61; Jlontgomery co.; d. December 1st, '61, at Char-
Company G— Twenty- Third Regiment. 263
Morrison, A. C, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at South Mountain; dt.
Morrison, James E., e. May 4th, '63; Montgomery co.
Moore, John M., e. May 27th, '61 ; Montgomery co.
Moore, Ezekiel, e. May 27th, '61 ; Montgomery co. ; d. Oct. 1st, '62, in Va.
Munn, E. B., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Martin, James, F., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; dg. October 1st, '61, for dis-
Mason, Ralph, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; m. May 12th, '64.
Miller, O., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Mills, Robert J., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; pr. July 1st, '63, at Getty-s-
Morgan, J. M., e. Sept. 3d, '03; Stanly co.; dt.
Nail, Willis A., e. May 27th, '61; Moore CO.; p. Corporal; w. at Cold Harbor and
Owen, E. H., e. May 27th, '61; Moore co,
Parker, Lewis, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Parker, S. S., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Powell, Thomas F.^ e. May 27th, '61; Richmond CO.; p. Sergeant.
Parnell, John, e. August 30th, '62; Iredell co.; m. July 1st, '63.
Parnell, J. N., e. August 30th, '62; Cabarrus co, ; dt.
Poteat, J, N., e. Aug. 30th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Pemberton, Thomas, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co,: w. at Seven Pines; d.
July 8th, '62, in Va.
Robinson, W. C, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d, Sept. '61, in Va,
Robinson, W. H. H., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d. February 1st, '62, at
Robinson, William S., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; pr. at South Mountain
and Gettysburg.
Robinson, John S., e. May 27th, '61 ; Montgomery co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Russell, A., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. September 29th, '62, of w, re-
ceived at Sharpsburg.
Ragsdale, Timothy, e. May 27lh, '61; Montgomery co.; d. June 1st, '62, in Vir-
Rumple, J. N., e. August 27th, '63; Cabarrus co.
Saunders, A. F., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; p. 2d Lieut. May lOth, '62.
Saunders, James L., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at Sharpsburg.
Saunders. R. F., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dg. November, '62.
Scarborough, A. F., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; p. Captain May 10th, '62.
Scarborough, William, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co,
Scarborough, Wm., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co,
Shaw, Martin, e. May 27th, '63; Montgomery co.
Shaw, Martin, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; c. June 1st, '64,
Smith, William R., e. Sept. Sth, '62; Stanly co.; d. of w. received at Chancellora-
Teah, John C, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; d, in North Carolina.
Tucker, L. M., e. Sept. 5th, '62; Stanly co. ; k May 3d, '63, at Chance liorsville.
Tucker, J. T., e. Sept. oth, '62; Stanly co. ; pr. at Gettysburg.
Webb, J. L., e. Sept. 5th, '52; Stanly co.; d.
Williams, A. R., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. December, '62, in Virginia.
Wallace, L. H., e. May 27lh, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. January, '02, in Virginia.
Wallace, William P., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Get-
Woodle, Henson, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co.
Wade, C. C, e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dg. for disability.
White, Wm., e. May 27th, '61; Montgomery co. ; dt.
White, Thomas, e. May 27tli, '61; Montgomery co. ; d. in '62, in Va.
£64 North Carolina State Troops.
Lewis H. Webb, Captain, crc . May 30th, '61; Richmond co.
A.T.Cole, Captain, cm. May 10th, '6f; Riclunond co.; w. at Sharpsbnrg and
Chancellorsville; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
James S. Knight, 1st Lieut., cm. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; k. at Chancellors-
ville May 3d, '63.
Risden T. Nichols, 1st Lieut., cm. May lOth, '62; Richmond co.; d.in'62.
J. H. Chappell, 1st Lieut., Riclimond co.
John W. Cole, 2d Lieut., cm. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.
B. H. Covington, 2d Lieut., cm. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.
W. C. Wall, 2d Lieut., cm. Oct. 17th, '61 ; Richmond co.
.Tames H. Chappell, 2d Lieut., cm. Oct. 10th, '62; Richmond co.
E. A. McDonald, 2d Lieut., cm. Oct. lOth, '62; Richmond co.
M. O. Stricliland, 2d Lieut., Richmond co.
Wm. C. Covington, 1st Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Riclimond co.; w. at Chancel-
lorsville; w. andpr. at Gettysburg; r.
Alexander T. Cole, 2d Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; p. Captain; w.
at Malvern Hill and Chancellorsville; pr.
James W. Kenedj^ Sd Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; dg. Oct., '61, for
William C. Everett, 4th Sergeant, e. May SOth, '61; Richmond co.; p. A. Q,. M.
Calvin B. McKimmon, 5th Sergeant, e. May 30th, '61; Moore co. ; dg. in '61, for
Thomas B. Ledbetter, 1st Corporal, e. May 30th, '01; Richmond co.; w. May 31st,
'62, at Seven Pines.
•Henry J. Carr, 2d Corporal, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; w. at Chancellors-
ville and July, '63. at Gettysburg.
James D. Shoitridge, 3d Corporal, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; tr. to 23d
Regiment in '62.
John C. Vesserx, 4th Corporal, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; pr. May 31st, '62,
at Seven Pines.
Andrews, Elbert, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Stanly co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Beal, Giles, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Lincoln co.
Brinkle, Nicholas, e. Sept. 6th, '61; Rowan co.
Bryant, Angus R., e. May .30th, '61 ; Robeson co.
Benoist, James, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Sharpsburg and Gettys-
Benoist, Daniel, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Bounds, Wiley Wilson, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w.
Chappell, James H., e. May 30th, '01; Richmond co. ; p. 2d Lieut. JNIay 10th, '62.
Chappell, Parks, e. May 30th, '61; RichmiHid co.
Coles, William C, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; dg. July 6th, '62.
Company B— Twenty- Third Regiment. 265
Curtis, James H., e. May 30th, '61; Moore co.; d. January, '62.
Covington, Jas. M., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. Sergeant; dg. July 25th, '62.
Covington, J. W., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Seven Pines and Malvern
Covington, William C, e. September 6th, '62; Richmond co. ; vp. at Chancellors^
Covington, J. G., e. May 30th, '61; Rockingham co.
Calicut, Paschal, e. Sept. 6th, '61 ; Rowan co.
Clifford, Branch (i., 3. Sept. 6th, '61; Rowan co.
Connor, Lawson B., e. Jan. 27th, '62; Gaston co. ; tr. from 2.3d Regiment.
Coster, B. F., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; dg. Sept., '61, for disability.
Crouch, C. C, e. May oOth, '61 ; Richnioud co. ; w. at Cold Harbor and South Moun-
Cole, Dudley, e. May oOth, '01; Richmond co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Duncan, John, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; k. May 12th, '64, at Spottsylvania
Court House.
Donnahoe, Franklin, e. May 30th, '61; South Carolina.
Dawkins, John W., e. August 11th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Seven Pines and
Edgerson, John, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Rowan co.
EUer, Joshua, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Rowan co. ; w. Gettysburg.
Eller, Moses, e. Sept. 6th, '61; Rowan co. ; m.
EUer, Richard C, e. Sept. 6th, '63; Rowan co. ; d. Nov., '63, at Winchester, Va.
Endy, Wm. C, e Sept. 6th, '61; Rowan co. ; d. Nov. 7th, '62, in Va.
Fisher, James C, e. Jan, 21st, '61; Catawba co. ; tr. from Com. F and d. April 2d,
'63, in Va.
Freeman, Martin C, e. May 30lh, '61; Richmond co.; d. in Hospital.
Garrett, Oliver C, e. May 3l)th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. Corijor^^l; dt.
Garrett, John F., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; d. Sept. 25th, '62, of w. received
at Malvern Hill.
Gibson, VVm. N., e. May oOth, '61; Richmond co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Gettysburg.
Gilbert, Wm., e. Sept. 61h, '62; Caldwell co.; d. of w.
Gilbert, Willis, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Caldwell co.; d. June 20th, '63, in Va.
Hart, Brittain, e. Sept. 6th, '61; Lincoln co. ; m.
Hart, Walton, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Iredell co.; w.
Hart, M., e. Sept. 6th, '61; Lincoln co.
Helton, Joel, e. September 6th, '62; Rutherford co. ; dt.
Hill, Henry, e. September 6th, '62; Rowan co.
Hailey, Thomas, e. July 6th, '62; Richmond co.
Hamer, Alfred, e. May 30th, '61; South Carolina; dg. Oct. 28th, '61, for disability.
Hamer, John H., e. May 30th, '61 ; South Carolina; d. July 22d, '61, in N. C.
Haily, Hiram H., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; d. March 3d, '63, in N. C.
Haily, William L., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; dg. July 5th, '62.
Hall, Isaac, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; dg. December, '61.
Hart, Edwin S., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.»; p. Corporal; w. andpr. at Chan-
Jernigan, Wm., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
Jernigan, W. H., e. May 30th, '61 ; Iredell co.; c. Oct. 8th, '62.
Johnson, Alexander, e. August 6th, '61; Richmond co. ; d. October 5th, '61, at Ma-
Knight, James S., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Richmond co. ; k. at Chancellorsvile.
Keener, Daniel, e. September 6th, '62; Lincoln co.
Keener, Marcui^, e. September 6th, '62; Lincoln co.
Keener, Martin, e. September 0th, '62; Lincoln co.
266 North Carolina, State Troops.
Keener, Simon, e. September Gth, '62; Lincoln co. ; k. May, 'Go, at Chancellors-
Keller, Solomon L., e. September 6th, '61 : Rutherford co.
Kile. Milas A., e. Sept. 6th, '02; Rowan co.
King, Lewis, e. September 6th, '62; Rutherford co.
Kirby, Charles, e. September 6th, '62; Lincoln co.; m.
Leak, R. S., e May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; tr. to Com. F June, '62.
Ledbetter, T. B., e. May 30th, '61; Rockingham co.; dt.
liUtrick, Alfred N.,e. September 6th, '62; Rowan co. ; d. June 12th, '62, in Va.
Long, James W., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. Sergeant and d. in '63.
Morrison, Angus, e. May 27th, '61; Richmond co.; w. July 29th, '64.
Mooreman, Edmund C, e. May 30th, '61 ; Richmond co. ; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven
Pines and dt.
Mooreman, Thomas D., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; d. July 19th, '62, of w.
received at Malvern Hill.
McDonald, E. A., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; p. 2d Lieut. May 10th, '62.
McKinnon, W. B., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; d. Jan. 13th, '62, inVa.
McLean, Hugh C, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Chancellorsville, and w.
and pr. at Gettysburg.
McKinzie, Kenneth, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; k. May, '63, at Chancellors-
ville; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Mason, Pressley, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. Sergeant; w. and pr. at 2nd
Manassas; pr. at Gettysburg July 1st, '63.
JIartin, Roderick B., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; p. Sergeant and d. in Hos-
Mallock, Atlas T., e. May 30th, '61; Montgomery co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Morrison, Alex., e. May oOth, '61; Richmond co. ; dg.
McKinzie, Alexander, e. May 30th, '61; Moore co. ; d. Jan. lOth, '62, in Va.
McLean, Solomon, e. May 3Uth, '61; Richmond co. ; w. Sept. 19th, '6i.
McKinnon, Hosea, e. May 3Uth, '61; Richmond co. ; c. and d.
McKinnon, Nicholas B., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. and pr. at Gettys-
Morrison, Malcolm, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; k, May, '63, at Chancellors-
McKethan, John G., e. May 30th, '61 ; Richmond co. ; p. Sergeant and w. at Gettys-
McKethan, Wni. A., e. Aug. 11th, '61; Richmond co.; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven
McCaskill, Daniel, e. August 11th, '61; Richmond co. ; dg. Sept. 28th, '62.
McKinnon, Daniel, e. August Uth, '61; Richmond co.; d. Feb., 62, in Va.
Martin, Benjamin, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Richmond co. ; d. in '62.
McKinnon, Colin, e. Sept. 6th, '62; Richmond co.; d. in '62.
Misenheimer, M. R., e. Sept. 6th, '63; Rowan co.
Martin, Joseph, e. Septemberfith, '62; Caldwell co.; dg. March 15th, '63, for dis-
Newberry, Wm. W., e. May 30th, '61; Robeson co. ; w. at Gettysburg and dt.
Nichols, R. T., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. 1st Lieut. May 10th, '62, and d.
in '62.
Nicholson, Malcolm C, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; p. Sergeant; d. May 15th,
'62, in Virginia.
Nicholson, Peter H., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. Sergeant; d. October
16th, '61, at Richmond.
Phillips, W. J., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill.
Powell, Charles P., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Malvern Hill and Get-
Company B— Twenty- Third Regiment. 267
Peep, Isham, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.
Pennell, Thomas, e. September 6th, '62; Caldwell co.
Perinell, William H., e. September Cth, '62; Caldwell co.
Perkins, James, e. September 6th, '62; Caldwell co.
Paul, James, e. August 6th, '61; Richmond co. : dg. Aug., '62.
Porter, Crawford, e. May oOth, '61; Rockingham co.
Rainwaters, James, e. July 2.5th, '62; South Carolina; w.
Roberts, John, e. September 6th, '62; South Carolina.
Reap, John, e. Feb. 1st, '62; South Carolina; tr. from 11th Regiment in '63.
Smith, Thomas J., e. May 80th, '61; Richmond co.; pr. May 3d, '63.
Smith, Charles C, e. Nov. 4th, '61; Richmond co.; pr. May 3d, '63.
Smith, Charles C, e. Nov. 4th, '6l; Rockingham co.; c. July 1st, '63.
Strickland, Jonathan, e. May 30th, '61 ; Richmond co. ; dg. Dec, '61, for disability.
Strickland, Hardy, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.
Strickland, Henry, e. Sept. 6th, '62.
Strickland, Milton O., May 30th, '61.
Strickland, Josph, e. Sept. 6th, '62.
Strickland, Milton O., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; p. 2d Lieut, in '62.
Smith, Zebedee R., e. May 30th, '61; Richnaond co.
Stoner, Charles W., e. Sept. 6th, '62; Rowan CO.
Seals, Thomas, e. July 6th, '62; South Carolina.
Sessoms, Thomas, e. May 30th, '62; Richmond co.
Shurne, Daniel, e. September 6tli, '62; Lincoln co. ; dt.
Stirewalt, Frank A., e. September 6th, '62; Rowan co.; w. at Chancellorsville; dt.
Sticklett, Henry, e. September 6th, '62; Rutherford co.
Sticklett, Jos., e. September 6th, '62; Rutherford co.
Sneed, John, e. August 15th, '61; Richmond co.
Sanford, Asbury, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Scott, Michael, e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; w. May 31st, '62, at .Seven Pines.
Tillett, James W., e. May .SOth. '61 ; Granville co. ; dg. Nov. 23d, '61, for disability
Thomas, Robert D., e. May SOth, '61; Richmond co. ; d. April .5th, '62, at Peters-
Thomas, H. T., e. May 30th, '01; Richmond co. ; d. Sept. 22d, '61, in Virginia.
Talbot, George W., e. May SOth, '61 ; Richmond co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
"Webb, Stephen W., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co.; w. at Seven Pines; dt.
Webb, Robert Q., e. May 30th, '61; Richmond co. ; w. at Malvern Hill; k. July,
'63, at Gettysburg.
Wall, William C, e. May SOth, '61; Richmond co.; p. 2d Lieut. Oct. 17th, '61.
Watkins, Willis, e. May bOth, '61; Richmond co.; d. May 20th, '62, in Virginia.
Wall, Henry C, e. May SOth, '61; Richmond co.; p. Sergeant; dg.
Walker, George, e. September 6th, '62; Caldwell co.; pr.
268 North CsLrolina, State Troops.
T. J. Horner, Captain, cm. June 5th, '61; Gi'anville co.
B. P. Bullock, Captain, cm. ; Granville co.
E. E. Lyon, 1st Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; r. August 15th, '61.
T. W. Moore, 1st Lieut., cm. Aug. 15th, '61; Granville co.
J. H. Mitchell, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
A. D. Peace, 2d Lieut., cm. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
R. V. Minor, 2d Lieut., cm. Sept. 25th, '62; Granville co.
E. H. Lyon, 2d Lieut., cm. Nov. 12th, '61; Granville co. ; tr. as Captain of Com-
pany C.
B. F. Bullock, 2d Lieut., cm. Dec. 6th, '61 ; Granville co.
J. T. Bullock, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Granville co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
A. S. Webb, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Granville co.
E. H. Lyon, 1st Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; p. 2d Lieut. Nov. 12th,
'61; p. and tr. as Captain of Com. C.
B. F. Bullock, 2d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; p. 2d Lieut. December
6th, '61.
E. L. Fleming, 3d Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; w. at South Mountain
and pr. at Gettysburg.; w. July 18th, '64.
J. W. Fleming, 4th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; d. May 2d, '62, in
W. J. Rogers, 5th Sergeant, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; p. and w. at Gettys-
J. T. Bullock, 1st Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; p. 2d Lieut. May 10th,
'62, and c. May r2th, '64.
E. H. Winston, 2d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; d. June 13th, '62, of
w. received at Seven Pines.
C.W.Bennett, 3d Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; p. Sergeant; w. at
Sharpsburg and dt.
R. B. Beasley, 4th Corporal, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; dg. Aug. 4th, '62.
Atkins, F. C, e. Sept. 5th, '61; Granville co.; w. at South Mountain; dt.
Bowlin, James W., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; m. October 19th, '64.
Bowlin, P. P., e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.
Beck, J. J., e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.; d. September 17th, '62, of w. at Sharps-
Beck, R. H., e. July Sth, '02; Granville co.; w. at South Mountain; dt.
Burchett, J. F., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
Burchett, Isaac, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; dg. September 26th, '62.
Califor, J. H., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
Califor, G. W., e. August 29th, '62; Granville co.; tr. from 46th, Regiment; w. at
Sharpsburg; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Cash, Elisha, e. June Sth, '61; Granville co.; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
. Company E— Twenty- Third Regiment. 269
Oash, T. J., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; tr. to 12th Regiment in '62.
Cash, N. C, e. July 8th, '62; Granville co,
Coley, A. J., e. July 8th, '62; Granville co,
Coley, A. H.j e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.; d, July 5th, '63, of w. received at
Chancellors ville.
Coley, S. D., e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.
Coley, M. H., e. June 5thj '61; Granville co.; p.. Sergeant; k. July 1st, '63, at Get-
Coley, B, J., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; k. Sept. 14th, '62, at South Mountain.
Crews, D. G., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Crews, E. H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co.; dt.
Chapell, H. R., e. July 7th, '61; Granville co. ; pr. September 1st, '64.
Chapell, J. H., o. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; dg. Sept. 9th, '61^ for disability.
Clay, J. G., e, July 15th, '61; Granville co. ; w. at South Mountain.
CraJt, W. W., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; dg., Sept. 25th, '62, for disability.
Clark, C. fl., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co.
Clark, Samuel, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; w, at Chancellorsville.
Dickinson, A. J., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co.
Duke, W. K,, e. June olh, '61; Granville co.
Duke, W. H., e.^ June oth, '61 ; Granville co. ; w. at Chancellorsville^
Davis, C. J-, e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co ;■ tr. to 30th Regim-ent.
Duncan, C. J., e. June 8th, '61; Granville co,; d. August 31st, '61, in Virginia.
Ellington, C B., e. July 6th, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Malvern HilL
Ellington, H. T., e. June 18th, '61; Granville co.; w. a,t Seven Pines,
Estes, T. M., e, June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Gettysburg; c-
July 19th, '64.
Evans, S. S., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.;
Perrell, J. G., e, June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Mechanicsville and Gettys"
Fleming, T. B., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co.
Fleming, J, W., e. August 5th, '62; Granville co.
Fleming, R-. H., e. July 5th, '62; Granville co. ; c. May 19th, '64.
Fullenwider, H. W., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co, ; w, and pr. July 18th, '64.
Goss, J. T., e, June Sth, '61 ; Granville co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Goss, John, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co,; w. at Gettysburg; m. Sept. 12th, '64,
Gooch, S, H., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; dg. November 1st, '62,
Green, N. H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; w. at Gettysburg,
Gooch, H. R., e. Jul;? Sth, '62; Granville CO.; dt.
Green, J, B., e, June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; dg. September 19th, '62,
Grissom, A. M., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co,; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg.
Harp, F. H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co.
Heathcock, G, W,, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; k, September 14th, '62, at Soutln
Heflin, J. M., e. June Sth, '61; Granville co,; p. Corporal; w. and pr. at Gettys-f
Hester, W. C, e, June 6th, '61; Granville co.; d, August 31st, '6!.
Huddleston, S. D., e, June Sth, '61; Granville co.
Ilobgood, D. G., e. June Sth, '61 ; Granville co.; w. at Seven Pines,
Holder, W. M,, e, June Sth, '61; Granville co.; w. at Gettysburg,
Holleman, Henry, e. June Sth, '61; Granville co,; dg. July 20th, '62,
Horner, H. F,, e, June Sth, '61; Granville co,; dg. July 21st, '61, for disability.
Hudgins, J. C, e. June Sth, '61; Granvilie co ; dt.
Tascore, John, e, Sept. 6th, '62; Granville co.
•Jackson, Jarrett W., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; vv, at Seven Pines; k. Sept
14th, '62, at South Mountain,
270 Forth Garolinsi SMe Troops.
Jones, W. H., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; w.; dg. Dec. 19th, '62.
Joyner, Robert, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; k. Sept. i4th, '62, at South Moun-
Jones, R. A., e. July 20th, '62; Granville co.
Kimball, L. A., e. June 5th, '62; Granville co.; d. June 30th, '62.
Kinton, J. R., e. June 6th, '61; Granville co.; p. Sergeant; k. May 3d, '63. at
Keith, W. J., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; d. at Staunton, Va.
Lj'on, N. C, e. June Sth, '61; Granville co.; \v. at Williamsburg; dg. Sept., '63.
Lyon, Z. E., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Luttro, H. R., e. Sept. 1st, '61; Granville co.; d. June 26th, '62, in Va.
Laws, Anderson, e, July Sth, '62; Grauvilfeco.; w. at South Mountain ; pr,
Lawrence, J. H., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.
Langum, Darrell, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
McKinzie, J. D., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
Mitchell, W. H., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; d. Jan. 12th, '62, in Virginia.
Moore, W. A., e. June 5ih, '61; Granville co. ; d. October 17th, '61, in Virginia.
Morris, A. H., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; tr. to 30th Regiment.
Moss, R. T., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; d. September 14th, '61, in Virginia.
Metze, John, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; c. May 12th, '64.
Matholomew, John, e. July Sth, '02; Granville co.; d, of w. July 25th, '63, at Get-
Mason, J. T., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; w. imd m, at Gett5-sburg.
Moore, Thomas, e. August 4th, '62; Virginia; pr. Sept. 14lh, '62, at South Moun-
McLery, Tliomas, e. July Stb, '62; Granville co.; d. Dec. 17th, '62, at Richmond.
Nance, C. B., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; d. September 19th, '61, in Virginia.
Nance, S. W., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; k. May 3d, '63, at Chancellorsville.
O'Brian, S. R., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; p. Corporal ; w. at Hagerstown.
O'Brian, S. J., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; k. Sept. 14th, '62, at South Mountain,
O'Brian, T. A., e. June 5th, '6J ; Granville co. ; d. Nov. 19tli, '62, at Winchester.
O'Brian, John, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; c. July 19th, '64.
Oakley, J. T., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; d. Sept. 19th, '62, at Richmond.
Oakley, Ellison, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; d. Sept. 3d, '62, in Virginia.
Patterson, J. W., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; dg. October 1st, '61.
Peace, J. A., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; p. Corporal; m. at Seven Pines.
Perry, J. V. S., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; d, Sept. 14th, '61, in Virginia.
Perry, T. H., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.
Perry, G. W., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.
Perry, W. W., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; c. May 19th, '64.
Peace, G. T., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.
Paschall, R. M., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.
Peace, Isaac, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; d. Oct. 10th, '62, at Richmond.
Robinson, Major, e. June 17th, '61; Granville co. ; d. June 15th, '62, in Virginia.
Rowland, J. H., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; p. Corporal; w. at Gettysburg.
Russell, H. C, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Russell, W. H., e. June 1st, '62; Granville co.
Russell, John, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; d. August 26th, '62, in Virginia.
Smith, J. H., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.
Stone, Daniel, e. June ISth, '62; Granville co.
Sandford, Joseph, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; k. September 14th, '62, at South
Sandiord, W. T.. e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Sharron, J. W., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; dt.
Salt, J. A., e. November 1st, '62; Granville co.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Company F— Twenty- Third Regiment. 27 i
Vanghan, David, e. June 5th, 'til; Granville co. ; w. at Seven Pines; dt.
Vauglmu, T. Y., e. July 8tli, '62; Granville co.; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg-.
Vaughan, Dow, e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.
Veasey, Isaac, e. June 5th, '61; Granville co.; d. in '62 in Virginia.
Veasey, Elijah, e. September 1st, '61; Granville co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Veasey, John, e. September 1st, '61; Granville co.; pr. July 1st, '63.
Waller, N. A., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; d. June 28th, '62.
Waller, W. J., e. June 5th, '61 ; Granville co. ; w. at South Mountain ; m.
Wheeler, B. F., e. June 5th, '61; Granville co. ; d. in North Carolina.
Wilkius, W. J., e. July 1st, '61; Granville co. ; w. and pr. at Gettysburg.
Williams, S. P., e. Aug. 10th, '62; Granville co. ; d. .luly 5th, '&3, of -w. received at
Williams, E., e. July Sth, '62; Granville co. ; k. September 14th, '62, at South
Wilkinson, Paul, e. July Sth, '62; Granville co.; d. July 9th, '63, inN. C.
Winston, J. A., e. May 2d, 62; Granville co.; k. May Sd, '63, at Chancellors ville.
Webb, A. S., e. Sept. 1st, '62; Granville co.; p. 2d Lieut. May 10th, '62.
M. L. McCorkle, Captain, cm. June 6th, '61; Catawba co,
W. C. Wall, Captain, cm. May 10th, '64; Richmond co.
Jacob H. Miller, 1st Lieut., cm. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co.
T. W. Wilson, 1st Lieut., Catawba co.
M. L. Helton, 2d Lieut., cm. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
R. A. Cobb, 2d Lieut., cm. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
G. P. Clay, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Catawba co.
T. W. Wilson, 2d Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Catawba co.
W. C. Wall, 2d Lieut.; cm. May 10th, '62; Richmond co.
L. W. Wilkie, 1st Sergeant, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
H. H. Thornton, 2d Sergeant, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
J. M. Leonard, 3d Sergeant, e. June 6th, '61; ir. to57ih Regiment.
John M. Pruner, 4th Sergeant, e. June 6th, '61
Peter A. Link, 1st Corporal, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; k. in V'a.
D. N. McCorkle; 2d Corporal, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. July 0th, '62, at
Eli F. Rink, 3d Corporal, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Seven Pines.
Sidney H. Rowe, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; tr. to 12th Regiment.
Abernathy, John F., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Malvern Hil!,
Angel, Marcus L., e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.
Abernathy, S. O., e. Dec. 21st, '64; Stokes co.
178 North Carolina, State Troops.
Baker, Barton, e. June 6th, '64.
Berry, James M., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co,; d. December 1st, '62, of w. receiV"
ed at Seven Pines,
Belch, William H., e. June 6th, '61; Catawha co.
Benfield, Marcus, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Bj'num, James M., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; dg. in '61, for disability.
Beatty, Tyler, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; pr. at Gettysburg.
Host, W. R. D., e. June 6thj'61; Catawba co. ; d. July 9th, '62, of w. received at
Seven Pines.
Bumgarner, Miles, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Fredericksburg.
Bumgaiiier, H. P., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Bruce, F. H., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. March 31st, '61, at Orange C. H.
Bolch, Israel, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; dg, August 1st, '62, for disability.
Bolch, Anthony, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Chancellorsville.
Baker, Alfred, e. September 1st, '61; Catawba co. ; dg, July -1th, '62, for w. receiv-
ed at Seven Pines.
Burnes, Eli, e. March 10th, '63; Catawba co.; pr. at Winchester,
Cline, William S., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; yf. at Chancellorsville.
Cline. Eli, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines.
Crawford, W. J., e, June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Cline, Calvin, e. June 6tii, '61; Catawba co. ; k, July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Christopher, E. A., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co,; w. at at Seven Pines; k. on
railroad in North Carolina.
Clay, G. P., e. September 1st, '61; Catawba co.; p. 2nd Lieut. May 10th, '62.
Clay, David E., e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co. ; w. and d, July 28th, '62, in Va,
Cummings, G. W., e. July 8th, '62; Catawba co.
Deal, J. A., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Dellinger, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; w. at Cliancellorsville.
Dellinger, W. P., e. June 6th, '61; Granville co,
Deitz, J. S., e. June 6th, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Gettysburg,
Dagerheart, Pinkney, e. Sept. 1st, '61; Catawba co.
Ekard, Wesley D., e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; p. Sergeant; w. at Seven Pines,
Klroy, Geoi-ge, Maryland.
Fisher, Jas. C, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co ; tr. to Com. D,
Fry, John C, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Seven Pines; k. May, '63, at
Pisher, Joel H., e. Sept. 1st, '61 ; Catawba co.
Gibson, Jas. W., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; dt.
Gross, Daniel, e, July 8th, '62; Catawba co.; c. at Gettysburg,
ITettner, Timothy, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg,
Hayes, Wm,, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. Sept. 28tli, '61.
Holler, D. S., e. June Cth, '61; Catawba co. ; d. July 9th, '62.
Hoyle, Wm. C, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. Jan. 1st, '62.
Hoover, Jelferson, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Hartroe, Paul, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. Aug. 15th, '61, in Va.
Holler, Gilbert, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Hoyle, Philip A., e. Oct. 2d, '63.
Hudson, W. H., e. Feb. 16th, '64.
Huffman, M. A., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba CO.; w, at Chancellorsville; c. at Win-
Hall, John C, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co.; dg. Sept,, '62, for disability.
Holler, M. A., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Seven Pines; dg. March
13th, '63.
Hufl'man, L. C, e. Sept. 1st, '61; Catawba co.; d. July 17th, '63.
Helton, M. A., e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.
Company F— Twenty- Third Regiment 273
Helton, A. F., e. Feb. 28th, '63; Catawba co.
leenhour, M. J., e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; w. at Gettysburg and d. Oct. 19th,'64.
Jones, Isaac E., e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; c. at Winchester.
Johnson, George, e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Jarrett, George, e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg and pr. at Win-
Johnson, Maxwell, e. March 10th, '63; Catawba co. ; d. Nov. 15th, '64.
Killiam, Wm. F., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Seven Pines and Gettys-
Killiam, Wm. L., e, June 6th, '61; Ca^tawba co.; p. 1st Sergeant and c.
Leak, Robert, Richmond co. ; tr. to Com. D; dg.
Leonard, D. P., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. Oct. 9th, '62.
Lutz, J. S., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Seven Pines and near Richmond.
Lofton, Eli, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Lofton, Pinkney, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. Sept. 15th, '61, in Va.
Lofton, William, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. Oct. 20th, '61.
r^ael, Alexander, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; dg.
Lael, Lawson, Oct. 13th, '63.'
Moore, George A., e. June 6th, '61; CaAawba co.
Michael, Noah, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. July 16th, '62.
Martin, M. P., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Mitchell, Thomas, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. Sept. 26th, '61, in Va.
Mays, William, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Masteller, Lawson, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co.
McGinness, Albert, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. June 1st, '62, of w. received
at Seven Pines.
McNeill, George C, e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co.
Miller, Robert, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; dg. Oct. 18th, '62.
Miller, John R., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Miller, J. M., e. April 3d, '64; Catawba co. ; c. May 13th, '64.
Hosteller, J. B., e. March 1st, '61; Catawba co. ; d. May 16th, '62.
Met orkle, F. M., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. June 17th, '62, in Va..
Marshall, E. W., e. July 8th, '62; Catawba co.; d. Feb, 2d, '63.
Miller, Wesley, e. July 4th, '62; Catawba co.
Pool, James L., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Pool, John, Catawba co. ; tr. from 12th Regiment; d. Aug. 16th, '62,
Parker, Jacob, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; m.
Propst, A. G., e. Sept. 1st, '61; Catawba co.; p. Sergeant; w. at Chancellorsville--
Parker, Albert, e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.
Propst, Jno. H., e. March 21st, '62; Catawba CO.; dg. Oct. 20th, '63, for disability
Payne, J. S., e. July Sth, '62; Surry co.; c. July 10th, '6L
Pool, Alexander, e, Jan, 16th, '63; Catawba co.; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Reinhardt, E. F., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Rink, Geo. F., e. June 8th, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Ramsey, Daniel, e, March 1st, '62; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg and near Rich-
Reinhardt, Abraham, e. July Sth, '62; Catawba co. ; k. July, '63, at Gettysburg.
Riggs, Wiley, e. July Sth, '62; Surry co.; w. at Gettysburg; pr.
Reinhardt, Levi, e. March 10th, '63; Catawba co.
Reinhardt, Elias, e, March 10th, '63 ; Catawba co.; d. June 2d, '63, ofw. received
at Chancellorsville.
Spencer, Daniel, e, June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; d. March 15th, '62, in N. C.
Seitz, Julius, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Shell, William D., e. June 6tb, '61; Catawba co.; w. at Chancellorsville and Get-
274 North Carolina State Troops,
Seitzer, John F., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Shell, J. H., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Seven Pines.
Seitz, David N., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; d. July 7th, '62, of w. received neai"
Sigman, C. C, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.
Shuford, Philip, e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.
Shuford, Solomon, e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co.
Simpson, John, e. July 8th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Suther, David S., e. July 8th, '62; Cabarrus co.
Suther, John A., e. July 8th, '62; Cabarrus co. ; d. May 11th, '63, of w. received at
Seitz, G. L., e. March 1st, '62; Catawba co. ; d. August 3rd, '63, of w. received at
Speagle, Philip, e. Oct. 13th, '63; c. Oct. 19th, '64.
Scoruce, Wm. A., e. June 6tli, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Seven Pines; pr.
Sigman, M. E., e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; d. July 1st, '62, in Va.
Sigman, G. P., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co,; d. Dec. 4th, '61, in Va.
Shuford, Able A., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; p. Sergeant; w. below Rich-
Smith, W. H.,e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. Nov. 20th, '61.
Seagle, Adam, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Towell, W. A., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville.
Warlick, G. W., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; w. at Chancellorsville.
Warlick, W. T., e. June 6th, '61 ; Catawba co. ; p. Sergeant ; w. at Gettysburg and
near Richmond.
Whitener, D. L., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. k. below Richmond.
Wingate, Albert, e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co.; d. July 13th, '62.
Wilson, T. W., e. June 6th, '61; Catawba co. ; p. 2nd Lieut. May 10th, '62.
Whitener, G. W., e. September 1st, '61; Catawba co. ; d. September 20th, '62, at
Weaver, John, e. March Ist, '62; Catawba co.
Weaver, J. S., e. July 8th, '62; Catawba co.
Whistenhunt, William, e. March 1st, '61; Catawba co.; pr. May 12th, '64.
Walker, James S., e. July 8th, '62; Catawba co. •
Wilcoxen, J. B., e. July 8th, '62; Catawba co.
Wall, W. C, e. May 2.5th, '63; Richmond co. ; p. Captain May 10th, '64; tr. as
Lieut, from Com. D.
Warlick, M. H., e. Feb. 28th, '63; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Workman, David, e. March 5th, '62; Catawba co.; w. at Gettysburg.
Workman, Daniel, e, March 5th, '63; Martin co.; dg.
Whitener, Newton, e. March 10th, '62; Catawba co. ; w. at Chancellorsville and pr,
Yoder, A. M., e. Sept. 1st, '61; Catawba co.; w. thrice,
Yoder, Robert J., e. Sept. 16th, '63.
Company (}— Twenty- Third Regiment. 275
C. C. Blacknall, Captain, cm. June 11th, '61; Granville co.; p Major May 31st,
'62, and Colonel August, '63; mortally w. September 19tli, '61.
I. J. Young, Captain, cm. May 31st, '62; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines; r. Au-
gust, '62.
T. J. Crocker, Captain, cm. August loth, '62; Granville co. ; w., disabled and r.
James A. Breedlove, Captain, cm. in '64; Granville co. ; w. ; p. from 1st Lieut,
Isaac J. Young, 1st Lieut., cm. June 11th, '61: Grg^nville co. ; p., w. and r.
T, .1. Crocker, 1st Lieut., cm. May 31st, '62; Granville co. ; p., w. and r.
J. A. Breedlove, 1st Lieut., cm. August 15th, '62; Granville co. ; p. and w.
Washington F. Overton, 1st Lieut., cm. in '64; Granville co.
G. W. Kittrell, 2nd Lieut., cm. June 11th, '61; Granville co.
Vines E. Turner, 2nd Lieut., cm. June 11th, '61; Granville co, ; p. Adjutant May
10th, '62; w. at Gaines' Mill June 27th, '62; p. A. Q. M. in '63.
T. .1. Crocker, 2nd Lieut., cm,, May 10th, '62; Granville countj'; p.
William P. Gill, 2nd Lieut., cm. May 10th, '62; Granville co, ; p. from Sergeant
Major in '63; k. at Gettysburg.
W. F. Overton, 2nd Lieut., cm. August 15th, '62; Granville co. ; p. and k.
,T. A. Breedlove, 2nd Lieut., cm. August 15th, '62; Granville co. ; p. and w.
C. W. Champion, 2nd Lieut., cm. Nov. 1st, '62; Granville co.
T. J. Crocker, 1st Sergeant, e, June 11th, '61; Granville co, ; p. 2d Lieutenant May
10th, '62.
J. A. Breedlove, 2d Sergeant, e. June 11th, '61; Granville co. ; p. 2d Lieutenant
August 15th, '02.
W. J. Hinton, 3d Sergeant, e. June 11th, '61; Granville co. ; w, July, '63, at Get-
W. F. Overton, 4tli Sergeant, e. June lltb, '61; Granville co. ; p, 2d Lieutenant
August 15th, '62.
S, S. Hicks, 5th Sergeant, e. June 11th, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Mechanicsville;
d. November 21st, '62.
Robert T. Champion, 1st Corporal, e. June llth, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Chan-
James P. Hunt, 2d Corporal, e. June llth, '61; Granville co.; dg. for disability.
K. W. Coghill, 3d Sergeant, e. June llth, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Sharpsburg.
W. A. Belvin, 4th Corporal, e. June llth, '61; Granville co. ; dg. for disability.
Adams, Nathaniel, e. June llth, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Seven Pines; m. May
12th, '64.
Allen, C. E., e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.; dg. September 8th, '62, for disability.
Ball, George N., e. June llth, '61; Granville co. ; m. inaction May 9th, '64.
Ball, Edwin, e. Tune llth, 'GI; Granville co.
Bailey, Alexander, e. June llth, '61; Granville co. ; w. at Gettysburg.
Barker, R. B., e, March 15th, '62; Granville co.; d. April, '62, in Virginia.
Best, F. K., e, June llth, '61; <3ranville co,; c, Sept. 19th, 'CA,
276 North Carolina State Troops.
Breedlove Bennett, e. March 15th, '62; Granville co,
Breedlove, Randal, e. March 15th, ^32; Granville co. ; d. Nov,, '6SI-
Breedlove, J. H., e. July 8th, '62; Granville co.; dt.
Breedlove, David, e. June 11th, '61: Granvi-Ue co. ; dg.-
Breedlove, J. A.
BrinlJlej', S. W., e. March 15th, '62;, Granville eo,; d, June 5th, '62.
Ball, Thomas, e. June 11th, '61; Granville co. ; dg. lor disability.
Bobbitt, C, J,, e. July 8th, '62-,. Granville co. ; m. in action July 1st, '63^
Burrows, J. A., e. June Uth, '61; Granville eo,; dt.
Champion, C, W., e. June 11th, '61; Granville co. ; p. 2d Lieut. Nov., '62.
Champion, Alexander, e. June Uth, '61; Granville co. ; dg. for disability,
Cheatham, VV. H.-, e. March 15th, '62; Granville co.
Coghill, J. F., e. March 15th, '62; Granville co.
Coghill, Joseph, e. June Uth, '61; Granville co.; d. Sept., '62, in Va.-